Collaton Manor
in Newton Ferrers  records - researches

.   Bare bones of the Collaton Tree

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/F/1  1495  A Grant to Richard Pomeray by Margaret, Countess of Richmond of the wardship and marriage of James Pomeray son of Andrew Pomeray deceased

This is the mother of King Henry VII who took the throne in 1485 handing out a wardship  -
This might be Richard Pomeroy of Totnes & his wife Eleanor Coker. He was a merchant & man of business son of Agnes Kelloway wife of Sir Thomas  brother of the baron whose 2nd wife  in 1544 was Ann Wykes widow of Thomas Artur of Clapton in Gordano near Bristol 

OR its Sir Richard, Baron Pomeroy. The former seems most likely because Richard given the appellation of Knight here.

Record Reference: 308/177/3   1514
Held by: Plymouth and West Devon Record Office : 

Language: English  Description: Gift

1 Edward Wylingheby, Antony Buttyshead, knight and Simon Maynard, gent

2 John Pomeroy

Messuage at Collaton, in Newton Ferrers Date: 26 June 1514
James /latinised from  Jacob - & his brother John were sons of an unrecorded Andrew Pomeroy who died in 1495. They were very young when he died  , born 1490 & 1492 and Richard Pomeroy took wardship of the older boy James at that time

1514.  John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy...
James was a soldier who died in France in 1514 his heir brother John inherited Collaton Manor and died 1518.  There is an IPM for James Pomeroy dated 1514.

The wardship of James would have been bought from the crown, soon after the death of Andrew , to protect the child and to keep his inheritance safe until James was of age and to get control of any property or inheritance and to arrange the marriage of the boy to family advantage.

This Andrew I have dubbed Andrew the elder - as opposed to Andrew senior his grandson  and  great grandson Andrew junior.

AJP discovered  this record Feb 2024 which shows that Andrew the elder was son of Nicholas who died in 1479 a younger brother to Sir Richard Baron Pomeroy who died in 1495 & born to a 1st wife ; the 2nd wife Agnes surviving Nicholas to marry again.

Repository:  Plymouth Archives, The Box. Ref  308/177/2  Date 1514

Title:  Court Pleading, Recovery of Messuage and land, Newton Ferrers, John  Pomeray's inheritance

description:  Court action between
Plaintiff  John  Pomeray  &
Defendants Edward Willoughby and Anthony Buttokkesyde for recovery of a messuage and lands in Newton Ferrers, Devon which were the inheritance of the plaintiff as heir to his elder late-brother, James  Pomeray, the premises having descended from their grandfather Nicholas  Pomeray  to their father Andrew  Pomeray  and thence to James  Pomeray & then John & his wife Johan Strowde.

Admin History: Date:  1514 Level:  Item Format:  Manuscript

Andrew's  grandson  son of John by his wife Johan Strowde was

Andrew Pomeroy senior of Collaton in Newton Ferrers  who died in 1581
Pomeroy Andrew,  Newton Ferris [Newton Ferrers] 1581 W le TOT MISC Dymond 3,  Vol. 4, p. 334 ( Andrew senior)

His grandson Andrew junior buried at  St Columb Major  22 November 1639 Parish records
Pomeroy Andrew,  Holbeton  1638 W le TOT MISC Dymond 3, Vol. 4, p. 336 - Holberton is the parish adjacent to  Newton Ferrers  

  Andrew Junior of Collaton in Newton Ferrers can be reasonably assumed had business dealings, such as a  solicitor or actuary , in the adjacent parish  & town of  Holberton .


 Pomeroy Andrew ( Senior) 1581 Will Newton Ferrers, Devon, Eng Dymond3, Vol. 4, p. 334

Pomeroy Andrew (Junior) 1638 Wills Holbeton, Devon, Eng Dymond3, Vol. 4, p. 336


GENUKI " HOLBETON SOUTH HAMS the parish adjacent to COLLATON , a large straggling village of 4623 acres of land on an eminence, west of the Erme estuary, and four miles S.W. by W. of Modbury, extending to Bigbury Bay, and including the hamlets of Mothecombe, Creacombe, and Ford, and many scattered farmhouses.. Lime is burnt here, and barges of 70 tons came up the Yealm estuary. The parish is in Ermington Hundred, the Archdeaconry of Totnes, and the Diocese of Exeter & part of South Hams

Pomeroy Thomas 1596 Will Holbeton, Devon, England

Pomeroy Thomas 1611 Will Holbeton, Devon, England
Pomeroy Maria 1633 Burial Holbeton, Devon possibly Mary Slanning  wife of John of Collaton
Pomeroy 1695 burials in Bigbury, Devon, England
Pomery George 1695 burial in Holberton
Pomery George 1705 a poor man buried in wool in Holberton
Pomroy Barbara 1683 burial in Holberton
Pomery Grace 1668 marriage on 29 June to Joseph Algars at Brixton 4 miles from Holbeton
Pomeroy Nicole 1631 Marriage 18 Aug 1631 to Walter Winson in Holbeton, Devon, Eng

1680 Pasco Pomeroy in Yealmpton subscribed 6d sixpence to Plymouth Subscribers For Redemption Of Captives In Turkey And Algiers 1680

Other Andrews

Andrew Pomery of Seaton  Marriage  12 May 1656  to Unity Wood of Colyton

married bt Rev John Drake Esq Archive reference  3483A/PR/1/1

died & buried Seaton 8 Feb 1676


Andrew  PomeroyBurial date  11 Jul 1678 Plympton St Mary Archive reference  414/1


