Mathematics Advanced


Starting Term 1 (2024) and ending Term 3 (2024), students will complete the Preliminary Mathematics Advanced course.  It is a NESA requirement for students studying this course to complete all assessment Tasks 1 to 3. It is the aim of this program that students in 2024 will complete the Preliminary courses in Mathematics Advanced and then commence the HSC courses in Term 4.

To be a successful candidate in this course, a student is expected to have a solid understanding of algebraic skills from Stage 5; this is a pre-requisite for success in this course. 

       TERM 2 (ADVANCED) -  Introduction to Functions; Further Functions and Relations; Applied Trigonometry; Trigonometric Equations and Radians.

In Term 2, students will complete the Task 2 - Past Papers Test for the Mathematics Advanced Course.

It contributes 30% of the overall assessment for Preliminary Mathematics Advanced.

2024 Scope and Sequence Year 11 Advanced.docx

Task 2 - Notification for Past Papers Test (10/5/24)

To access past papers refer to the Yr 11 Mathematics Advanced google classroom 

The code is kpkz2vw

Glossary Of Terms

Basic Skills Preparation - for Maths Advanced