Sarah Hornblow. the 1820 Settler in  South Africa


SARAH HORNBLOW was one of 4,000 immigrants, colonists & pioneers

who became an 1820 Settler in the Eastern Cape of to South Africa

They became the foundation of modern white South African society.

My three times great grandmother, SARAH HORNBLOW who was born in Braintree in rural Essex in about 1789 daughter of the REVEREND JOHN HORNBLOW Particular Baptist Minister of that town and his wife Elizabeth.

She seems to have been a tough and determined woman who had 11 children and made four marriages

She grew up in a family of Baptists and had 9 siblings. She was to marry 4 times and in 1820 she , with her second husband and their children, left the safety of her life in England for a hazardous existence in the Eastern Cape of South Africa

AJP illustrations