 Andrew Pomerye Burial  10 Oct 1626

Archive reference  358/2 Page  59  Plymouth, St Andrew

1617 Andrew Es1 of Newton Ferrers  Plymouth & West Devon Rate Books 

1624  Mr Andrew of Newton Ferrers Plymouth & West Devon Rate Books 

Andrew son of William Bb Sidmouth 6 Dec 1601


Holbeton Village with Mothercombe House

BIGBURY, a small village of 2303 acres 1½; miles from Bigbury Bay, and 3½ miles S. of Modbury, includes many scattered houses, and a hamlet called St. Ann's Chapel. The manor was held for nine generations by a family of the Bigbury familywhich later passed to the Champernownes, Willoughbys, and Pawlets

Pomeroy John 1689 marriage 3 May 1689 to Joan Elliot at Bigbury Archive reference  2925A-PR-1-1: Entry number  2925A-PR-1-1-0003 Archive Devon Heritage Centre Exeter

John Pomeroy 1694 marriage 17 April to Joane Saunders at Bigbury Archive reference  2925A-PR-1-1 Entry number  2925A-PR-1-1-0003

POMEROY Feb 1696 Dead born  child of John
POMEROY Joane ? 15 Feb 1711 in Bigbury
POMEROY John 4 Aug 1694 in Bigbury
POMEROY John 20 Sep 1704  in Bigbury
POMEROY Thomas 27 Mar 1693  in Bigbury
POMEROY Wm 21 Mar 1693  in Bigbury
Pomeroy Joane 1710 in Bigbury
Pomeroy John 1704 in Bigbury,
POMERY Joan 16 Feb 1740  in Bigbury
POMERY John 29 Jul 1741  in Bigbury

 From  Parishes of the South Hams website. Bigbury where the coast has several coves, convenient retreats for smugglers.

POMEROY Joane Bb 14 Feb 1696 John & Joane 

POMEROY Jo   hn Bb  15 Dec 1700 to John Pomeroy & his wife Joan Elliot 

POMEROY unnamed 1704 John & Joan stillborn


John Pomeroy of Collaton son of Andrew senior married Mary Slanning daughter of John Slanning  and sister of Nicholas Slanning of Plympton St Mary

Jan 2015 I found these entries  for children not mentioned in Visitations in the images of parish record in FMP

In Newton Ferrers -register

a baptism WILLIAM, son of William Pomry, bp  28 March 1607.

a burial  Margerie ye daughter of William Pemry  buried 9th day of October 1601

 the burial of Elizabeth dau of Ellys Pemry  in 1602 

Then there was a stray in Newton Ferrers buried there-  POMEROY Elizabeth, gentlewoman buried. 11 Mar 1629   

The 2nd son of Andrew Pomeroy of Collaton and his wife Anne Matthews was John.

After their father died  and William , the heir inherited  under the principal of 'primogenitor'   or eldest gets everything ,   the 2nd son, John , with little or no money became a servant of some kind in the Slanning household at Maristow.
There he  caused uproar when he fell in love with Maria /Mary the sister of Nicholas Slanning .To make himself worthy of her John  'acquired'  the title deeds to the Collaton Barton farm and by various  manipulations  got big brother William  to inveigle Slannings permission to marry Maria.  

With  children found in Newton Ferrers but I have not done any research because I  lacked a clear idea of where they might have lived.

Plympton is a possibility. She died in 1618 in Plympton St Mary-

Nothing in Newton Ferrers parish record transcriptions.

Newton Ferrers 17th Century
in Ermington Hundred, the Archdeaconry of Totnes, and the Diocese of Exeter. Regarded as part of the South Hams area.
Edward Pomray  &. Edward Pomray jun

Transcribed as Penhay

Edward Pomeroy of Collaton wife  Julia FORSTER whose son Matthew died 1634   the Visitations pedigree has only him   Edward  - the 3rd son of Andrew senior   brother John of Plympton married 1596 

BUT a 2nd Edward,  recored at  Junior is unclear unless he was son of Edward  in Plympton & signed both places
Protestation Returns 1641

PLYMPTON St Maurice   Nicholas Pomery  
PLYMTON ST MARY Edward & Maria Pomroy  & son  Edward Bb 1666

Richard Pomroy

PLYMOUTH 1642     Book

Thomas Pommery

Roger Pomery

Owen Pomery

John Pomery




       John Pomeroy "of St Kew" 1618  transcription by  David Bethel
                & contributed  by AML 

 Vivian tells us he died in Ireland... 

It seems this will was made when he was in 'perfect health' which suggestshe might be going on a journey - possibly to Ireland .

...In the name of God, Amen. The Sixteenth daye of June in the yeare of or Lorde god, One thowsande sixe hundred & eighteene,

I John Pomeroy of the parish of St. Kewe, in the County of Cornewall gentleman of perfect health, and of good and perfect memory (God be praysed) doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge.

First I coímende my Soule into the hands of god my Maker, hopinge assuredly through the onely meritts of Jesus Christe my savior, to be made partaker of lyfe everlastinge  And I comend my Bodie to the Earth whereof it is made. 

Item I give, graunte, beqieath and devise, to William Pomeroye, the sonne of Andrewe Pomeroye Esquier, my brother, a Chattell lease of a Tenement, wth his apptenances called Bellowsacke, wch I had, and obteyned of Elizabeth Megges Widdowe deceased, lyinge and beinge wthin the parish of Mawgan Maneage, in the foresaide Countie of Cornewall, To have and to houlde the foresaide Tenement wth his appurtenances vnto the said William Pomeroye his Executors, Administrators, and assignes, duringe the time and terme conteyned and expressed in the said Lease.

 Item I give & bequeath vnto Jane  Cavell the wife of William Cavell of St. Kewe Esquier my sister Forty poundes of lawfull English money.

