Medieval Times

In the West Country it was said that all the gentry were cousin
Marriages between the few families at the top of society makes for a very convoluted and intertwined family trees

In medieval times the basic administrative unit was the manor.  Ideally a manor was enough land to support a cavalryman - a knight's fee.

The knight needed not only food and clothing for himself and his family, but armour, weapons and horses  for his personal retainers & his private militia . He owed service to the king for the privilege of holding his lands.  Knights service  and his  knights fee varied according to the quality of his land.

Each landed knight or gentleman in that time held his land from the King or one of the (royal) family. In Cornwall it was , as it is today, the Duchy of Cornwall  & the Roman Catholic Church had vast land holdings -
In England about  there were about 5,000-6,000 souls in the feudal system, the means by which the Crown provided the monarch with fighting men . These  were the landed gentlemen and knights of England and the  sons of these land holders followed in their father's footsteps.

Whilst titles were inherited  a knighthood was not and as a code of chivalry developed in the Middle Ages, so the prestige of being a knight rose,  and with it the expense of maintaining armour,  animals and an entourage  with all the trappings.

A baronetcy is the only British hereditary honour which is not a peerage and the baronetage, as a class, are considered members of the gentry and rank above the knights . A baronetcy does not confer nobility and is not a knighthood and a baron  is a commoners, not a noblemen.

Thus whilst  barons, such as the Pomeroys,  might bear the honorary title  'Sir',   many of them were not knighted although  just a few were.

1481 C 140/79/1 Pomerey, Anne Devon 21 Edw IV. Chancery pleadings addressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury as Lord Chancellor.
Detailed description at item   #34: William Carswell and Christyn, his wife, and John Wolston. V. Henry Pomerey, esquire, late the husband of AMY, previously the wife of Thomas, son of Thomas Gyll. Manor of Hacche, etc… (1483-85) 

(Manor of Hacche, etc. was part of marriage settlement between Thomas Gyll and Amy Cammel Barrett when she married  Henry Pomeroy: At the death of Gylle she brought them to her marriage to Baron Henry of Berry Pomeroy , who held them until her death in 1481, at which time Hacche was  returned to the proper Gylls heirs.)

the 8th Baron Henry Pomeroy & his wife Joane Moels had 5 sons and created a successive entail that they might inherit in turn.

It was the  grandson of  the 5th son Sir Thomas , Kings Knight , who inherited the Baron in 1426
Edward Pomeroy  was son and heir of William Pomeroy, Sheriff of Devon 
William Pomeroy son of Thomas 5th son of Henry Pomeroy & his wife Johane Moels
 Edward  & his wife Margaret Beville were gifted Tregony at the time of their marriage. 
They lived at Tregony Castle until 1426 at which time Edward finally inherited the barony   
Margaret Beville was married very young  - pre Mar. settlement 1403

her 1st child Edward was born by the time she was 16 .
Their children were Edward who died childless before his father;
2nd son  HENRY was the heir
3rd son  John about who we know little 

 4th son was Nicholas whose 1st unnamed wife gave him
Andrew who inherited  Collaton Manor in Newton Ferrers'
his 2nd wife Agnes was childless & outlived him.

Their son Henry  & his wife Alice Raleigh inherited the Barony

CHILDREN of Sir Henry Pomeroy  by his 1st wife Alice Ralegh were

The heir was Sir St Clere Pomeroy ( he was knighted ) He married Catherine Countenay in September 1462.They had no children  He died after the Battle of Tewkesbury 1471, during the Wars of the Roses, fighting  on the Lancastrian side, which lost this battle. Catherine afterwards married Thomas Rogers and then Sir William Huddersfield by whom she had children.

The 2nd son Richard became heir apparent inheriting when his father died in 1487 . He was  made a Knight of the Bath by Henry VII at the coronation of the queen Princess Elizabeth of York in 25 November 1487   Richard  born in the decade of 1440 was married 1st in the 1460's to Dame Anne (family unknown)
After Anne died in about 1470 & Richard  married again .In about 1473 he married  the exceedingly wealthy Elizabeth Densil daughter of a Barnstaple merchant & shipowner and widow of Martin Fortesque of Filliegh.

