Engineering Studies

Yr 12


Aeronautical Engineering

You will develop technical drawing skills in the development of transition pieces. The engineering report is based on current aeronautical projects and innovations.

Telecommunications Engineering

Telecommunications engineering examines the history of and the continuing impact on society as a result of the inroads the communications industry has made not only in the way we work but on society itself. Ethical issues along with current and innovative technologies are also explored.

The telecommunications industry covers a wide range of systems and technologies.  In the industry we examine the areas; radio, television, telephone, satellite communications, microwave and computer networks, as well as investigate into the scope of telecommunications and in the history section you will consider aspects of these ever-emerging technologies.

The materials section of this module concentrates on specialised testing, copper and its alloys used, semiconductors and their application as well as the increased use of fibre optics. Electronic systems such as analogue and digital are explained and an overview of a variety of other technologies in the field are explored. Analysis, related to telecommunication products, protocols and standards, are used to reinforce software and mechanical concepts.

Communicating technical information using both freehand and computer-aided drawing is required as is an engineering report based on the telecommunications profession, current projects/innovations and associated issues 

HSC - Engineering Studies - Learning Plans - Term 2