 Item I give and bequeath to Marye Vivian,  the wife of John Vivian of the parish of St Columbe the higher, gentleman Twenty pounds of lawfull moneyes of Englande.

 Item I give and bequeath to Joane Cavell, the daughter of the foresaide William Cavell, Twenty poundes of lawfull English money.
Item I give and bequeath vnto Anne Pomeroy, daughter of the foresaid Andrewe Pomeroy & the some of+ Twenty poundes of lawfull Englishe money +

Item I give and bequeath to Francis Pomeroy daughter of the foresaid Andrewe Pomeroy xxlií of lawfull Englishe money+ 

 Item I give and bequeath vnto Mathewe Pomeroy, sonne of Ellis (Edward) Pomeroy deceased, Tenne pounds of lawfull Englishe money, The residue of all my goods and Chattels, not given or bequeathed,

 I give & bequeath to Andrewe Pomeroy, my brother, whome I make my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament. In witnesse whereof, I haue hearunto putt my hande and seale. John Pomeroy. Read perused, and after sealed by the above named John Pomeroy, in presence of us. Pascawe Vivian. Pascawe Vivian Junior. Richarde Vivian.

Probate aforesaid Testament was proved at London by the venerable man Johanne Benet Milite, Doctor of Laws of the Curia Prerogative of Cantuar, the Great Custodian or Commissary appointed on the twelfth day of the month of May, in the year of the year one thousand six hundred and nineteen. By the oath of Andrew Pomeroy, the brother of the said deceased, and the Executor named in the same will, to whom was committed the administration of all and every property of the said Jurors and Creditors of the said deceased.

Could it be that 2 Andrews are mention in this will
one the father of Ann & Francys who is his nephew
There is only one William in the Visitations version of this tree &  William is son of Andrew who died d 1518 & father of John 

AJP note  Mary Pomeroy another sister who married William Leigh  is not included 

John was apparently never married or at least had no wife living when he died .

There is NO suggestion that he owned property in Ireland.  However, it is a good question;  nowhere in this will are we given the idea that he died in Ireland.
He was "Of St Kew."  

His property called Bellowsacke was in the parish of Mawgan in  Maneeage, County Cornwall. 

 this is Bonnalack Barton on the north side of Helford estuary close to Gweek

Bonallack is an estate and former barton in the civil parish of Constantine, Cornwall. The estate is named after the Banethlek family and is on the northern bank of the Helford River.
Bonallack passed into the Jerveys family through marriage in the early 14th-century and to the Grylls family in 1671, when Elizabeth Bonalack married Charles Grylls 1671

The present house is relatively modern having been built in the C19th 



Edward eldest son of Andrew
married Julain Forster

& had one son

Matthew who died in 1634 ( IPM)

The Forsters show that they were for a long time seised of an estate in fee in Stoke Gifford, otherwise called Little Stoke in right of Sybil Forster, and were seised until Berkeley forcibly and riotously disseised them and ousted their farmers and occupiers wrongfully and without any just cause, and still occupies the same, and they can have no speedy remedy by the law of the land considering that Berkeley is of such great might in the county, and the petitioners do not reside in that county.

The Forsters request that letters missive be directed to Berkeley commanding him to appear before the prince's council at a certain day to answer the complaints, and to show his title if he has any, and if he fails to do so that further action be directed to be made as is thought right for the speedy relief of the petitioners.

Places mentioned: Stoke Gifford, Gloucestershire; Little Stoke, Glos; Uley, Glos

Humphrey Forster, esq.; Sybil Forster, wife of Humphrey Forster, and widow of Robert Poyntz, esquire

The wives & husbands married to Pomeroys of  Collaton Manor include

Lewis Parkyn 2nd husband of Johan Stroude wife of John  at the head of the tree at Collaton

Julian Foster wife of Edward 3rd son of Andrew senior & his wife Anne Matthews and her illustrious  heritage in Wales Her father SirGeorge had 6 wives & a huge family, about 25 children. by wives and mistresses.

 Maria  Slanning wife of John 2nd son of Andrew 

Mary Beville wife of the heir William son of Andrew

and the daughters of Andrew  

Wilmot who married Lewis Incledon of Braunton & Barnstaple and had 10 children

William Leigh husband of Mary Pomeroy & their son Richard Leigh who in 1601 married Eleanor Bonython sister of Elizabeth who married Henry of Tregony in 1600

William Pitford who married Thomasine  Pomeroy

Jane Hext wife of Andrew Pomeroy junior ,daughter of Mayor Luanceston & merchant Digory Hext son of Thomas Hext who was rich enough to donate £25 to a fund against the Spanish Armada

William Cavill of St Kew  who married Jane Pomeroy daughter of William & Mary his Bevil wife

 on the pages on Spouses

A2A record 1605 gives a date for the death of Digory Hext  However his father's will  of 1595 was probated in 1600 & tells that he dead before Probate was completed. 

Digory Hext, was father of Jane Hext Pomeroy , died in 1600 whilst Mayor of Launceston  & before her 1601 marriage to Andrew Pomerey

Are John of Collaton and his wife Mary Slanning the root of the Plympton tree?:

These are the burials in Plympton St Mary:

1618 Nov 26 Marye Pomerie of Plympton St Mary 

1678 July 11 Andrew Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary

1695 December 5 Margaret Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary

1708 March 6 Robert Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary base born s/o Joan Pomeroy, pauper

1692 February 14 Tamasin Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary

1656 March 9 Pomery of Plympton St Mary a child of Warrick Pomery

1690 September 22 Mary Pomroy of Plympton St Mary

1696 March 24 Warwick Pomroy of Plympton St Mary

These are the burials in PS Maurice:

1627 March 13 John Pomerie of Plympton St Maurice "who died at Elizabeath Hollands"(house)

Hollands is an estate in Plympton St Mary  owned by Woolacombe after 1584 and remaining in that family until after the Civils Wars

(The barton of Holland, some time a seat of the Woollcombes, is now a farm belonging to the grammar-school at Plympton Earls....

