#1 Funeral Song

This is made with colored pencils on toned paper. It is of two old and rotting hands playing the piano that is both realistic and unrealistic. I originally planned on doing the whole thing realistically but it was taking way too long, so I decided to add some color so I wouldn't have to finish the piano. Going with the title of the piece the message I'm trying to convey is the idea that this old person in playing the piano while dying but the colors of the piano are sort of like the peace that is coming with their death. I struggled the most with the piano keys because I had to do the measuring, finding the angles and spacing. Since I had to do all that work just for the pencil outline I was done with it after the first two keys, making it more than painful to continue. My favorite part is the contrast between all the colors and the realistic portion. If I could fix something I think I would fix the top hand where I started a watch but it kinda faded out with the green making it look weird.