Circle Project

For national dot, we were assigned to create a picture of whatever we wanted as long as it has circles or dots. so I started thinking about things I wanted to do. first I thought bubbles would be fun to do but it wasn't very original. after so more brainstorming I decided I wanted to do buttons and old people like buttons. All the older people I know collect buttons so that's where I got the lady (And no that's not my grandma). so basically this picture is of an older nude woman who is being censored by buttons.

I used a wide range of materials when constructing this piece. The woman is mainly acrylic paint with some sharpie outlines. then we get to the background which is constructed of watercolor paint and sharpie, and the border is black acrylic paint and charcoal. and the buttons are made of... buttons. I got the buttons from my grandma than sewed them onto the canvas. the little drawing is just of an old man I did in my spare time and he's made of just fine point pen.

I choose to make this piece because I love old people, especially drawing nude ones that are sad like. I feel like old people are sad (even though most aren't) just because they've aged and all that. and away old people cope with all that is by collecting buttons.