DNA  connects  the Pomeroys of Ingsdon Manor in Ilsington, the known cadet branch of the armorial family with Ashburton, Holne 
and the Launceston area  of  Trewen & Lewannick in Cornwall

MAP HERE        


ASHBURTON's past prosperity was based on the tin mining of Dartmoor and the woollen industry with the river providing ample power for the many mills that once lined its banks. 

Ashburton was  one of the four Devon Stannary Towns 

Tin  & copper were mined on Dartmoor as far back as Roman times;  the Stannary Towns were important centres for the trade of tin because all smelted tin had to be stamped before it was sold for use. 
The process involved the weighing of ingots & assay  their quality  before they were stamped with the seal of the Duchy .   This was carried out at only a few towns , in Devon  there was Chagford, Tiverton and Ashburton, with Plympton included  in 1328.

Ashburton was a Stannary Town as early as 1285  and its importance as the main Stannary Town of Dartmoor peaked in 1515 when nearly 40% of Devon's tin was sold through Ashburton. and , fdrom the C14th,  the tin was shipped exclusively through Dartmouth 

By the early 1700s the trade had all but died out but small amounts have been mined even up to comparatively recent times. The dual attributes of wool and tin helps the Stannary towns escape the worst effects of the economic downturn  caused by the hundreds Year War (1337-1453).

In 16th century the little town market of Ashburton frequently sold over £10,000 of yarn and wool in one week.

The excellent Old Ashburton website has more here 

Holne is not far from the source of the Dart; 

The manor of Holne and Holne Chase appear to have been part of the barony of Barnstaple, and to have passed with Tawstock successively to the Audleys and to the Bourchiers  (Lord Fitzwarren and Earls of Bath) which later belonged to Sir Bourchier Wrey, Bart., who had a hunting-seat Holne Park, there.

The manor of South Holne was given to the abbey of Buckfastleigh by Reginald de Valletort in the early part of  the thirteenth century.  It appears also that another manor of Holne was given them by Stephen Bauzun.  

The church was appropriated to the abbey of Buckfastleigh: the great tithes in 19th c were vested in the  Rev. Samuel Lane of Totnes with the crown as patron of the vicarage.

It was largely a poor agricultural community - as seen here and also here

Ashburton was for centuries a flourishing Stannary or tin town, as well as a very wealthy wool town It lies about 10 miles from Totnes, the wealthiest wool town in Devon in the C16th & C 17th 

Situated on the slopes of Dartmoor some 14 miles inland from Dartmouth which for many centuries was one of the most important ports in this part of the Devon coast  and though which the merchants and traders would have shipped their cargos of tin, copper, iron & wool
It is 3 miles from Buckfastleigh,  close to  Buckfast Abbey & monastery  which was  rebuilt in 19th Century

 Ingsdon Manor is in Ilsington parish but Bickington village & its church are closer than Ilsington village. The estate lies on the  south side of the ancient route  between   Plymouth to Exeter,  3 miles the north of Ashburton ; 
Holne is about 4 miles way to the west a tiny village  tucked under the lee of the moor in Dartmoor's wooded slopes.

John Ford in Ashburton, man of business and considerable influence  who married the daughter of Hugh Pomeroy, gent, of Ingsdon  was Portreeve in 1509 elected by the bishop of Exeter and he was also accountant for the Churchwardens between 1509 and 1532  his descendent

'Large quantities of shoes, made at Ashburton, Kingsbridge and Dartmouth, are sent to Newfoundland.'
A Topographical Dictionary of England, Samuel Lewis, vol 2, London 1831, p41.  taken from the Old Ashburton site

1712. A rate then made for the Relief of the Poor of the parish aforesaid.
By John Ford and James Hamling Churchwardens, and Thomas Tolchard and Henry Waldron Overseers & to be collected as often as need shall require.

John FORD and Richard POMEROY were Churchwardens in 1713 and Edward Robins and Henry Addiscot were Overseers & to be collected as often as need shall require. 

1712 Richard Pomeroy  gave 3/0 

1716 & 1717 Richard Pomeroye 3/0  

 1718 Richard Pomeroy for [Steart] 2/6 1718

1719 Richard was again listed as a churchwarden

1719 Richard Pomeroy and Richard Wakeham overseers ( of the poor) Richard Pomeroy for Steart 3/0

1720 Richard Pomeroy for Steart 3/0 ( Previously Unsurveyed Dartmoor Historic Farmsteads, Steart (Un-published White, P., 2013,). SDV352501.
Steart a ruined farmstead  &was the home of 'John atte Sturte' in 1333..)