They continued the Pomeroy family line  with 2 sons, Thomas,  who died unmarried in 1508 and the heir, Edward, who married Joan Sapcott. They also had 2 daughters Blanche who married and had a son both unnamed ; & Elizabeth who married William Barnhowse of Kingston in Staverton.

 John Pomeroy  

Youngest son of Henry & Alice 

  Sir Thomas Pomeroy, also knighted, with his brother Richard, made a Knight of the Bath 1487. 

He married Agnes Kelloway who was step-grandaughter of his father Sir Henry Pomeroy, (born to Henry Pomeroys second wife, Anna Camell, by her first husband, William Barrett )  They also had children 2 sons and 3 daughters before Thomas died and Agnes remarried. Her 2nd husband was the wealthy Thomas Bowring of Bowringsleigh near Kingsbridge in the South Hams of Devon. 

The 2 daughters of Henry & Alice

Agnes Pomeroy also referred to as Ann married at least 3 times .

1st to Robert Budockshide,by who she had 4 children

2nd Nicholas Stukely by whom she had 5 more children

Lastly Anne married George Maleverer,son of Halneth Maleverer who died after 1511, outliving him dying herself  in about 1518. 

Elizabeth Pomeroy married Humphrey Courtenay , brother of Catherine Courtenay, and had 2 children

The Battle of Stoke occurred in 16 June 1487 
Henry Pomeroy died 7th July 1487 = might he have been wounded & died from wounds received in that bloody battle.

Sir Henry Pomeroy died 1487 his 1st wife was Alice Raleigh of Fardel, who died sometime before 1478

He was not knighted but he was a  hereditary Baron which is senior to an ordinary knight.  . He married again in Sept 1478 & his  2nd wife was Anna Camell widow of Henry Barrett of Whiteparish, mother of Joanna Barrett whose daughter was Agnes Kelloway who married Henry Pomeroy's youngest son Thomas .
Anna was wealthy, independent  of any of her husbands . She was also widow of Dartmouth Merchant Thomas Gylle the younger of Hacche Arundell near Kingsbridge in the South Hams of Devon. She brought Bowden estate at Totnes to the marriage & died 3 years later in 1481 probably at the birth of a son they named Henry. On the death of Baron Henry in 1487 this son may have been given into the care of Thomas Pomeroy who was his older half brother, older by at least 14 years, & his wife the young Agnes Kelloway.

  Marriage for most classes but particularly Landed Gentry & Aristocrats, were arranged and had nothing to do with love. Girls were packages to be parcelled up with a dowry as an advantage . Her dowry  was  presented to the groom at the time of the marriage. The Marriage Settlement laid out what she brought to the marriage and the groom gave, in return , her dower of properties which would support her in her widowhood
Our modern sensibilities to find child marriages repugnant but they happened frequently in times past.  Dynastic  betrothals were often arranged when children were very little.  A marriage ceremony occurred when the girl was at puberty. It seems consummation was sometimes delayed until the wife reached the age of 16 ; after that  she could expect  childbirth  every 18 months.  

There are exceptions of course Lady Margaret Beaufort  Henry VII mother  is one. Her  husband Edmund Tudor married her when she was 11. She became pregnant and he was dead from plague by time she gave birth age 12
The death rate for women from childbirth was appalling but if they survived it they frequently outlived their husbands.

 Andrew Pomeroy was son of a 5th son of Margaret Beville & SIr Edward 

4th son NICHOLAS Bb about 1420 died about 1479; His un-named 1st wife gave him Andrew who inherited Collaton Manor

2nd wife Agnes had no children by Nicholas. She survived him and  married John Appleton

AML found  a Newton Ferrers
Settlement   dated 7th May 1479.

AJP found  a later record in Feb 2023   Records in this collection
Repository: Plymouth Archives, The Box Ref 308/177/2.  DATE 1514
Title: Court Pleading, Recovery of Messuage and land, Newton Ferrers, John Pomeray's inheritance
Court  action between
Plaintiff : John Pomeray &
Defendants: Edward Willoughby & Anthony Buttokkesyde;  The recovery of a messuage and lands in Newton Ferrers, Devon which were the  inheritance of the plaintiff as heir to his elder late-brother, James Pomeray, the premises having descended from their grandfather Nicholas Pomeray to their father Andrew Pomeray and thence to James Pomeray.
  Date: 1514  Manuscript  

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/F/1  1495

Contents: Grant to Richard POMEROY by Margaret, Countess of Richmond and mother of King Henry of the wardship and marriage of James POMEROY son of Andrew POMEROY deceased

He had 2 sons the eldest born in about 1490 was  James Pomeroy , who died in France age 23 in 1514. James's Will shows land holdings in North Devon close to Exmoor.

