French Beginners

Term 3 2023: 

Through the study of ça c’est mon truc,  students work in the context of clothes, leisure,  weekend activities and holidays .They describe their clothes and favourite clothing styles, and say what they wear in different weather conditions and on different occasions. They use frequency expressions and the 12 hour clock to talk about when and how often they do particular activities and what they do on the weekend. They also talk about music preferences and music/film festivals.  The present tense of regular verbs and common irregular verbs is consolidated  and they are introduced to reflexive verbs  Students use quand to build more complex sentences and possessive adjectives. This unit recaps listening strategies and grammar memorisation strategies

Through the study of  Destination Vacances,  students work in the context of holidays; they talk about their usual holidays and preferred holidays, their dream holiday and past holidays. They discuss different types of holiday accommodation and holiday activities, and say what essential items they take on holiday with them. There are opportunities to find out about festivals in French-speaking countries. 

Students revise the present tense of -ir and -re verbs, they use the near future to talk about holiday plans, and the conditional to talk  about their dream holiday. The perfect tense with avoir is presented in full and they are introduced to the perfect tense with etre.

2023- Term 3 - Year 11 French Beginners Learning Plan
2023 11FRB Task 3 Examination Notification

Learning Scope & Sequences