Ancient Records


NOTE- these records, if printed make at least 83 sides of A4

Records Covering dates from 1268- Devon Record Office
C16th records   
seals & Vellums here

3799M-0/ET/3/2 1268

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Sir Henry of la POMEROYe, son of Henry of la POMEROYe and Margery of Vernun

2. the Burgesses of Brigg

Premises: the new lands and new burgages enfeoffed to the Burgesses of Brigg by Pomeroye. to give, sell, assign or bequeath as they like, except to a religious house or to Jews

(1) POMEROYE has sealed the copy of the charter remaining with the burgesses and they have sealed his copy with the seals of Sir Roger of Praule knt.

Benedict le Bon and Richard vicar of Berry

Witnesses: Sir Walter of Vernun, Sir William of Fissacre, Richard of Pokehill then bailiff of Berry

 Brigg refers to Bridgetown Pomeroy

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/3 n.d. c.1270

Contents: Quit claim for life

1. Henry of la POMEROYe

2. William Beneger

Premises: all suits which  Beneger must make at POMEROYe's court of Brygg for the tenement which was once John le Bernere's, the tenement which William Palmare once held from 2 Beneger., the tenement which ?Jellan Haucem once held from 2. Beneger, and nine acres of land which he held from the gift of Sir Roger of Praulle, excepting two suits which 2 Beneger. must make annually at 1Pomeroye's court for formal summons, that is at the court of La Hockeday and at the next court after the feast of St Michael and for the afforcement of judgement

Witnesses: Walter of Vernon, Sir Roger of Praulle, Peter of Fysacr, Nicholas of Kyrcham, Richard of Poggehylle

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/5 n.d. c.1268

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Henry of la POMEROYe son of Henry of la POMEROYe and Margery of Vernun

2. Geoffrey of la Worthy

Premises: three and a half acres of land with one virgate and fifteen and a half feet according to the custom of the manor of Berry, the three acres lying together on the south part of the town of Brigge, that is between the land of peter Flor and the land of Adam son of Walter Carectar, and the half acre of land lying [?in] the same croft between the land of John of Fonte and the land of William Chaplain (Capellanus), to be held by 2. and his heirs or assigns to give, sell, assign or bequeath at will, except to religious houses or Jews, just as 1.'s other burgesses of Brigge hold their burgages rent: 12d at Easter

2. is to pay suit of court and all other services, uses and customs as the other burgesses are accustomed to make to 1. and his predecessors according to the tenor of the charter of 1.'s father, son of Johanne of Valetort, made to the same burgesses of Brigge 1. grants to 2. the right to buy and sell in the new town and the old (in nova villa et antiqua) and in all 1.'s other lands just as the other burgesses of Brigge are accustomed to do

Witnesses: Sir Walter of Vernun, Sir Roger of Praule, Sir William of Fisac. knts, Benedict le Bon, Richard of Pokehille then bailiff of Berry 

Endorsed: "De paradiso superior et inferior" (the upper & lower paradise.?)

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/4 n.d. c.1270

Contents: Deed of gift for life

1. Henry of la Pomereye, son of Henry of la Pomereye and Isabelle of Bathone

2. Hugh, son of John of Porta

Premises: that messuage with garden adjacent in the town of Briggeton which fell to me by escheat on the death of William Boneger, lying between the tenement which Walter Do held by my gift on the east, and the tenement which William Palmer once held on the west, excepting the dower of Anastasia, widow of William Boneger, but which is to revert to 2. after Anastasia's death rent: 4/-

Witnesses: William of Cumpton, William Sparke, Walter Do, Stephen Carpenter, Geoffrey of la Worth

Devon Record Office: Christow 3799M-0/ET/8 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office: Berry POMEROY 3799M-0/ET/2 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/1a 1267

Contents: Deed of warranty

1. Gilbert prior of Merton and the convent of the same place

2. Sir Henry of la POMEROY

Warranty against the Abbot and convent of Valle in Normandy of all lands and tenements which the Abbot and convent once held in 2.'s manor of Bery and

which 2. now hold by grant from 1.

Date: St Vincent, martyr, 1267

Seal: virgin and child 'SIGM.ECCLESIE.SAN[CTE].[M]ARIE.DE.MERITONA'. obverse, the abbot standing with his hand raised in blessing


Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/1b n.d c.1267

Contents: Quit claim

1. Ralph, abbot of the church of St Mary of Valle in Normandy and the convent of the same place

2. Sir Henry of la Pomereye

Premises: all 1.'s claim to land in the town of Bery which 2. holds by ordinance of the venerable father W. bishop of Exeter and by grant from the prior and convent of Merton

Seals: 1st seal, vesica, the abbot, inscription damaged; 2nd seal, virgin and child, damaged, with counter-seal, damaged, '[BEA]TE.MARIE.DE.VALL[E]'

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/2 1271

Contents: Covenant

1. William son of Robert Werin

2. Sir Henry of la Pomeray son of Henry of la Pomberay and Margery Vernon

1. is held to guarantee to 2. the covenant made by a charter of feoffment and all the covenant of Alicia daughter of Richard the count. If 1. does not do this, then 2. can enter into the land which is contained in the charter of feoffment without contradiction

Witnesses: Sir Ran. of Bonil, Sir Richard of Adlet, Sir Roger of Bodrugan, Odo of Trevael, Andrew of Trenerbin, Roger of Trewerthen, Roger of Predyas, Perys of ?Chyordthon, Wilham the clerk

Date: Tegony, St Nicholas' day, 1271  Written in French

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/2a 1280

Contents: Quit claim

1. Richard of Poghehille

2. Henry of la Pomeraie

Premises: three furlongs of land with commons of wood which belong to the furlongs, in the manor of Bery, which 2. held for life from 1., that is, one furlong in Holewelle which William le Pawner held and two furlongs which Richard le vicar held in Crondel and Affewelle, and two shillings yearly which 1. received from the vicar of Bery

Consideration: £8. Witnesses: Sir Peter of Fissacre and Sir Nicholas of Kyrham knts., William of Penilles, Ralph Bloyan, William Boreger

Date: Stockegh., the morrow of St Dionysius, 8 Edward I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/28 late 13th cent

Contents: "Ordrichescrofte". Quit claim

1. Susanna, daughter of William Andstake of Briggeton

2. Richard Beamount

Premises: that acre of land "a la Clapere" in Ordrichescrofte in the manor of Berry POMEROY which Beaumont formerly held by lease from Andstake, lying between the land which Ralph Uppeclive once held on the south and the stream which runs from Bouretonesforde to the river Dart on the north, together with a certain piece of adjacent land called la Saltegras Rent: 6d at Michaelmas. Consideration: 12/-

Witnesses: Walter Doo, Geoffrey of la Worthy, Laurence of Bodenile, John Hore, Roger of Hemiston, Jordan Keyser, Robert of la Fosse then reeve of Briggeton

Seal: small fragment with inscription "SUSA"

 Bourtonesford must be Harburtonsford south of the town of Totnes
around the same time

Ordrichescrofte". Quit claim, 1300

Repository Devon Heritage Centre Reference number 3799M/0/ET/2/29

1. Susanna daughter of William Andstak of Briggeton

2. Geoffrey and Richard sons of Adam Frie of Totnes

Premises: al 1.'s right to a garden in Ordrichescrofte in the manor of Berry Pomeroy, with the adjacent cliff, lying next the river Dart on the west and the road from Briggeton to Exeter on the east in length, and between the land of the heirs of Ralph Uppeclive on the north and the land of John Hore on the south 

Rent: 2/- at Michaelmas Consideration: half a silver mark Witnesses: John of Fonte (the fountain), Walter Doo, Martin Scote, Richard Pepste, Gilbert of Ponte (the Bridge), John Marker, John Hinget Date: Totnes, Friday after St Lawrence, 28 Edward

Seal: of Andstak., oval, "S. SUSANNAHANST" Date 1300

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/2b n.d. late 13th century

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Henry of la Pomereye son of Henry of la Pomereye and Isabella Bathone

2. Richard Galee

Premises: all that piece of land in the manor of Bery Pomereye which lies between the road leading from Bridgetown to Peynton on the south and

the road from Westeton to Bery on the north, and the ditch of the close of the prior and convent of Merton on the east rent: 4/10½d p.a.

Witnesses: Robert of Esse, then steward of Bery, Laurence of Bodenyle, Walter Do, Stephen Carpenter, William Antemer, Geofferey of la Worthie then

reeve of Briggeton, Thomas Spicer, clerk

Seal: coat of arms and seal of Henry de la Pomereye.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/5 n.d. c.1300

Contents: Grant for life

1. Henry of la POMEROY son of Henry of la POMEROY and Margery of Vernon

2. Katherine Pypperd

Premises: 50/- annual rent from 1.'s tenants of Trenowyt, 13/4d from half an acre of land which Roger ? once held from 1. and 6/8d from one farthing of land which cus ? once held from 1. in the town of Bodenda

Rent: 3/6d, payable at Tregony

Witnesses: Sir William of Fissacre, Peter of Fissacre, Nicholas of Kyrkam, Garin of Morceles, knts., William of Peneyllis, William of ?Gylecetor Walter of Yaleborne, Thomas of Cardnyon, Ralph of Rosmeron, Thomas of Penwern

Endorsed: Robert of Stokheys saw this agreement under the seal of Sir Henry of la POMEROY which is now made to Katherine Pypard. In witness of which he put his seal to this transcript and received the fealty of John of Tuneya who married Katherine

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/8/1 c .1300

Contents: Copy grant

1. Henry of la POMEROY

2. Church of Blessed Mary of Merton, and the Prior and Convent

Premises: the manor of Canon Teyng and the advowsons of the churches of Clyst Wyke (Clust St George), St Lawrence Exeter, Ayscumbe (Ashcombe) and Aure, and all the other lands and tenements which the said Prior and Convent hold of 1.'s fee anywhere in England from the grant of Ralph once Abbot of the church of Blessed Mary of Valle in Normandy and the Convent of the same place, by the order and dispensation of Bishop Walter of Exeter. 1. grants that neither he nor his heirs will demand or claim any right to lodging by right or custom from the Prior and Convent or from anyone who later holds the manor of Teyng, and if it happens that the Prior and Convent or their successors holding the manor of Teyng will be distrained by anyone for any suit or secular service, 1. and his heirs or those who hold 1.'s manor of Bery will make delivery of the distraint without delay or difficulty, and if 1. and his heirs do not do this within eight days, they will be warned. 1. and his heirs will pay any charges and expenses incurred by the Prior and Convent within one month without contradiction or delay.

