EXETER Capital of Devon

Exeter existed  as a settlement even before the Romans came in AD 55 when Julius Caesar ,establishing  military garrisons, built a fort & a wall around it & called it ISCA . The Romans linked many of their garrisons with long straight military supply roads such as Fosse Way which stretches right across England ,in an almost  straight line, from Exeter to Lincoln on the East Coast.
 The garrison of Isca-Exeter became a bustling place with trading in silver & tin which the moorlands of Dartmoor had in large alluvial  deposits, as well as local wool ,which proved highly profitable. The Romans left in AD 410 Briton slid into economic darkness as what the Roman had created gradually fragmented.
Exeter Cathedral was founded  in about 1050 as a Saxon minster then in 1107  after the Norman Conquest of 1066, a new cathedral in the Norman style was begun with its official foundation in 1133 . The two Norman towers of this magnificent building can be seen for many miles around & would have guided pilgrims and merchants into the city.
Exeter became a religious centre and the city had about 18 churches  with  2 monastic settlements , St Nicholas Priory & a Grey Friars  A Franciscan Friary within  the city walls. Today there are 64 churches of all denominations. The two monastic settlements competed, some times acrimoniously,  with the Cathedral for the dues levied for various service they provided. In those days the Catholic Church decided one could buy one's way into heaven and chantries were built where priests were paid to pray for the souls of the departed.  

The WOOL trade flourished and the control it and gather taxes the Ordinance of the Staple was created in 1353 at which time Exeter became the Staple town for south Devon. As the wool trade began to flourish Exeter became an affluent mercantile centre. It had three markets a year where local merchants could meet with merchant traders from France, Flanders, or Italy. It would have been quite normal to hear foreign speech in counterpoise with the soft Devon burr at Exeter wool market.

During the period of the Hundreds Year War (1337-1453) trade was affected across Europe and times became so hard in England that many little towns vanished from the landscape forever.

Tuckers Hall was built in 1471 by The Guild of Weavers, Fullers and Shearmen and can be visited in Fore Street. Guild of Weavers, Tuckers and Shearmen since 1471, but the earliest record of a Guild of Clothworkers in Exeter is 1459

The Black Death, Bubonic Plague, arrived from Europe in 1348 and 1349 decimating the population of England. Devon, with its dense agricultural based population, suffered more than any other county. In 2 years 17 churches lost 86 clergy to the pestilence. Exeter lost half its population in the first outbreak. Of those who survived a further quarter perished in the second outbreak. It must have been a terrible and terrifying time for everyone.

Wool production was not a flexible commodity & supply could not instantly meet demand. Gradually the trade in raw wool declined and between 1349 &1542, the exact opposite occurred in the cloth trade and the production of wool cloth increased.
A medieval industrial revolution resulted.
Mills were built to facilitate the washing, carding, combing, and drying the raw wool; with waterways or leats were constructed to divert the water for washing the wool. After this it was hand spun and then woven and spinners and weavers soon abounded.
Many of the more influential Exeter wool merchants became Mayors of Exeter with their now names were recorded on the panelled walls of the Guildhall.

In the  21st century  the layout of the main streets of the city remains largely unchanged although most of the ancient houses have long gone. Much of the walls also remain and one can walk where Romans walked  around the city walls without a great deal of difficulty.

The Fosse Way was constructed in Britain during the first and second centuries AD by the Romans .
It connected Exeter (Isca )  in the southwest to  Lincoln  (Lindum Colonia ) in the northeast, passing through Ilchester (Lindinis),Bath
(Aquae Sulis ), Cirencester (Corinium) in the Cotswolds  and (Leicester (Ratae Corieltauvorum )

From Early Medieval  through the Tudor period & into the 18th century Exeter was the centre of the Devon Wool Trade

Illustrations by AJP

The fields all around Exeter were covered in racking frames , seen below , where the wool cloth was hung on tenter hooks to dry.


Fore Street on the map here is the main street that runs down towards the river from the crossroad, also called the Carfoix or 'four ways', which was sometimes used as a place of public execution and marked then by the Great Conduit where the people of the city could come and collect fresh water.

 St Johns church called St John's Bow, now gone, can be seen was half way down Fore Street on the corner of John Street, within the city walls. St John's Bow was one of several places in the city that the proclamation of a new monarch was made. Charles II on the 11 May 1660, and George I after the death of Queen Anne were all proclaimed there.

The Municipal and Cathedral records note that during the reign of Charles I the weekly market for cattle and hides were at St John's Bow, while the meat market was held at the shambles in South Street. Horned cattle of every size and shape, held on ropes, would stand in front of the church, bellowing in confusion. Straw and dung was heaped on the street, while farmers and butchers struck their deals before the animals were led off to the butchers temporary pastures, or straight to Butchers Row at the end of John Street for immediate despatch.....

Occupations around such an area could be fellmongering, (dealing in sheepskins with the fleece still on, glove making,( glove& shoe leather was obviously produced by removing the fleece ) shoe making or cordwaining.

 St St Sidwells was known as an area where there were cordwainers or shoemakers.

The difference between a cordwainer and a shoemaker is that a cornwainer used top quality leathers and specialised in boots, whereas a shoe maker used lesser quality or recycled leathers. to make shoes. Shoemakers and cordwainers made a good living because everyone needs boots & shoes and a cobbler repaired shoes but did not make them. .... not to mention all the other things that a world there horses  predominated  used leather for....


Exeter & Thomas Pomeroy 1721

This  research was prompted by finding a pedigree on line which made the assumption that Thomas Pomeroy born Staverton 1699  was the same Thomas who was married in Exeter in 1719. 