1721/1722& 1723 Richard P gave         3/0s

Thomas Pomeroy and Thomas Stidston Admin in Trust for John Pomeroy gave 3/0

'Hearth Tax' of 1674 includes a POMEROY

1678 following Great Fire of London of 1666 a nation wide subscription was called to rebuild St Pauls Cathedral

NO Pomeroys listed as donating in Holn

 HOLNE 4 miles (W.) from Ashburton with a 19th c population of 410

Holne Court in the village grade II a Farmhouse. Dated 1725 on tablet at rear.

Shuttaford grade II Farmhouse. Circa C16 with C17 parlour wing and porch, and C20 alterations. 

Stoodley - II formerly a farmhouse. Circa late C15 or early C16 with C19 extension at south-west end. Roughcast stone rubble and cob

Dodbrook Farmhouse listed grade - II Farmhouse. Circa C17 extended in C18, remodelled in early C19 and extended in late C19.

Barn, originally Long-House, at Inglette's - Farmhouse. listed grade II*  Circa early C16 with circa late C16 or early C17 alterations and circa C18 roof…
This building is a remarkable survival of a longhouse and illustrates very clearly its interesting original plan and later improvements.

Listed buildings South Hams

Below The Mermaid Inn where Royalist Cavaliers hid from rampaging Roundheads in the English Civil Wars in 1646 - Sketch by AJP


Richard Pomeroy married at Staverton 1682 to Grace Hawkins

Richard Pomeroy married at Buckfastleigh 2 feb 1686 to Elizabeth Sanger

Richard Pomeroy married at Widecombe  in 1708 to  Agnes French 

Richard Pomeroy marriage at Ashburton14 March 1773 to Susanna Caunter 

son Richard Bb 14 March 1779 son of Richard & Susanna Pomeroy in Ashburton 

Richard Pomeroy buried 16 Jan 1780 son of Richard Pomeroy in Ashburton 

  Richard Bb 4 Aug 1784 son of Richard & Susanna Pomeroy in Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy son of John & Peternell Pomeroy Bb Holne 9 Oct 1664

Richard Pomeroy son of John   Bb 16 May 1739

Richard Pomeroy  bb 27 Sept1747 son of John  in Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy born 1748 died age 90 buried 8 Feb 1838 Ashburton  probably  son of John born 1747

1841 Census  North Street  Cads Lane Ashburton 

Richard Pomeroy age 55 with brother Samuel Pomeroy  age 50  a WEAVER & wife Elizabeth& children Eliza & John  their occupations not readable 

 another child George  born to  Sam & Elizabeth Bb10 March 1844  at Bickington

1851 Census Richard & Sam have died  but Elizabeth is still in Cads Lane

 Elizabeth  has remarried  & 2nd husband  is  Josias Whiddon a Labourer   

dau Eliza is 13 & a quiller in woollen factory & brother George  age  7 born 1844  is a scholar

 In 1900 George in makes a 2nd marriage. 1st Marriage not found,  but George is a widowed labourer age 56 married  to 48 year old widow Elizabeth Ann Gerry dau of John Allin  both Fathers recorded as labourers 


John Pomeroy  son of Sam & Elizabeth  at Gulwell,  Staverton age 10 an Ag Lab living in the Perry family 

John Perry is a farmer  with  75 acres & 12 men employed

His brother Richard Perry has 62 acres & 1 man employed 

Gulwell not found

Seal of the Court of Common Bench, broken, bad impression. Date: 23 May 1653

Reference: 48/14/116/6 Title: Devon Record Office 

Description: STAVERTON Surrender Date:  15 April 1653

(1) Thomasine Gruite of Staverton, widow Fridiswide Gruite her daughter, spinster

(2) Edward  Gould of Staverton, gent., lord of the manor of Pridhamsleigh

Fourth part of a cottage, herb-garden, and close of land belonging to Gruite,  in the manor of Pridhamsleigh.

 Consideration: £100, to be paid 1 March ensuing.

Held by:  South West Heritage Trust Language:English Context of this record

In 1617 Walter Gruite, son of Thomas Gruite, took the following to court:
William Knowling, yeoman, Richard Yolland, his son-in-law, William Bickford, gent, Thomas Shapcott, gent and others.

Walter Gruite claimed that amongst other misdemeanours the defendants had diverted water from his mills at Ashburton.

