Whatchama Draw

"A lollipop having a 'conversation' with a chocolate bar"

In this assignment, we drew a card from a deck that has some weird scenarios that you have to draw, mine was "A lollipop having a 'conversation' with a chocolate bar". I thought having them talk normally would be boring, so I ran with the idea of this mean lollipop who has decided to murder the chocolate bar or be like this gangster who is torturing the chocolate bar because he hasn't paid his gambling debt yet. So they are "talking" about that, but they aren't really talking he's just being roughed up because he is poor and suffers from a gambling addiction. It's terrible really. I was originally going to make the lollipop one of those spiral rainbow types but for that, I would have to use color pencils or paint, and that seemed like a lot of work for the first project that was going to be due next class. Because I choose to "work smarter not harder" I stuck with the layout of one of those Dum-Dum lollipops that have that little line in the middle. I wasn't planning on making him green because that is a gross flavor, but it contrasted well to the reddish wrapper on the chocolate bar. The hardest part was the chocolate bar because you had to make straight-ish lines for the shape and make it look like it had its markings for breaking off pieces. Due to making it look like that, I needed different shades of brown which weren't really available in marker, so it was difficult to add the highlights and shadows. My favorite part of my piece is the lollipops face, I think it captured the lollipops intentions very well adding to the message of the piece.