As with any of my websites it is a work in progressHowever they seem to have got it wrong and the Thomas from Staverton born 1699  wasn't the same man who married in the cathedral at Exeter in 1719.

Why ?  firstly because there was a Pomeroy group in Exeter circa 1668 and he could well be one of that family but also because of the following records . 


Thomas son of Richard POMEROY b: 24 OCT 1630 in Staverton ( son of  Ellias ) and Anna FURSEMAN 

Married: 8 OCT 1682 in Staverton wife  Grace HAWKINS b: ABT 1666 in Staverton Devon  


Mary POMEROY b: 15 JAN 1684 in Staverton Devon

 Catherine POMEROY b: 15 AUG 1686 in Staverton Devon

 Barbary POMEROY b: 31 MAR 1689 in Staverton Devon

 Lawrence POMEROY b: 5 MAR 1692 in Staverton Devon

*Thomas POMEROY b: 25 MAY 1699 in Staverton Devon.

  John POMEROY b: 9 AUG 1709 in Staverton Devon                                           

  Joan Pomeroy b 8 Oct 1712 in Staverton

*Thomas Pomeroy of Staverton married Mary Maye on  30 January 1721  in  Staverton.  

 I was unable to find any baptisms of children in IGI for this couple in Staverton or nearby

SO To Exeter ..... August 2014

St Sidwell Church before the bombing  in WWII

1719 Thomas Pomery of St Johns in Exeter married  Agnes Jenkins of St Sidwell (born 16 Sept 1690) married on 18th Jan 1719 at Exeter Cathedral S

St Sidwells Exeter Devon and area where there were a great many weavers.

I found  no birth record in Exeter that fits for Thomas , however there is nothing that tells us his age when he married so he could be anything between 16  and 40 or 50 years old  ..or more which gives a  date range of 1658  to 1699.

DNA shows a group of Pomeroy in St Sidwell around 1668 so it seems likely that he was one of that family and living within the city walls at  St Johns area West Quarter of the old city and after he married moved outside the city walls to St Sidwells.

Notes on the population of St Sidwells here       and  Parishes of Exeter  -    

Sidwell street is a very interesting place

St Sidwell Street WWI 1918

FMP earlier records for Exeter 1580 to 1640
Barbara dau of Hugh Pomeroy & Elizabeth Southcott Bb 14 Dec 1560 married  age 34 in 1594 to Robert Incledon who died in about 1600. 

2 years later in May 1602 age 42  she was married  to Philip CHICHESTER  at Whitstone near Exeter (Archive reference"  2947A/PR/1/1  She died 1623 age about 63

Agnes Coplestone widow of Richard Pomeroy who died 1616  married at St St Mary Major in Exeter 1619 to  James Lowman of Whitstone nr Exeter

Amy Pomeroy. ( daughter of Richard Pomeroy of Ingsdon & his wife Anne Coplestone &  a minor in 1616 when her father died)
married  on 17 Sep 1628   to Percival Carwithan Lord Of Panston  in Saint Paul, Exeter, Devon..  Percival died aft 1642.

Pomeroy     Badon   1668    Marriage  29 November 1668 to Susanna  Jagoe    —      more on this later

Pomeroy     Christable 1696   Burial      14 Feb 1696 Exeter, Holy Trinity, Devon,      

Pomeroy     Elizabeth 1628     Marriage 16 Sept 1628 to Mr Weeks   burial Elias son of Elias Weeks buried Oct 24 1729      

Pomeroy     John       1628     Marraige to Jane Shepard  Exeter Diocese Marriage Licences

Pomeroy     Nicholas  1667     Marriage 23 Apr 1667 to Ellinor Wish St Sidwells Exeter     

Pomeroy     Susan     1696     Marriages 02 Feb 1696 to Thomas Bennett  

Pomeroy     William   1682     DEATH Devon Wills Index, 1163-1999     Exeter, Devon, England

1687 George Pomroy of Topsham married Joan Baker  at St Davids Exeter 28 Aug 1687

1688 John Bb 6 May 1668 to George Pomroy St Mary Arches Exeter

1689 Jane  Bb 5 Jan 1689 to George Pomroy  St Mary Arches Exeter

1693 Mary Bb 21 Nov 1693 to George Pomroy  St Mary Arches Exeter (  died )

1696 Mary Bb 22 June 1696  to George Pomroy  St Mary Arches Exeter


Pomeroy     Eliza     Burial   3 Dec 1729  Exeter, Holy Trinity, Devon,  

Thomas Pomeroy of St Johns Exeter Married: 18 JAN 1719 in St Peters Cathedral Exeter   spouse Agnes JENKINS b: 16 SEP 1690 in St Sidwells Exeter. This marriage is in the Cathedral records .

Stepcote Street Exeter

Exeter Broad gate into Cathedral green

The corner of Cathedral Green
St Catherines lane

Exeter City Guild Hall 

Thomas & Agnes apparently had children in St Sidwells,  the poorest area just outside the city walls to the north,  which today is part of the city centre.

 Elizabeth POMEROY b: 19 MAY 1719 in St Sidwells

 Mary POMEROY b: 20 MAR 1721 in St Sidwells 

 John POMEROY b: 7 FEB 1722 Married: 31 AUG 1748 in St Sidwells to  Mary SOUTHERD b: 27 NOV 1724 in St Sidwells

  died & was buried 22 OCT 1809 St Sidwells Exeter Devon


   Mary POMEROY b: 25 JUN 1749 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   John POMEROY b: 6 OCT 1751 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Charles POMEROY b: 29 JUL 1753 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Charles POMEROY b: 24 AUG 1755 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Ann POMEROY b: 9 APR 1758 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   James POMEROY b: 16 APR 1759 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Mary POMEROY b: ABT 1762 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   George POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1764 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

Marriage LICENSES  of the diocese of Exeter from the Bishop's Registers

1611 may 18th William Martin of Totnes and Anna Huckmore da of Richard Huckmore . gent; deceased.