1. and his heirs will confirm all this by chirograph at the court of the lord king.

Witnesses: Lord Walter then Bishop of Exeter( STAPLEDON) , Sir Oliver de Dyneham, Sir Richard de Pultymore, Sir Walter de Gernoun,Sir Henry de Campo Arnulfi ( Carminowne),Sir Warin de la Stane, Sir Henry de Dunfravyle knts., Alex. of Hokeston, Master John Wyger, Roger le Greeneske, Walter le Bon, Master Richard Pas, Roger de Acta

The Priory of Merton & Abbey was within the Diocese of Winchester (now in the Diocese of Southwark) and lies at the point where the River Wandle was crossed by Stane Street (the Roman road to Chichester), about 6.2 miles south outside the City of London. ( Not far from Wimbledon ) It held cultivated land and pastures there and at other places in Surrey and held manors and other lands elsewhere in England including Teign (Canons' Teign) in Devon.[1]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/12 1308

Contents: Fleet. Deed of gift

1. John Austyn of Totnes and Cecilia his wife

2. Thomas of la POMEROY

Premises: 1.'s mill of Flute in the manor of Byry POMEROY together with the water course running to the mill and free ingress and egress to the mill on 1.'s land of Flute

Witnesses: Nicholas Kyrkham, John of Ferrers of Churchtone, William Gylbert, William Pers, William Greneweye

Date: Byry POMEROY, Monday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2 Richard II

Seals: 1st seal, armorial, shield marked R.T., with inscription, 2nd seal, squirrel

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/6 1328

Contents: Acknowledgement of lordship

1. John of Geneyly with the assent of Rose his wife 

2. Henry of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

Thomas Goya has given 2. the rents and services which have fallen to Thomas from one tenement in Tregony Marche and the third part of a certain park by the church Bi kybii in Tregony together with the reversion of the tenement and third of the park after the death of Rose, wife of 1.

Witnesses: John Wrey chaplain, Richard Bareth, John of Trenpol, Walter of Methechole, Odo Trensckruk

Date: Tregony, on the feast of St Luke the Evangelist, 2 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/16 1328

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Licence of alienation by letters patent

1. Henry son of Amice of la POMEROY

2. Nicholas of Waldegrave and John Gambon, trustees

Premises: fifty six knights fees in Berry, Harberton and Tregony, and two parts of the manors of Berry, Stockleigh POMEROY and Tregony, and two parts of the manor of Brixham and Harberton, with remainder in the third part of the manors of Berry, Stockleigh POMEROY and Tregony, and the third part of the moieties of the manors of Brixham and Harberton, held by Amice, widow of Henry of la POMEROY, as dower. The premises are to be held by 1. and Johanna his wife for life, then by their son Henry and the heirs male of his body, and for default of heirs by Henry's brothers William, Nicholas, John and Thomas and their heirs male successively

Date: Windsor, 15 November, 2 Edward  Seal: part of Great Seal

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/3 1335

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Henry of la Pomerey son of Henry of la Pomerey and Amicia of Cannvile

2. Mathew Kene, carpenter

Premises: two acres of land in the manor of Bery which Wido Batyn once held, lying between the land of John of Fonte on one side and the land of Joel Amye on the other

Consideration: half a silver mark

Witnesses: John of Fonte, Geoffrey of la Worth, Peter of Loventorr, John of la Fosse, John Mohoun

Date: Bery, Friday after All Saints, 9 Edward II Seals: two, heraldic

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/8 1340

Contents: Bourton. Lease for two lives

1. Henry of la Pomerey, son of Henry of la Pomerey knt.

2. Alice, wife of William le Mazon, and Roger her son, the younger

Premises: all that piece of land with the appurtenances at Boureton which John Cook held, opposite the mansion of Thomas of Boureton

Witnesses: John Mohoun, John Hillaye, Walter Attefosse, John Attefosse, John Auger the elder

Date: ?Baiton Pomerey, Easter, 14 Edward III

Seal: man with ?dog

The Hundred years War 1337 to 1453 followed by the Dynastic Wars called the Cousins War or the Wars of the Roses -1455 and 1485, 

1370 Sir John Pomeray Knight Man-at-arms going to war serving under Captain & Commander Lord Guy, de Bryan 1370 campaign Keeping of the Sea

1371 Sir John Pomeray Knight Man-at-Arms under Captain & Commander Lord Guy, de Bryan father of Phillip 2nd husband of Johan Chudleigh 1371 campaign Keeping of the Sea

1372 Thomas Pomeray Esquire Man-at-arms serving under Lord Guy Bryan army led by King Edward III 1372 on a naval campaign

1372 Sir John Pomeray Knight Man-at-arms under William de Montague, Earl of Salisbury under King Edward III 1372 on a naval campaign

1372- 1374 Sir John Pomeroy Knight Man-at-arms serving under Edward Lord Despenser, led by John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster 3rd son of Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/5/1 1353

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Gilbert of Aysshlegh

2. William of la POMEROY, clerk

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements and the rents and services of all 1.'s tenants for the tenements which they hold from 1. in Cockflute, and with the rents and services of John Ron for all the tenements which he holds from 1. in Wyniston

Witnesses: Nicholas Bokeyete, Roger Spredil, Ralph Bryt, Thomas Bole, James Blaunnvile

Date: Plympton, Monday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 27 Edward III

Devon Record Office: Buckerell 3799M-0/ET/6 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office: Colyton 3799M-0/ET/9 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/9/1 1364

Contents: Grant

1. Henry of la POMEROY the younger, knt., and Emmot his wife

2. Robert Adelard

Premises: all 1.'s land, meadow and pasture in Yerdbiry during the life of Emmot

Rent: 43/4d

Witnesses: [ ] Damorle, William Hor., Richard Benet

Date: [ ] Monday before the feast of St Peter ad Vincula, 38 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/3 1377

Language: French

Contents: Covenant

1. Sir John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Robert Tresilian, John Tregorrek, John Boseneynon and John Roskyer

2. are bound by a statute staple to 1. in three hundred marks sterling. 1. grants to 2., they paying him 200 marks at Launceston priory at the next feast of the Purification of the BVM, livery of seisin of the manors of Tremetheret, Trenant, Menely, Rathwell, and the fourth part of the manor of Trurnbourgh and of many other lands and tenement in St Ewe, St Tudy, St Leskeret, Treworra, Clys Porpira, Tallan and Lansalwys and elsewhere in the county of Cornwall which 1. had by grant from William Hywyssh

Date: Saturday after the Conception of the BVM., 1 Richard II

Seals: four - one armorial, inscription damaged and three monograms- Written in French

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/4 1383

Contents: Grant

1. Henry Bray vicar of St Hillary and William Pellour vicar of St Briaca

2. John Bevyle the younger

Premises: messuages, land and tenements in the towns of Pengersek, Lanconan, Treworwasinor, Treworwasbian, Treyon, Wal, Chywardon, Mayon, Roswyn, Pentracts, Hendr., Rynsy, Trewnlans, Tredrue, Tresewys, Kernykguyn, Polglas, Caergiliov, Nansinen, Coswyn Ive, Trenerth, Henford, Tregenheyn, Tregossagh, Tresuns, Chywarton, Tregonan, Treneston and Polcuske, also the homage and fealty of William Godolgan, Warin Trendekne, Richard Trebonlans, Ralph Cardrew, Roger Trewynard, Thomas Tresewes, William Tregos, John Polglas, John Tynten, Stephen Trevysa, John Boys, John Dynham knt., John Trelegh, William Tredack, Gilbert Tregiliov, Robert Breton, John St Aubyn and Thomas Dewyts

Term: the life of 2. with remainder to John Bevyle his father and the lawful heirs of his body

Rent: 4/2d p.a. as was paid by John Bevyle father of 2.