Records of the Star Chamber and other courts National Archives STAC 8/160/21 - Accessed 10-1-2014

* All records coded C are records created, acquired, and inherited by Chancery, and also of the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions

1661 Settlement by lease and release 12 Charles II

(1) Walter Gruite the elder of Aishberton, yeo and (2) William Dench of Aishberton, innholder. Messuage called Warmestall alias Warmestable.
Held at Devon Record Officei ref 48/14/66/6a-b

William Dench innholder also appears in other documents in the Devon Record Office:
1672 ref 48/14/69/6  and 48/14/69/7
1680 ref 48/14/69/8a-b
Source  Old Ashburton 

Warnstable connects to Granvilles
Edward Glanville was a key witness in a lawsuit in 1712. Walter Shipheard (of Pitleigh Farm and Warmstable and cousin to Jane Gruit, presumed mother of Edward's daughter in law) was involved. Warmstable was owned Walter Gruit.  Not found but possibly in the neighbourhood of Furseleigh . The Fursleigh Mill stands isolated beside the road , a thriving hotel. Furskeigh Farm which had a weir is now St Boniface House ( Diocese of Plymouth)

In the will of Edward Glanvill of Mary Tavy in 1654 he mentions "Gruite's Rest". 


Marrian Pomeroy daughter of Joan Pomery widow of Holne Married by banns on  2 Sep 1656 by banns in Ashburton to  William Grinte GRUITE of Ashburton son of Mary Guite widow of Holne

There were several Gruite 's in the area. This is  the 1st child of this marriage

Joane Gruite Birth 17 Jun 1657 daughter of William Gruite of Ashburton 

Marrian Pomeroy daughter of Joan Pomery widow of Holne
Marrian Pomeroy daughter of Joan Pomery widow of Holne
Marriage 2 Sep 1656 by banns in Ashburton to William Grinte /Gruite of Ashburton son of Mary Guite widow of Holne

William Gruite was evidently son of a Yeoman & himself a miller or mill owner  They had several children

Gruite Joane    Bb 17 June 1657 ASHBURTON

Gruite Hester  Bb  15 Dec  1663 Ashburton,  

Gruite John     Bb 22 Jan 1665  Ashburton, 

Susan Gruite Marriage 5 Oct 1657 Ashburton to George Cockinge

John Gruite junior Baptism 22 Jan 1655 Ashburton son of  John Gruite
child Buried 28 Feb 1656

Walter Gruite Jun  Bb 25 Jun 1654 son of John- Ashburton

19th C Tithe apportionments shows Ashburton House and land of 32 perches in North St Ashburton occupied by John Gruite with others landowners Phillip Abbott, James Chappell, Robert Daw, James Badcock, Henry Halse Scageli, leasehold Lord Clinton

Protestation Returns 1641

In 1641, the House of Commons ruled that every member should make an oath of allegiance to the King and to Parliament.

They then had to go back home to their own parish where any two of them were to require the same oath of allegiance from all males over the age of 18. The names of all who refused to make the oath were to be noted and assumed to be Catholics.

 Devon Protestation Returns are set of amazing documents - something akin to a census even though no women or children are named.  A transcription is available in the DRO in Exeter.
However in the Devon these documents are not complete. Some were never returned, some places had not yet acquired parish status, other returns were damaged or destroyed as the years went by , thus for some Devon parishes there are no returns;  Ashburton was one of them.

Ashburton & Buckfastleigh & HOLNE

Richard Pomeroy married in Buckfastleigh  2 feb 1686 to Elizabeth Sanger dau of John Marriat 