.... it came by marriage to St. Aubyn, one of whose co-heiresses ( granddaughters  Johanna Bodrugan & Margaret Terthurffe  married in 1428 heirs to the thrice married Johanna Chudleigh )  brought it to Trethurfe and a co-heiress of Trethurfe, to Vyvyan; of which family it was purchased, in 1584, by John Woollcombe, Esq., of Holland. This barton was for several generations a seat of the Woollcombe family.....The grammar-school at Plympton was founded and endowed, in 1658, on an estate called Holland, in Plympton St. Mary.

From the OLPC for Plympton area


1636 November 23 William Pomery of Plympton St Maurice s/o Rosa

1656 March 9 Pomery of Plympton St Mary a child of Warrick Pomery

1678 July 11 Andrew Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary

1690 September 22 Mary Pomroy of Plympton St Mary

1692 February 14 Tamasin Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary1695 December 5 Margaret Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary

1706 December 15 Philippa Pomroy of Plympton St Maurice d/o Samuel Pomroy, husbandman

1708 March 6 Robert Pomeroy of Plympton St Mary base born s/o Joan Pomeroy, poor

1721 July 15 John Pomeroy of Plympton St Maurice stranger

    Burials in Plympton St Maurice:

1627 March 13 John Pomerie of Plympton St Maurice "who dyed at Elizabeathe Hollands"

1636 Nov 23 William Pomery of Plympton St Maurice s/o Rosa

1696 March 24 Warwick Pomroy of Plympton St Mary

1706 Dec 15 Philippa Pomroy of Plympton St Maurice d/o Samuel Pomroy, husbandman


1604  -buried 8th February Parish Register of Newton Ferrers- image in FMP

 Elizabeth daughter of Ellys Pomeroie of ??? ( the word is faded but it doesn't look like Collaton; it resembles  Battisborrow which  a villageclose by  in Holberton parish .

A2A - 107/142  - Copy of confirmation of messuage, barton and lands called Battisborrow- near Holberton the adjecent parish to Newton Ferrers

Consideration: 10 shillings .  Date:     16 March 1684/5       Held by:     Plymouth and West Devon Record Office,

Howna Mills in Holbeton, occupied by Sir Nicholas Slanning, Knight of the Bath, being part of the jointure of Lady Amey Slanning, his wife, late wife of Walter Hele, Esq., deceased;


manor of Newton Ferrers;

advowson of Newton Ferrers;

manor of Battisborough in Holbeton;

 manor of Postlinch in Newton Ferrers;

 other manors, messuages and lands in Newton Ferrers, Holbeton, Ermington, Yealmpton, Brixton, Wembury, South Pool, Stokenham, Ugborough, North Huish, Charleton, Harberton, West Alvington, Revelstoke, Chivelstone, Holsworthy, Hartland and Bridgerule, in Devon and Cornwall.

......As to manors of Newton Ferrers, Battisborough and Pusnage, advowson of Newton Ferrers and South Pool, and the remainder of the messuages and lands, to Sampson Hele the elder for life, with right to raise money from them, and then to Sampson Hele the younger, for life, and then, subject to the right of the trustees to raise money on them, to his sons in order.

Consideration: 10s. Date:     16 March 1684/5 Held by:     Plymouth and West Devon Record Office,  Language:     English


 FILE  [no title] - ref.  107/50 - date: 14 June, 2&3 Philip & Mary (1556)

Quitclaim of eighteen feet of land lying without the "haygge" of Melsburyford, and in the east side of the way from Newton Ferrers to Puslinch,

and so eastward through the north end of the north down of Collaton until it comes to the way from Collaton Morton Place to Puslinch Bridge.

William Upton of Puslinch, Esq., to Androwe Pomeroy of Collaton Esq.


   FILE - Feoffment to uses - ref.  3704M/FS3 - date: 1576

To Thomas Carew of Haccombe, Richard Bedlow of Braie and Andrew Pomerie of Collaton esquires.

  FILE - Post Nuptial Settlement - ref.  3704M/FS4 - date: 1576

Lewes Incledon, Braunton gent. to Thomas Carew of Haccombe, Richard Bedlow of Braye and Andrew Pomerie of Collaton esquires.

In consideration of marriage of Lewes Incledon and Wilmote Pomerie, daughter of Andrew Pomerie


 FILE - Feoffment to uses - ref.  3704M/FS3 - date: 1576 To Thomas Carew of Haccombe, Richard Bedlow of Braie and Andrew Pomerie of Collaton esquires.



  FILE [no title] - ref. 107/50 - date: 14 June, 2&3 Philip & Mary  (1556)

 [from Scope and Content] William Upton of Puslinch, Esq., to Androwe Pomeroy of Collaton, Esq.

  Incledon & Webber family papers  (Wilmot Pomeroy daughter of Andrew Pomeroy of Collaton - married Lewis Inkleton 1585 & had 9 or 10 children)

Feoffment of uses ref 3704/FS5

1592 to William Pomeroy esq.

Younges of Puslinch of Newton Fereres.

Various entries Plymouth and West Devon Record Office:

Catalogue Ref. 308   Yonge family of Puslinch, Devon

 ref. 308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514    [from Scope and Content] 2 John Pomeroy

ref. 308/177/4  - date: 1514  [from Scope and Content] 1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

ref. 308/177/5 - date: 15 April 1571  [from Scope and Content] 2 Andrew Pomeroy

ref. 308/178/2 - date: 1617   [from Scope and Content] 1 William Pomeroy of Collaton, Devon, esq and  Andrew Pomeroy, esq., son and heir apparent of the said William

 ref. 308/178/5 - date: 1619  [from Scope and Content] 1 William Pomeroy and Andrew Pomeroy, late of  Collaton, Devon, esquires.