Witnesses: Richard Tirel, Treyagham, Nicholas Kellnellan, Richard Bodunewel, John Rinsy, John Cararthun

Date: Pengersek, Saturday after the Epiphany, 6 Richard II

Military service for the king 1370 – 1374

Devon Record Office: Cheriton Fitzpaine 3799M-0/ET/7 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/1 1365


1. Robert Hacche and Adam Penbrok, chaplain

2. Thomas of la POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Welcomb, Lake and Herwardisheghes, which 1. had by gift from Matilda Lercedeakne

Date: Exeter, Friday the feast of St Peter and Vincula, 39 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/2 1365

Contents:Quit claim

1. John Wadham

2. Thomas la POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s right to lands and tenements, rents and services in Welcombe, Lake and Hyrwardesheghes

Witnesses: Thomas of Courtenay, John Cary, William Cary, Richard Coleton

Date: Exeter, Monday after the feast of St Luke the Evangelist, 39 Edward III

Seal: small, round, shield, '[SIGILL]UM. IOHANNIS.WADHAM"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/3 1367

Contents: Quit claim

1. Henry Radesworthy and Christine his wife

2. Thomas of la POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s right to 7/- annual rent from lands and tenements in Herewardesheghes in the parish of Cheriton Fitzpaine

Witnesses: John Loterel, John Fitzpayn. John of Kelly, knts., Alexander of Cruwys, John Speek of Crannforde, Henry atte Wille, John Phelip of Yenndecote, John Godecott

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Friday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 41 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/4a 1372

Contents:Power of attorney

1. Thomas of la POMEROY

2. Roger Poure to give seisin to

3. William Cary, Reginald Horsington chaplain, Peter Silverlot and John of Baucomb

Premises: all 1.'s lands and tenements, rents and services, in Welcombe, Lake, Herewordeshegh, Est Wode, [Walles], Stockleigh POMEROY, Cheriton Fitzpaine, Dynnescomb, Teyng Hervy and Sandrugg by [ ]

Date: Wednesday before the feast of St Laurence, 46 Edward [III]

Seal: 1.'s armorial seal, blurred

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/4b 1372

Contents:Declaration of the uses of a conveyance

1. Thomas of la POMEROY

2. William Cary, Renauld Hors[ ], Piers Silverloc and John of Baucomb

Premises: all 1.'s lands and tenements, rents and services in Welcomb, Lake, Herwardesheghes, Est Wode, Walles, Stockleigh POMEROY, Cheriton Fitzpayne, Dynnescomb, Teyng Hervy and Sandrugg

Uses: 1. is going to a journey for the king. If he returns from the journey he is to hold the premises as before. If he dies on the journey before he can re-enter the premises, then 2. are to hold them for Johane his wife, William his son, and the heirs of the body of William. For default of such issue, the premises are to remain to the heirs of the body of 1., and for default, to Nichol, brother of 1. and the heirs of his body. If Nichol has no heirs of the body, the premises remain to William, brother of Nichol and the heirs of his body, and for default, with remainder to the right heirs of 1.

Date: Wednesday next before the feast of St Laurence, 46 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/36 1376

Contents: Week. Grant for life

1. John of la POMEROY son of Henry of la POMEROY

2. Stephen ate Brygg

Premises: one messuage and four furlongs of land at North Wyke which William Ropere held in the manor of Berry

Rent: 18/-

Witnesses: Roger Deggapole(?) bailiff of Paignton, John of Blakedon, Hugh of Wynchelse and John Elys

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday before St Luke the Evangelist, 50 Edward III

Seal: armorial seal of 1. "SIGNUM JOHIS DE LA POMEROY"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/19 1387

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Writ of attornment

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. all his tenants

Premises: the manor of Berry POMEROY which 1. has conveyed to William of Horbury, parson of the church of Ipplepen, Richard Holrigge, vicar of the church of Brixham, John Papilwyk, parson of the church of Lockeshore (Loxhore), Reginald vicar of the church of Berry POMEROY, John Hille, John Wadham, Thomas POMEROY, William Caunton and Richard Ayssh

Date: Thursday after the feast of St Barnabas the apostle, 10 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/20 1387

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Letter of attorney

1. William of Horbury, parson of the church of Ipplepen, Richard Holrigge, vicar of the church of Brixham, John Papilwyk, parson of the church of Loxhore,

Reginald, vicar of the church of Berry POMEROY, John Hill, John Wadham, Thomas of la POMEROY, and Richard Ayssh

2. William Grilleston, William of Bredon and Robert of Hempston to give seisin to:

3. John of la POMEROY, son and heir of Henry of la POMEROY, and Johanne his wife

Premises: the manor of Berry POMEROY

Date: Sunday after the feast of St Bartholomew the apostle, 11 Richard II

Seals: eight seals, including that of Thomas of la POMEROY

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/4 n.d

Contents: Copy deed of gift 12th cent./ 14th cent.1388

1. Henry of POMEROY son of Henry of POMEROY and Matilda of Vitery with the assent of Henry of POMEROY his son and heir

2. Margaret of Fonte

Premises: all the mills in the manor of Byry

Rent: 52/- p.a.

Consideration: 2. gave a barrel of wine to 1. and a barrel of wine to Henry his son and heir and a "sextarium" of wine to G[eoffrey] his son

Witnesses: Robert of Ponchard [ ], [ ]ielmo of Bolhay then steward, Hugh his son, Henry of Botrigan, Richard parson of Scoces, G. of POMEROY, William of Lond.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/18 1388

Contents: Manor and whole estate.

Exemplification of a fine by letters patent copy of fine (see ET/2/17) requested by Henry POMEROY, heir of Henry son of Amice of POMEROY

Date: Westminster, 30 May, 11 Richard II

Great seal missing

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/6/1 1369

Contents: Grant

1. Thomas, son and heir of John Beauchamp of Rym

2. Thomas of la POMEROY

Premises: 33/4d annual rent from all 1.'s manor of Buckerel during the life of Margaret, 1.'s wife

Witnesses: Henry of la POMEROY, Walter of Wodelond, William of Bykebury knts., William of la POMEROY, Nicholas of la POMEROY

Date: Buckerel, Friday after Easter, 43 Edward III

Seals: armorial seal of 1. "Sigillum. Thome. Beaucham[?]; official seal of the mayor of Exeter, "[ ] MAIORITUS. CIVITATIS. EXONIE"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/9 1389

Contents: Bourton. Lease for two lives

1. John of la POMEROY, lord of Byry POMEROY

2. Walter Souche and Agnes his wife

Premises: all that close of land in Boreton in the manor of Byry POMEROY which John Wynard recently held, lying between the land of Lonshangre which John Suddon holds on the east, and the road leading from Totnes to Exeter on the west and north, and 1.'s meadow of Boreton on the south

Rent: 4/- Witnesses: John Walhay, Walter Sapcombe, John Austyn, Thomas Tracy

Date: Byry POMEROY, Saturday after Pentecost, 12 Richard II Seal: made with a signet ring

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/1 1334

Contents:Grant for lives

1. Sir Henry of POMEROY

2. William le Baker and Gounilde his wife

Premises: one house in Brixham with the curtilage and two pieces of land in 'bremele furlang' once held by Nicholas Jacke

Witnesses: Nicholas of Restercombe, John of Weneston, William Pors, Peter Maister, Ralph Punchard

Date: Berry, Sunday before St Peter in Cathedra, 8 Edward III

Seal: round, six pointed star, S' WILLI PURS

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/2 1346

Contents:Grant for lives

1. Sir Henry of 1a POMEROY

2. Nicholas of Ferrers and Laurencia his wife

Premises: seven acres of land lying on Chuseldone with three acres of land lying in Sunderlene in 1.'s manor of Brixham

Rent: 5/6d

Witnesses: William of Ferrers, Nicholas of Restercomb, John of Wynstone, Peter Mayster, Ralph of Punchardon

Date: Berry, Saturday, the Morrow of St Thomas the martyr, 20 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/3 1364

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Harry of la Pomerey knt., son of Henry of la Pomerey and Amice de Camevill /Kamnvyle

2. Simon Marsshel, Matilda his wife and William their son

Premises: one messuage in Brixham with one garden adjoining and one garden which William Fossyng once held, which said messuage William Dak once held; together with a certain piece of land which lies between the land of William Fossyng on the west and the land of Richard Whyte on the east; also two pieces of land at 1a Wyssheve, of which one piece lies between the land which Abraham Rad held on the west and the land of Richard Lane on the east, and the other piece of land lies between the meadow of Walter Shil on the north and south

Rent: ?5/10d payable quarterly. Simon is to pay suit of court twice a year at Brixham, and if he is away at sea, Matilda his wife is to pay suit of court instead. Simon is also to build in the first year of the term a house for Henry, his heirs and assigns to stable their horses

Witnesses: Nicholas Ferrers, William Piers, John Whyther, William Brygge, John Wyte, John Fore

Date: Brixham, Saturday next [ ] the feast of St Michael, 38 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/25/1 1364

Contents: Grant for 13 years

1. Thomas of la POMEROY

2. John Fisschre., John Capoun, John Tailour

Premises: all the coppice wood growing in 1.'s woods of Bixynore and Hailes

Rent: 20/- payable at 'San.' in the house of Walter atte Burghe called le reale

Condition: if 2. do not pay the rent, cut down oak, ash or coppice wood outside the term granted, or do not keep the wood of Hailes enclosed, then 1. is allowed to re-enter the woods and retain them. 2. bind themselves in £10 to pay for this transgression

Date: Stoke Basset, Monday after St Michael, 38 Edward III

Seals: three; first missing, second a heraldic beast, possibly a lion, third a man's head in an eight-pointed star

Nicholas of Tewkesbury 1320 -was also Nicholas Pomeroy Sheriff of Devon & Lord of Dartmouth - Bixinor in Hereford & Hailes Abbey Gloucestershire

Note Deerhurst, Little Malvern, Gloucester, Winchcombe, (& HAILES ABBEY) Tewkesbury, Evesham, Pershore and Worcester were all Benedictine Priories.
Mainly founded in the 12th century these were lost  when Henry VIII laid waste to the monanstic system during  the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the late 1530’s.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/38 1394

Contents: Weekaborough. Lease for 50 years (Weekaborough near Maldon & Paignton)

1. John of la POMEROY and Johanna his wife

2. Agnes Harry, Walter Boon and Johanne his wife

Premises: one tenure in Twykkeburgh which Agnes held from 1. This looks mis-transcribed to AJP & should read Weekabrorough)

Rent: 8/-

Witnesses: Hugh Wynchelsee the elder, Walter Hennebon, John Benet, Nicholas Cok

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday after the Annunciation, 17 Richard II

Seal: one surviving of three, small, round, initial 'P'

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/39 1408

Contents: Weekborough. Grant for life, in reversion

1. Edward of la POMEROY, lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Andrew Colle

Premises: reversion of two and a half furlongs of land in Twykkeburgh which were leased by John of la POMEROY knt., recently lord of Berry POMEROY, to Nicholas Colle . father of Andrew.