William Culinge of Churston, yeoman and Robert Hayne a tailor of Exeter put of £200 bond 4th Dec 1611 Nicholas Rolle of Blackawton gent and Anna Huckmore of Berry Pomeroy widow Bond of £200 

( this was the usual fee for a marriage licence and promise to marry & a considerable sum)

Exeter 1611  21st November licence for marriage on  30th  December 1611  Arthur Seccombe of North Petherwin gent and Barabara Southcote widow -

(his daughter by his first wife, Grace Bligh, was Mary Seccombe who married John Pomeroy Barbara's brother.)

29th Jan 1613     Dorothy Pomery of Ilsington married Hugh Wychayse of Barnstaple 

23 Jan 1616       Valentine Pomery of Bickleigh in Harberton and Jane Reynell dau of Sir Thomas Reynell . knt. of West Ogwell

2 March 1616     Anne Pomery of Sidmouth married Robert Binnye of Sidmouth and

27 March 1616   Elizabeth Pomery of Salte Aish (Saltash) married John Stronge junior

7th Nov 1617     Christopher Pomery of Plymouth and Anne Smith of Blisland

10 feb 1619       Agnes Pomery of Exeter widow married   James Loweman of Whitstone, gent ( formerly Agnes or Anne Coplestone wife of Richard Pomeroy of Ingsdon who died 1616

19th Feb 1625    Elizabeth Pomery of St Nyott married  Richard Fowler of St Nyott 

17 1628 March   John Pomeroy of Plymouth married Jane Shepheard of Plympton St Mary

 30 April 1628    Valentine Pomeroy married by licence Margaret Whiddon dau of John Whiddon of Chagford his 2nd wife

May 6th 1628  CAVEAT NOT TO GRANT A LICENCE TO ELIZABETH POMERY A YOUNG GIRL OF PILLATON and any man without making it known to JOHN BELLY of Maker who has contracted to marry Elizabeth in presence of faithful witnesses- as asserted  - this sounds like a very reluctant bride and I can find no trace of a marriage between them after 1628 but they were married.  see here

Friarshay in the southwestern corner of the city where Grey Friars was situated  with its chapel & graveyard  and  the Priory of St Nicholas  was nearby in St Nicholas Lane.   Clear evidence of the flourishing wool trade in the environs of the city- the racking  or tenting fields where wool cloth was hung to dry.

Thomas & Agnes apparently had children in St Sidwells,  the poorest area just outside the city walls to the north,  which today is part of the city centre.

 Elizabeth POMEROY b: 19 MAY 1719 in St Sidwells

 Mary POMEROY b: 20 MAR 1721 in St Sidwells 

 John POMEROY b: 7 FEB 1722 Married: 31 AUG 1748 in St Sidwells to  Mary SOUTHERD b: 27 NOV 1724 in St Sidwells

  died & was buried 22 OCT 1809 St Sidwells Exeter Devon


   Mary POMEROY b: 25 JUN 1749 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   John POMEROY b: 6 OCT 1751 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Charles POMEROY b: 29 JUL 1753 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Charles POMEROY b: 24 AUG 1755 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Ann POMEROY b: 9 APR 1758 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   James POMEROY b: 16 APR 1759 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   Mary POMEROY b: ABT 1762 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

   George POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1764 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

Marriage LICENSES  of the diocese of Exeter from the Bishop's Registers

1611 may 18th William Martin of Totnes and Anna Huckmore da of Richard Huckmore . gent; deceased.

William Culinge of Churston, yeoman and Robert Hayne a tailor of Exeter put of £200 bond 4th Dec 1611 Nicholas Rolle of Blackawton gent and Anna Huckmore of Berry Pomeroy widow Bond of £200 

( this was the usual fee for a marriage licence and promise to marry & a considerable sum)

Exeter 1611  21st November licence for marriage on  30th  December 1611  Arthur Seccombe of North Petherwin gent and Barabara Southcote widow -

(his daughter by his first wife, Grace Bligh, was Mary Seccombe who married John Pomeroy Barbara's brother.)

29th Jan 1613     Dorothy Pomery of Ilsington married Hugh Wychayse of Barnstaple 

23 Jan 1616       Valentine Pomery of Bickleigh in Harberton and Jane Reynell dau of Sir Thomas Reynell . knt. of West Ogwell

2 March 1616     Anne Pomery of Sidmouth married Robert Binnye of Sidmouth and

27 March 1616   Elizabeth Pomery of Salte Aish (Saltash) married John Stronge junior

7th Nov 1617     Christopher Pomery of Plymouth and Anne Smith of Blisland

10 feb 1619       Agnes Pomery of Exeter widow married   James Loweman of Whitstone, gent ( formerly Agnes or Anne Coplestone wife of Richard Pomeroy of Ingsdon who died 1616

19th Feb 1625    Elizabeth Pomery of St Nyott married  Richard Fowler of St Nyott 

17 1628 March   John Pomeroy of Plymouth married Jane Shepheard of Plympton St Mary

 30 April 1628    Valentine Pomeroy married by licence Margaret Whiddon dau of John Whiddon of Chagford his 2nd wife

May 6th 1628  CAVEAT NOT TO GRANT A LICENCE TO ELIZABETH POMERY A YOUNG GIRL OF PILLATON and any man without making it known to JOHN BELLY of Maker who has contracted to marry Elizabeth in presence of faithful witnesses- as asserted  - this sounds like a very reluctant bride and I can find no trace of a marriage between them after 1628 but they were married.  see here

1628 7th Oct Amy Pomeroy   married Persival Carwithan, Lord Panston  of South Sydenham  
Amy was daughter of Richard Pomeroy of Ingsdon & his wife Anne Coplestone &  a minor in 1616 when her father died ;  married age 18 ; her husband  Percival died aft 1642.

