
link to  village website here


 C 19th Consisted of  5830 acres  including the Rawridge , a tithing & scattered farms extending to the borders of Somerset .  There was  cattle fair on October 17th, with an annual ploughing match.
1068 Smallridge  was one of  thee manors given to Ralph de Pomeroy, later it was gifted to the church of Rouen. From the church  it passed to Sir Nicholas Cheyney, in the reign of Henry III. 1216-1272 -  Afterwards passed to the Willoughby, Blount, and Popham families, until it was purchased  by Dr. Addington, father of the late Viscount Sidmouth.
C19th Viscount Sidmouth was lord of the manor and owner of a great part of the parish, and resided at the large new Manor House, which was erected at great expense. . . .

  Robert de Pomeroy of Smallridge in Axminster  was of the cadet line of the Pomeroys in Buckerell & Upottery descending from  Geoffrey the 3rd son of the 2nd Henry Pomeroy. His son Thomas was an Esq when he made a hurried and illicit marriage to Joan Chudleigh in 1388. He was knighted in 1400 and the pair of them  went on to upset the  line of inheritance by wresting it from Edward the rightful and declared heir - but Thomas apparent intention to found a new baronial line that started with him failed because he died  without issue  in 1426.   

 Sir Thomas Kings Knight had a brother William ,a Queens Knight, dead by 1441 . William held Membury which is adjacent to Smallridge .  There was a Sir William Pomeroy who married a Alice FitzRafe in Norfolk , she died in 1471 .
The dates  tends to exclude  brother William as her husband  however given the naming habits of the time William might have had a son or a grandson of the same name .   However Alice FitzRafe was a grandaughter of Joannah Ralegh Whalesborough in 1426 the widow of Sir Thomas Pomeroy  the troublesome frequently outlawed knight.
  In 1644 the Civil War came to the area – in April parliamentary Lyme Regis was attacked – in June parliamentarians passed through Chard followed by Charles himself in September; in November Royalist Axminster was attacked. The following year there were fatalities in Membury, at Forde, to the north, and in October of that year there was a skirmish in which royalists from Honiton attacked parliamentarians based in Membury. The event was recorded in a parliamentary report as, ‘the only affront the enemy put upon us’

In 1650 the area was once again involved in the parliament versus king history, when Charles 11 tried unsuccessfully, to escape to France from Lyme Regis, and had close encounters with parliamentary soldiers at Charmouth and Bridport. His Restoration commemorated in Membury (as has been the case ‘from time immemorial’), with the suspension of an oak bough from the church tower, a costumed procession, a proclamation, and jollification.

During the following Restoration period religious tolerance was uncertain, and non-conformists in the parish were hounded – Quakers in the south of the parish, in Lea Hill, were persecuted and their Meeting House, at ‘Quakers’, was raided. (George Fox himself the leading Quaker of that period was believed to have visited Membury).

2019 - March

FARWAY  Parish Register Images

John Pomroy 6 Jan 1707 Marriage  at Ottery Saint Mary to  Katherine Thomas

William Pomeroy  of Gittisham Marriage 15 Nov 1732 Honiton to Mrs Mary Pearce of Honiton

William Pomeroy   marriage 8 July 1745 to Ann Cload  at Offwell (  2½ miles E.S.E. of Honiton)


Samuel son of William & Katherine BB 17 Feb 1770 private baptism

Maryann wife of John Pomeroy died November 14 1672

Nicholas Pomeroy OTP married Joan Goff of Membury 16 June 1740

UPOTTERY  I first found in FMP (Oct 2020)

 Amountey alias Pomery- Robert in  Upottery, Devon,

I clipped this   example of the name -  is it Amountey or is it Pomerey

Red Doors Farm

C19th In that area

Ann Pomery daughter of Robert a labourer BB 24 Sept 1815 Bb Luppit

another entry for her has Cox alias Pomery entry baptised with a twin sister Betsey

1841 Census Robert Pomeroy age 25 b 1818 a farm servant to Elias Berry at Shilven Farm, Luppet

Anne Pomeroy born Luppit BB 1 Nov 1834 a base born daughter of Anne Pomery a servant

1841 Census Red Doors Farm, Luppitt, Honiton, Devon,

Ann Pomeroy age 25 born 1816 farm servant to Thomas Griffin a farmer with 82 acres, a wife and 8 children and 3 farm servants

1851 Census A Cottage At Week, Luppitt, Honiton, Devon, England

Robert Pomery Head 64 1787 Farm Labourer Luppitt, Devon, England

Elizabeth Pomery  Wife 68 1783 - Hemyock, Devon, England

Robert Pomery Son single   33 1818 Farm Labourer Luppitt, Devon, England

Thomas Pomery Son single 31 1820 Farm Labourer Luppitt, Devon, England

Mary Pomery Dau single 25 1826 Servant Luppitt, Devon, England

Robert Clapp widowed Visitor 45 1806 Farm Labourer Devon, England

1851 Census 1851 England, Wales & Scotland Census

Riggles Farm, Upottery, Honiton, Devon,

Ann Pomeroy age 16 born 1835 in Luppitt house servant to William Ewins widowed Farmer of 170 acres with 4 sons and a daughter and 4 farm labourers and a 13 year old plough driver.

Ann Pomeroy born 1813 daughter of Robert Pomeroy a labourer married by banns to Francis Searle a labourer son of John Searle a Thatchers in Honiton 28 Dec 1843 witnesses Thomas Pomeroy & Sarah Serale both of whom made their mark the groom Francis son of a thatcher signed the register Ann made her mark

By 1851 she had 3 children - 10 years older than her thatcher husband Francis living at Arrarat in Luppit

Sister Betsy ? Married 3 April 1839 at Cotleigh as Elizabeth Pomeroy dau of Robert a labourer of Cotleigh to Thomas Strowbridge /Strawbridge a masons of Thomas Strawbridge a mason

So both girls improved their status marrying Up !

Maude Amountey Bb 24 Sept 1564 father Robert in Upottery

Mary Amountey   Baptism   25 Mar 1571 Father Robert Amountey at Upottery

Jane Amountey Bb  26 June 1575 dau of Robert Amountey  at Upottery

Rawlin AMOUNTEY Bb 3 May 1596 son of Robert Amountey died at birth buried Upottery 3 May 1596

Are they all one family did  Robert Amountey marry a Pomeroy or it it simply a mistake and the word is Pomeroy

Amountey alias Pomery Jone 1 June 1578 B dau of Robert of Upottery, Devon,

Amountey alias Pomery Julyan  25 Mar 1582 Bb  died 1 April  Dau of Robert of  Upottery, Devon

Amountey alias Pomery Mary Bb 25 Mar 1582 Ba dau of Robert of Upottery, Devon, 

Amountey alias Pomery Ellyne  12 Dec 1585 B dau of Robert of Upottery, Devon, 

Mary Pomery married Robert Deamonte 19 April 1607 at Upottery

Joan Pomerie married John Richard Bagg  on 8 Dec 1612 at Honiton on Otter

Elizabeth Pomerie married Thomas Bicknell on 16 June 1608 at Honiton on Otter

Robert Pomeroy marriage at Honiton of Otter 28 Oct 1611 to Agnes Hellier

Pomery Roberte  burial 3 Feb 1611 Will 1612 Upottery, Devon, England

Pomery William   Oct 1617 Marriages to Agnes Banks at Upottery, Devon, England

Pomeroy Robert 1640 marriage to Sarah Powning in Honiton 1 May 1640
