Advanced Art Studio

This year I have started to further develop my style, including my theme, messages, and Caricatures. Since freshman year I have made great improvement from the use of technical skills (composition, contrast, texture), filling of background, and of course the overall quality of the art. However, looking back on this year it is hard to tell what I have improved on. I feel like they are all so similar in style and content. If I had to choose something my portraits have gotten better as I have added more shading and detail to make them look less flat. My sculptures had also developed to have more texture and detail. Since I tried to stick with the same concentration as last year it is easy to see how my elderly people are slowly changing styles and how my messages are changing. My messages have a deeper meaning than what they had in the past, for example, my piece on elderly suicide, Goodbye George, or Smiley Sydney, a piece on elderly depression.

I tried very hard to be diverse this year with my use of materials and different styles. Going from realistic 2D pieces like Funeral Song to my more exaggerated pieces like Flayed Francis who was stretched out and a cartoony style. For my 3D pieces, I switched my material around from clay to foam to fused glass and more. This year I struggled with time the most, a project would either take days or I would have it done in two hours. This made things difficult because if I finished too soon I would start another project and then another and another and have 5 going at once, and if not that I would have it turned in late or unfinished. My duck stamp took a weekend to do, but Flayed Francis was done in 2 hours. Also if a project tends to go other 2-3 hours I lose all interest in finishing making it a painful and tedious process. The project that took the longest was Funeral song because I choose to do it photo realistic. Looking at the picture above you can see it isn't all realistic and that's because recreating the whole image was taking forever and if I added color instead it would be done in an hour or so.

I am most proud of how I was able to stick with my concentration throughout the year and how I have become passionate about issues surrounding the elderly. Not only that but I am proud of the fact that I continued to push myself by using different materials. This year I used fused glass, foam, paint sticks and tried painting on glass, and digital art for the first time. Outside of that, I made sure to keep using other materials like Sculpey, clay, and paper to maintain and improve my skill level with them.

Through my variety of work, people are able to see my strengths of working with many materials as well as styles. Since I was always switching from one to another I have been able to become comfortable with many materials and am willing to try many more in my future. Also because able to do one of my cartoon elderly people to a realistic one or to a semi-realistic one show, I can do my styles as well. For this year I found one of my weakness to be my poor time management. I need to work on pacing a little more in the future because I found that was an area I goofed in a lot. Because of this, I would turn things in late or I would have them done too soon making me start more projects to fill the time. Not only did this affect my projects but also made it so my artist statements and Artsonia posts were late as well. For some pieces, you can tell where I was rushing, like my Got Muscle piece, and the ones I spent too long on, like the duck stamp. Even though the ones I spend lots of time on end up being good and winning awards, I still need to find a happy medium, so I don't spend 48 hours drawing instead of doing other not as fun (but equally as important) homework.