Rent: 20/-

Witnesses: Richard atte Wode, Thomas Penellys, William Austyn, John Northwyk, John Chapelman

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday after St James the Apostle, 9 Henry VI

Seal: ?motif

Devon Record Office: South Milton 3799M-0/ET/15 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/15/1 1373

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Alesia Bogheweye

2. Stephen of Hydeswill

Premises: one messuage and all 1.'s land in the manor of Horswill, lying between the lands of various tenants

Rent: 20/- p.a. for ten years, then 2/- p.a.

Witnesses: Thomas Nottecomb, John Bourlegh, Peter Mey, John Lyne, Robert Sapere

Date: Kingsbridge, Sunday after the feast of the Finding of the Holy Cross, 47 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/4 1374

Contents:Grant for life

1. John POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Richard Holrygh, vicar of the church of Brixham

Premises: that tenure in Brixham which John Brodwylle formerly held from 1. at will

Rent: 22/2¾d

Date Berry POMEROY, the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 48 Edward III

Seal: fragment, armorial seal of 1. [ ]m: JOHIS DE [ ]

Devon Record Office: Harberton 3799M-0/ET/13 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/13/1 1377

Contents:Power of attorney

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Bythewatere

To give seison to:

3. William of la POMEROY, Nicholas of la POMEROY, James of Chuddelegh, Nicholas of Kyrkham, Adam Cole, John Blake of Loddeforde, Richard Foldhey and Hugh Harewill

Premises: all those manors, advowsons, churches, land and tenements in Hywysh (Huish), Stouford, [ ]bury, Bourlonde, Croude (Crowdy, in Harberton), Wayshborne and Alhalghenelegh (Leigh in Harberton) which 1. had by gift and feoffment of William Hywysch

Date: Monday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 1 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/12/2 1378

Contents: Grant

1. Sir John of la POMEROY knt.

2. John Polkesfenne, tailor, of Dartmouth

Premises: all the trees or wood growing on a bank of the garden of 1. at Estwaschbourne, which bank encloses the said garden on the north. 2. is to have the right of ingress and egress to cut down trees and take them away until the next feast of St Michael, and he is to leave some trees growing on the bank so that it is well and conveniently hedged

Date: Berry POMEROY, Wednesday, the feast of the Conversion of St Paul the Apostle, 1 Richard II

Devon Record Office: Halwell 3799M-0/ET/12 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/12/1 1385

Contents: Deed of gift for 40 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., lord of Estwashbourne

2. Elias atte Wylle

Premises: all 1.'s land with the house anciently called la Deyhous with the meadows and closes in Estwaschbourne, that is on the east of the road leading from the cross of Yeodeston to the water of the town there, and on the south of the said water up to the land of several tenants

Rent: 33/-

Witnesses: Richard of Grypeston, Robert of Waschbourne, Robert Stoketon, Guy Langha, Nicholas Colaton

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after St Luke the Evangelist, 9 Richard II

Seal: initial W, inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/5 1382


1. John of 1a Pomerey knt., lord of Brixham

2. William Stephene and Isabelle his wife, and their legitimate heirs

Premises: one cottage and one acre of land in Brixham which John Urese held from 1.

Rent: 5/-, and 2. are to build a house and keep it in repair

Witnesses: John Blake, John Crydya, William Piers, Richard Foldhay, Nicholas Piers

Date: Brixham, Monday after Easter week, 5 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/6 1386

Contents:Grant for lives

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. John Abraham, Alice his wife and John their son

Premises: all that tenure which John Bannocke held in Brixham

Rent: 12/4d

Witnesses: John of Ferrers, Sir Richard Holryg vicar of Brixham, John Whyther, William Grenewaye

Date: Brixham, Monday after the feast of St Andrew the apostle, 10 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/7 1387

Contents:Deed of gift for lives

1. Sir John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. John Eurl of Brixham, English his wife and Matilda their daughter

Premises: one cottage with a garden and one acre and a virgate of land adjoining, and one half of a ferling of land called Gacchefurdyng, which same cottage Thomas Body held

Rent: 10/-

Witnesses: John of Ferers, Elias Penell, John Whyther

Date: Brixham, the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 11 Richard II

Seal: oval, device, "S. WILLMI.[P]IER"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/8 1388

Contents:Grant for lives

1. Sir John of 1a POMEROY knt., lord of Brixham

2. John Doungton, Christian his wife and John their son

Premises: one cottage in Brixham which William Marchal held

Rent: 2/-

Witnesses: John of Ferer, Elias Penell, John Whyther

Date: Brixham, the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 12 Richard II

Seal: small, round, initial 'W'

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/14 1389

Contents:"Lollecombe". Lease for life

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Prous the younger

Premises: all that tenure in Lollecombe within the lordship of Berry POMEROY which John Beagh held

Rent: 13/4d

Witnesses: Hugh Wynchelsee, William Peny, William Syneger, John Suddon, John Benet

Date: Biri POMEROY, Sunday before the feast of All Saints, 16 Richard II

Seal: initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/7 1380

Language: French


1. Sir John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Hugh Harewille

2. is bound to 1. by a bond of statute merchant in £200 made before the mayor of Exeter. The bond will be null and void if 2. agrees to accept the arbitration of 1.'s counsel and friends to put an end to the dispute about the ownership of lands in the manor of Tregony and elsewhere in the county of Cornwall, which 2. claims he holds by charter from 1., and all debate about charges and expenses on the accounts of 1. during the time that 2. was his bailiff and receiver. 2. also has to make an acquitance of all the bad fames and slanders made against 1., his friends and his counsel

Date: 10 April, 3 Richard II

Seal: small, round, four-legged winged animal- Written in French

Devon Record Office: Combe Raleigh 3799M-0/ET/10 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/10/1 1382

Contents: Lease for life

1. John of Seyntaubyn knt., lord of Combe Ralegh ( 1st Husband of Joanna Chudleigh later Widow de Bryan & wife of Thomas Pomeroy in 1388

2. John Carlyl

Premises: all the lands and tenements which William Tayllor formerly held and which Richard atte Mulle recently held in Milleheghes and all the lands and tenements which Phelippa Crook recently held in Crook, in the manor of Combe Raleigh

Rent: 15/-

Witnesses: John Mattesforde, Thomas Dennyng, Henry Wotton, John Chepman of Honyton, Richard Haukyn

Date: Monday after the feast of St George, 5 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/23 1389

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanne his wife

2. John Cove the elder and Margery his wife

Premises: two acres of land in Brigton POMEROY between the land of the said John Cove on the south, and the lands of the heirs of John atte Wille of Totnes on the north, to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies, and for default of heirs by Isabelle daughter of Margery and the heirs of her body, with reversion to 1. and their heirs

Witnesses: Thomas Tracy, Robert Hugh, John Austin, Richard Mason, Richard Gil[den then reeve] there

Date: Berry POMEROY, last day of January, 12 Richard II

Seal: shield with lion rampant, and inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/13/2 1390

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY

2. John Swayn and Margery his wife

Premises: two tenures of 1.'s land in Legh Sanctorum, which the said John Swayn held at will, and of which Geoffrey Smyth once held one tenure and the other tenure Stephen atte Stone once held, to hold with the fishing in the water of Hurbourn by 2. during their lives

Rent: 15/6d

Witnesses: John Wolhay, William Gybbe, Peter atte More, William Boly, Thomas Chillelegh, Adam Hurburneford

Date: Legh Sanctorum, 25 January, 13 Richard II

Seal: small, round, lion rampant on a shield

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/13/3 1390

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY, knt.

2. John Toker, Sibil his wife and Alice their daughter

Premises: all the messuages, lands and tenement which John Toker formerly held in Legh Omnium Sanctorum, to be held by 2. during their lives

Rent: 12/1d

1.grants that 2. are not to be held liable to do the office of a tithingman during their lives, but they are to be charged with keeping three houses on the said tenements, that is two granges and one bakery

Witnesses: Odo Bosoun, John Wolhay, Richard Grypestone, Richard Morgan, William Kays

Date: Tuesday after the feast of St Maur the Abbot, 13 Richard II

Seal: small, round, five petalled flower with small animal resting in the centre

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/9 1390

Contents:Deed of gift

1. John of 1a POMEROY

2. Richard Holrugg

Premises: all the rents and services from 1.'s tenants in Brixham, from all the messuages, land and tenements held from 1. there, with the reversions of them when they happen, excepting to 1. all the messuages and gardens of the capital mansion there, all the wood there, all the meadow there and all the royal courts there with the profits and amerciaments belonging to them

Term: to be held by 2. and the heirs of his body; if he dies without heirs within four years of the start of the lease, he can grant the rents and services to whomever he likes, but everything is to revert to 1. when the four years are up

Rent: one rose at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist during the first four years of the term, and then £100 yearly payable on the eve of the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist

Date: Brixham, 10th April, 13 Richard II

Seal: oval, device, "S.[W]ILLMI.PIER", same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/4/7

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/21 1390

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Richard Holrygge vicar of Brixham, Henry Norays, Richard Ayssh and Richard Beaucomb

Premises: all 1.'s manor of Berry POMEROY, and all his manor of Stockleigh POMEROY and the moiety of the manor of Harberton and all his part of the manor of Brixham,

all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Devon and all his manor of Tregony and all his messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Cornwall

Term: to be held by 2. during the life of Richard Ayssh

Rent: one rose on the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after Trinity Sunday, 13 Richard II

Seals: two seals surviving and one fragment; one seal missing

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/25 1391

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY, knt.