The younger son  John born in 1492 inherited Collaton Manor from his brother. He was married Johane, a daughter of the Strode family and had a single son of record who named for his grandfather. Andrew .

Andrew married Ann Matthews  who came from an impossibly large family of 28 siblings , the children of her father, Sir George Matthew of Rhyde in Wales by his 6 wives. His was an illustrious Welsh family
Medieval Database Primarily of Welsh Nobility and Gentry.

The mother of Ann Matthews was mother Catrin Herbert from the  Herbert  family at Raglan Castle ,one of the most famous family of medieval Knights and legendary warriors  & close supporters of the Crown. They were owners of the Welsh marcher castle at  Raglan.

It is possible she lived at Coldbrook Farm  in Monmouthshire - it restoration story here

John had one son, Andrew, before he died age about 24 in 1518. Andrew inherited the Manor of Collaton in Newton Ferrers

A few of the many Records from earlier generations 

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/2b  n.d. late 13th century

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Henry of la Pomereye son of Henry of la Pomereye and Isabella Bathone

2. Richard Gale

Premises: all that piece of land in the manor of Bery Pomereye which lies between the road leading from Bridgetown to Peynton( Paignton) on the south and the road from Westeton to Bery on the north, and the ditch of the close of the prior and convent of Merton on the east rent: 4/10½d p.a.

Witnesses: Robert of Esse, then steward of Bery, Laurence of Bodenyle, Walter Do, Stephen Carpenter, William Antemer, Geofferey of la Worthie then Reeve of Briggeton, Thomas Spicer, clerk

Seal: is that of  coat of arms & seal of Henry de la Pomereye.

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/2a  1280

Contents: Quit claim

1. Richard of Poghehille

2. Henry of la Pomeraie

Premises: three furlongs of land with commons of wood which belong to the furlongs, in the manor of Bery, which 2. held for life from 1., that is, one furlong in Holewelle which William le Pawner held and two furlongs which Richard le vicar held in Crondel and Affewelle, and two shillings yearly which Roger received from the vicar of Bery

Consideration: £8

Witnesses: Sir Peter of Fissacre and Sir Nicholas of Kyrham knts., William of Penilles, Ralph Bloyan, William Boreger

Date: Stockeg., the morrow of St Dionysius, 8 Edward I


13th century

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/1b  n.d c.1267

Contents: Quit claim

1. Ralph, abbot of the church of St Mary of Valle in Normandy and the convent of the same place

2. Sir Henry of la Pomereye

Premises: all 1.'s claim to land in the town of Bery which 2. holds by ordinance of the venerable father W. bishop of Exeter and by grant from the prior and convent of Merton

Seals: 1st seal, vesica, the abbot, inscription damaged; 2nd seal, virgin and child, damaged, with counter-seal, damaged, '[BEA]TE.MARIE.DE.VALL[E]'

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/1a  1267

Contents: Deed of warranty

1. Gilbert prior of Merton and the convent of the same place

2. Sir Henry of 1a Pomeroy

Warranty against the Abbot and convent of Valle in Normandy of all lands and tenements which the Abbot and convent once held in 2.'s manor of Bery and which 2. now hold by grant from 1.

Date: St Vincent, martyr, 1267

Seal: virgin and child 'SIGM.ECCLESIE.SAN[CTE].[M]ARIE.DE.MERITONA'. obverse, the abbot standing with his hand raised in blessing



Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/23/1  1213

Contents: Grant for 9 years

1. Henry of Pomeroy son of Henry of Pomeroy and Alice of Vere

2. Reginald Beaupeil

Premises: all 1.'s land of Brudon

Consideration: 90 silver marks, being 10 marks for each year the said Henry of Pomeroy, Geoffrey of Pomeroy his brother, John the cleric, Reginald Beaupeil, and Richard his son have made on oath to faithfully keep this agreement

Witnesses for Henry of Pomeroy: William of Prahall, Elias Coffin, Oliver Malherb, Robert of Carnuo, Ralph of Fomicyn, Geoffrey Coffin, William of Pomeroy

