Self Protrait

For the project, the class had to create a self-portrait using one of the three rubrics. I choose to take bits and pieces out of the categories. I choose to pull Cropped images to make almost a college, and added a bit of selective coloring in the background. Mrs. Medsker is always exaggerating the importance of picking a meaningful, thought-provoking picture of your self as a reference photo. So I wasn't going to do a simple selfie that has no unique taste in it. I choose to use three of my "silly" faces to make it more complex. the drawing is supposed to be of three faces being longing for the same person while one face is licking another and the other two hold their breath and widen there eyes. Then the giraffe licking the heads in the background. I choose to make the pictures of me different and silly because my friends always say they love my strange expressions, and I feel like they represent my true self pretty well. why add the giraffe? Well, one of my favorite animals is the giraffe for a few reasons, like it looks funny and it can like its own nose like me.

Some things that I thought came out good was the face farthest to the right and the over layout and shape of thigs. the face farthest to the right came out the most realistic to me while the other two seemed off. Things I would want to change would be the solidity of the background and more shading and detail in the giraffe head.