2. Richard Ayssh

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Bryggeton POMEROY which 1. recently had by gift from William Kerne and Margaret his wife, daughter and heiress of John Jobble

Witnesses: William Gilbed., William Cove, Thomas Tracy, William Boyer, Henry Austyn then reeve of Bryggeton POMEROY

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, Thursday before St Ambrose the Bishop, 14 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/26 1391

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Richard Assh

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Briggeton POMEROY which 1. recently had by gift from William Kerne and Margaret his wife, and also the reversion of two and a half acres of land which John Cove, Margery his wife and Alicia and Alana their daughters hold from 1. for the term of their lives

Witnesses: William Gilberd, William Cove, Thomas Tracy, Henry Austyn then reeve of the borough of Bryggeton POMEROY

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, Thursday before St Ambrose the Bishop, 14 Richard II

Seal: round, shield with lion rampant, surmounted by a helm flanked by two birds "SIGILL[ ]NIS[ ]LA POMEROY"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/17 mid 14th cent [Edward III 1327-1377 - a 50 year reign ]

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Copy fine

1. Nicholas of Wedergrave and John Gambon quers.

2. Henry Pomeroy son of Amice of POMEROY and Johanne his wife defs. through Ralph Spek, representing Thomasine

Premises: the manor of Tregony, eighteen knights fees in Tregony in Cornwall, the manors of Berry and Stockleigh POMEROY, thirty eight knights fees in Berry and Harberton and the moieties of the manors of Brixham and Harberton in Devon

Henry recognises that the premises belong to 1., and in return for this recognisance, 1. grants the premises to 2. with the service and homage of the Abbot of Ford, the Abbot of Buckfast, the Prior of St Michael's Mount, William of Rogillyn, John le Sor, Peter of Glyn, Geoffrey of Bodbran, Nicholas of Treflunen, Oliver of Carminou, Robert fitz William, Simon Giffard, Ralph Bunill, John of Kelestek, Oger of Cleyher, William Halap, Roger of Trelonthas, Odo of Bodrigan, John of Penwern, Roger of Tremur, John of Polredan, Thomas Peticru, Peter of Glyn, Roger of Reskenmer, Benedict le Brun, John of Trenal, John of Trenranek, Ralph Blonyhon, Oger of Kernyk, William Goylyn, William Corsgaran, Stephen of Trewuthenec, John of Tremamoun, Hugh le Gros, John Fasel, Reginald of Wolvedon, Benedict of Bastoun, Walter of Nausbara, Bartholomew Mich., Geoffrey Prideaux, William of Mas, Thomas of Penwern, Robert Blake, Ivo Crabbe, Hue Crabbe, Reginald of Trebuthyas, Alice of Brunille, Henry of Nyweton, John of Nyweton, John Counek, Godfrey of Trenewith, William Bolfyn, John of Penwern, Henry Benehouse, Thomas Wyger, Robert of Hoxham, Roger of Monlywys, Robert of Kyrkeham, Roger of Prall., Henry of Esse, John of Tremenec, Robert of Stochey, John Proutz, Robert of Horton, Simon Coffyn, John of Bello Campo, Richard of Stapelton, William of Ferirs, Richard of Chuceldon, Edward of Monte Hermery, Richard of Doun, Roger of Alweston, William of Mewvy, Thomas of Monte Hermery, Andrew of Wiggeworth, John of Vispount, Richard Favel, and Thomas Cryspyn

With a clause entailing the premises on the sons of 2. and their heirs male

Date: the morrow of St John the Baptist, 3 Edward III, and the octave of St Hilary, 18/5 Edward III; copy undated

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/22 1392

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Surrender

1. Richard Holrygge vicar of Brixham, Henry Noreys, Richard Aysshe and Richard Baucombe

2. John of la POMEROY knt.

Premises: the manors of Berry POMEROY and Stockleigh POMEROY, the moiety of the manor of Harberton, the manor of Tregony and all the lands in Devon and Cornwall

Date: 13 September, 16 Richard II

Seals: four, used by 1.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/1/2 1392

Contents: Ashcombe. Grant

1. John Cade and Thomas Barton, clerk

2. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

Premises: 2. is bound to 1. in 40 marks. If Alice wife of John Cade dies while Robert, brother and heir of John Kyrkham, is under age, and if, after the death of Alice, 1. holds the third part of the manor of Aysshcombe during the minority of Robert or his heirs or before any one of his heirs reaches full and legal age if Robert dies under age, without hindrance from 2., then the bond in 40 marks is to be null and void

Date: Berry POMEROY, 9 June 15 Richard II  Seal: shield 'S. IOHANIS. MAUTELDE'.

ASHCOMBE,   three miles east  of Chudleigh in Devon lies in a hollow below the Haldon Hills.  Its small medieval church (St. Nectan) was largely rebuilt in 1824-5 and the character of the church is derived almost entirely from the early 19th century work: it is perfect of its kind, with delicately colour-washed wagon roofs and walls.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/37 1396

Contents: Week. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

2. Thomas Glaas

Premises: one tenure at North Wyke which Stephen at Wode formerly held from 1.

Rent: 18/-

Witnesses: Robert Hempston, Walter Hennebon, John Bukeyete, William Ryder, Walter Boon

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after St Michael the Archangel, 20 Richard II

Seal: figure kneeling in prayer before a saint, with inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/5 1399

Contents: Afton. Lease for 40 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., lord of Biry POMEROY and Johanna his wife

2. John Boon

Premises: all the tenure in Affeton which Mathew Boon held before

Rent: 6/4d

Witnesses: John Suddon, Walter Hennebon, John Parker, John Benet, Hugh Wynchelsee

Date: Biry POMEROY, Monday after St Andrew the Apostle, 1 Henry IV

Seal: small, stylised flower, no inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/43 1399

Contents: Worthy. Lease for 20 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Prous

Premises: all 1.'s demesne land in Tybcoumb in my lordship of Worthy with the ditches belonging to the said land, lying on the north part of the ditch of Haukesdene and on the south part of the road which leads from Weston to Flute together with the said ditch of Haukesdene

Rent: 28/4d

Witnesses: Richard Baucombe, John Suddon, John Beaghe, Walter Hennebon, John Benet

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday, Exaltation of the Holy Cross 23 Richard II

Seal: small, 5 petalled rose

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/44 1399

Contents: Worthy. Grant for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Robert Frensshe

Premises: the rents and services of William Prus of Weston and William Sineger arising from a parcel of land which they hold from 1. to be held for twenty years, called Ilercomb., together with the reversion of the same when it happens,

and also one close of land at Worthy opposite the mansion of William Peny with right of watering at the well (fons) of Worthy for the animals pasturing in the close,With ingress and egress to the same through the lane of Worthy

Consideration: 2.'s good advice and service

Condition: if 2. dies within the term, 1. is allowed to repossess the rents, services and close of land

Witnesses: Richard Aysshe, Richard Baucomb, John Cove, John Suddon

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday before All Saints, 1 Henry V

Seal: small, round, fleur de lys

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/42 1399 or 1400

Contents: Worthy. Deed of gift for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Prouz

Premises: one close of land in Worthy opposite the mansion of William Peny together with all the ditches, and the banks of ditches, around the close, together with the right of watering at the well (fons) of Worthy for 2.'s animals with the right of ingress and egress to the close and well by the lane of Worthy as well as for the animals coming and going as other necessary things

Rent: 15/-

Witnesses: Richard Beaucomb, John Beagh, William Peny Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after St George, 23 Richard II (the 23 year of Richard's reign ran from 22 June to 29 September 1399)

Seal: signet, device of a cross, a heart and initials ID

Devon Record Office: Brixham 3799M-0/ET/4 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/10 1394

Contents:Grant for 60 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. Thomas Payn of Brixham and Johanne his wife

Premises: all that tenure in Brixham which Thomas Smyth held

Witnesses: Nicholas Piers, William Cole William Stephen, Richard Forde

Date: Brixham, Wednesday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 18 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/11 1394

Contents: Grant

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. Isabelle Toukere

Premises: all that cottage and all that land with its appurtenances in Brixham containing one acre, which 2. now holds at will

Term: the life of 2., or 20 years, whichever is the shorter, with remainder to John Wiliam for a term of 60 years

Witnesses: William Ferrers, Elias Penyles, John Whyther, Thomas Payn

Date: Brixham, 12th October, 18 Richard II

Seals: oval, figure kneeling in prayer before the BVM "S[ANCTA] MARIA ORA PRO ME", once surrounded by circle of twisted fibres, now missing

Seal: oval, device, "S. WILL[ ], same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/4/7 and 9

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/12 1397

Contents: Grant for 20 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. Thomas Bogheton, Alane his wife, and their heirs

Premises: all that farthing of land which Thomas Kyng and Martin Carpenter held in Brixham, except one close which John Forde the elder holds and another close which the vicar of the same town holds and a third close which Thomas Payn holds

Rent: 10/-

Witnesses: John Whyther, William Stephyn, William Cole

Date: Brixham, the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 21 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/12a 1397

Contents: Grant for life

1. Sir John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. Edith recently wife of John Reve

Premises: one cottage with half a farthing of land which John Reve held from 1.