22 Oct 1629      William Pomerye of Brixham  married  Judith Call alias White of Topsham

21 Aug 1629     Agnes Pomery of Plymouth widow married John Fortesque gent ( Possibly Agnes Barone widow of Leonard Pomeroy of Plymouth

Joan Pomeroy of Eadem (? Ide ??) marriage  22 Feb 1727 St Mary Major Exeter to William Butchers of Staverton Devon

Daniell Pomeroy     Marriage      8 Nov 1716 Exeter, St Edmund, to Elizabeth Bridgeman

Sarah Pomeroy  of Stoke Gabriel   Marriage  3 Sep 1741  Exeter, St Edmund  to George Wilcockson OTP of  St Edmunds  

St Mary Arches is on the other side of the city centre and main cross road within the city walls not far from the cathedral    

St Pauls Church Exeter one of the lost churches of Exeter

St Pauls Church Exeter stood at the junction of Paul Street with Goldsmith Street

For a 1000 years this church  provided a focus for a community'  through the Norman Conquest, the Black Death, the Wars of the Roses, the Reformation, the English Civil War and Commonwealth  when  medieval church was purchased by its own parishioners ; throughout the 18th century into the Industrial revolution. From the reign  of  William the Conqueror to the reign of George V in the 1930s
Today the site is covered by the Guildhall shopping mall .         


The Demolition of Exeter here

Exeter Pomeroys found in IGI

several generations of Pomeroy  families in Exeter in different areas of the city  concentrating on the group in St Sidwell which is just outside the city walls,  close to what is now the city centre it was at that time an area where there were a great many weavers working.

Charles with wife Patience in St Sidwells

John with wife Grace in St Sidwells

George in St Sidwells

Thomas & Mary  in St Sidwells

Marriages female

Alice Pomerie,  Married  Robert Flaye  13 Jan 1605;  at St Sidwell,Exeter,

Katherin Pomerie, Married John Lawerence 16 Dec 1611;   St Sidwell,Exeter

marriages male

Charles Pomeroy marriage:     6 January 1776     St Sidwell,Exeter,Devon   spouse:     Patience Gardiner

Charles Pomeroy marriage:     3 July 1808           St Sidwell,Exeter,Devon, spouse:     Jane Ruckley

*Badon Pomeroy marriage:     29 November 1668 St Sidwell,Exeter,Devon, spouse:     Susanna Jagoe

Thomas Pomeroy marriage:     12 February 1832  St Sidwell,Exeter,Devon, spouse:     Mary Lovell

Danniell Pomry  Bb  1 March 1690     HOLY TRINITY,EXETER,  father:  William Pomry  mother:  Elizabeth

William Pomory  Bb   14 June 1688     HOLY TRINITY,EXETER,  father: William Pomory mother:     Elizabeth

Holy Trinity is in South Street close to the South Gate of the city

Mary Pomroy Bb     21 November 1693           St MARY ARCHES,EXETER,         father:     George Pomroy

Mary Pomroy christening:     22 June 1696     St MARY ARCHES,EXETER,          father:     George Pomroy

Jane Pomroy christening:     5 January 1689   St MARY ARCHES,EXETER           father:     George Pomroy

John Pomroy  christening:     6 May 1688       St MARY ARCHES,EXETER           father:     George Pomroy

 St Sidwell is outside the walls of the city  to the north, beyond the Northgate. It  was a very poor area of shoe makers & leather workers and small holders
St Sidwell's Church was essentially a country outpost to the mother church of St Michael's in Heavitree, another of the outskirts of Exeter.

 Sidwell Street was sometimes the centre of disturbances and during the Prayer Book rebellion of 1549 Catholic rebels captured St Sidwell's Church and held prisoners in the tower of the Church. 

 John POMEROY son of John & Grace Bb: 25 MAY 1776 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon                                                                   

  Charles POMEROY b: 26 APR 1778 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon                                                                

Until the 19th it was an area of small holdings  & agriculture

  Ann POMEROY b: 7 JUN 1780 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon                                                                         http://www.exetermemories.co.uk/em/_story/story_49.php

  James POMEROY b: 19 APR 1782 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

  Thomas POMEROY b: 27 OCT 1784 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

  George POMEROY b: 10 APR 1787 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

  George POMEROY b: 24 FEB 1789 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

  Grace POMEROY b: 5 AUG 1791 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

  Elias POMEROY b: 23 APR 1794 in St Sidwells Exeter DevonWilliam Pomory  chr 14 June 1688  HOLY TRINITY,Exe  father: William Pomory mother:  Elizabeth

Danniell Pomry   chr 1 March 1690 HOLY TRINITY,  father: William Pomry mother:    Elizabeth   

Sarah Premmory  Chr 28 Mar 1686 HOLY TRINITY, father William Premmory Or Pummery   Mother Elizabeth


