C18th Military Pomeroys

More about 18th century Adventurers such as Captain Cook  and the Pomeroy who went with him  here

Pomeroy James  1776 British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters -  HMS Resolution James Pomeroy listed under  supernumeraries -  13 May 1776 - out of Deptford Yard

John Pomroy - HMS Resolution  occ; Rigger ; discharged 14th Aug 1775   

 same date  and place name recorded slightly differently with two other names in the same list - presumption this was James 

Ship muster books- Date range Dec. 1771-Aug. 1775
Archive The National Archives Series ADM 36 Series description Admiralty muster books (series 1) 

HMS Resolution was a sloop,a converted merchant collier  formerly known as the “Marquis of Rockingham” was purchased by the Navy  and which Captain James Cook made his 2nd and 3rd epic voyages with. 

Ist Voyage on the Endeavour 1768 to 1771;  2nd 1772-1775; 3rd  1776-1780  

James  Pomroy -  occupation_; Rigger ; serving on HMS Resolution - discharged 14th Aug 1775- 

Was James Pomeroy one of the crew the Resolution with Captain Cook on his epic 2nd voyage ?

IF he was he is not listed amongst the senior crew of the Resolution which if he was a ordinary sailor/rigger is not surprising

Captain Cook following his experience of sailing in the Endeavour become convinced that only “North Country built ships, such as are built for the coal trade” were suitable.

The Resolution  sailed with the “Adventure” (“Marquis of Granby”) on the second voyage (1772-75) and “Discovery” on the third voyage (1776-80). 

The Endeavor's muster-book, or crew list of  about 70 men, including the carpenter, boatswain’s mate and sailmaker, servants, able seamen and marines, who joined the Endeavour and began receiving wages from 25 May 1768.

James Pomeroy was one of the crew the Resolution discharged 14th Aug 1775
- So he could have been on the 2nd voyage; he is not listed amongst the senior crew of the Resolution which is not surprising if he was a ordinary sailor/rigger . The 2nd voyage  departed Plymouth Sound on Monday 13 July 1772 and thence from Table Bay SA leaving on 22 November 1772 and heading for the South Atlantic  The Resolution reached Queen Charlotte Sound South Island New Zealand on 17 May. From June to October they explored the southern Pacific, reaching Tahiti on 15 August.  

 Resolution departed on 26 November eventually sailing back to Britain via Cape Horn, arriving in England on 14 July 1774.


Pomeroy Robert  1780 British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters Jersey   Enlistment date 04 Dec 1779 Muster date ? Feb 1780 Ship name Jersey  

Pomeroy Robert  1780 British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters Jersey Enlistment date 04 Dec 1779 Muster date ? Feb 1780 Ship name Jersey


Pomeroy Joel — — 1780 British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters   

     Royal Oak  more info on Royal Oak here

Enlistment date 14 Sep 1780 Muster date ? Aug 1780  HMS Royal Oak for ' the expedition' ( What was the expedition mentioned )

 Record type  Ship muster books  Archive The National Archives  Series ADM 36

Series description Admiralty muster books (series 1)Date range August 1780-May 1781

Archive reference ADM 36/9522 Record set British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters

Category Military, armed forces & conflict Subcategory Regimental & Service Records  Great Britain, UK

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal Oak, after the Royal Oak in which Charles II hid himself during his flight from the country in the English Civil War:


Pomeroy John 1755-56 British Army, Royal Artillery Officers 1716-1899 Great Britain  carpenter - discharged  14 Oct 1769

Muster   Jul 1769 Ship name not given   Location Halifax Yard Ship name or location (as transcribed) Halifax Yard

Record type Ship muster books Archive The National Archives Series ADM 37

Series description Admiralty muster books (series 2) Date range July 1757-Dec 1783

Archive reference ADM 37/8602-8603 Record set British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters

Category Military, armed forces & conflict Subcategory Regimental & Service Records Collections Great Britain, UK


Pomeroy Robert  1780 British Royal Navy, Ships' Musters- Jersey (Prison Ship)  invalide


 Martin Pomroy Year 1754  Pension granted 1754

Series ADM 73 Series/Piece ADM 73/036 PART 1 Series description Greenwich Hospital pensioners 1704-1869  Piece description General Entry Book of Officers and Pensioners 

Year range 1704-1803  Archive The National Archives  Country United Kingdom Record set British Royal Navy & Royal Marines Service And Pension Records, 1704-1919

Category Military, armed forces & conflict Subcategory Regimental & Service Records  Collections from Great Britain, UK None


Martin  Pomroy Year 1754   Pension granted 1754 - shipwright  last ship WILCAM ??

Age at pension 64 ( EDB 1690) Born PLYMOUTH - last residence Deptford ? died that year

Series ADM 73 Series/Piece ADM 73/051  Series description Greenwich Hospital pensioners 1704-1869 Piece description Rough Entry Book of Pensioners

Year range 1704-1756

Pascoe   Pomery Date   21  Aug 1680  of  Yealmpton ( close the Plymouth in Devon)

Archive Reference 731/38/39  Event Lists of subscribers re captives in Turkey and Algiers  Category Military, armed forces & conflict

Subcategory Other Wars & Conflicts  Collections from England, Great Britain

Pascoe  Pomeroy   Year 1702-12 Regiment - Candidacy year 1703  Series Wo 23 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers, And Papers 1702-1876

Archive The National Archives Archive reference WO 23 Piece number 124  Piece description Muster rolls. Year range 1702-1712  Record set British Army Service Records Category Military, armed forces & conflict Subcategory Regimental & Service Records Collections from Great Britain, UK None

Pascoe was apparently just an ordinary soldier not Esq or Gent or Mr attached to his name