Rent: 6/2d

Witnesses: John of Ferrers, Richard Holrygg chaplain, John Whithere, William Greneway, Robert Blakallere

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday after the Nativity of the Lord, 21 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/13 1400

Contents: Grant for 70 years in reversion

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. John Lynede son of John Lynede of Brixham

Premises: all that tenure which John, father of 2., holds for his life and the life of Johanne his wife

Rent: 12/4d

Witnesses: William of Ferers, John Cole, Elias Penels, John Whyther, Simon Cosby

Date: Brixham, the feast of St Mark the Evangelist, 1 Henry IV

Devon Record Office: Huish 3799M-0/ET/14 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/14/1 1401

Contents: Agreement

1. Sir Thomas POMEROY

2. Waryn

3. Waldegrave esq.

Premises: on 3rd February in the great hall of Westminster, 1. conveyed to 2. the manors of Hiwyssh and Stouford and because of that surety 2. agreed that 1. and Sir James Chuddelegh should be enfeoffed in the said manors to have and to hold for ever, seised by John Colyn and Robert Yeo

Date: London, 4th February, 2 Henry IV

Seal: round, shield, "Sig[illum]:Waryni:de:Wald[egr]ave"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/14 1401

Contents: Lease for 70 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. John Lenede and Isabelle his wife

Premises: two pieces of land of 1.'s lordship of Brixham, of which one piece lies on Redewylle between the land of the heirs of Rotholand Piers called Chalnecroft on the west and land called Chuseldon on the north, and the land of William Bonerville knt., on the south; the other piece of land is called Sounderleef and has between land called le Biry on the east and the land called Birling on the west; which pieces of land John Bannok held before from 1. at will

Rent: 5/-

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Cole, Elias Penylls, Richard Burgeys, John Body

Date: Berry POMEROY, Tuesday before the feast of St Clement, 3 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, man's head in profile

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/15 1404

Contents: Grant

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Richard Baucomb

Premises: all the rents and services of 1.'s tenants of Brixham, being £18 in English money, excepting to 1. all the houses and gardens of the capital mansion near the church of Brixham, and all courts, relief's, heriots, fines, payments for ingress, of Brixham and the profits arising from them

Witnesses: Robert Frensshe, John Mey, William Ryder, Richard Prous, Thomas Payn

Date: Brixham, Tuesday after the feast of St Martin, 6 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, flower shape

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/16 1405

Contents: Lease for lives or 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Tassel and Avice his wife and William their son

Premises: one messuage with curtilage adjoining which William Thournyng and Sara his wife recently held in Brixham, situated between the land of Thomas Payn on the east and the tenement of William Lous on the west

Rent: 3/4d, and two suits of court at Brixham. If William is unable to pay suit of court, then Avice his wife is to be admitted to the court to pay suit instead

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Cole, Elias Penyls, Richard Holrigg clerk, Nicholas Penyls

Date: Brixham, Wednesday after the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, 6 Henry IV

Seal: small, oval, snake coiled to form initial S in mirror image

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/45 1400

Contents: Worthy. Grant for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Prous of Weston

Premises: all the close granted to Robert Frensshe with all the ditches and mounds of ditches surrounding the close, together with the right of watering at the well of Worthy the animals pasturing in the close, with right of ingress and egress to the same close, house and well by the lane of Worthy both for animals and for other necessary things

Rent: 15/-

Witnesses: Richard Baucomb, John Beaghe, John Suddon, William Seneger

Date: Berry POMEROY, Saturday after the Translation of St Thomas, 1 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, fleur de lys

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/11/2 1400

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Richard Wolff

2. Henry Bradeford

Premises: all 1.'s land in Bradforde except three pieces of land on the south side of the vill of Bradeford which now are in the hands of Walter Byry

Rent: 20d p.a. and suit of court at 1.'s court of Wolfysnemet

Witnesses: John Copleston, Oto Champernon, John [ ], [ ] Iforde, John Yonge

Date: Wolfysnemet, Thursday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, eagle

Devon Record Office: Poltimore 3799M-0/ET/16 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/16/1 1400

Contents: Power of attorney

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johane his wife

2. John Bastard the younger, John Somer of Exeter and John Gatecombe

To deliver seisin to:

3. Thomas Bampfeld

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Poltimore in Devon, and in Weston in Somerset

Date: Wednesday, on the morrow of the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 1 Henry IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/16/2 1400

Contents: Receipt

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johane his wife

2. Thomas Bampfeld

Twelve marks in payment of all arrearages of an annual rent from lands and tenements in Poltimore in Devon and in Weston in Somerset, payable during the life of Johane

Date: Monday after the Octave of St Michael the Archangel, 2 Henry IV

Seals: fragment of armorial seal of John of la POMEROY; fragment, shield bearing a lion rampant and three bends sinister

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/33 1400

Contents: "Ryxpark". Lease for 62 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

2. Bartholomew Harry and Margaret his wife

Premises: one close of land called Ryxpark in the lordship of Berry POMEROY, lying between the close of Philip Mon. on the east, and 1.'s close called le Sturte on the north with free ingress and egress to the close, to be held as fully as Alice Wodehay recently held the close for a term of years and surrendered it into 1.'s hands

Rent: 3/6d

Witnesses: Richard Baucomb, John Suddon, William Cova, John Cova, Thomas Tracye

Date: Berry POMEROY, 4 November, 2 Henry IV

Seal: fragment remaining

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/34 1402

Contents: "Le Sturt". Lease for 20 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

2. Nicholas Horsyngton, Bartholomew Harry and William Boghier

Premises: one close in the manor of Berry POMEROY called le Sturt with all the meadow adjoining the close, and with all the hedges and ditches surrounding them and belonging to them, reserving always to 1. the path from 1.'s wood of Mukwode to the water of the Dart, and from the water to the said wood through the middle of 'duarum porticarum' (? two enclosures) and through the middle of the said close

Rent: 32/-

Witnesses: Robert Frensshe, Richard Aysshe, Richard Baucomb, John Suddin, John Cove

Date: Berry POMEROY, Saturday the morrow of St Michael the Archangel, 3 Henry IV

Seals: two, one small, round, displaying a shield, the other almost rectangular with inscription "his"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/23 1404

Contents:Manor and whole estate. Confirmation

1. Edward POMEROY

2. Johanne wife of John of la POMEROY knt.

Premises: all the manor of Berry POMEROY with Worth, Weston, Boreton and Bruggeton POMEROY

Warranty against the Abbot of Buckfast and his successors and Elias Penyls and his heirs

The confirmation is to be void if 2., after the death of John, enters in on any manors, lands or tenements belonging to John in Stockleigh POMEROY, Brixham and Harberton, or if 2. grants or leases to anyone her estate in the manor of Berry POMEROY with Worthy, Weston, Boreton and Bruggeton POMEROY

Witnesses: Richard Champernon knt., John Arundel knt., Walter Raynold, William Ferrers, Edmund Bosoun, Robert Scobehille, Philip Botterord

Date: Berry POMEROY, Friday before the Annunciation, 5 Henry IV

Seal: flower shape, 'ihs' in centre

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/6 1405

Contents: Afton. Lease for 40 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanna his wife

2. John Byrycombe

Premises: all that cottage in Affeton which Mathew Boon held there from 1.

Witnesses: John Suddon, Walter Hennebon, William Ryder, John Parker, John Benet

Date: Biry POMEROY, Thursday after St Augustine Apostle of the English, 6 Henry IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/11 1407

Contents: Bourton. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

2. William Ryder and Johanna his wife

Premises: all that close of land at Boreton which John Mohoun held

Rent: 7/-

Witnesses: Edward of la POMEROY, John Cole, William Ferrers, Richard Aysshe, Robert Miderhille

Date: Biry POMEROY, 23rd September, 8 Henry IV

Seals: 1st seal, Virgin and Child, with inscription, 2nd seal, a heart, made by a signet ring

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/31 1409

Contents: Grant for 80 years

1. Sir John of la POMEROY knt.

2. Bartholomew Herry

Premises: all 1.'s right to all those lands and tenements with which Walter atte Forse, deceased, was seized in the borough of Briggeton POMEROY

Witnesses: William Boghier, Thomas Tracy, Thomas Austyn, William Lytelle, Stephen Frak then reeve of Briggeton

Date: Briggeton POMEROY, 4 May, 10 Henry IV

Seal: shield shape, ?stag's head with antlers, inscription "RNI"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/32 1409

Contents:Lease for 98 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Bartholomew Harry

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Bruggeton POMEROY which recently were Elena's, the daughter and heiress of Walter atte Fosse, which fell to 1. as escheat when Elena, who held the premises from 1., died without heirs

Witnesses: Robert Frensshe, Richard Aysshe, William Ryder, John Suddon, Stephen Bottisforde then reeve of Bruggeton POMEROY

Date: Bruggeton POMEROY, 24th May, 10 Henry IV

Seal: eagle, surrounded by a motto

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/31 1409

Contents: Park: Deed of grant for 40 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanne his wife

2. John Parker and Ricarde his wife

Premises: one close of land in Byry Park which lies on the west boundary of Northtorp with one close of land called Lady Park with free ingress and egress to the same, and with a free way from Lady Park to the water of Byry Park for watering all his animals, which way is limited by the western boundary of the meadow called Brounysmede

Rent: 18/-

Witnesses: Richard Ayshe, William Rydere, Walter Hennebon, John Suddon, Thomas Glaas

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after St Mathias the Apostle, 10 Henry IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/40 1409

Contents: Weekaborough. Lease for 40 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanne his wife

2. Richard Northwyk

Premises: all that cottage in Weston in Playstret which Roger Cole held, together with one acre of land adjacent to the cottage

Rent: 2/-

Witnesses: Richard Ayshe, John Benet, John Boweton, John Parker, Walter Hennebon

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday after the Annunciation, 10 Henry IV

Seal: damaged fragment of a larger seal

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/17 1409

Contents: Deed of gift for 30 years or life

1. John of la POMEROY

2. Richard Holrugg, vicar of the church of Brixham

Premises: all that tenure in Brixham called Paulyshurne, which 2. held before from 1.