St Columb Major

Rodd family of Trebartha cat ref RD. 1761 RD/406/1,2

John Pomeroy of Trelissick, St Ewe, clerk to William Carlyon, Gent; St Austell. Northill Churchtown

RD/747 Title deeds William Pomeroy Yeoman.

Estate papers  RD/1046  Apprenticeship indentures of Thomas Moyse of Northhill to Samuel Pomeroy

 Apprenticeship Indentures   William Roach apprenticed to John Pomeroy, yeoman - ref. 1981  A/PO 163 - date: 1758

  [from Scope and Content] 1. Churchwardons and overseers of poor,  Roger Pomeroy of Sandridge in Stoke Gabriel, esq., Francis Shepherd of  Broadhempston gent., and 9 others of Stoke Gabriel.

 FILE - Agreement to convey, lease and release, and receipt. - ref. 1981 A/PF 11-14 - date: 10-25 OCT 1679

[from Scope and Content] 2. Roger Pomeroy esq., Geo. Yarde gent, Jas.  Churchward and Nich. Bowman, yeoman, all of S.G.

FILE - Lease and release in trust - ref. 1981 A/PF 15-16 - date: 30  OCT, 1 NOV 1679

[from Scope and Content] 1. Roger Pomeroy, Geo. Yarde, Jas.  Churchward and Nich. Bowman.

[from Scope and Content] 2. Elias Pomeroy son of said Roger, Francis  Shepherd of Waton [Waytown] in Broadhempston and 11 others of S.G.


Carlyon of Tregreham

Marriage settlement Marriage between John James, Falmouth merchant and Grace Pomeroy daughter of John Pomeroy of Trelizick (Trelissick) 19 Aug 1740
Clerk Thomas Pomeroy of St Neots


Ref. WH1 Manor of Trevethan

Heale family of Penryn Title deed _

Gwennap, Veryan

Martin Pomeroy of Veryan, clothier. 1727.


Charles Pomery of St Neots, gent.

St Cleer Lease on Trengale

Ref WHI/3939 8 June 1708To find out more about the archives described below, contact Plymouth and West

Devon Record Office


Yonge Family of Puslinch

Catalogue Ref. 308 Creator(s): Yonge family of Puslinch, Devon

FILE [no title] - ref. 308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514  John Pomeroy

FILE [no title] - ref. 308/177/4 - date: 1514  1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

FILE [no title] - ref. 308/177/5 - date: 15 April 1571    Andrew Pomeroy

FILE [no title] - ref. 308/178/2 - date: 1617 1 William Pomeroy of Collaton, Devon, esq and Andrew Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William


FILE [no title] - ref. 308/178/5 - date: 1619

    [from Scope and Content] 1 William Pomeroy and Andrew Pomeroy, late of Collaton, Devon, esquires ( not deceased Andrew died 16339 St Columb Major possible at home of daughter Anne Jenkyn)


FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514.  Messuage at Collaton, in Newton Ferrers

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/1 - date: 1617

Mansion House of Collaton and a tenement called Todslade alias Toddeslades and Cr[amicum?] in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/2 - date: 1617

1 William Pomeroy of Collaton, Devon, esq and Andrew Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William

Capital messuage and mansion house of Collaton, with appurtenances called Collaton alias Colleton in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon, and parcels of land called Tadislades alias Slades, Creberscombe alias Clenacombe in the parish of Newton Ferrers

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/4 - date: 1617 Capital messuage or mansion house of Collaton alias Colleton with appurtenances in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon



      FILE  [no title] - ref.  107/50 - date: 14 June, 2&3 Philip & Mary (1556)

Quitclaim of eighteen feet of land lying without the "haygge" of Melsburyford, and in the east side of the way from Newton Ferrers to Puslinch, and so eastward through the north end of the north down of Collaton until it comes to the way from Collaton Morton Place to Puslinch Bridge.

William Upton of Puslinch, Esq., to Androwe Pomeroy of Collaton, Esq.


   FILE - Feoffment to uses - ref.  3704M/FS3 - date: 1576 To Thomas Carew of Haccombe, Richard Bedlow of Braie and Andrew Pomerie of Collaton esquires.

   FILE - Post Nuptial Settlement - ref.  3704M/FS4 - date: 1576 Lewes Incledon,gent  Braunton  to Thomas Carew Esq of Haccombe, Richard Bedlow Esq  of Braye and Andrew Pomerie Esq  of Collaton esquires. In consideration of marriage of Lewes Incledon and Wilmote Pomerie, daughter of Andrew Pomerie.


A2A records

  Rashleigh of Menabilly, Tywardreath

Catalogue Ref. R : Creator(s): Rashleigh family of Menabilly, Tywardreath, Cornwall


LEASES. Fowey.Houses and land, various.

FILE [no title] - ref. R/471 - date: 13 Mar. 1599 Nich. Borlase of Newlyn, gent., to Digory Hext of Launceston, gent.

Assorted RecordS  found at various times - from 1998 onwards

308/177/2 1424 Plymouth & West Devon Record Office indicating that  Pomeroys came to Collaton Manor  in 1461 when   Margaret Pomeroy nee Beville, died on 10 Sept 1461,  This is the date given for the transfer of this property into Pomeroy hands.

