whatchama draw It

We started off with a card from the game WhatchamaDrawit for the assignment. My card said Monsters stomping on cars. Right away I thought it would be cool if I made a monster laying on a bunch of cars while juggling some with its feet. However after I drew this I remembered it had to be stomping on them not crushing them so I decided to give the monster a girl friend that could stomp on the cars for him. I made the drawing with these twist crayons at the start but then I went to my grandmother's house to finish the piece and she didn't have any crayons so I had to improvise. I ended up finding these hard crayon bars that crayola makes and desided to use those. It was hard to stay in the lines or to shade because of the bulky square shape and high density. Once I was done with the drawing I noticed there was a ton of white space, in an attempt to fill it I wrote stomp, stomp, smash, smash and blop, blop and added bubbles. I meant to write bloop bloop but I've never had great spelling, but blop works too.