Term: 2. is to hold the premises for his life or 30 years whichever is shorter, with remainder to Simon Cosby for a term of 80 years

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Cole, Richard Burgeys, Nicholas Piers, Nicholas Southdon

Date: Brixham, 4 November, 11 Henry IV

Seal: small, oval, device with initials J.S.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/10 c.1410

Right edge of document destroyed by rodents

Contents: Bourton. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johanna his wife

2. Walter Tracy of Bryggeton POMEROY

Premises: a piece of land at Foredon by Boreton lying between the land of the heirs of William Straa on the north and the highway leading from Bryggeton [POMEROY]

to Exeter on the east, the river Dart on the west and the land of William Wytte on the [south], with a certain river bank by the Dart belonging to the same piece of land, which [ ]

Gyldene held from 1. at will

Rent: 2/-

Witnesses: Richard Aysshe, Walter H[ ], William Ryder, John Suddon, John Beaghe

Date: Biry POMEROY, [ ] after the feast of the Purification, [ ] Henry IV

Seal: armorial, no inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/15 1411

Contents: Longcombe. Lease for 20 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanna his wife

2. John Mayon

Premises: all the tenure in Lancombe which William [ ] held

Rent: 19/3d

John and his heirs and assigns are exempt from the office of reeve during the term

Witnesses: William Ryder, Walter [ ], John Suddon, John Parkere, John [ ]

Date: Byry POMEROY, [ ] after the feast of St Martin, 13 Henry IV

Seal: device surrounded by inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/7 1411

Contents: Afton. Lease for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanna his wife

2. John Boweton

Premises: all that cottage with curtilage adjacent in Affeton, with all that close of land containing three acres, which were both held by John Suddon

Rent: 4/2d

Witnesses: William Ryder, Walter Hennebon, John Suddon, John Benet, Walter Boon

Date: Byry POMEROY, Monday, the feast of St Clement the Martyr, 13 Henry IV

Seal: eight spoked wheel, no inscription

Devon Record Office: Brixton 3799M-0/ET/5 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/37 1412

Contents: Lease for 60 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanne his wife

2. John Taylour and Nichola his wife, and Bartholomew Harry and Margaret his wife

Premises: all that marsh land with the reed-bed growing there, which lies between the close called le Colverpark on the south and le Somerlane on the east, and the water of Derte on the west

Rent: 20d

Witnesses: William Ryder, John Harry, John Nortwyke, Thomas Tracy, Thomas Pyryham then reeve of the borough of Bryggeton POMEROY

Date: Berry POMEROY, Saturday after St Martin, 13 Henry IV

Seal: round, eight spoked wheel

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/24 1413

Contents: Licence of alienation

Granted to Edward POMEROY esq. to convey the manor of Berry POMEROY to John Assh, William Cloueneburgh vicar of Berry POMEROY, and John Harry vicar of Stoke Gabriel, who can then reconvey the manor to Edward and Margaret his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of Edward

Date: 12th October, 12 Henry

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/25 1413

Contents: Manor and whole estate.

Licence of alienation by letters patent granted to John of la POMEROY knt., to convey the manor of Berry POMEROY to Edward Liegh parson of the church of Haccombe, David Hoghe vicar of Buckfastleigh, Robert Saundre vicar of Stoke Gabriel, who can then reconvey the manor to John and Johanne his wife and the heirs male of his body, and for default of issue, the manor is to be held by Edward POMEROY esq., and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of John

Date: 12 September, 1 Henry

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/26 1413

Contents: Manor and whole estate. Deed of gift

1. Edward Liegh parson of Haccombe, David Hoghe vicar of Buckfastleigh and Robert Saundre vicar of Stoke Gabriel

2. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanne his wife

Premises: the manor of Berry POMEROY, to be held by 2. and the heirs male of the body of John, and for default of heirs male by Edward POMEROY esq., and the heirs male of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of John

Witnesses: Hugh Courtenay the elder, Thomas Carru, Richard Champernon knts., John Hauley, John Fraunceys esqs.

Date: Berry POMEROY, 8 October 1 Henry V

Seals: of 2., damaged

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/32 1413

Contents: Park. Lease for life

1. John of la POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY, and Johanna his wife

2. Robert atte Parke

Premises: one tenure at le Parke which 2. formerly held from 1.

Rent: 12d

Term: the life of 2., with remainder to John Parkere son of William Parkere Bastard for 60 years following 2.'s death

Witnesses: Walter Hennebon, John Suddon, John Northwyk the younger, John Curtell, Walter Peny

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday before the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 1 Henry V

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/38 1413

Contents: Lease for 81 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt. and Johanne his wife

2. Mathew Pocok

Premises: all that tenement with two acres of land belonging to it in Briggeton POMEROY which Walter Boreton formerly held from 1., situated between the close of John Forde on the east and the closes of William Boghere and le Willelane on the south and west, and the king's highway which leads from Briggeton POMEROY to Berry POMEROY on the north

Witnesses: John Harry, Bartholomew Harry, Thomas Tracy, John Helyer, John Hugh reeve of the borough of Briggeton POMEROY

Date: Berry POMEROY, Sunday after the Conversion of St Paul, 14 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, initial R

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/18 1413

Contents: Grant for 61 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. John Gylden the elder of Brixham

Premises: all that plot and a ferling of land which John Bannak held from 1. in Brixham

Rent: 12/4d and two suits of court in Brixham. If 2. is absent or occupied with business, then it is permitted that his wife pay suit of court in his place

Witnesses: Richard Holrugge vicar of Brixham, Simon Cosby, William Cole, John Stephene, Richard Burgeys

Date: Brixham, the feast of St Valentine the martyr, 14 Henry IV

Seal: small, oval, initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/19 1413

Contents: Grant for 61 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt.

2. John Gilden the elder of Brixham

Premises: all that plot and ferling of land which John atte Weye once held from 1. at Brixham

Rent: 12/4d and two suits of court at Brixham. If 2., and his heirs and assigns are absent or occupied with business then the wives of his heirs or assigns can pay suit of court instead

Witnesses: Richard Holrugge vicar of Brixham, Simon Cosby, William Cole, John Stephene, Richard Burgeis

Date: Brixham, the eve of St John the Baptist, 1 Henry V

Seal: small, rectangular, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/41 1417

Contents: Weekaborough. Grant for life

1. Johanne of la POMEROY, lady of Berry POMEROY

2. John Helyer

Premises: one furlong of land in Weston, within the manor of Berry POMEROY and one cottage and one toft there, which William Waryn recently held; also one close of land called Luscomb lying at Boreton between the land of Alexander Coule on the east and the land of John Suddon on the west

Term: the life of 1.

Witnesses: Robert Kyrkham, Nicholas Whityng, John Harry, Walter Henbon, John Lovenetorre

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday, the feast of Saints Simon and Jude, 5 Henry V

Seal: impression blurred

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/40 1420

Contents: Inspeximus [The first word of ancient charters in England, confirming a grant made by a former king; hence, a royal grant.]

1. Edward of la POMEROY of a charter of

2. John of la POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY

3. Bartholomew Harry

Premises: all those messuages, lands and tenements in Bruggeton POMEROY which were recently Elena's, daughter of Walter atte Fosse (3799M-0/ET/3/32)

Date: last day of September, 8 Henry V Seal: small, round, lion's head, initials EP

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/46 1423

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Edward POMEROY esq.

2. William Palton knt. John Copleston and John Aysh of Lovyntorre

Premises: all 1.'s messuages and lands in Bury POMEROY and Tregony and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall

Witnesses: Robert Hill, Walter Raynell, [ ] esqs, John Sayer, Henry Beare

Date: 1st March, 1 Henry VI

Left-hand part of the document missing

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/20 1430

Contents: Grant for 61 years

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. Johanne who was wife of Thomas Whiteby of Brixham

Premises: all that messuage and garden adjoining in Brixham situated between the tenement of William Cose on the west and the tenement of Thomas Tarshell on the east, the king's highway on the south

and a certain stream of water on the north, together with a parcel of 1.'s land in Dodemore lying between the land of William Southdon on the east and north, the land of Richard Cole on the west and the little stream of water on the south

Rent: 4/- for the messuage and garden and 2/- for the parcel of land

Witnesses: John Cole, John Ferrers esqs., Nicholas Penyls, Thomas Dollyng, Simon Whiteby

Date: Brixham, Monday before the feast of the Nativity of the BVM, 9 Henry VI

Seal: small, round, hare

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/21 1430

Contents: Lease for 61 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. William Benet, Johanne his wife and John their son

Premises: all that tenure in Brixham which William held from 1. at will

Rent: 14/-

Witnesses: John Cole, John Ferrers esqs., Nicholas Penyls, Thomas Penyls, William Ryder

Date Brixham, Monday after the feast of the Nativity of the BVM, 9 Henry VI

Seals: small, round, initial W; small, oval, stag; small, oval, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/22 1430

Contents: Lease for lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. Nicholas Bukpound and Alianore his wife and Alice their daughter

Premises: all that cottage in Brixham which Thomas Barbour recently held

Rent: 4/-

Witnesses: John Cole, John Ferrers esqs., Nicholas Penyls, Thomas Penyls, William Ryder

Date: Brixham, Monday before the feast of St Matthew the apostle, 9 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/23 1432

Contents: Lease for 61 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. John Mason, Johane his wife and Nicholas younger son of Johane

Premises: all that cottage in Brixham which John held from 1. at will

Rent: 4/-

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Bosson, John Hauly esqs., Nicholas Penels, Thomas Penels

Date: Brixham, Saturday before the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 10 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/24 1432

