collage painting

(I changed my collage idea along the way)

t clips from magazines to create a simple collage. the only requirement was to incorporate a piece of head wear like a hat or scarf. that head wear didn't have to be a traditional piece it could be something silly like a flower pot or a fish. the head wear that was put into my piece are the wig on the dog (that was already in the clip when i cut it out) and the headscarf the indian lady wears. In the beginning I thought that my class and I had to have a social issue as our inspiration, but no one else in the class did it so I’m not sure if it was a requirement. I choose to be inspired by high standards for woman. my name or title for my piece would be something like, “out of this world standards". This name fits because I choose to have all the people in the painting be changed in someway to look different, or in our society it would make them seem MORE desirable.

I was going for all the characters to be something new and i wanted that to show. I have the dog the that clearly is living be high standard and is trying to be something that it isn’t. we than have the indian lady who has changed herself and her curtal appearance to blend in with a whole new society, when she could have stayed true to herself. For her i cut out big eyes covered in makeup and when i painted it i made it look like she had sewed the new look to herself. I added the hand with the selfie to represent how people need to show off their beauty to feel accepted be society. we than have the frightened girl in black in white, she is the girl i had put in to be almost like the only “true” person who is able to see past all the lies. The perfume has a stink bubble because so many people wear perfume to smell better and to show off when they don't need to. We than go on to see all the text which represent all the self doubt people give themselves when they aren't being themselves.

I began this painting by sketching, than on to base coats. i used indian ink for the majority of the piece. the background (all the bricks) was acrylic paint. The galaxy background of the framed part was my first time i have ever painted galaxy. I was satisfied with how nicely it came it out.