#1 Severed Sandy

For My first concentration, I wanted to start with an easy project to give my mind some room to plan ahead. Out of my 6 original ideas, this one seemed most doable and it gave me time to construct it in clay. Because I choose to work with terra-cotta clay, I had a few spare classes where the piece was drying out and firing, this gave me time to start on two more of the other concentration assignments. "Sandy" is also made of thread and acrylic paint (plus a little super glue). the sculpture is of an elder woman who has been severed at the waist and is bleeding out in red thread/yarn. the woman or "Sandy" is supposed to be portrayed as awake and in a mellow depressed like mood, not bothered but the fact she's cut in half but just her normal sad self. I choose to add thread/yarn coming out of her because I find that a good chunk of elderly woman enjoys knitting or embroidering. Building the body was fairly easy and went by fast, however, while drying her neck started to crack a little. This made me nervous because I didn't have time to fix her head from falling off, luckily her head turned out fine. Since it took a few days to dry I wasn't able to get her into a kiln until vacation, meaning I wasn't able to work on her during a whole week of free time. because of the delay, I had to finish sandy overnight to make the deadline. I wish I would have had more time to add more details but at the same time, the rush added an impressionist painting vibe to her, which I like. My favorite part of this piece is how simple it is, in the way that it's not busy and it's focused on Sandy. My least favorite part in the hands. I don't like how there are just nubs, but I struggled to shape actual hands. Overall I believe it came out to be successful and close to how I envisioned it.