Richard Pomeroy Married by banns 28 Mar 1773 in Ashburton to Susanna Caunter

Maria Pomeroy 17 Aug 1675 Married in  Buckfastleigh to John Hannaford

The earliest records in the village

Pomeroy family Baptisms in Holne Parish Register

Grace  Pomeroy dau of John Bb 19 Dec 1599

Joan dau of John & Johan Bb 20 Nov 1626

Marryan  dau of John and Joan Bb 13 June 1627

Agnes  dau of John & Joan Bb 6 Dec 1629

JOHN son of John & Johan Bb 22 April 1629

Margaret  do of John & Johan bb 11 July 1634

RICHARD  son of John & Johan bb 13 May 1636

RICHARD  son of John & Peternell Bb 20 March 1660

RICHARD  son of John & Peternell Bb 9 Oct 1664

THOMAS  son of John & Peternell Bb 26 Dec 1667

Peternell dau of John & Peterness Bb 6 Oct 1675 - died 1679

Bridget dau of John and Ellenor Pomeroy Bb 11 March 1673

Elias son of John & Peternell BB 27 May 1681

Elias son of John and Easton PomeroyBb 13 Dec 1605

Edward son of John and Easton PomeroyBb 24 Mar 1609

Thomas son of Richard & Margaret PomeroyBb 4 Dec 1621

Daniel son of JohnPomeroy Bb 14 March 1662

John son of Lawrence and Johan Pomeroy Bb 3 June 1662

Thomas son of Richard & Elizabeth Bb 1 Dec 1689

Johan du of Richard & Elizabeth Pomeroy Bb 4 Oct 1691

Marriages in Holne 

Elizabeth Pomeroy & John Hannaford 15 Oct 1706

Elizabeth Pomeroy and WILLIAM FFORD 12 May 1727



Wilmot Pomery buried 7 May 1598

John Pomeroy 26 Jan 1624

John Pomeroy 18 Dec 1647

Johan Pomeroy 21 Oct 1676

Petronell d/o John & Petronell Pomeroy 4 ov 1679


Pomroy John          1736   Burials     Ashburton, Devon, England  

Pomroy John          1750   Burials     Ashburton, Devon, England  

Pomroy Richard      1745   Burials     Ashburton, Devon, England 

Pomerey John        1751    Burials     Ashburton, Devon, England  

Pomerey Thomas    1751   Burials     Ashburton, Devon, England 

Marriage  in Holne - community has existed here since at least the 11th century, and today a population of around 250 people;  served by a church and a public house, the Church House Inn.

Holne Pomeroy Families

Grace Pomeroy dau of John Bb 19 Dec 1599

Joan dau of John & Johan Bb 20 Nov 1626

Marryan dau of John and Joan Bb 13 June 1627

Agnes dau of John & Joan Bb 6 Dec 1629

JOHN son of John & Johan Bb 22 April 1629

Margaret do of John & Johan bb 11 July 1634

RICHARD son of John & Johan bb 13 May 1636

Elias son  of John and Easton Pomeroy Bb 13 Dec 1605

Edward son of John and Easton Pomeroy Bb 24 Mar 1609

Thomas son of Richard & Margaret Pomeroy Bb 4 Dec 1621

 A gap in the record due to the Civil War 1636-1660

RICHARD son of John & Peternell Bb 20 March 1660

Daniel son of John Pomeroy Bb 14 March 1662

RICHARD son of John & Peternell Bb 9 Oct 1664

THOMAS son of John & Peternell Bb 26 Dec 1667 Burial 07 Sep 1732 


Peternell dau of John & Peternell Bb 6 Oct 1675 died 4 Nov 1679

Bridget dau of John and Ellenor Pomeroy Bb 11 March 1673

Elias son of John & Peternell BB 27 May 1681

John son of Lawrence and Johan Pomeroy Bb 3 June 1662

  Thomas son of Richard & Elizabeth Bb 1 Dec 1689

Johan dau of Richard & Elizabeth Pomeroy Bb 4 Oct 1691

Elias Pomery married 3 July 1632 to Agneta Wreford at Buckfastleigh 

Grace Pomerey  Marriage 2 Mar 1581  to John Gilbert at Bradford

 Elias Pomeroy  Marriage  1655 Amia Fursman at Staverton 

 Joan Pomeroye    Marriage 1 May 1705 at  Buckfastleigh Samuel Abraham died  1733

 Elias Pomeroy  Marriage 24 Jan 1711 at Kenton Mary to Carpenter

 Richard Pomeroy  Marriage 1708 Widecombe In The Moor Agnes French

 Elias Pomeroy      Burial 12 Oct 1700 Stoke Gabriel 

 Edward Pomeroy  Burial 13 Jan 1681 Buckfastleigh 

 Joan Pomeroy      Burial 23 Nov 1680 Buckfastleigh

Pomeroy Maria     Burials 1633 Holbeton, Devon, Maria Pomeroy dau of Edward

Pomeroy Edward     Burials 1681 Buckfastleigh, Devon, have image

IPMs indicating property holdings

Pomeroy Thomas  1611 Devon Wills Index, 1163-1999 Holbeton, 

Pomeroy Thomas  1611 Devon Wills Index, 1163-1999 Ilsington,  

ASHBURTON Baptisms Pomeroy

Ann  3 Mar 1756 Bap to John & Martha Pomeroy    

Joan 16 May 1739 Bap to John & Martha Pomeroy 

John  20 Jan 1714  Bap to  John Pomeroy at Buckfastleigh  

Richard Pomeroy 16 May 1739  to John Pomeroy in Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy 27 Sep 1747 son to John Pomeroy in Ashburton.

Richard 16 May 1739 son to John Pomeroy in Ashburton, Devon, 

Pomeroy Richard 27 Sep 1747 son to JohnPomeroy in Ashburton, Devon, 

Baptisms 1695 o0nwards

John Pomeroy  Bap 16 Feb 1695 son of Gregory at  Buckfastleigh

John Pomeroy  Bap  20 Jan 1714 son of  John Pomeroy Buckfastleigh

Richard Pomeroy Bap 16 May 1739 son of John Pomeroy in Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy Baptism 27 Sep 1747 son of John Pomeroy in Ashburton.