Date: the feast of St Michael, 15 John  Seal: oval, a bird with outstretched wings, "SIGIL. REGINALDI. [ ]"

14th century

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/12/2  1378

Contents: Grant

1. Sir John of la Pomeroy knt.

2. John Polkesfenne, tailor, of Dartmouth

Premises: all the trees or wood growing on a bank of the garden of 1. at Estwaschbourne, ( East Washbourne) which bank encloses the said garden on the north. 2. is to have the right of ingress and egress to cut down trees and take them away until the next feast of St Michael, and he is to leave some trees growing on the bank so that it is well and conveniently hedged

Date: Berry Pomeroy, Wednesday, the feast of the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle, 1 Richard II 1378


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/1  1349

Contents: Quit claim

1. Richard of (Pomeroy) Sandrigge, brother and heir of Henry of (Pomeroy) Sandrigge

2. Sir John of Grandisone, bishop of Exeter and Sir Otho of Grandisone knt., his brother

Premises: all 1.'s right to all the messuages, lands and tenements of Sandrigg in the manor of Paignton, which 2. hold by gift and feoffment of Thomas Hawardyn

Witnesses: Thomas of Corteney, Henry of Pamera (Pomeroy ) the younger, knts., Richard of Chusildene, Peter of Clyfford, Richard of Campo Arnulph, Nicholas of Kirkham, John of Christow

Date: Chudleigh, 20th April, 23 Edward III 


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/1a  1362

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of Grandisson, bishop of Exeter

2. Sir Edmund of Arundell knt., and 1.'s dear niece Sibilla his wife

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements of Sandrigge in the manor of Peyngton together with the rents and services as much of the free tenants as of the others for the same tenements and lands, to be held by Edmund and Sibilla, and Sibilla's heirs

Witnesses: Sir John of Montacute and Sir Henry of 1a Pomeray the younger, knts., also Osbert Hamely, John of Clyfford, William Braibrok

Date: our manor of Chudleigh, 18th May, 36 Edward III (

Seal: the Virgin and Child with Sts Peter and Paul either side, underneath is the bishop with his mitre and crozier kneeling in prayer "TU FAVEAS ANNIS [?Patri tecc] VIRGO IOHANNIS"

(Bishops of Exeter had a palace at Chudleigh which occupies an east/west orientated site, and mainly falling within the modern boundaries of Palace Farm (c1695) in Rock Road, a little to the south of the town It is under the care of English Heritage .)


 Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/2  1371

Contents: Quit claim

1. John of Montacute, knt.

2. Thomas of 1a Pomeray

Premises: all 1.'s right in all the lands and tenements in Sandrugge, which 1. and 2. recently recovered jointly by a judgement in the king's court by a writ of right against Edmund of Arundell knt., and Sibilla his wife, by the name of one messuage, one carrucate and a half of land, and seven acres of meadow in Gabrielestoke and Paignton

Witnesses: Guy of Bryene, Henry of la Pomeray, William of Botreaux, John Daumarle, knts., Henry Percehay, John Cary, William Cary

Date: 1st May, 45 Edward III Seal: round, shield with three lozenges, a helm and a bird with outstretched wings, "[S.] IOHIS.DE.MONTEACUTO"


 Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/3  1371

Contents: Quit claim

1. Osmon of Arundell knt.

2. Nicholas of 1a Pomeray and Thomas of 1a Pomeray

Premises: 1.'s right to lands and tenements in Sandrugge in the parish of Gabrielstoke

Date: 4th May, 45 Edward III  Seal: shield with coat of arms


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/4  1376

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Thomas of 1a Pomeray

Premises: all 1.'s tenements and lands in Wylle and Aleborne in the parish of Stoke Gabriel - Well Farm & Aleborne

Witnesses: John of la Pomeray, John Daniel knts., William of la Pomeray, Nicholas of la Pomeray, Nicholas of Kyrham, William Greneway

Date: Wylle, Friday before the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 50 Edward III  Seal: round, four-footed winged creature, "XPRDIVESN"

The Pomeroys here are brothers some of the 5 brothers of Henry by his wife Johanna Moels


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/5  1376

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Robert Irlond chaplain and John Gerneys to give seisin to:

3. John of la Pomeray

Premises: lands and tenements in Wille and Aleborn in the parish of Stoke Gabriel

Date: Dartmouth, Friday before the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 50 Edward III

Seal: same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/19/4


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/6  1378

Contents: Quit claim

1. Constance, who was wife of Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Thomas of 1a Pomeray

Premises: all 1.'s right in lands and tenements in Wylle and Yealleborne, by reason of dower from Roger Pole, once 1.'s husband

Date: Dartmouth, Thursday after the Nativity of the BVM., 2 Richard II

Seal: round, six pointed star

15th Century


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/7  1404

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Edward Pomeray

2. Robert Saundre vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel and Thomas Cornwale chaplain

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Saundrygge, Wille, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallys and Lake

Witnesses: Thomas Bevyle, Roger Ley and Roger Brendon

Date: 14 June, 5 Henry IV

Seal: small, rectangular, initial I


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/8  1404

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Robert Saundre, vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel, and Thomas Cornewale, chaplain

2. Edward Pomeray and Margaret his wife

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Sanndrygge, Wylle, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallys and Lake, which 1. had by gift from Edward Pomeray, to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies

Witnesses: Edward Boson, John Wolhay, Thomas Bernhous, Richard Aysshe, John Bokkeyate

Date: Sanndrygge, Tuesday after the feast of the translation of St Thomas, 5 Henry IV  Seals: small, round, man's head; small, oval, crown and two initials


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/9  1404

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Edward Pomeray and Margaret his wife

2. John Lussher and John Spryng

To take seisin from:

3. Robert Saundre vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel and Thomas Cornwale, chaplain

Premises: messuages, lands and tenements in the towns of Sanndrygge, Wille, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallis and Lake

Date: Sanndrygge, Tuesday after the feast of the translation of St Thomas, 5 Henry IV  Seals: same matrices as 3799M-0/ET/19/8

(Seisin (or seizin) is the legal possession of a feudal fiefdom (i.e., an estate in land). It was used in the form of "the son and heir of X has obtained seisin of his inheritance", and thus is effectively a term concerned with conveyancing in the feudal era. In the feudal age, the king alone "owned" all the land of England by his allodial right; all his subjects merely held tenures in fiefs, that is to say estates-in-land.)


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/23  1404 ( was this what they did when the knight went off to fight? put thier estates into the hands of other whom they trusted ? )

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Confirmation

1. Edward Pomeray

2. Johanne wife of John of la Pomeroy knt. ( de Merton)

Premises: all the manor of Berry Pomeroy with Worth, Weston, Boreton and Bruggeton Pomeroy

Warranty against the Abbot of Buckfast and his successors and Elias Penyls and his heirs

The confirmation is to be void if 2., after the death of John, enters in on any manors, lands or tenements belonging to John in Stockleigh Pomeroy, Brixham and Harberton,

 or if 2. grants or leases to anyone her estate in the manor of Berry Pomeroy with Worthy, Weston, Boreton and Bruggeton Pomeray

Witnesses: Richard Champernon knt., John Arundel knt., Walter Raynold, William Ferrers, Edmund Bosoun, Robert Scobehille, Philip Botterord


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/11  1407

Contents: Bourton. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la Pomeray knt., and Johanna his wife

2. William Ryder and Johanna his wife

Premises: all that close of land at Boreton which John Mohoun held   Rent: 7/-

Witnesses: Edward of la Pomeray, John Cole, William Ferrers, Richard Aysshe, Robert Miderhille

Date: Biry Pomeray, 23rd September, 8 Henry IV  Seals: 1st seal, Virgin and Child, with inscription, 2nd seal, a heart, made by a signet ring


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/31  1409

Contents: Park: Deed of grant for 40 years

1. John of la Pomeray knt. and Johanne his wife

2. John Parker and Ricarde his wife

Premises: one close of land in Byry Park which lies on the west boundary of Northtorp with one close of land called Lady Park with free ingress and egress to the same, and with a free way from Lady Park to the water of Byry Park for watering all his animals, which way is limited by the western boundary of the meadow called Brounysmede

Rent: 18/-

Witnesses: Richard Ayshe, William Rydere, Walter Hennebon, John Suddon, Thomas Glaas

Date: Berry Pomeroy, Monday after St Mathias the Apostle, 10 Henry IV

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/10  c.1410

Contents: Bourton. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la Pomeray knt., and Johanna his wife