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/F/1  1495

Contents: Grant to Richard Pomeray by Margaret, Countess of Richmond of the wardship and marriage of James Pomeray son of Andrew Pomeray deceased-

Records. 308/177/4  1514 held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Feoffment

1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

2 William Carew, esq, William Mordant, Robert Latymer, Robert Strode, Humfry Ardys, Thomas Nethercott and Richard Harward

Messuage and tenement in Newton Ferrers

 308/177/4  1514 held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Feoffment

1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

2 William Carew, esq, William Mordant, Robert Latymer, Robert Strode, Humfry Ardys, Thomas Nethercott and Richard Harward

Messuage and tenement in Newton Ferrers


National Archives at  KEW 1514 IPM for James Pomeroy

Held by     The National Archives, Kew 

 Records of the Exchequer, and its related bodies, with those of the Office of First Fruits and Tenths, and the Court of Augmentations

  Division within E  Records of the King's Remembrancer

E 150  Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Escheators' Files, Inquisitions Post Mortem, Series II, and other Inquisitions, Henry VII to Elizabeth I

 E 150/153 

Pomeroy, James: Devon   dates     5th of  Hen VIII. (1509 - 1547 ) ≈ 1511

Plymouth & West Devon RO 

 308/178/5  1619 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

The Yonge family Papers


1 William Pomeroy and Andrew Pomeroy, late of Collaton, Devon, esquires

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, Devon, esq

Capital messuage of Collaton, Devon

 107/50  14 June, 2&3 Philip & Mary (1556) These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Quitclaim of eighteen feet of land lying without the "haygge" of Melsburyford, and in the east side of the way from Newton Ferrers to Puslinch, and so eastward through the north end of the north down of Collaton until it comes to the way from Collaton Morton Place to Puslinch Bridge.

William Upton of Puslinch, Esq., to Androwe Pomeroy of Collaton, Esq.

308/178/2  1617 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Feoffment and grant

1 William Pomeroy of Collaton, Devon, esq and Andrew Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, Devon, esq

Capital messuage and mansion house of Collaton, with appurtenances called Collaton alias Colleton in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon, and parcels of land called Tadislades alias Slades, Creberscombe alias Clenacombe in the parish of Newton Ferrers

Consideration: £4,400


 308/177/3  26 June 1514 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Gift

1 Edward Wylingheby, Antony Buttyshead, knight and Simon Maynard, gent

2 John Pomeroy

Messuage at Collaton, in Newton Ferrers

 308/177/5  15 April 1571 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Release

1 Henry Dillon

2 Andrew Pomeroy

Tenement in Newton Ferrers

308/177/6  1572  held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Deed of exchange

1 Henry Dillon of Chyinwell, Devon, esq

2 Andrewe Pomeroye of Colleyton, Devon, esq

A Close of land called Buddelbrooke in Newton Ferrers

 308/178/1  1617 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Release

1 William Cavill Esq of Trehavereke, Cornwall , Nicholas Slanninge Esq of Bickleigh  and John Vyvian Esq of St Columb Higher, ( All married to or connected to  Pomeroy of Collaton )

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, esq

Mansion House of Collaton and a tenement called Todslade alias Toddeslades and Cr[amicum?] in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon

 308/177/4  1514 held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office


1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

2 William Carew, esq, William Mordant, Robert Latymer, Robert Strode, Humfry Ardys, Thomas Nethercott and Richard Harward

Messuage and tenement in Newton Ferrers


    308/178/3  1621

        Contents: Deed of covenant

        1 Leonard Yeo of Huish, Devon, esq

        2 Richard Reynell of Credewidger and Symon Clotworthie of Rashlye, in Devon, esquires

        Tenement called Blackmore in the parish of Harberton, and a tenement called Lapland in the parish of Dipford, a water grist mill called Bidwell Mill in Harberton, two houses and one garden in Totnes, a tenement called Hole in the parish Black Torrington, and a tenement called Hole in the parish of Egg Buckland and part of a tenement on Okehampton, all in the county of Devon

  308/178/5  1619 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

The Yonge family Papers Contents:Release

1 William Pomeroy and Andrew Pomeroy, late of Collaton, Devon, esquires

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, Devon, esq

Capital messuage of Collaton, Devon

 107/50  14 June, 2&3 Philip & Mary (1556) These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Quitclaim of eighteen feet of land lying without the "haygge" of Melsburyford, and in the east side of the way from Newton Ferrers to Puslinch, and so eastward through the north end of the north down of Collaton until it comes to the way from Collaton Morton Place to Puslinch Bridge.

William Upton of Puslinch, Esq., to Androwe Pomeroy of Collaton, Esq.

308/178/2  1617 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Feoffment and grant

1 William Pomeroy of Collaton, Devon, esq and Andrew Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, Devon, esq

Capital messuage and mansion house of Collaton, with appurtenances called Collaton alias Colleton in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon, and parcels of land called Tadislades alias Slades, Creberscombe alias Clenacombe in the parish of Newton Ferrers
Consideration: £4,400


 308/177/3  26 June 1514 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Gift

1 Edward Wylingheby, Antony Buttyshead, knight and Simon Maynard, gent

2 John Pomeroy

Messuage at Collaton, in Newton Ferrers


 308/178/1  1617 These documents are held at Plymouth and West Devon Record Office

Contents: Release

1 William Cavill of Trehavereke, Cornwall, esq, Nicholas Slanninge of Bickleigh, esq and John Vyvian of St Columb Higher, Cornwall esq

2 Leonard Yeo of Huish, esq

Mansion House of Collaton and a tenement called Todslade alias Toddeslades and Cr[amicum?] in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon

308/178/2  1617


Andrew seems to have sold his wife's property before she died in 1610 -

Piece reference E 134/5 Jas1/Mich33 James I = 1607. E  134  Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission

Scope and content

John Hardy v. Andrew. Pomeroy, Oswald Cook.: Meadow in Bainham Lane, near Conny Park, sometimes called "Trelawney Meadow," in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen (Launceston) and other lands in the borough of Downhevid and burrow of Newport, lately held by Thomas Hicks/ Hext or Hecks, lord of the "manor of Launceston Land."     Launceston Priory

 Survey of same.