Pomeroy Richard Baptism 16 May 1739 son of John Pomeroy Ashburton, Devon, 

Pomeroy Richard Baptisms 27 Sep 1747 son of John Pomeroy at Ashburton, Devon, 

Pomeroy Thomazin 1736 Baptisms Ashburton,  

Pomeroy Winifred  1753 Baptisms Ashburton,   

Pomroy Agnes  1744 Baptisms Ashburton, 

Pomroy John  1736 Burials Ashburton,  

Pomroy John  1750 Burials Ashburton,  

Pomroy Richard   1745 Burials Ashburton,   

Pomerey John   1751 Burials Ashburton,  

Pomerey Thomas  1751 Burials Ashburton,  

Buckfastleigh FMP 1600 search

Pomeroy Bartholemew 8 Dec 1587 son of Thomas of Ilsington Burial at Woodland, Devon,

Pomeroy Johanna 18 March 1607 Marriage by Banns to Robwrt Bartlie at Buckfastleigh,

Pomeroy Gratia/ Grace 18 Jan 1626 Marriage by Banns to Peter Putterven at Buckfastleigh

Pomeroy Blanch Bb 20 Jane 1632 Baptism dau of Richard at Staverton, Devon, England

Pomeroy James 1635 Boyd's Marriage Buckfastleigh Devon, England

Pomeroy Elius 1632 Boyd's Marriage Buckfastleigh Devon, England

Pomeroy Edward 1637 Boyd's Marriage Buckfastleigh Devon, England

Brian Brassett, <

Some early names recorded in the parish of Holne may be seen in the 'Devon Subsidy Rolls' of 1543-1545 [Stoate]. They are

Beard Hamlyn Roper

Bovey Hannaford Rowe

Bryndon Harrys Sherewyll

Colleton Hogg Stonying

Croffe Humffrey Symon

Dad Hyckes (Hickes) Tome

Danyell Madock Venying

Davy Man Wolcott

Ford More Worth

Foster Norrish Worthe

Gere Pearse Wylly

Gyll Perry Wylmot

For the 'Protestation Returns' of 1641 [Howard vol I]

Addiscott Foster Maddicke

Baker Goswill Middleton

Barter Hannaford Mumford

Beard Harris Narraway

Butland Hewitt Nosworthy

Chase [Chafe] Hill Pearse

Collimore Honey[will] Pomeroye

Collyns Irish (Irysh) Stentaver

Combe Jackson Tolchard

Croppyn Knapman Waldron

Crediford Knight Weekes

Elford Langworthy Winter

Ford Luscombe Windeat


Richard Kaye - [vicar]  

Paul Beard -  Church-warden

Richard Webber- Constable of the Hundred

John Coltomor - Church-warden

Edward Beard - Constable of the Hundred

John Tolchard  - Overseer

Henry Conleigh- Overseer

 Churchwardens of the Parish of Holne

 John Pomeroy was a churchwarden in 1610  then 1630 & again in 1636, then in 1669 & finally in  1690 - 80 years so it's probably not all the same John -unless he lived to be 100- 

followed by Richard Pomeroy in 1692

The 'Hearth Tax' of 1674 the following names are noted:

Henry Langworthy Peter Webb John Barter

Stephen Winter Jone Norris Elias Forde

George Beard William Hewett John Hayne

Richard Goswell Francis Pearse Peter Webber

Christopher Woolston  Gyles Inglett Elias Pinson

Henry Addiscott Chase, Stentaver,

Studley, Bowden, Foster

Stranger , Stephens, Tolcher

Luscombe,  Pomeroy, Jackson, Knapman


Listed among the poor for the parish and therefore exempt from the 'Hearth Tax' are:

Petvyn, Harvey, Stranger, Rowland, Foster, Dadd , Winter  

Unfortunately the Muster Rolls for 1569 do not appear to be available for the parish of Holne. They are simply noted as being missing



07 May 1598 Pomeroy Wilmot

26 Jan 1624 Pomeroy John

18 Dec 1647 Pomeroy John in Holne Additional information [several possible places in DEV and CON]

21 Oct 1676 Pomeroy Johane

04 Nov 1679 Pomeroy Petronell d/o John & Petronell Pomeroy

21 Oct 1676 Pomeroy Johane

04 Nov 1679 Pomeroy Petronell d/o John & Petronell Pomeroy

Richard Pomroy Marriage 2 Feb 1686 Buckfastleigh Spouse Elizabeth Stanner

County Devon Record set England Marriages 1538-1973 Category Birth, Marriage & Death (Parish Registers)