2. Walter Tracy of Bryggeton Pomeray

Premises: a piece of land at Foredon by Boreton lying between the land of the heirs of William Straa on the north and the highway leading from Bryggeton [Pomeroy] to Exeter on the east, the river Dart on the west and the land of William Wytte on the [south], with a certain river bank by the Dart belonging to the same piece of land, which [ ] Gyldene held from 1. at will

Rent: 2/-

Witnesses: Richard Aysshe, Walter H[ ], William Ryder, John Suddon, John Beaghe

Date: Biry Pomeray, [ ] after the feast of the Purification, [ ] Henry IV  Seal: armorial, no inscription~

 Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/15  1411

Contents:  Longcombe. Lease for 20 years

1. John of la Pomeray knt. and Johanna his wife

2. John Mayon

Premises: all the tenure in Lancombe which William [ ] held

Rent: 19/3d

John and his heirs and assigns are exempt from the office of reeve during the term

Witnesses: William Ryder, Walter [ ], John Suddon, John Parkere, John [ ]

Date: Byry Pomeroy, [ ] after the feast of St Martin, 13 Henry IV  Seal: device surrounded by inscription

~Date: Berry Pomeroy, Friday before the Annunciation, 5 Henry IV Seal: flower shape, 'ihs' in centre~ Berry Pomeroy 

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/7  1411

Contents: Afton. Lease for 60 years
1. John of la Pomeray knt. and Johanna his wife
2. John Boweton
Premises: all that cottage with curtilage adjacent in Affeton, with all that close of land containing three acres, which were both held by John SuddonRent: 4/2dWitnesses: William Ryder, Walter Hennebon, John Suddon, John Benet, Walter Boon

Date:  Byry Pomeray, Monday, the feast of St Clement the Martyr, 13 Henry IV  Seal: eight spoked wheel, no inscription


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/24  1413 

Contents: Licence of alienation

Granted to Edward Pomeray esq. to convey the manor of Berry Pomeroy to John Assh, William Cloueneburgh vicar of Berry Pomeroy, and John Harry vicar of Stoke Gabriel,

who can then reconvey the manor to Edward and Margaret his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Edward

Date: 12th October, 12 Henry


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/25  1413

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Licence of alienation by letters patent granted to John of la Pomeroy knt., to convey the manor of Berry Pomeroy to Edward Liegh parson of the church of Haccombe,

David Hoghe vicar of Buckfastleigh, Robert Saundre vicar of Stoke Gabriel, who can then reconvey the manor to John and Johanne his wife and the heirs male of his body,

and for default of issue, the manor is to be held by Edward Pomeroy esq., and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of John

Date: 12 September, 1 Henry


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/26  1413

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Deed of gift

1. Edward Leigh parson of Haccombe, David Hoghe vicar of Buckfastleigh and Robert Saundre vicar of Stoke Gabriel

2. John of la Pomeray knt. and Johanne his wife

Premises: the manor of Berry Pomeroy, to be held by 2. and the heirs male of the body of John, and for default of heirs male by Edward Pomeray esq., and the heirs male of his body,

with remainder to the right heirs of John

Witnesses: Hugh Courtenay the elder, Thomas Carru( Carew) , Richard Champernon knts., John Hauley, John Fraunceys esqs.

Date: Berry Pomeroy, 8 October 1 Henry V  Seals: of 2., damaged


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/23/8  1419

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Edward of la Pomeray esq. and Margaret his wife

2. John Bevylle esq., John Aysshe of Lovenetorre, John Smert of Byketon, John Harry vicar of Stoke Gabriel, William Ryder of Totnes, Ralph Kyllyrian, Alan Bogullas and Richard Trenarrak

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Stoperstone in Devon

Witnesses: William Bykebury esq., John Prydeaux of Orcharton, John Prydeaux of Adeston, William Fortescu, John Fortescu

Date: Sandrygge, Monday before the Nativity of the BVM, 7 Henry V


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/17/1  1451

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Margaret of la Pomeray, widow

2. William Bourchier knt., lord Fitz Waryn, Henry of la Pomeray esq., Thomas Mannying clerk, Nicholas of la Pomeray esq., John Southcote and John Wode

Premises: 1.'s manor of Berkedon (Barkingdon) and all the messuages, lands, tenements, reversions, rents and services which 1. has in Berkedon, Sperkwyll, Berkedon Hoke, Aylescote and Southdon

Witnesses: Henry Crokke, John Brussheforde, Richard Tukker, Geoffrey Veale, Henry Southcote, Henry Noreys, Thomas Tassell

Date: Monday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 30 Henry VI

so Nicholas henry 2 of the 5 sons of Henry & Moels inthe 5 son entail were still livingwhen this was made in 1451


Date: 1 March, 38 Henry VI

Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/10  1449

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Henry Pomeray esq.

