Year 10 Drama 2022

Drama Subject Selection Video (1).MOV

Term One

Realism - Monologue

In this semester, students will be delving into the concept of Realism by studying the philosophy of Konstantine Stanislavki. They will gain knowledge about the techniques required to stage a performance effectively while also developing the skills to build character. Moreover, the students will participate in scriptwriting exercises to enhance their ability to create their monologues for performance.

2024 Year 10 - Term 1 - Drama Sequence -Monologues.docx.pdf

Term Two

Group Stimulus Inspired Performance

Group Stimulus - This unit allows students to work collaboratively in creating a devised group performance. Students will utilise acting skills and techniques from the previous units and incorporate them into their group performance. Students will also document their progress and development within a log book.

2023 Year 10 - Term 2 - Group Stimulus Inspired Performance.docx (1).pdf
Copy of Stimulus Inspired Group Performance Topics.pdf
Copy of Year 10 Group Rationale.pdf

Term Three

Dramatic Form- Ancient Greek Drama

Students will learn how Greek tragedy developed from oral storytelling traditions. They will explore the layout and design of a Greek stage and the technical elements with which Greek theatre was performed. Students will learn about how the Ancient Greeks used theatrical performances to honour the god, Dionysos and learn the difference between Tragedy, Comedy, and Satyr Plays. Students will explore the themes most often present in Ancient Greek Plays and how those themes inform us about Ancient Greek values. Students will also learn about important plays and playwrights from Ancient Greece. Assessment will be a group performance demonstrating Ancient Greek Drama Acting Techniques and an individual portfolio design focussing on adaptation/transformation from page to stage.

2022 Year 10 - Term 1 - Drama Sequence - Ancient Greek Theatre.docx.pdf
The Greek Chorus.pdf

The Greek Chorus


Greek Theatre

Part 1

Greek Theater- Part II.pdf

Greek Theatre

Part 2


Key Terms

Greek Theatre


Crash Course Literature


National Theatre

Creating Chorus Pace Exercise

National Theatre

Creating Chorus Building Choreography

National Theatre

Antigone 'The Chorus'

National Theatre

Introduction to Greek Theatre

Introduction to Greek Tragedy

Origins of Greek Drama

Tragedy Lessons from Aristotle

Adapting a Greek play for a modern audience

Modern Greek Performance - Medea_ from classic to contemporary.pdf
10 Drama Essay Response Assessment Support Booklet.pdf

National Theatre - The World of Commedia

Commedia Dell'arte - Character Shape

Commedia Dell'arte - Historical Overview

Commedia Language

Commedia - Emotion







Strega - The Witch

Term Four

Production Elements Class Play / Individual Project

Production Research and Development

In a collaboration with the entire class, a scripted drama is creatively rehearsed, resulting in the production of a polished piece of theatre. Students will be assessed on their participation in rehearsals, performing and staging elements and skills. Students will take what they have learned over the last three terms and utilise their new knowledge, skills and inspiration to create a class production of a selected play.

Students will also be assessed on an individual component through a chosen project on one of the following