Richard Pomeroy Marriage 08 Oct 1682 at Staverton to Grace Hawkins

marriages took place in the brides parish banns were called in both parishes 

 Agnes Pomeroy  daughter of the Ingsdon Manor the cadet branch at Ilsington  married in Buckfastleigh, to George Irysh 7 Dec 1655 ( She was  daughter of Thomas Pomeroy of Ingsdon)

Death, Burial and Will of 1675 George Irysh Gentleman died  Buckfastleigh ; court record: Robert Warren and Richard Eales cited to show inventory and account. This is almost certainly Agnes's husband - 

Was the former Agnes Pomeroy the same  Agnes Irysh  buried in wool at Broadhempston 26th Oct 1684 ; Broadhempston is not far from Staverton and Buckfastleigh; there were  Irysh Irish families in Broadhempston including  the vicar !

 1557 Vicar of Broadhempston - Rev John Irysh = clergyman meant he was a gentleman . 

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/3 1544 Contents: Grant 1. Thomas Pomerey esq. 2. John Iryshe

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Berry POMEROY now held by copy of court roll by Thomas Bowman, William Bowman, Nicholas Bowdon, William Vennying, Richard Tudde, Roger Barton, John Barton, Thomas Cole, Richard Ilberd and William Prous

Term: until 2. or his executors have received from the rents £87 2/-

JOHN POMEROY, of Holne gave up his lease of Pridholmsleiqh in STAVERTON. 

By the rules of Primogenitor the eldest son of a Gentleman /Esq, 2nd son was also an ESQ /gent;  
AT  3rd son was not described thus , they frequently became Yeoman and 4th or 5th sons might become Husbandman.

 Date range: 1667 - 1669 

John Pomeroy of HOLNE son EDWARD,    Exchequer: King's Remembrancer: Depositions taken by Commission E 134/19&am...

Jane Pomeroy, Widow of Thomas , went on the marry Rev Francis Moore

    Thomas Pomeroy, gentleman, son of Thomas heir in 1616, of Middle Temple 1629 - 

1st married to Mary Drew circa 1630  

2nd wife Jane (family name not yet found) died 1662 of Ingsdon  

Thomas Pomery widower 24 Nov 1633 Honiton on Otter East Devon marriage to Johane Crosse widow

OR Thomas  Pomerie 3 Jul 1639 at Maker Cornwall ( near Plymouth ) marriage to Joan Pomerie

children by 2nd wife Jane

Jane Bb 19 June 1641 married Rev Richard Wollecombe of Bickington in 1668

Ambrose buried 1645 in Ilsington ; with a sibling born in 1641 this presumably an child death

Thomas Pomeroy of Ingsdon married Mary ( family name unknown) He sold the estate of Ingsdon in 1662 with his brother Charles

His wife may have been Mary Slauter married in London on 3 May 1660  at Saint Bartholomew The Less.  

Charles Pomeroy Esq  married to Anne ;  he may have been the Charles Pomery who also married in London 

Charles Pomery & Anne Pomroy married on 20 Nov 1655 in London St Peter Paul's Wharf the church lost in Great Fire in 1666 . 

Their residence in London could have been a contributory factor to the sale of the significant estates of Ingsdon    

Elizabeth Pomeroy of Ilsington married Walter Couch in Bickington Feb 1701 Without certificate of banns 

 a son James Couch Bb 19 Apr 1703 at Bickington   &  Walter Couch died 1706 buried 22 Oct 1706

Did she later marry James Thomas  of Langford Budville in Somerset as Visitations records ?

Agnes Pomeroy who married by banns to Thomas Irysh gent on 7th Dec 1655 at Buckfastleigh -  seen below

son George Bb 18 May 1658 baptised at Buckfastleigh

George Irysh gent died 1675 at Buckfastleigh; Will in court record: Robert Warren and Richard Eales cited to show inventory and account

I found an Agnes Irysh buried in wool at Broadhempston  25 Oct 1684  

Maria Pomeroy dau of Edward Pomeroy of Holne married Henry Sheere -

married  in or before 1664 - Marriage not found but this was the English Civil War period 1639-1651 & the Commonwealth that followed until 1660

John Sheere Bb 29 Dec 1664 Ilsington died 21 April 1674 father Henry mother Mary 

I found a Yeoman family of Sheeres in Ilsington Parish - 

Alice Bb 15 April 1651 died 30 March 1652 ; 

Grace Sheere married Edward Potter 15 April 1661 Ilsington

death & Will  of Josias Sheere Yeoman of ILSINGTON 1656-  he had married Johan Widdicombe in Islington  on 14 Aug 1655

there was  Henry Sheere Apprenticed in  1657 to Fishmonger in London

 Sheere Henry son of Christopher Thorverton, Devon, gentleman (deceased) Apprenticed to Lancelot Rider, 8 Jun 1657,

