3D Design

Paper Reflection


January 26th

Sculpture #2

Ollie the Oiled Octopus

February 13th

sgraffito Animals

Australian Bush Turkey and Emu

March 23rd

Political Hands

PTSD Among Veterans

March 29th

Concentration #1

Severed Sandy

April 24th

Concentration #2

Woken Walter

May 8th

Concentration #3

Rupture Richard

May 22nd

Concentration #4

Halved Harry

June 4th

Concentration #5

Trachea Tracey

June 15th

3D Design Reflection:

For the 2nd semester of my 2018 art class, I took was 3D design, A class where we focused on using different materials and techniques to create a variety of sculptures reliefs. for the first half of the class we were given around four assignments, Paper reflection, Sgraffito Animal, Sculpture #2, and Political hands and for the second half, we were given the freedom of creating 5 concentration pieces. my favorite product or project to come out of the class would have to be my concentration #3, Rupture Richarch. he was my favorite overall because I love how simple he came out, he has this peaceful look about him that really suited my concentration/message. my overall experience with 3D Design was very successful in my opinion. I think that it was successful because I was happy with the outcome of all my products except one, Halved Harry. I didn't like Halved Harry because he was one of the more frustrating pieces and didn't even end up like I imagined when I was finished. Other than that one piece I very much enjoyed the class, I was able to grow and expand my knowledge of things like Clay and Plaster. The constant push of making things that weren't flat/2D was very strange to me, I have made sculptures and whatnot before, however, I had never focused on them as much as I have this year.

As you can probably see from my examples from above, I used a lot of clay, From scultpy to normal clay you fire in a kindle. I choose to use so much clay because it isn't something I myself have a lot of lying around my house, this class gave me the chance to use things like clay that I wouldn't be able to use at home. as much as I did like working with clay it was also frustrating because I like my clay to be smooth with no bumps or texture, so with this, It made it very difficult for me to make things like fingers and other more precise details. there is both pros and cons to that, the con is the lack of detail and the pro is that it adds to my more cartoon style per say. the process of using the clay was very satisfying, as it went fast and smooth the clay was very therapeutic for me. being able to work fast with clay made the class much easier because I would finish the project and I could start on the next one while my previous project was drying out. The part with the clay that I mainly struggled with was the timing, clay needs to dry for at least a week and then you have to wait for it to get fired when the teacher is doing a batch and then more waiting if you wanted to glaze it. I didn't end up glazing any of my clay pieces because with all the drying and firing I didn't have time to glaze, it was already a last minute paint job to met their deadlines. For Ruptured Richard he wasn't even ready to be painted or have his organs added till the night before it was due.

How do all the topics and chooses of my art subjects relate to myself? for the first project, Paper Reflections, I explained what it meant and how it related to me in the artist statement about that piece, as well as many of my other projects. however, a majority of my artwork means something to me that I don't write down. Art is my form of therapy you could say. I choose to make projects that I connect with or some twisted fear or idea that has been in my head all week. sometimes the thoughts are silly and stupid and the project I make seems nothing like what I myself was thinking. for example Ollie the Oiled Octopus can to my head when I kept envisioning the scene from Free Willy 2 where the whale is stuck in the burning oil spill, which might not make sense but tha† is the connection I have with the piece. Or it could be a deeper meaning like the political hands which were inspired by my cousin who served and overdosed and grandfather who served and committed suicide. you also have the cases where my meanings are in between like my concentration about the elderly. I fear of getting old and losing everyone, I see some older people and I just think about how miserable they see, how they have this sad expression on there face and just don't care anymore. Now that's not true for all elderly, but that is how I envision myself when I'm 80 and it scares me. I also am fascinated by there stories and how the act and want to depict them in the way I observe them and how they present themselves. I am constantly doing art, on my math homework, on my arm or in art class I have to do art to clear my head or focus it, art for me is a necessity that reflects what I'm feeling and gives me a way to express it in a way that other people can understand.

Video Reflection:

3D reflection .mp4