Industrial Technology (Graphics) 

HSC Term 1-3 2024

This term students will start to design their major projects either product, engineering or architecture. Students will be documenting each step of their design process in their management portfolio. 

Year 12 Graphics Learning Plan

Learning Plans

Extended Response Questions

Q1. Assess strategies that a company could implement to establish and maintain a safe work culture (8 marks)

Q2. Assess the effect of new technology on production and efficiency in the graphics industry (6 marks)

Q3. Evaluate the effect of new and emerging technologies on work practices in industry. (7 marks)

Q4. Discuss the seven categories of safety signs identified by colour and shape and their purpose in the workplace (7marks)

Q5.Explain why a company should comply with safety standards. (8 marks)

Q6. Two co-workers are considering entering into a business partnership. Outline what the workers should consider before entering into a business partnership. (6 marks)

Q7. Explain how restructuring a business can affect quality control.

Q8. Describe the impact of government legislation on work practices. 

Q9. A company is considering expanding its operations to take advantage of new and emerging web-based technologies.Describe a range of web-based technologies the company could use to market and sell its goods and/or services.

Q10. Describe the possible impact on both the work practices and the organisation of the company if web-based technologies were implemented.

Q11. A company is expanding its operations by establishing an interstate facility. Describe personnel issues the company needs to consider when staffing the new facility. 

Q12. Analyse factors, other than personnel issues, that could affect the viability of the company at the new location.

Q13. A small family-owned company is operating successfully in a local market. The company is assessing the feasibility of relocating to a larger facility in order to expand production. Outline environmental considerations that may affect the expansion of the company. 

Q14. Analyse the structural, technical and personnel issues to be considered prior to relocating and expanding.

Q15.  An established company has lost a major client and is concerned about a downturn in sales. Discuss marketing strategies that company management should adopt to attract new clients.

Q16. Supervisors and management play a crucial role in a company’s success.Excluding marketing, discuss some of the strategies that management may use to ensure the ongoing success of a company.

Q17. Discuss the marketing strategies a company can use to help ensure on-going success of its products and profile of the company.

Q18. Two co-workers are considering entering into a business partnership.

a)    Outline what the workers should consider before entering into a business partnership.

b)    Discuss the importance of choosing a suitable location for the new business if it is to be successful.

Q19. A company’s sales have decreased over the past 3 years. The company director is considering two options to improve profitability:

a)    Describe strategies the company may use to reach a wider customer base, both locally and nationally.

b)    Outline the implications of the company decreasing the number of employees.

c)    Discuss automation and specialization as potential solutions to the company’s problems.

student record plan