 Fishmongers' Company London Apprenticeship Abstracts, 1442-1850

Christopher Sheers buried Tiverton 1657

  A Henry Sheere buried 1674 at Ipplepen

marriage at Ashburton  of William Grinte /Gruite of Ashburton son of MAry Guite widow of Holne to Marrian Pomeroy daughter of Joan Pomery widow of Holne Marriage 2 Sep 1656 by banns in Ashburton 

Pomeroy Maria 1633 Devon Burials Holbeton, Devon, England Transcription Image

Pomeroy Maria 17 Aug 1675 Boyd's Marriages Buckfastleigh, Devon to John Hannaford

Maria Pomeroy dau of Edward

Pomeroy Edward 1681 1681 Devon Burials Buckfastleigh, Devon,- have image

Edward Pomeroy Birth year - Marriage year 1637 Spouse ?? Place Buckfastleigh


Maria Pomeroy Baptism 13 May 1688 Buckfastleigh father Gulielmi william Mother Maria

 Mary Pomeroy Baptism 24 Dec 1637 Tormoham Torquay Father Peter Mother Elizabeth

Mary Pomeroy Baptism 21 May 1598 Ilsington nothing further

 Ingsdon Manor Pomeroys

Pomeroy Hugh  1682   Baptisms  Harberton, Devon,  son of Valentine & Luce Reynell of Sandridge Stoke Gabriel

Pomroy   Hugh  1615  Baptisms  Bickington, Devon, son of Rychard & Anne Coplestone of Ingsdon

Pomroy   Hugh Esq     1687  Burials    Chudleigh, Devon, 15 Dec 1687

Richard Pomeroy    Esq Probate year     1617      Engesdon (Ilsington) Ingsdon wife Anne Coplestone father of Hugh above

Richard Pomeroy   Gentleman Will Probate 1621     Cornworthy Devon

Jacobus ( James) Pomeroy Baptism 18 May 1691 BUCKFASTLEIGH, DEVON, Death Date 25 May 1691 Father Gulielmi (William) Pomeroy 

Richard Pomery      13 Feb 1627 Baptism     Staverton Father Rica( Richard)

Richard Pomroy    16 Apr 1653 Burial          Staverton son of Richard

Richard Pomery     30 May 1665 Baptism     Staverton Father Elias

Richard Pomery     4 Dec 1666 Burial          Staverton father Elias

Richard Pomeroy    8 Oct 1682 Marriage      Staverton Spouse Grace Hawkins

Richard Pomeroy    21 Jan 1682   son of Richard  Staverton ; year March to March - this has to be after a late marriage!

Richard Pomroy     6 Oct 1661 Baptism      Staverton Father Laurence

Richard Pomery Senr14 Oct 1670 Burial     Staverton

Pomeri     Richard     14 May 1636  Baptism  Holne Father  John Mother  Joan 

Richard Pomeroy      9 Oct 1664 Baptism      Holne Father John Mother Peternell

Pommery  Richard  23 May 1662  Burial      Holne, son of John & Peternell    

Pommery  Richard  26 Jun 1689   Burial     Holne, Devon,  

Pomerie     Richard   20 Mar 1659 Baptism     Holne, Devon, Eto John & Peternell    


Richard Pomery   19 Dec 1675 Burial    Littleham (near Exmouth)

Pomerey     Richard  8 Jan 1645 Marriage    Brixham  St Mary, Spouse Elizabeth Skrevene

Pomerie     Richard  15 Nov 1610 Marriage  Honiton Spouse Elizabeth  Levermore     

Pommery  Richard  20 May 1641 Marriages  Woodbury, Devon, spouse Thomasine  Pym Woodbury is East Devon 7 miles  south east of Exeter. 

1865 Will Woodbury

POMEROY  James Effects under £600. 11 November. The will of James Pomeroy late of Woodbury, Salterton in the county of Devon,

 yeoman, deceased who died 13 Jul 1863 at Woodbury, Salterton aforesaid, was proved at Exeter by oaths of Sarah Lugg 

(wife of John Gooding-Lugg) of  Colaton Raleigh in the said county and Elizabeth Kesiah Perry Kerslake (wife of Thomas Kerslake) of Colaton

Raleigh aforesaid, the daughters and the executrix 

ASHBURTON FMP - appears to be a 3 lives lease or 99 years at work here

Ingsdon Manor 

John Pomeroy birth: 1732   married 19 September 1758 at Rattery to Elizabeth Memory birth: 1739 Staverton

issue by Elizabeth Memory
John Pomeroy/ birth: about 1760  Elizabeth Pomeroy/ birth: 1759   Agnes Pomeroy/ birth: 1761 death: Bb 6 dec 1761 Staverton.
Henry Pomeroy/ birth: 1766  :  Nicholas Pomeroy/ birth: 1769  Nicholas Pomeroy/ birth: 1773  

