
Drama Subject Selection Video (1).MOV

Term One 2023

Dramatic Form and Performance Style

In this unit, students will explore ‘The Elements of Drama’, learning about how  Role, Character, Relationship, Situation, Voice, Movement, Focus, Tension, Space, Time, Language, Symbol, Contrast, Mood and Atmosphere work together to create dramatic meaning. Students will demonstrate their understanding of the elements through various improv activities, games, workshop demonstrations and performance.

_2023 Year 7 - Term 1 - Drama Sequence - Elements of Drama.docx.pdf
Elements of a Play
Copy of Year 7 Drama Glossary of Terms TSK 1

Term Two 2023

Dramatic Form and Performance Style - Introduction to Melodrama

Students study the dramatic form of Melodrama. Students will explore the historical context and learn of the development and transition of Melodramatic stock characters to modern times. Students will learn melodramatic techniques in acting and staging a melodramatic style performance. 

Students will learn how to plan and create (an aside) a monologue based on the stimulus ‘A Devious Plan!’. Students will explore the characteristics of The Hero, Villain, Side kick, Henchmen and the Damsel in distress to create monologue performance. Students will use Melodramatic techniques to stage a Melodramatic style performance.

_Year 7 - Term 2 - Drama Sequence - Melodrama.docx (1).pdf
A Devious Plan - Writing Prompts1.

Writing Prompts

Disney Melodrama
Introduction to Melodrama- Student Activity Doc
Working towards your Melodramatic Villain Performance
Dramatic Frame 3P's

Year 7 Monologue Competition 2023!!!

"A Devious Plan!"

Competition Heats @ Lunch times in the Adrian Theatre. Top 3 students in each class will automatically be eligible to compete in the heats. Other competitors must be nominated by their class teacher.

Round 1 - Monday 5th June

Round 2 - Tuesday 6th June

Round 3 - Wednesday 7th June

Round 4 - Thursday 8th June

Round 5 - Friday 9th June

Grand Finalist Announcement Friday 9th June @ 6.00pm via Google Classroom.

Grand Final Wednesday 14th June @ 7.00pm tickets via Trybooking

Who will be the 2023 Year 7 Monologue Champion?

Term Three 2023

Context: Intro to Theatre Sports - Improvisation Exploration & Developing Skills

Students will collaborate to explore theatre sports games, developing skills in improvisation. They will demonstrate a compilation of games showcasing their improv skills and techniques in unscripted scenarios. Students will reflect on their progress, documenting their process and development.

Copy of Year 7 - Term 3 - Drama Sequence - Theatre Sports.docx.pdf

Term Four 2023

Context: Scripted Drama

In a collaboration with others (duologues or short play), a scripted drama is creatively rehearsed, resulting in the production of a polished piece of theatre. Students will be assessed on their participation in rehearsals, performing, staging elements and skills.

Another 20 Short Practice Scenes.pdf

Another 20 Short Practice Scenes

Assessment Task 4 Resource

More resources are available on the Google Classroom

20 More Short Practice Scenes.pdf

20 More Short Practice Scenes

Assessment Task 4 Resource

More resources are available on the Google Classroom

Script Writing Scaffold 2022 - yr 7

Script Writing Scaffold

Elements of a Devised Script

Performance Structure Forking Path

Freytag's Pyramid

Plot & Story, 3 Ideas

Rehearsal Explorations 

Story & Plot