Starting  out - LINKS

How to start your family tree

Where to begin with your family history Our step by step guide will help you get started!

1. Start with yourself and your immediate  family

Begin by writing down the date and place of your birth (and marriage if applicable) for yourself, spouse and children, and the crucial dates for your parents, including birth, marriage and death. This is the start of your family tree and you can now work back generation-by-generation.

2. Gather family history records

Search your attic and ask other family members for family history treasures such as photos, birth, certificates, apprenticeship records, etc. These will form the basis of your research and will give you clues to start you on your journey of discovering the next generation of your ancestors.

3. Draw up a family tree –

Now that you’ve collected some information, it’s time to draw up a basic family tree. Plot the youngest generation of the family at the bottom of the page, allocating a box to each person, with the oldest child on the left and subsequent siblings listed to the right of the previous name.

Next, create vertical lines to connect each sibling to the two parents (with the father shown to the left of the mother) and write the parents’ crucial dates as in generation one, creating a new horizontal line of ancestors for each generation.

Family Photographs are an excellent way to help build your family tree

4. Work backwards

However tempting it might be to try to prove a link to someone far in the past, always work backwards from yourself when creating your family tree, finding your parents, then their parents, and so on.

If you discover information about one of your ancestors on an internet forum or online tree, always double check the facts before adding the data to your own tree.

5. Discover those first crucial records

With your fledgeling tree drawn up, it’s now time to start exploring birth, marriage and death records to discover more ancestors. You can search for certificates for each of these events using the free General Register Office indexes at websites such as 

Birth certificates: This  will give you the names and occupation of the parents (your next generation of ancestors)

Marriage certificates can provide age and occupations, plus details of the father of the bride and groom (another generation);

Death certificates give age and cause of death, age, location, parents, Scottish death certs also give occupation

These can be obtained on line and by post from the General Register Office

UK General Register Office:

contact by post by writing to :

Certificate Services Section 
General Register Office 

PO Box 2 



6. Using the internet

Family history doesn’t have to be an expensive hobby, there are lots of free of charge websites to get you started.

Genealogical Links

FindMyPast -pay to view

Free Births Marriages & Deaths registrations

Free Census records from 1841 to 1891 excluding 1881 which is on Family Search 

1901 Census   pay to view but not expensive         

GENUKI is invaluable.      

Someone else may have already researched your tree so try this first
WIKITREE.  A Free site  - family trees  with sources a requirement 

Roots Webs   family trees and message boards 

Guild of One-Name Studies     

 Rootschat  - An Excellent Forum that offers help on local and general information    

IGI - this is the Mormon database known as IGI. International Genealogical Index and  it is free- includes BMD all around the world -  the 1881 British census as well as census's in USA. It also has births abroad. However  be cautious as many of these are transcribed from transcriptions and not to be relied on. Double check information.   includes free access to 1881 census  and    both are pay to view

 Searches. Local information and connections including the very useful Parish Clerk system.

  On Line Parish Clerk scheme           

includes the brilliant site for Cornwall - Other counties include   Devon which requires you to ask for help rather than doing for yourself.
Dorset, Essex ,Hampshire Lancashire, Somerset, Sussex, Warwickshire, Wiltshire –

  Local Family History Societies 

Devon Family History Society based in Exeter at the Treehouse in Exeter and worth a visit.

 Devon’s  History Selection site

PAY TO VIEW SITES   Beware of sites that want £25 for a certificate.  

SCOTLANDS PEOPLE  the government records for Scotland. 1513-2007

FIND MY PAST Pay to view – excellent site with a ton of research available    Google it.

LONDON interactive map links to
Court  of Star Chamber.

City of London

Ships and Migration 

THREE DECKS   Sailing ships in the age of steam with crew lists
THE OLIVE TREE Migration site

ANCESTRY. COM is a pay to join site, very useful, but I thinks it is expensive since many of the records can be found with a little effort.

If you have no other recourse the local Library has free access but with only a ½ hour free,  you need to go well prepared.

Irish National Archives   

There are more recent sites for Ireland


Apart from Ellis Island in USA which records immigrant entries from January 1, 1892, until November 12, 1954 the main entry facility for immigrants entering the United States; the facility replaced the state-run 

 Ellis Island     

Castle  Garden Immigration Depot (1855-1890)

 If they went TO INDIA  there is FIBIS Families in British India Society a very comprehensive and useful site.

If they went to  CHINA – This seems to have been mainly missionaries. I usually Google the place and add missionary and see what pops out. There  are  various denominational websites with information and  quite a bit on line but there doesn’t seem to be one website that covers all.

