Animal Assemblage Sculpture

Argali, or the mountain sheep

Argali, or the mountain sheep is an endangered mammal that lives in mostly china and russia. these animals habitat in large mountains like the himalayas. theses sheep are the also the largest of the sheep family, and the females can be half as small as the males. the males can be on an average somewhere in between 214 to 723 lb while the females are normally 95 to 220 lb. there colors change range from all shades of brown and the shade/color depends on where they are found, for example, in russia they are a lighter brown and when in china they are mostly darker. places like there butt and neck are normally highlighted with a yellowish white color. both male and female sheep have horns, male horns can be up to 6 ft in length, with female horns going up to an average of 20 inches. male horns can weigh on average 51lbs. They have long light legs that make migration of a herd (100 and up in numbers) easy. This migration happens due to decrease in food, droughts, wildfires and mainly human poaching. they can live up to 10-13 years in the wild, eating 40lb of food a day. since this species is the largest sheep it is seen as a trophy kill to many sport hunters. the horns have been used for thousands of years in chinese medicine, making the law to stop hunting them difficult to place. Also domestic sheep are taking there land and food as they become more common.

5 fun facts:

1.) the mother's milk is 6% fat, the same as a yak's milk

2.) they have three layers of fur to survive the mountain weather

3.) they are the fastest sheep, they can run for an hour straight at 50km/hour.

4.) head and horns are 13% of total body weight

5.) they eat dirt that is salty and full of nutrients that they find on the mountain tops

for this project we had to choose either a maine bird/animal or an animal off the endangered species list out of recycled objects. once we choose our animals we had to make the armature (basically the skeleton of the sculpture) i made mine by cutting out a silhouette of the animal, than I lined the cut out with clumps of newspaper. I choose to make this sheep because i was looking for a challenge and i really wanted to try making horns. after the armature i lined the newspaper with plastic bags so it had multiple layers like it does in real life. Than i cut up whole food bags into triangles because the bag was the right color and they have things advertisings about how you should reuse their bags. I glues the paper triangles on in layers to add the texture. About half way threw i realised i was glueing them the wrong way so i had to restart. It was all pretty easy it just took a lot of time. the horns were easier than i thought they would be but it was still hard because you had to make the right circles and had to glue them together right. after the horns were done i realised there was a ton of glue showing so i decided to cover it with electrical tape. If I was todo this project again i probably would have just made it bigger, but overall i'm very much satisfied at my final project.