Final 2D

WhatchamaDrawit, September 6

Beautiful Oops, September 8

Time Capsules, September 14

Circle project, September 14

Macro leaf Project, September 28

Pure contour hands, October 10

Word Graphic, October 24

Stars and Stripes Redesign, October 26

Find Your Voice, November 7

Facial Features, November 28

Self Portrait, December 4

Donate Life Poster Competition, December 21

Duck Stamp, January 3

Maine Developmental Disability Council, January 22

The assignment that I liked the most would probably be either the circle project or the self-portrait. I liked the uniqueness my circle painting had as it was quite media and showed my development with acrylic paint that wasn't there before. That piece also got an Honorable mention from the scholastics awards, and much of my family raved about it. Even though the circle project has integrated many of my friends and family I would have to say the self-portrait project was my actual favorite piece this year. In the self-portrait, I pushed myself to do things that I often would avoid like drawing realistically. I could have chosen to do the picture in my signature which would only require my signature and I could have easily done that. Or I could have just drawn one face and no giraffe, but I didn't. I drew three faces and an animal fairly realistically. Since I put the most effort into this piece and gained the most artist improv, meant from it, that is why it is my favorite.

The thing that I struggled with the most would be keeping motivation throughout the projects. I would start determined, putting lots of my time in and once it started to look almost done I would put it off for later. I would save all the details and frustrating parts until the end where I was forced to finish them. I'm a huge procrastinator and by the time the due dates roll around I'm emotionally done with working on the piece. It is also towards the time I start picking out all the imperfections, which gets frustrating.

What did you learn? Well, I learned that I'm very impatience and watching paint dry does not make it dry faster. However, I did learn some positive things about my inner artist. I am not complete garbage when it comes to drawing realistically I just need to take my time and keep practicing. I also learned that I tend to lean towards fictional ideas and that I don't always take the traditional route like others.

I think that I improved tremendously over this semester, just looking back to last year you can see the things that I have advanced in, like drawing hands, or realistically drawing. I think my images from this semester show my growth as an artist because you can see, comparing last year to this year, the changes in use of value, texture, spacing, etc. I'm using past knowledge to help further advance my arts value and meaning.

granted there are still some things that I need to improve for the future. I still struggle with drawing/painting realistically and I would like to dedicate more time to develop those skills. I would also like to work with acrylic paint more as It's not my forte. In one of our last projects, we did a made a pice containing a duck of the junior duck stamp competitions, and I choose to do mine in acrylic. That piece contained painting realistic and with acrylic, And it wasn't my best work.