 Missionaries in China




English County family history societies

VISIT AN ARCHIVE Devon has 3 West Country Record Centre.

Exeter; Barnstaple and Plymouth

7. Keep track of your research

As you discover new ancestors, it’s all too easy to lose track of your paperwork or online research. Start a research log as soon as you can and use this to record which ancestors you’ve searched for and where you looked; saving yourself from repeating the same search further down the line.

If your findings are mainly recorded electronically, use a memory stick as a safeguard should you lose access to your data.

8. Join a family history society

Consider joining a family history society, either in your local area, or the society that covers the area where your ancestors lived.

Not only will you benefit from a regular journal, talks and events, you’ll also be able to socialise and share tips with other enthusiasts, both in person and online.

. Break through that brick wall

If you reach what seems like a dead end with our family tree, don’t despair! Even the most experienced family historians face research challenges. Online forums can be a great source of help and encouragement, or consider leaving the query and moving to another branch of your tree, coming back to look at the problem with a fresh eye further down the line.

Once you’ve mastered the basics, plan a trip to your local history society or library, where you can consult original documents, browse maps and plans, or perhaps attend a help session or workshop.

British Counties have Record Offices which have older archives, transcription of parish registers and also films of them as microfiche.


Census Records

For more than 300 years the world’s nations have kept a count of their population on a regular basis. From the United Kingdom to the United States, census records are an essential took for family history research.

The first United States census performed was in 1790 and with little exception is available for research every ten years thereafter up to the 1940 census (released on April 2, 2012). Census records often include the names of all members of a household, their ages and birthplaces, and other important information.

Birth, Marriage and Death Records

Birth, marriage, and death records (otherwise called vital records) are key tools for anyone searching their family tree.

The United States keeps its vital records by state (no nationwide index exists). In most cases, vital records were recorded from the 1880s to the present, though there are some exceptions.

Some states, such as Massachusetts began officially recording vital records in 1841, though birth, death, and marriage records exist from the state dating from 1620. Birth, marriage and death records can be accessed through findmypast's online collections:

Family History Stories

In many cases terrific and unique sources for family history exist in your own home – or in the homes of relatives family bibles, letters, diaries, and other materials might be stored on bookshelves or in attics and contain priceless information. Obtaining copies of these materials is an important part of your research.

In many families a distant relative might have worked previously on the family tree and might have these (and other) materials close at hand, so make sure you reach out to the extended family for help in your research.

Download a questionnaire to interview your relatives.


Newspaper archives offer a glimpse into the day-to-day lives of our ancestors. Notices of births, engagements, marriages, deaths, and obituaries are often included within their pages. Early newspapers from all over the world captured the pulse of the time and reflected the beliefs of the people. Learn about your ancestor’s hobbies, work accomplishments, community involvement, bizarre community tales and how major historical events affected local communities.

See also U.S. and World Newspapers, our collection of British Newspapers, the Australasian Newspapers, Directories, and Social History Records and Irish Newspapers, Directories and Social History Records

Military Records

From the colonial times to the present day our ancestors have often taken up arms to protect themselves, their family, and their natioUS Army Casualty Filen. Records from World War I, World War II, the Vietnam War, Korean War, , and other conflicts offer untold resources for family history.


Search World War I Draft Registration Cards

Enlistment records can include information on birthdates and birthplaces, while also providing a clear physical description of an ancestor.People with UK ancestry will want to search British Army records and Irish Military Service records , which also include detailed information documenting an ancestor’s life, including their military service, family, and occupation.

Church Records

The religious affiliations of a family offer important clues for researchers. For the most part churches kept their own records, usually by parish or congregation. Confirmation, marriage, and burial registers for many of the world’s churches exist and can be used for family history research.

Nations with one recognized state religion often offer a wider range – such as with Austalasianor Ireland sources– of church records. Other records found within church registers include minutes, diaries, and other administrative records that provide a unique and personal look at our ancestors.

Passenger Lists

Tracing the arrival of an ancestor to the United States is an important project for family historians. While passenger lists were not widely kept during the colonial times, many historians and other researchers have worked to reconstruct these lists. On the contrary, Outbound passenger lists leaving the UK are comprehensive sources to find ancestors from all reaches of the world travel to new homes and new opportunities in the U.S., Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and beyond. 

The majority of immigrants to the U.S. came through the port of New York (New York (Castle Garden and Ellis Island) though thousands others came through other major ports such as Baltimore, Boston, New Orleans, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

 U.S immigration records on findmypast. 

City Directories

Directories for cities, towns, and counties offer a wealth of information for family historians including addresses, occupations, and other details. Local advertisements for various services including local blacksmiths, auctioneers, doctors, and more provide a glimpse at the lives of our ancestors. City directories can also sometimes include religious and political affiliations, marital status, and other personal details not found in other sources.