British Army Pay book Pascoe Pomeroy  1702-12 Regiment - not given - March 8th 1704 - paid  8s 8d Sat March 25th 1704 to Sat June 24th 13 weeks pay

British Army service records-  Pascow Pomeroy  far right column
Pascoe Pomeroy listed as a member of 108th company in 1704 -  transcription gives him as on of the 4th company of invalids -Wo 23 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers, And Papers 1702-1876

Gentleman of Light Horse Regiment -

 Pascoe Pomeroy Year 1702-12 Regiment Candidacy year 1704

Series Wo 23 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers, And Papers 1702-1876

Archive The National Archives Archive reference WO 23/ Piece number 124 /Piece description Muster rolls. Year range 1702-1712 / Record set British Army Service Records/ Category Military, armed forces & conflict

 Chelsea Pensioners 

Pascoe Pomeroy  joined the British Army Christmas 1703 -  entry reads-  bb 7ber (refs to month Sept ) 6th ( ? regiment )  1704

Candidacy year 1703 Series Wo 23 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers, And Papers 1702-1876 Archive The National Archives

Archive reference WO 23 Piece number 124 Piece description Muster rolls.

Year range 1702-1712 Record set British Army Service Records

1st page reads Christmas Day 1702 10ber 25th ( December 25th )

Coll'tt John Hales gown Right Hon

David Crauford Esq Lt Gowno'r The Comm's 

Richard Betworth Esq - Major  

John Howe Esq - Treasurer

Mr Tho, Fry - sabtreasurer 

Mr Walter Compton -Eldest Capt

Silvanas Tonkyn - Adjutant 

( and others ) other notations appear to suggest this was a London Regiment of Light Horse 6th Dragoons of Lancers

 Carabiniers (6th Dragoon Guards) was a cavalry regiment of the British Army was formed in 1685 as the Lord Lumley's Regiment of Horse. 

It was renamed as His Majesty's 1st Regiment of Carabiniers in 1740, the 3rd Regiment of Horse (Carabiniers) in 1756 and the 6th Regiment of Dragoon Guards in 1788. After two centuries of service, including the First World War, the regiment was amalgamated with the 3rd Dragoon Guards (Prince of Wales's) to form the 3rd/6th Dragoon Guards in 1922.

War: Spanish Succession


 Battle of Blenheim ! 2nd August 1704 (Old Style) (13th August 1704 New Style)  

Pay Book 18th Century British Army

Archive The National Archives Archive reference WO 23/ Piece number 124 /Piece description Muster rolls. Year range 1702-1712 / Record set British Army Service Records/ Category Military, armed forces & conflict


 other notations appear to suggest this was a London Regiment of Light Horse

1st page 10ber 25 Christmas Day 1702 a Roll of the Gent of the Light Horse     with Alex Crauford Capt

All I can find…

 By the start of the eighteenth century, the cavalry establishment had been divided into household and line units. The household establishment consisted of four troops of Horse Guards and two of Horse Grenadier Guards, while the regular establishment was composed of nine regiments of Horse and eight of Dragoons.[2] The "horse" regiments would in theory fight mounted as cavalry, while dragoons were originally mounted infantry - they would fight dismounted, but were provided with horses for swift movement. By the middle of the century, the term had come simply to mean light cavalry.

Regiments were, at this time, known by semi-permanent nicknames or by the names of their colonels; in 1751, in an attempt to reduce confusion, regiments were assigned numbers in order of their seniority. The cavalry regiments of the line were numbered in three separate sequences; 1st through 4th Horse, then 1st through 3rd Dragoon Guards, then 1st through 14th Dragoons. "Dragoon Guards" was a new title, and did not denote a Guards' role; it was adopted by the three senior horse regiments in 1746, when George II reduced them to the status of dragoons in order to save money.

The first "light horse" regiment was raised in 1745, for service in the Second Jacobite rising, and proved so successful that light troops were added to most cavalry regiments in 1755. In 1759, five complete regiments (the 15th to 19th) of Light Dragoons were formed, and the distinction was made between the light cavalry (Light Dragoon regiments) and the heavy cavalry (Dragoon and Dragoon Guard regiments). Henceforth, all newly raised regiments of cavalry would be denoted Light Dragoons.[3] By 1783, the 7th to 14th Dragoons had become the 7th to 14th Light Dragoons, changing from heavy to light roles.

The various troops of Horse Guards and Horse Grenadier Guards were regimented in 1788, forming the 1st Regiment of Life Guards and 2nd Regiment of Life Guards; together with the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards they formed the Household Cavalry. The same year, the remaining four Horse regiments were retitled as the 4th through 7th Dragoon Guards.

I can only find ref to a later John Hale 

 1759 - Formed by Colonel John Hale in Hertfordshire on 7th November as Hale's Light Horse ..

The regiment was created on the 7th of November 1759 under Lieut.-Colonel John Hale from the 47th Foot. The regiment was embodied in Hertfordshire The unit was originally designated as the “18th Light Dragoons” although it was more commonly known as the “Hale's Light Horse”.

During the Seven Years' War, the regiment was commanded by: Lieut.-Colonel Hale (promoted to the colonelcy the 27th of April 1763)

Not a regular unit until 24th of July 1763 when he was redesignated as 17th Regiment of Light Dragoons. Changed as 3rd Regiment of Light Dragoons in 1766 and, then, in 1768 re-numbered 17th Light Dragoons.

As beginning of December 1759, the regiment was stationed in England (Coventry) and counted 6 troops. The regiment was then sent to Scotland in October 1760 where it was stationed during the following 3 years.

Pascoe Pomeroy listed as a member of 108th company in 1704 -  transcription gives him as on of the 4th company of invalids -Wo 23 - Royal Hospital Chelsea: Admission Books, Registers, And Papers 1702-1876