The Market  House in Ashburton  - long since demolished

Ashburton Town by AJP

1841 census North Street (Back of Cad Lane) Ashburton ( Now called Stapeldon Lane)

Samuel Pomeroy 50 1791 Devon, England Serge Weaver

Richard Pomeroy 55 1786 Devon, England Ag Lab

Elizabeth Pomeroy 25 1816 Devon, England Serge Weaver 

Eliza Pomeroy   3 1838 Devon, England  

John Pomeroy 0 1841 Devon, England  

John Woodley 6 1835 Devon, England

Richard Pomeroy Married by banns Susanna Caunter on 28 Mar 1773 in Ashburton -  Caunter family were wool men..

from the Old Ashburton website

 In 1770 John Caunter, clothier, insured premises with the Sun Fire Office. They included more than one house, offices, a drying linney and a linney called the Dock Inn.

The Devon Cloth Industry in the Eighteenth century, Sun Fire Office Inventories of merchants' and manufacturers' property 1726-1770

 Edited by Stanley D Chapman,

 Devon and Cornwall Record Society, 1978, p2In 1783 John Bowe Bennett was apprentice to John Caunter, clothier, as was William Drewe in 1790.

Register of duties paid for Apprentices' Indentures 1710-1811

John Caunter, a merchant and sergemaker of Ashburton, died after a short illness in July 1825, and was buried on the 30th of that month.

Johanna Pomeroy Marriage  3 Oct 1784 Ashburton Spouse Thomas Laskey

Samuel Pomeroy Marriage 18 Feb 1814 Ashburton Spouse Ann Widger  his sister evidently married his wife's brother

Susanna Pomeroy Marriage     3 Jun 1814 Ashburton Spouse William Widger

Ann Pomeroy Banns    18 Oct 1840 Ashburton dau of Samuel Pomeroy marriage 24 Nov 1840 Ashburton to Richard Eales son of William  

Ann Pomeroy Born 1789        28 Aug 1832 Ashburton Burial Age 43 -

John Pomeroy Born 1774        Burial 12 Dec 1832 - Age 58   Ashburton 

1841 census St Lawrence Lane Ashburton  

Paul Pomeroy 60 1781 Devon, England ( Ashburton) occupation Mason

Elizabeth Pomeroy 50 1791 Devon, England  

Hariott Pomeroy 20 1821 Devon, England  

Eliza Pomeroy 10 1831 Devon, England

Thomazin Pomeroy Baptism 25 Feb 1736    Ashburton Father John  Married  28 Nov 1762 David Sainthill in Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy Baptism    16 May 1739    Ashburton Father John Pomeroy

Richard Pomeroy Baptism    27 Sep 1747    Ashburton Father John 

Winifred Pomeroy Baptism   21 Mar 1753 Ashburton Father John Mother Martha

Ann Pomeroy Baptism   3 Mar 1756 Ashburton Father John Pomeroy Mother Martha

Joan Pomeroy Baptism   2 Jun 1758 Ashburton Father John Pomeroy Mother Martha

John Pomeroy Baptism 14 Jan 1762 Ashburton Father John Mother Martha

John Pomeroy Burial 26 Apr 1772  Ashburton

John son of John Pomeroy buried 13 Jan 1786

Richard Pomeroy Marriage by banns 28 Mar 1773 in Ashburton to Susanna Caunter

Richard Pomeroy burial        16 Jan 1780   Ashburton

Richard Pomeroy Baptism     4 Apr 1784    Ashburton Father Richard Mother Susanna

Samuel Pomeroy Baptism     25 Dec 1786  Ashburton Father Richard Mother Susanna   married 1814  

Susanna Pomeroy Baptism   20 Apr 1781   Ashburton Father Richard Mother Susanna married 1814 

Mary Pomeroy Baptism        24 Jan 1790    Ashburton Father Richard Pomeroy Mother Susanna

Paul Pomeroy Baptism        29 Oct 1779   Ashburton Father not given Mother Joan  

John Pomeroy Burial           13 Jan 1786   Ashburton  

Elizabeth Pomeroy  Burial   15 Jun 1796    Ashburton

Thomazin Pomeroy Burial    18 Jun 1812

Susanna Pomeroy born 1750 died age 67 buried Ashburton 2 Feb 1817

Richard Pomeroy Burial      8 Feb 1838 Ashburton Age 90