Engineering Studies

Yr 11

Term 2 / 3

Engineered Products

The development of these products parallels technological change and materials development. You will see that design changes are often associated with materials and production developments as well as safety requirements.

The engineering mechanics in this module further builds on vectors, simple machines and efficiency studied in the previous module. We explore the basics of electricity looking at Ohm’s, Joule’s and Kirchhoff’s laws applying them to single and multipath circuit calculations.

The last part of this module involves an engineering report. This report requires a detailed investigation of one product, the materials and manufacturing methods used in various components, their structure and associated properties.

 Braking Systems

Braking Systems gives an overview of the historical and current developments and innovations in braking technology and the consequent impact it has had and modern society.

The engineering mechanics in this module analyses the hydraulics and friction in braking systems as well as considers the stress, strain and modulas of elasticity of materials and components used. The work, energy and power required in braking is calculated, Pascals and Archimedes Principle are used to further investigate the fluid mechanics, pressures and hydraulics within the system.

In addition to calculating the applied mechanics in braking systems, materials including, wrought iron, steel and composites are investigated, analyses of structure, manufacturing methods, modification of properties and uses in components is also looked at. Materials testing, tensile, compressive and hardness are explored as well.

Preliminary - Engineering Studies - Learning Plans - Term 2.docx

Learning Plans