Charles Pomeroy Marriage  6 Jan 1776 at  Exeter to  Patience Gardiner 

Charles POMEROY and Patience GARDINER b: 29 AUG 1754 in St Sidwells Exeter   

Married: 6 JAN 1776 in St Sidwells Marriage
witnessed by Jn Flood and Nich Layton
Charles died 1 SEP 1819 in St Sidwells buried: 22 SEP 1819 St Sidwells   


Patience POMEROY b: 2 FEB 1777 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Elizabeth POMEROY b: 3 FEB 1779 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon 

 Charles POMEROY b: 18 JUL 1781 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon 

Sarah POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1784 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

George POMEROY b: 12 DEC 1787 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon    

 *John POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1791 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Harriet Catharine POMEROY b: 9 MAY 1793 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Louisa POMEROY b: 30 NOV 1794 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

IGI searches July 2014

1719 March 19, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Pomeroy.

1721 March 20, Mary, dau. of Thomas Pomeroy.

1722 Feb. 7, John, son of Thomas Pomeroy.

 Thomas Pomroy, 08 Jan 1659;  St. MARY MAJOR EXETER     Child of John

Elizabeth Pomeroy, 03 Feb 1779;   Child of Charles &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

George Pomeroy      12 Dec 1787  Child of Charles &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

Patience Pomeroy     2 Feb 1777   Child of  Charles  &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

Sarah Pomroy  18 July 1781    Child of:  Charles Pomroy mother: Patience


William George Pomeroy  21 Mar 1813 at  St SIDWELL, Child of Charles Pomeroy &Jane 


Mary Pomery,    25 Jun 1749;  St. SIDWELL, EXETER Devon Child of John

Charles Pomeroy 29 July 1753 St. SIDWELL,EXETER, death:  2 July 1755  father John

Charles Pomeroy    24 August 1755  St. SIDWELL,EXETE Child of: John Pomeroy   

James Pomeroy     16 April 1759     St. SIDWELL,EXETER Child of John


Joseph Pomery Bb 21 February 1790  St. DAVID,  Child of:  Rev Joseph Pomery & Melloney

George Pomery Bb 21 February 1790  St. DAVID,  Child of: Rev Joseph Pomery & Melloney
Joseph Pomery Bb 21 February 1790  St. DAVID,  Child of:  Rev Joseph Pomery & Melloney

George Pomery Bb 21 February 1790  St. DAVID,  Child of: Rev Joseph Pomery & Melloney

they had 3 sets of twins as well as several single babies

Marye Pomerye  Bb 15 November 1584   St. DAVID,EXETER,   Child of: Thomas Pomerye    

Mary Pomroy  21 Nov 1693 Bb Place: St. MARY ARCHES,EXETER Child of George Pomroy 

John Pomeroy Bb 11 April 1658 St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER, Child of  John Pomeroy

Ann Pomery  Bb 11 May 1656     St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER, Child of: John Pomery

Thomas Pomroy Bb 8 January 1659 St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER,   Child of: John Pomroy

Sarah Pomroy Bb 11 June 1654     St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER, Child of: John Pomroy

George Pomeroy Bb     10 February 1822     St. PAUL,EXETER,    Child of:     George Pomeroy mother:     Sarah

Samuel Pomeroy B   1 December 1825 St. PAUL,EXETER,   Child of George Pomeroy &  Sarah

Jane Emily Pomeroy  Bb 17 Feb 1828 St. PAUL,EXETER, Child of: George Pomeroy & Sarah

Charles Pomeroy Bb     28 Feb 1830     St. PAUL,EXETER,   Child of: George Pomeroy& & Sarah

Mary Pomeroy Bb     25 Dec 1837 St. PANCRAS,EXETER,   Child of: George Pomeroy  & Sarah

Charles POMEROY spouse Patience GARDINER b: 29 AUG 1754 in St Sidwells Exeter    Married: 6 JAN 1776 in St Sidwells Marriage witnessed by Jn Flood and Nich Layton  died 1 SEP 1819 in St Sidwells buried: 22 SEP 1819 St Sidwells   

Children  Patience POMEROY b: 2 FEB 1777 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Elizabeth POMEROY b: 3 FEB 1779 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon 

 Charles POMEROY b: 18 JUL 1781 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon 

Sarah POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1784 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

George POMEROY b: 12 DEC 1787 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon    

 *John POMEROY b: 6 FEB 1791 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Harriet Catharine POMEROY b: 9 MAY 1793 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon  

Louisa POMEROY b: 30 NOV 1794 in St Sidwells Exeter Devon

IGI searches July 2014

1719 March 19, Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Pomeroy.

1721 March 20, Mary, dau. of Thomas Pomeroy.

1722 Feb. 7, John, son of Thomas Pomeroy.

 Thomas Pomroy, 08 Jan 1659;  St. MARY MAJOR EXETER     Child of John

Elizabeth Pomeroy, 03 Feb 1779;   Child of Charles &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

George Pomeroy      12 Dec 1787  Child of Charles &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

Patience Pomeroy     2 Feb 1777   Child of  Charles  &Patience     St SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON,

Sarah Pomroy  18 July 1781    Child of:  Charles Pomroy mother: Patience

Harriet Catharine Pomeroy  9 may 1793 child of: Charles Pomeroy  St. Sidwell,Exeter,

William George Pomeroy  21 Mar 1813 at  St SIDWELL, Child of Charles Pomeroy &Jane


Mary Pomery,    25 Jun 1749; St. SIDWELL, EXETER Child of John

Charles Pomeroy 29 July 1753     St. SIDWELL,EXETER death:  2 July 1755 Child of: John

