Mathematics Acceleration

Year 7 Mathematics Acceleration Scope and Sequence 2024

TERM 2:   Indices; Data Visualisation and Analysis; Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Algebra II.

We will start Term 2 by continuing to investigate index rules using Indices

Next, students will explore the unit on Data Visualisation and Analysis. Students will begin their understanding of Data by looking at the different methods of collecting information, and then sorting it into a variety of different graphical forms. From here, students will then be able to analyse their data using mode, mean, median and range. The concepts of outliers and clusters will also be discovered. 

Students will then move on to Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. Working with equivalent fractions will lead into adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. Next, students will master the four operations with decimals, while also investigating irrational numbers and recurring decimals. Lastly, moving onto percentages, where students will use problem solving skills to apply their knowledge to real life applications.

Finally, students will continue to build on their learned skills from Term 1 with Algebra II. This component will focus on expanding and factorising algebraic expressions.

    During Term 2, students will complete Task 2 which contributes 50% of the overall 

Semester 1 Report mark. In addition, it contributes 20% of the student's overall assessment for the year.


2024 Scope and Sequence Year 7 Mathematics Accelerated.docx

Task 2 - Notification New 20/5/24


NAPLAN Practice Papers 

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Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4