A Norman landholding vassal  & soldier for
William Duke of Normandy .
Ranulf de la Pomerai  was the progenitor of
the English POMEROY family . 
He came with William to conquer England in 1066.

TOP Right every page

Be Warned

Genealogy can be horribly addictive

Our common ancestor was a Viking  -   ÖLAND  1073 ,
He  was an old man of 50 or 60 between 690 & 977 BCE and  associated with the Viking cultural group. 

Pomerai, Pomeroy, Pomery, Pummery, Pomroy, Pummery, Pomere and variations
In a time when few people could read or write & spelling was flexible  how the family name got spelt depended largely on what the 'scribe'  thought he heard -   
thus local dialect changed spellings , which over time have become the regionalised names.

Pomeroy is often Devonshire  or Dorset & Pomery often indicates Cornish origins and so on...

Pomerai, Pomeroy, Pomery, Pummery, Pomroy, Pummery, Pomere ,
Pamery & Pamere  & more

The simple way to explore this site is to use the search facility top right. 🔎

Ranulph de Pomeroy, with his older half brother William Capra, also called William the Goat or William de Chievre & their sister Beatrice, a nun, held lands around Falaise in Normandy, where Calvados brandy is made from apples.
This may account for the family name -  as the Keepers of the Apples (orchards) of the King -
Pome-de-la -Roi

The manor and parish of Berry Pomeroy is near Totnes in Devon  England was the chief residence of this large feudal barony from 1066 until 1547.
Ranulph de Pomoeroy  participated in the Norman Conquest in 1066, for which  he was rewarded by the grant of 58 manors & other holdings in Devon and 2 manors in Somerset. 
After the Domesday Survey  of 1068 Ranulph was one of the two Devon commissioners appointed to carry the resulting  monies to the royal treasury at Winchester.

English Heritage Medieval Life website Here

Benjamin Donns 18th Map of Devon Here

For the 2016 Gathering at Berry Pomeroy I made a PDF  which I am happy to share
My email - wooltucker (at) gmail.com 

~ History is Yesterday  & thus always Ongoing ~

This site is largely about the genealogy of the Pomeroy  family BUT it is also about what was happening around them ;
with a few of the people who impinged on their lives & events that influenced them .

              POMEROY TWIGS  ( 3rd edition)

 Begun in 1997  this website  largely reflects my genealogical researches into the Pomeroy family which was baronial until 1547   

 All my research  is regarded as being  part of the rich & varied tapestry that is History ; 

 Disclaimer: the information on the web site  is verifiable & accurate  & this researcher  keeps  to the
genealogist code of no details about living people   

  AJP E mail for  enquiries   : wooltucker (at) gmail.com

These pages bring us closer to the present

I have had contributions & research from my cousin Pat in Brighton ; a trove of English Wills transcribed by  Virginia in NZ.;

 research from Alma in MA USA  &  from Harriet  in Ireland ;
some  interesting contributions from John E. Pomeroy in Essex whi is researching the East Devon Poms and Newfoundland 

Not forgetting my good friend Jenny B who has surprises me every now and then ! 
THANK  YOU one &  all.

You can find additional  information on

 Pomeroy Connections  

The American Pomeroy Historic Genealogical Association FB page 

American Pomeroys website - 1630 onwards

I am willing to answer questions about the English family however please note almost everything I have researched is already here
on Pomeroy Twigs. I do have notes & additional research but it is invariably from before the end of the C18th

There is NO database on this site however there are a great many BMDs  which I add to from time to time.
They are records which I gather along the way, by county or place, which  anyone can collect. 

If you use anything from this site on a website please be polite enough to acknowledge the fact -Annie Pomeroy of Pomeroy Twigs -  

Queries about USA families should be directed to  the American Pomeroy website

Eltwid or Eltweed Pomeroy was a colonist who migrated from Beaminster in Dorset around 1620 -

For years his line formed the basis of a connection to the armorial tree of Pomeroy.

This connection was later regarded as debatable HOWEVER  more recent DNA now says he was of the family at Sandridge and Brixham, although the link from Devon to Dorset is still missing

1066 and All That

Ralph or Radulphus  de la Pomerai was awarded 58 Devonshire manors in Devon and at least 2 in Somerset

In 1068  for his support of the  Duke William of Normandy ,  known as William the Bastard,  the Conqueror and  as William I of England.  William was the illegitimate  son of the unmarried Robert,  Duke of Normandy, by his mistress Herleva and he  was a contender for the throne of England,

which was held by his childless cousin Edward the Confessor.

 J. M .Turner's drawing of the ruins of  Berry Pomeroy Castle 

  My 4x great grandmother was an 1820 Settler in South Africa - Sarah Hornblow HERE
Her daughter Sarah Georgiana Moore, b 1813, was married in 1837 to  Augustus Stephen Jeffrey Pomery b 1818  

There are BMDs collected by place , which anyone can collect,  which I have included , 

If you use them on a website it would be polite to acknowledge the fact that I gathered them;

research by Annie Pomeroy of Pomeroy Twigs website  - https://sites.google.com/site/pomeroytwigs2/home

I am always interested  to hear from anyone who uncovers new facts or documents that might help connect the dots

If you wish to contribute information please email me   -    wooltucker (at) gmail.com 

Orland Island in Sweden home of Orland 1073
the Viking  ancestor  of the Pomerais -
  ÖLAND  1073 , lived  around 690 & 977 BCE 

This site is a Not for Profit owned by A.J Pomeroy who owns the copyright & intellectual property .
© 2000 the hand drawn illustrations & some of  photographs by AJP ©  copyright protected 2000

I am always interested  to hear from anyone who uncovers new facts or documents that might help connect the dots.
Twigs does NOT have a database of families & largely has not explored modern families after the C19th. 
There are a couple & that information is on the site. 

If you wish to contribute information please email me   -    wooltucker (at) gmail.com