Charles Pomeroy  24 August 1755  St. SIDWELL,EXETER Child of: John Pomeroy   

James Pomeroy     16 April 1759 St. SIDWELL,EXETER, Child of John St Davids parish

Marye Pomerye  Bb 15 November 1584   St. DAVID,EXETER,   Child of:     Thomas Pomerye    

Mary Pomroy  21 Nov 1693 Christening Place: St. MARY ARCHES,EXETER Child of   George Pomroy 

John Pomeroy Bb 11 April 1658     St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER, Child of: John Pomeroy

Ann Pomery  Bb 11 May 1656     St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER,        Child of John Pomery

Thomas Pomroy Bb 8 January 1659 St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER,   Child of John Pomroy

Sarah Pomroy Bb 11 June 1654     St. MARY MAJOR,EXETER,     Child of:     John Pomroy

George Pomeroy Bb 10 February 1822 St. PAUL,EXETER,    Child of:     George& Sarah

Samuel Pomeroy Bb 1 December 1825 St. PAUL,EXETER,   Child of   George & Sarah

Jane Emily Pomeroy  Bb 17 February 1828 St. PAUL,EXETER Child of: George Pomeroy &  Sarah

Charles Pomeroy Bb 28 February 1830 St. PAUL,EXETER,   Child of George &  Sarah

Mary Pomeroy Bb 25 December 1837 St. PANCRAS,EXETER, Child of: George &  Sarah

Edward Pomeroy Bb 15 May 1836     St. PANCRAS,EXETER,son of George & Sarah


Elizabeth Pomroye was married to Robert Cullinn at Holy Trinty  Exeter on 25 May 1622 the same day as

William Pomerie  married Julian Cullinns. 

Pumery Will  1697 Burial Exeter, Holy Trinity,

Pomeroy Christable 1696 Burials Holy Trinity,  

Pammory   Sarah 1686 Bb Holy Trinity,  

Pommory  William 1684 Marriage  Holy Trinity,  

Pommory  William 1686 Marriage  Holy Trinity,  

Pomory William 1688 Baptism  Holy Trinity,  

Pumery Will 1697 Burial Holy Trinity, 

Pomeroy Eliza 1729  Burial Holy Trinity,  3 Dec 1729 OTP

Pomeroy John 1755  Burials  Holy Trinity 

Agness Pomeroy,  27 Nov 1774; St SIDWELL, EXETER, DEVON,   father John

Charles Pomeroy  26 April 1778    St SIDWELL, EXETER  father: John Pomeroy mother: Grace

Thos Pomeroy,  27 Oct 1784 St SIDWELL, EXETER,DEVON,  Father John mother Grace 

1841 census 10 Address: Pancras  Street, Exeter City -

Piece: HO107/267 Place: Devon Enumeration District: 13 Civil Parish:   folio: 9 Page:

 POMEROY  George  45  Fishmonger b 1796    Devon        
POMEROY  Sarah 40   Devon               POMEROY  George  20  Appr  Carver & Gilder  Devon              
POMEROY Samuel 15 Tailors Appr  Devon          POMEROY Charles 12  Devon               POMEROY Sarah   7      Devon               POMEROY  Mary  4       Devon    


Later Records

Thomas  John Pomeroy, Bb 25 Dec 1821; died 6 Feb 1824 father Thomas mother Mary

Selina Sarah Pomeroy, 23 Sep 1829;  SAINT SIDWELL, father Thomas mother Mary

James Pomeroy son of John & Grace Bb 19 April 1782


James Pomeroy  & Elizabeth Maunder married by banns 28 Nov 1784 at St Mary Major Exeter- James signed the register Elizabeth made her mark - no occupation given

Elizabeth  Pomeroy born  13 February 1785  christening: 23 February 1785 Bow Meeting (Presbyterian)  father: James  mother: Elizh.

Jane Pomeroy Bb 25 Aug 1788  father James Mother Elizabeth

James Pomeroy Bb 1 Feb 1818 son of James Pomeroy a weaver & his wife Betty ( Elizabeth)

 South Gate of Exeter   city with the priests house over the archway-  demolished in the 19th century

An interesting connection 

Bawdon Pomeroy  married in St Sidwells, Exeter 19 Nov 1668  to Susanna Jagoe

 Bawden Pomery  christening: 5 June 1647 ST NEOT, CORNWALL son of Richard Pomery

Thomas Jagoe a Dartmouth  Merchant married Susanna Hovill of Harberton  in Totnes 24 Sept 1655

 Susanna Jagoe dau of Thomas  Bb Exeter 21 Feb 1656

Dartmouth Petition 1642   in NFL

Whereas this town (Dartmouth) & the places adjacent have their whole dependence on the fishing trade for the Newfoundland. By this trade not only this county but the whole realme receive great benefit  - 

Signatories included 

Pasco Jagoe Dartmouth St Saviours

Thomas Jagoe B 1615 s/o Pasco Dartmouth SS.

George Pomeroy  M 1658 Brixham

Edward Pomery   son Thomas b 1605 Brixham

William Pomeroy  s/o Edward b 1606 Brixham


In 2014  AJP found recorded a family for Bandon in IGI   BUT cannot replicate the records in 2023 ??