2. Walter Ralegh, Nicholas Raddeford, William Hyngston and Richard Yarde

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Sanderygge, Tenghervy, Wille, Bryxham, Herberton, Stokepomeray and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall

Witnesses: John Dynham and Philip Courtenay knts., John Holeway the elder, Nicholas Bukpond, Henry Norys

Date: Wylle, the feast of St Edmund the king, 28 Henry VI


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/19/11  1449

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Henry Pomeray esq.

2. Henry Southcote and Thomas Harry to give seisin to:

3. Walter Raleigh, Nicholas Raddeford, William Hyngston, and Richard Yard

Premises: lands and tenements in Sanderygge, Tenghervy, Wylle, Bryxham, Harberton, Stokepomeray and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall

Witnesses: John Dynham and Philip Courtenay knts., John Holeway the elder, Nicholas Bukpond, Henry Norys


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/17/2  1460

Contents: Bond

1. John Wynard

2. John Reymy and Henry Brokke

In 1,000 marks that 1. and Thomas Werthe and Isabel his wife will obey the judgement of Nicholas Hervy, John Orchard and Christopher Cooke on behalf of 1., Thomas and Isabel, and of John Denys, Thomas Dourisshe the younger and William Fouhell on behalf of Margaret of la Pomeray, as to the title to the manors of Berkedon and Sparkewyll and lands and tenements in Hooke in the parish of Ashreigney, also of manors, lands and tenements in Pengerseke, Pengelle and Methele in Cornwall provided that the arbitration is made before the next octave of the Nativity of St John the BaptistDate: the feast of St Edmund the king, 28 Henry VI


Devon Record Office  3799M-0/ET/2/13  1463

Contents: Fleet. Lease for 60 years

1. Henry of la Pomeray esq., lord of Byry

2. Nicholas Chepyn, Alianora his wife and John their son

Premises: 1.'s mill called Flute Mille in 1.'s manor of Byry with the water course to the said mill of Flute

Term: to begin from the feast of St Michael the Archangel

Rent: for the first five years 6/8d p.a. and afterwards 40/- p.a. for all services except suit of court twice a year at the courts leat at Byry

Witnesses: Henry Southcote, William Kymber, William Randell, Edward Helyer, John Suddon

Date: Byry, the feast of St David the bishop, 2 Edward IV  Seals: three; two initials, one ?armorial device



  Devon Record Office: Abbotskerswell and Ashcombe  3799M-0/ET/1  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Berry Pomeroy  3799M-0/ET/2  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Bridgetown  3799M-0/ET/3  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Brixham  3799M-0/ET/4  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Brixton  3799M-0/ET/5  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Buckerell  3799M-0/ET/6  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Cheriton Fitzpaine  3799M-0/ET/7  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Christow  3799M-0/ET/8  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Colyton  3799M-0/ET/9  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Combe Raleigh  3799M-0/ET/10  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Down St Mary  3799M-0/ET/11  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Halwell  3799M-0/ET/12  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Harberton  3799M-0/ET/13  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Huish  3799M-0/ET/14  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: South Milton  3799M-0/ET/15  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Poltimore  3799M-0/ET/16  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Staverton  3799M-0/ET/17  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Stockleigh Pomeroy  3799M-0/ET/18  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Stoke Gabriel  3799M-0/ET/19  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Stokinteignhead  3799M-0/ET/20  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Tiverton and Great Torrington  3799M-0/ET/21  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Totnes  3799M-0/ET/22  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Unidentified: Devon  3799M-0/ET/23  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Cornwall  3799M-0/ET/24  [n.d.]

  Devon Record Office: Unidentified (?Oxfordshire)  3799M-0/ET/25  [n.d.]