Mathematics Advanced


Starting Term 4 (2023) and ending 2024, students will complete the HSC Mathematics Advanced courses.  It is a NESA requirement for students studying these courses to complete all assessment Tasks 1 to 4 for the Mathematics Advanced course. It is the aim of this program that students in 2024 will sit the HSC Examinations in Mathematics Advanced.

Students will be required to be self-directed in their learning and ensure any assistance needed is promptly sought from his/her teacher.

To be successful candidates in this course, students are expected to have a solid understanding of the Preliminary Mathematics Advanced course; this is a pre-requisite for success in these courses. In addition, it should be noted that the content from the Preliminary courses may contribute up to 35% of the HSC examination.


     TERM 2 (HSC ADVANCED) - Anti-Derivative and applications to Area under a curve and Definite Integral; Continuous Random Variable and the Normal Distribution; Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Series; Modelling Investments and Loans

   In Term 2, students will complete the Task 3 Past Papers Test, for the Mathematics Advanced Course. It contributes 20% of the overall assessment for the HSC Mathematics Advanced course.

2024 Scope and Sequence Year 12 Advanced.docx
Assessment Notification

Task 3 - Notification - 8/5/24

To access past papers refer to the Yr 12 Mathematics Advanced Google Classroom 

The code to this google classroom is: lec6ble

Glossary Of Terms