No clues as to where they were born 

Bawden Pomroy is such a distinctive name that he must be the same man,  Bb 1647 son of Richard  in St Neot ,

Bawden married Susanna Jagoe in St Sidwells Exeter in 1688  

from IGI in 2018 

I have no idea where these childrenwere born CPC & FMP & IGI give no response 

children of Brandon Pomeroy   

1671 Sept. 16, Richard, son of Bandon Pomeroy.

1675 June 4, Susana, dau. of Brandon Pomeroy.died as child

1676 Dec. 1, Bandon, son of Bandon Pomeroy.died as child

1679 March 15, Susana, dau. of Bandon Pomeroy.

1682 Nov. 5, Bandon, son of Bandon Pomeroy.

1684 Jan. 6, Jane, dau. of Bandon Pomeroy.

1687 June 1, Joseph, son of Bandwin Pomeroy

                                East Gate outer gate seen here

from a list of Dissenters

1785  Bb13 Feb 1785 Baptism  Elizabeth Pomeroy father  James, pauper mother Elizabeth residing Exeter- Bow Presb. Meeting Exeter

1818 Bb 8 Dec 1818 Baptism James Pomeroy in St Sidwells father Charles, weaver mother Jane Rookley of St Sidwells Exeter, Castle St Ind  

IGI search for Thomas in Devon


 Thomas Pomeroy christening:  28 May 1643        HONITON ON OTTER,    father: Robert Pomeroy mother:     Sarah

 Thomas Pomeroy christening: 14 August 1774     NEWTON SAINT CYRES, father: Thomas Pomeroy mother:     Joan

 Thomas Pomerye christening: 27 October 1608    HOLLACOMBE,             father: Jeromy Pomerye

 Thomas Pomery  christening: 30 May 1602          FARWAY,

 Thomas Pomerye baptism:     1618     Devon

 Thomas Pomerye  baptism:     1620     Devon

BROAD CLIST, or Broad Clyst, is a pleasant village, 5 miles N.E. of Exeter is an exceptionally large parish covering nearly fifteen square miles and including rich valley scenery, heath, and wooded hills like Killerton and Ashclyst Forest.

 Several of the farms date from before the Conquest (e.g. Ashclyst Farm, Clyst Gerred Farm, West Clyst, Mosshayne, Columbjohn, and Eveleigh.) Many, such as Killerton, Churchill and Southbrook, date from shortly after Domesday. The parish was for centuries full of ancient freeholders.

Thomas Pomerye  christening: 6 October 1661     BROAD CLYST,          father: Henry Pomerye

Thomas Pumery marriage:     22 September 1690 Broad Clyst,            spouse: Agnis Taverner

 children of Thomas & his wife

      Eliz Pumery Born & baptised  16 Oct 1692  died 26 May 1695 BROAD CLYST

      Agnis Pumery Bb  07 May 1694      BROAD CLYST,DEVON,

      Eliz Pumery Bb  20 Mar 1697 BROAD CLYST,

      *Henry Pumery Bb 26 Dec 1695  BROAD CLYST,

      Grace Pumery Bb 11 Sep 1700      BROAD CLYST,

      John Pumery Bb 18 Jun 1702 Christening BROAD CLYST, died 23 May 1703 

      William Pumery Bb  17 Apr 1704 Christening BROAD CLYST, Death Date:     13 Jan 1705

      Thomas Pumery  Bb  08 Jun 1707   BROAD CLYST, died 06 Mar 1708

      Mary Pumery Bb 12 Oct 1691 BROAD CLYST,DEVON,ENGLAND 

Thomas Pumery Bb  1 May 1726  BROAD CLYST death:     10 January 1730     father:     Henry Pumery


  Thomas Pumery marriage:     22 September 1690 Broad Clyst,   spouse:     Agnis Taverner

  Thomas Pomerey marriage:    11 April 1695          Woodbury,      spouse:     Sara James

  Thomas Pomroy marriage:     13 November 1695  Staverton,      spouse:     Anna Pomroy

  Thomas Pumery marriage:     24 October 1715     Broad Clyst,   spouse:     Elinor Batrum

  Thomas Pomery  marriage:     30 January 1721     Staverton,      spouse:     Mary Maye

  Thomas Pomery marriage:     18 January 1719      Saint Peter Cathedral,Exeter,spouse:     Agnes Jenkins


William Pomeroye father of  Clement Pomeroye, baptised 15 May 1589  SAINT SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON 

William Pomeroye   father of  Alice Pomeroye, 07 Feb 1583  SAINT SIDWELL,EXETER,DEVON



                William Pumrie who married Agnes Browne, 26 June 1595 in  St Sidwells, Exeter

BMDS for Devon & Exeter Assorted  records  

marriage s

Willm Pomer Marriage  10 May 1579 at Shute married to  Agnes Stocker

Guilielmus Pomeroye Baptism date 04 Feb 1592 Place Buckland Monachorum Father  Guilmi Pomeroye

SHUTE is 2738 acres  and the village of WHITFORD, 1½ mile N.E. of Colyton in East Devon. The manor anciently held by Shute family  then  Pynes, Bonvilles, and Greys. WRONG SIDE OF THE EXE

William Pomry and Agnes Lyde, 16 Nov 1573 in  Branscombe, Devon

BRANSCOMBE, a pleasant village, on the coast of the English channel, at the mouth of a rivulet, 5 miles E. by N. of Sidmouth, and S.W. of Colyton,

William Pomerie, 15 Oct 1603 FARWAY,DEVON baptism


 Guilielmus Pomeroye Marriage  17 Jul 1591 Buckland Monachorum to Anna Creese

 Guilielmus Pomeroye Baptism     4 Feb 1592 Buckland Monachorum Father  Guilmi Pomeroye

 Elizabetha Pomeroye Baptism  20 Aug 1594 Buckland Monachorum Father  Guilmi Pomeroye