[The names of Jane  Hicks, John Leigh, sometime bailiff of the manor of Launceston Land, Degory Hicks( Mayor of Launceston & son of Mayor Thomas Hext & father of Jane Pomeroy ) and Sir Wm. Killigrew, farmer of the manor of Launceston Land, are mentioned.]: Cornwall
Covering dates  5 Jas 1 - 1607 Held by Kew  Legal status Public Record(s)

Digory Hext died some time in 1600 whilst Mayor of Launceston

A2A files held in Plymouth RO containing refs. To Pomeroy of Collaton in Newton Ferrers.

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514.
Messuage at Collaton, in Newton Ferrers

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/1 - date: 1617. Mansion House of Collaton and a tenement called Todslade alias Toddeslades and Cr[amicum?] in the parish ofNewton Ferrers, Devon

 FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/2 - date: 1617. 1 William Pomeroy of Collaton Devon, esq and Andrew Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William- Capital messuage and mansion house of Collaton with appurtenances called Collaton alias Colleton in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon, and parcels of land called cs, Creberscombe alias Clenacombe ( on Widley Hill)  in the parish of Newton Ferrers

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/4 - date: 1617. Capital messuage or mansion house of Collaton alias Colleton with appurtenances in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon


Other records relating to the Collaton Poms found in A2A

Yonge Family of Puslinch Catalogue Ref. 308  Creator(s):  Yonge family of Puslinch, Devon

 FILE [no title] - ref. 308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514

    [from Scope and Content] 1 John Pomeroy, brother and heir of Jacob Pomeroy

    [from Scope and Content] 2 John Pomeroy

 FILE [no title] - ref. 308/177/4 - date: 1514

[from Scope and Content] 2 Andrew Pomeroy

FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/177/3 - date: 26 June 1514 this was the time of the death of James Pomeroy in France
FILE  [no title] - ref. 308/177/5 - date: 15 April 1571 Messuage at Collaton in Newton Ferrers
FILE   [no title] - ref.  308/178/1 - date: 1617 Mansion House of Collaton and a tenement called Todslade alias Toddeslades and Cr[amicum?] in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon
FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/2 - date: 1617

1 William Pomeroy of Collaton Devon, esq and Andrew (junior) Pomeroy, esq, son and heir apparent of the said William
  Capital  messuage and mansion house of Collaton with appurtenances called Collaton alias Colleton in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon,
  and parcels of land called Tadislades alias Slades, Creberscombe alias Clenacombe in the parish of Newton Ferrers

     FILE  [no title] - ref.  308/178/4 date: 1617
Capital messuage or mansion house of Collaton alias Colleton with appurtenances in the parish of Newton Ferrers, Devon

A2A record 1605

Short title: Grosse v Pomeroy. Plaintiffs: William Grosse and Julian Grosse his wife.

Defendants: Andrew Pomeroy.

Plaintiffs: William Grosse and Julian Grosse his wife.

Defendants: Andrew Pomeroy, Walter Cottell, and Humphry Cottell.

 Subject: lands and tenements, late of Digory Hext, who also possessed site of late dissolved priory of Launceston with moiety ...

Collection:Records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions

Date range: 1603 - 1625 Reference:C 2/JasI/G12/11Subjects:Litigation | Religions


AJP Additional  finds -  Notes. 2001- 23

Early C15th. Exeter exported brightly coloured Kerseys to Spain while importing wine, figs, olive oil, soap, honey, wax, almonds, figs, raisins, dates, oranges and marmalade. Portugal exported to Exeter a broadly similar line, but also the precious scarlet dye used only for colouring the finest cloth.

Trying to find  Lewis Parkyn 2nd husband of Johane Strowde wife of John Pomeroy of Clooaton Manor in Newton Ferrers when  these  came up

Reference: C 1/414/22 Description: Short title: Hethe v Parkyn.

Plaintiffs: Thomas Hethe and Alice, his wife, executrix of John Newcombe.

Defendants: Lewis Parkyn and Johane, his wife, executrix and late the wife of John Pomeray.

Subject: Debt of the said Pomeray to the said Newcombe.

Parkyn found only in Buckinghamshire - Stony Stratford

Date: 1515-1518 Held by: The National Archives, KewLegal status: Public Record(s)

Reference: C 1/419/24 Description: Short title: Hethe v Parkyn.

Plaintiffs: Thomas Hethe and Alice, his wife, executrix and late the wife of John Newcombe.

Defendants: Lewis Parkyn and Johane, his wife, executrix and late the wife of John Pomeray ( of Collaton Manor in Newton Ferrers).

Subject: Debt for money lent to the said Pomeray.

4 documents Date: 1515-1518 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Family website

Newcombe of Exeter & Drewsteignton Visitations

... 577 NEWCOMBE OF EXETER. Arms : — Arg., a fess embattled between two escallops in pale Sa. Crest : — On a mural crown a raven with wings expanded ppr.

Evidently goldsmiths

Goldsmith Street in the heart of the cityof Exeter, was very close to the Back Gate of the Guildhall, where the lead lined water cistern was housed.

John Newcombe of Drewsteignton, d. 1537, Inq. p.m. 28 Hen. VIH, No. 72.=== , 1

John Newcombe of Drewsteignton, son and heir, aged 30 years and mor...

Alexander Newcombe, 4 son,bap. 17 Jan.l 601-2 at All Hallows, Goldsmith street,1 d. young.