Court and Prison Records 

Records from the nation’s courts are important resources for family history. Whether your ancestor was a plaintiff, defendant, witness, or juror member court records can play a key role in research. Other key materials found within court records include adoption, guardianship, name changes, and divorce records. Multiple courts (including county, municipal, federal, and state) exist throughout the United States and each provides their own unique set of records to search.

Criminal records for crimes small and large add vivid detail to a family tree. Search Crime, Prisons and Punishment for extensive family history from England and Wales. Also explore findmypast's exclusive Irish Petty Sessions order books, which deals with minor infractions that touched many people's lives dating from 1828 to 1912. 

10. Immigration and Naturalization Records

Starting in 1790 the United States allowed immigrants to the country to become naturalized citizens. Though the process has changed over the years, naturalization records still remain a fundamental resource for tracing your family history. While the process was difficult, these records can include detailed information relating to an individual’s arrival in the United States, include the date and ship used. Other personal information can include the birthdate and birthplace, the town and country of origin, names of relatives or other acquaintances. 

View these Immigration and Travel to the U.S. records on findmypast:

Family  Photographs and Scrapbooks

Photographs and other memorabilia are important resources for those researching their family history as they provide a personal “look” into the lives of our ancestors. For example, the clothing and furniture in a photograph can yield clues regarding someone’s occupation or trade, place of origin, or other details. Albums and other collectible items are often treasured and passed down to family members through the years.

Oral Histories

Living relatives are a rich source for family history materials. While their stories can provide names, dates, and relationships – they often provide a unique personal perspective of an individual. Recording and sharing the memories of living relatives is an essential source for anyone pursing their family history.

Workhouse and Union Records

Records which detail the daily activities of an individual can be key to identifying relationships, missing dates and places, and in exploring the lives of our ancestors. These family history records include the records of businesses, union records, poorhouses, and workhouseorganizations.

See United Kingdom Education and Work records for information on apprentices, the merchant navy, workhouse and other records that depict your ancestors' daily lives. 

Tax Records

Taken on a frequent basis, tax records are important for researchers. As some tax lists were taken each year, they are often used as a substitute when census records have been lost or destroyed. Many of our ancestors paid real and personal property taxes, as they were taxed for any land they owned (real property) as well their livestock, equipment, and other items (personal property). 

See the Dorset Hemp and Flax Growers and the Land Tax Billinghurst, Sussex collection.

Cemetery Records

Tombstones often include birth and death dates of our ancestors. Therefore cemetery listings are important tools for genealogists. As some tombstones have been lost or destroyed, historical cemetery transcriptions can provide important information not available anywhere else. Other information found in cemetery records includes names of spouses or children, countries of origin, religious affiliations, military service, and other personal details.

Search the Australian record collection Victoria Burials and Memorials.

Compiled Genealogies search Google for Rootsweb.

Starting in the 1850s thousands of family histories have been published containing millions of names, dates, stories, and interest connections. Many of these genealogies focus on a specific surname – or immigrant to the United States – and trace their descendants throughout the United States and the world. While many of these publications require verification against other records (such as vital records) they provide an important starting point for many interested in family history.

 Wills and Probate Records

Wills provide a goldmine for anyone researching their family history and are often used to link generations together and identify other siblings or children of an ancestor. If an ancestor died without writing a will (intestate) probate courts were charged with identifying and locating their heirs, leaving a trail of information useful to every family historian.

Other wills and probate records include estate inventories, often listing furniture, clothing, books, and other possessions in a household and guardianship records, which document any court-appointed guardians for underage children of the deceased.

Land Records

Records which detail the sale and transfer of property hold important clues for genealogists. Land records can often document the relationships between two individuals, or be used to tell individuals with the same name apart from one another. Deeds, often found in local courthouses document the transfer of property between two parties and are an excellent “first step” when looking for land records relating to an ancestor.

Visit findmypast's Australasian Census, Land and Surveys records, which include patents, grant, and bounty land collections.

Local Histories 

Often covering specific towns or counties, local printed histories offer a vast array of genealogical and historical information. Some publications include sections of family sketches and can include information not readily found in other sources. Other chapters might include details on local churches, cemeteries, military heroes, early settlers, and other relevant facts.

Funeral Home Records

While not widely available online, the records of funeral homes and mortuaries often provide unique tidbits for family history researchers. Copies of obituaries, funeral programs, and lists of relatives are often found within these materials.  Records are sometimes passed on when a business closes and can be available to examine when researching onsite.