William Pomery Marriage 23 May 1681 Buckland Monachorum  to Blanch Davy


 BUCKLAND MONACHORUM s sometimes called Buckland Drake from the Drake family, a village 4 miles S. by E. of Tavistock. parish includes a great part of the large village of Horrabridge, which is partly in the parishes of Sampford-Spiney, Whitchurch, and Walkhampton; 6838 acres of land, including about 2000 acres of open moorland, woodland,  two copper mines and a tin mine and a woolen factory,

William Pomery father of  Margery Pomery, 01 Nov 1596  SAINT ANDREW,PLYMOUTH,DEVON

William Pomery father of Edmond Pomery  Baptism 28 APR 1605  SAINT ANDREW,PLYMOUTH,DEVON 

William Pummerye father of Leonard Pummerye, 10 Dec 1633  SAINT ANDREW,PLYMOUTH,DEVON,

William Pomeroy  father of William Pomeroy, 15 May 1633 SAINT ANDREW,PLYMOUTH,DEVON,



 Catherine Pomroy Marriage 1611 marriage to John Laverence ( ? Lawrence) Exeter Diocese Marriage Licences

 Alice Pomrey Marriage  4 Jul 1579 in Exeter to Thomas Breye

 James Pumroye of Stoken Tynnidd( Stokeinteignhead near Teignmouth) Marriage  17 Jun 1630  St Mary Arches Exeter,  to Judeth Drewe of St Marychurch

Elizabeth Pomroye Marriage 25 May 1622 Marriage in  Exeter to  Robt. Cullinn

William Pomerie  Marriage  1 Jun 1622  at  Holy Trinity Exeter to Julian Cullinns


Alice Pomeroye Baptism  7 Feb 1583 at Exeter  Father William Pomeroye

Clement Pomeroye, baptised 15 May 1589  SAINT SIDWELL,EXETER, father William Pomeroye 


These are FMP earliest records EXETER  Pumerie & all the variations all of which I have collected

1500 +/- 40

Pomeray Richard 1496 Devon Wills Index, 1163-1999 Exeter, Devon, England PCC Sir Richard

Pomery Alce — 1579 Marriage to Thomas Brey at  Exeter St Sidwell

Pomery Alce — 1605 Marriage  to Robert  Flaye

Pomerie Katherin — 1611 Marriage to John Lawrence at Exeter St Sidwell

Pomery Dorothy — 1613 Marriage to Hugh Wychlase

Pomery Valentine — 1615 Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850 1st marriage  to Jane Reynell

Pomery Anne — 1616 Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850 to Robert Binney

Pomery Elizabeth — 1616 Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850 to  John  Strong

Pomery Christopher 1617 Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850 to Anne Smith

Pomery Agnes — 1619 Marriage Indexes, 1538-1850 Anne nee Coplestone 2nd marriage James Lowman St Mary Major


Pomeroy William 1682 Devon Wills Index, 1163-1999 Exeter, Devon, England

Pomerie Willm 1622 Devon Marriages Exeter, Holy Trinity, Julian Cullinns

Pomery William 1629 England, Boyd's Marriage Indexes, to Judi Wite

William Pommory 1686 Marriage 4 Aug 1686 Holy Trinity Exeter, to Mary Michellmore

William Pumrie who married Agnes Browne, 26 June 1595, I found it was in Exeter  at St Sidwell

but with no image of the parish register it would be difficult to prove he was a widower .

Deaths & Burials  & Probates

William Pomrie Death Will & Probate  1595 County Devon -  not in Devon Wills

Pomery William Farway DEV yeoman 1647 W co PCC PROB11 202

William Pomroy Burial 14 Aug 1635  Whitchurch ( note Anne Coplestone Pomeroy at Whitechurch with 2nd husband James Lowman 1616)

Churchwarden's Accounts William Pomrye 1638 & 1640 & 1641 at  Whitchurch  2 miles  from Tavistock

Willyam Pomraye Burial  20 Sep 1620  Sidmouth

Pomery William Probate 1620 Sidmouth

Willyam Pomrye   Death  1595  Burial  Honiton

Pomroy William Death  1688  Burials Plymouth, St Andrew, 

William Pomery Burial  2 Aug 1654 in Northam & Appledore

Willyam Pomerye Burial  15 Jul 1624 in Sidmouth   son of william


William Pomroye Baptism  27 Jan 1585 Death age 4 - 2 Oct 1590 Father William Pomroye Exeter

Willm Pomeroy  Baptism  19 May 1602 Anglican  at Whitchurch Father William

William Pomery Baptism 25 Mar 1575  Farway Father William Pomery

William Pomry Marriage 16 Nov 1571 at Branscombe to  Agnes  Lyde (  BRANSCOMBE, on the coast  5 miles from Sidmouth)

William Pomroye  Marriage  12 Jan 1641 at Northam to  Agnes Webber  ( NORTHAM,  2½ miles  from Bideford.North Devon) Burial  2 Aug 1654

William Pumroy Marriage  23 Nov 1640 at Withycombe Raleigh to Mary Smith (  two miles from Exmouth)

William Pomeroy Marriage  11 Jun 1660 at Langtree  to Triphena  Stapledon ( LANGTREE 3½ miles  from Great Torrington Mid Devon)

William PomeroyeMarriage   5 Jul 1630 at Topsham to Thomasine White 

William Pomery Marriage  13 Oct 1617 at Upottery to Agnes  Bankes

William Pommory Marriage 16 Feb 1684 at  Holy Trinity Exeter,  to Elizabeth Reeve

William Pomery Marriage 15 Oct 1701 at Gittisham to Hannah Rost by banns( Honiton)