William Newcombe. === Bartholomew son, bap. 15 Feb. 1604-5 at All Hallows, Goldsmith street,1 3 tonne, named in his father's will 1614, and living 1640.

John Newcombe of Exeter, adm. to his wife Elizabeth, d...

The Exeter branch of the family were founded by William Newcomb a son of William of Drewsteignton and his wife, the daughter of a Burrington. He was a draper apprentice to Alexander (Sandy) Napper, a wool merchant and who descended from the noble Napier's of Scotland. He married Alexanders daughter Anne and in 1578 became a Freeman of the city of Exeter and joined the Guild of Merchant Adventurers in 1599.
Newcombe became Mayor of Exeter in 1612-13. He was entered in the Heralds Visitation of Devon in 1620, which he signed

1779 There was a prenuptial marriage agreement in St Neots between Rev John Pomeroy rector of Bodmin & Margaret Newcombe . d 1792 age 36 buried St Davids Exeter

   CP 25/1/22/123, number 2.

  Link: Image  of document at AALT

County: Buckinghamshire.

Place: Westminster.

Date: Two  weeks from Holy Trinity, 26 Henry VI [2 June 1448].

Parties: John  Gage, esquire, Thomas Salesbury, clerk, Richard Pittes, Thomas Martyn' and John Wattes, querents, and
John Parkyn'  of  Stony Stratteford' and John  Hayle and Isabel, his wife, deforciants.

Property: 2  messuages, 2 tofts, 11 acres of land, 5 acres of wood and 7  shillings, 8 pence and 1 halfpenny of rent in Aston' Clynton' called Howesgroue.

  Action: Plea  of covenant.
Agreement: John  Parkyn', John Hayle and Isabel have acknowledged the tenements  to be the right of John Gage, as those which the same John, Thomas, Richard, Thomas and John Wattes have of their gift, and have remised and quitclaimed them from themselves and the heirs of  Isabel to John Gage, Thomas, Richard, Thomas and John Wattes and  the heirs of John Gage for ever.

  Warranty: Warranty.

For this: John Gage, Thomas, Richard, Thomas and John Wattes have given them 20  marks of silver.

Standardised  forms of names. (These are tentative suggestions, intended only as  a finding aid.)

Persons: John  Gage, Thomas Salisbury, Richard Pitts, Thomas  Martin, John Watts, John Parkin, John Haile, Isabel Haile

  Places: Stony  Stratford, 'Howesgroue' (in Aston Clinton)

 Stoney Stratford is way across England  52 miles N.W. from London.

CP  25/1/116/326, number 808.

  Link: Image of document at AALT

County: Kent.

Place: Westminster.

Date: The day after Ascension, 32 Henry VI [31 May 1454]. And afterwards two  weeks from Easter, 34 Henry VI [11 April 1456].

Parties: querents,  Thomas  Hethe, John Clerk', John  Smyth' and John Goldwell', 

                        deforciant. Richard  Philpot,

  Property:  1 messuage, 16 acres of land and 3 acres of wood in Shorne,  which Thomas Norreys and Thomas  Wreghte hold for the life of Alice, who was the wife of Andrew Hurte.

Action:  Plea of covenant.

  Agreement: Richard  has acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Thomas Hethe,  and has granted for himself and his heirs that the tenements  which Thomas Norreys and Thoms Wreghte held for the life of Alice  of the inheritance of Richard on the day the agreement was made,  and which after the decease of Alice ought to revert to Richard  and his heirs - after the decease of Alice shall remain to Thomas  Hethe, John, John and John and the heirs of Thomas, to hold of the  chief lords for ever.

Warranty: Warranty.

 For this: Thomas  Hethe, John, John and John have given him 20 pounds sterling.

 Standardised  forms of names. (These are tentative suggestions, intended only as a finding aid.)

 Persons: Thomas  Heath, John Clarke, John Smith, John  Goldwell, Richard Philpot, Thomas Norris, Thomas Wright, Andrew Hert, Alice Hert

 Places: Shorne




Reference: Pa  (click  here to view this record in archive's external catalogue)

Description:   misc Notts (Bunny, etc) deeds, manorial records, family and estate papers 13th-19th cent and misc estate papers for Berks (Tilehurst,  etc), Kent (Walmer), Leics (Dadlington, etc) and Sussex (Pett) 16th-18th cent

Date: 13th  cent-19th cent

Held  by:  Nottingham  University Library, Department of Manuscripts and Special   Collections  not available at The National Archives

NRA  cat ref NRA  11714

CP  25/1/22/121, number 3. Link:  Image  of document at AALT

  County:  Buckinghamshire.

Place: Westminster.

Date: Three  weeks from Easter, 16 Henry VI [4 May 1438].

Parties: Gilbert  Bury,  clerk, John  Pomerey, chaplain, John  Loughton' and Thomas  Hobson' the younger, querents,
and Adam Taillour and Eleanor,  his wife, deforciants.

Property:  1  messuage, 90 acres of land and 10 acres of meadow in Neuport  Paynell' and Tykford'.

Action: Plea  of covenant.

Agreement: Adam  and Eleanor have granted to Gilbert, John, John and Thomas the  tenements and have remised and quitclaimed
whatsoever they had in  them for the life of Eleanor, to Gilbert, John, John and Thomas and the heirs of Thomas for ever.

For this Gilbert,  John, John and Thomas have given them 20 marks of silver.

      Standardised  forms of names. (These are tentative suggestions, intended only as a finding aid.)

Persons: Gilbert  Bury, John Pomeroy, John Loughton, Thomas Hobson, Adam Taylor, Eleanor Taylor

Places: Newport  Pagnell, Tickford (in Newport Pagnell)


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