Contents: Lease for 61 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. Richard Wythy, Johane his wife and Isabelle sister of Johane

Premises: all that tenure of land in Brixham which Richard held from 1. at will and all that meadow there called Dodmore which Thomas Lucas once held

Rent: 12/4d for the tenure and 10/- for the meadow

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Boson, John Hauly esqs., Nicholas Penels, Thomas Penels

Date: Brixham, Saturday before the feast of St John the Baptist, 10 Henry VI

Seal: round, shield with lion rampant, surmounted by a helm and two birds, "Sigill[?u] Edwardi de la POMEROY

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/25 1432

Contents: Lease for lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. John Gelyan and Christine his wife

Premises: one cottage in Brixham which Thomas Whytby held at will

Rent: 8d

Witnesses: William Ferrers, John Boson, John Hauly esqs., Nicholas Penels, Thomas Penels

Date: Brixham, the feast of Saints John and Paul the Martyrs, 10 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/26 1433

Contents:Lease for 80 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Thomas Cosby, Dionisia his wife and John and Johane their son and daughter

Premises: all that tenement in Brixham called Pawleshurne

Rent: 22/-

Witnesses: Walter Bokepound, Roger Bayly, John Cosby, John Batyn, Nicholas Bokepound

Date: Brixham, Thursday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 12 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/27 1434

Contents:Lease for 61 years

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. John Marschall

Premises: all 1.'s cottage in Brixham which John Forde the elder held

Rent: 5/10d

Witnesses: [ ], John Hawly esqs., Thomas Tassell, John Julyan, Richard Cole

Date: Brixham, Saturday the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 13 Henry VI

Seal: small, round, initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/28 1438

Contents:Lease for 61 years

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Thomas Tassell and Isabelle his wife

Premises: all that cottage in Brixham which William Tassell father of Thomas held from 1. at will

Rent: 3/4d

Witnesses: Richard Yerde, Robert Kyrkeham esqs., John Marshall, Richard Cole, John Elyot

Date: Brixham, 26th June, 16 Henry VI

Seals: small, rectangular, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/29 1439

Contents:Lease for 61 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. John Moun als. Prigge, Johane his wife, who was recently wife of William Elyot, and William son of Johane and William Elyot

Premises: all that tenure in Brixham which William Elyot held from 1. before

Rent: 12/4d

Witnesses: John Southcote, William Kymbere, Thomas Tassell, Nicholas Prigge, John Rous clerk

Date: Brixham, Friday the feast of the Apostles Philip and James, 1439, 17 Henry VI

Seals: small, rectangular device; small, round, initial T; third seal, same matrix as first

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/30 1444

Contents:Lease for 80 years or lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. Thomas Gybbe of Brixham and Alice his wife

Premises: all that tenement in Brixham which John Julyan the elder held from 1., and also one acre of meadow at Brixham in Fysshflete which is situated between the stream running from the mill there on the north and the land of Henry Fortescu on the south and as far as the salt sea on the east

Rent: 16/4d

Witnesses: John Southcote, Thomas Tassell, Nicholas Bukpoun, William William, John Marsshall

Date: Brixham, Thursday in Easter week, 22 Henry VI

Seals: small, oval, initial I; second seal damaged, but probably the same matrix

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/31 1453


1. Henry of la POMEROY

2. Henry Cosby and Avise his wife

Premises: one cottage in Brixham, with a little close and a parcel of land in Bremerlond and with the meadow and half an acre of 1.'s land in Halghwill which Nicholas Bukpoun held from 1.

Term: premises to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies

Rent: 6/4d

Witnesses: Gilbert Yerde, Henry Southcote, Thomas Tassell, William Willeam, John Clement

Date: Brixham, Easter Sunday, 31 Henry VI

Seals: same matrix, small, round, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/32 1459

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq.

2. Julian Towers and Gonilde his wife

Premises: one cottage with garden adjoining in Brixham in a place called Milton strete, situated between the tenement of the heirs of John Cosby on the east and le Somerlane on the west, the king's highway leading from Brixham to Kingswear on the south and the close of land called Tethyngpark on the north

Rent: 4/3d

Term: the lives of 2. with remainder to Agnes their daughter

Witnesses: Nicholas Bucpound, John Marshall, Thomas Tassell, John Elytt, William Clement

Date: Brixham, 1 April, 37 Henry VI

Seals: small, oval, damaged; small, eight-sided, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/33 1462

Contents:Lease for 80 years of lives

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq.

2. Donald Nele, Agnes his wife, and John and Juliane their son and daughter

Premises: all that cottage with garden adjoining in Brixham which William John held, situated between the close of William Juyll on the east, and the close of John Mason on the west

Rent: 4/-

Witnesses: Nicholas Bukpound, John Clement, John Mason, Richard Baker, John Elyot

Date: Brixham, Saturday, the feast of St Michael the Archangel in Monte Tumba, 2 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/34 1462

Contents:Lease for 80 years

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. Roger F[ ]ll and Johane his wife

Premises: one cottage in Brixham which Robert Ryder held

Rent: 5/-

Witnesses: Henry Southcott, John Drake, Nicholas Bucpond

Date: Berry POMEROY, 20th November, 2 Edward IV

Seal: small, eight-sided, animal

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/35 1466

Contents:Lease for 80 years

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq.

2. Richard Leslegh and Nicholas his son

Premises: one tenement with garden adjacent and one meadow in Brixham, which John Marshall, now deceased, held, the tenement and garden lies on the east side of the tenement in which Hugh Dene now lives, and the meadow lies at Dodmore

Rent: 8/-

Term: if 2. die within the 80 year term, the premises are to remain to Johane wife of Richard while she remains a widow, if she dies or remarries before the end of the term then the premises are to remain to the legitimate heirs of the body of Nicholas, with remainder to the heirs of Richard

Witnesses: Henry Southcote, John Drake, John Wolhay

Date: Brixham, 1st December, 6 Edward VI

Seals: small, oval, initials RO; seal missing; small, rectangular, initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/36 1467

Contents:Lease for 90 years or lives

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq.

2. Thomas Gibbe, Alice his wife, and William and Richard their sons

Premises: one cottage with a garden and two pieces of land adjoining in Brixham, in which cottage John Marshall, now deceased, recently lived and held from 1. together with the garden and land

Rent: 5/10d

Term: to be held for 90 years determinable on the lives of 2. and the heirs of the body of William and Richard, with reversion to 1.

Witnesses: Henry Southcote, John Clemant, William William

Date: Brixham, 20th April, 7 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/37 1475

Contents:Lease for 80 years

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. Simon Brusard and Alice his wife

Premises: all 1.'s share of a water mill with the mill-pond, weirs, ponds and streams of water belonging to the said mill, together with 1.'s share of a vacant plot of land on both sides of the said pools and streams of water between the garden recently of Nicholas Bukpond, and the close of land called Tumbrys for the clearing out of the said mill-pond, streams of water and pools and for enclosing them with hedges and ditches for the greater convenience of the said mill

Rent: 3/4d and suit of court at 1.'s court at Brixham

Witnesses: John Wolhay, John Clemant, Thomas Gybbe

Date: 1st July, 15 Edward IV

Seals: missing; small, oval, device and initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/38 1476


1. William Huddesfeld, Thomas Bowryng and John Snape

2. Henry POMEROY esq., and Anne his wife

Premises: all 1.'s manors of Brixham and Harberton together with the knight's fee, the advowsons of the churches and the rents, reversions and services belonging to the said manors, excepting one acre of land, all which 1. recently had by gift from the said Henry, having obtained licence from the king

Attorneys: John Drake and Henry Drewe

Witnesses: Oto Gilbert, John Haleghwill, Gibert Yearde, John Barnhous, Thomas Coterell, John Holeway, Robert Pyperell

Date: 27th April, 16 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/39 1476

Contents:Counterpart grant

Seals: small, round, figure, inscription; small, round, lion rampant, ?'bouryng'; small, round, lion rampant, initials "IS"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/40 1476

Contents:Lease for lives

1. William Huddesfyld, Thomas Bowryng and John Snape

2. John Taylor, Donalda his wife and Rose their daughter

Premises: one cottage with garden adjoining in Brixham, situated between the close of William Jule on the east and the close of John Mason on the west, which 1. recently had by gift from Henry POMEROY esq., licence having been granted to him by the king

Rent: 4/-

Witnesses: Nicholas Stephyn, John Clement, John Mason, Richard Baker, John Elyot

Date: Brixham, Saturday, the feast of St Thomas the Apostle, 16 Edward IV

Seals: small, round, device (broken); small, round, hunting horn, inscription; small, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/41 1479

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Henry POMEROY esq., and Anne his wife

2. John Whitehed and Alice his wife

Premises: one cottage with garden adjacent in Brixham which Walter Stile and Nichola his wife held from 1.

Rent: 3/4d

Witnesses: John Elyot, William Strae, Thomas Browne, John Reve, Richard Gibbe

Date: Brixham, 22nd September, 19 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/42 1487

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Richard POMEROY esq.

2. William Rolff, Gonilda his wife and Michael his son

Premises: one cottage with garden adjoining in Brixham in a certain place called Milton Strete between the tenement of the heirs of John Cosby on the east and le Somerlane on the west, the king's highway on the south and the close of land called Tethyng Park on the north

Rent: 4/3d

Attorney: Richard Dolbeare

Witnesses: William Cosby, William Stra, John Reve

Date: 10th June, 2 Henry VII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/43 1487

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Richard POMEROY esq.

2. John Langemede, Isabel his wife and Alice their daughter

Premises: all that tenure of land in Brixham which Simon Stallack held

Rent: 12/4d

Attorney: Thomas Brown

Witnesses: Richard Dolbeare, William Stra, John Reve

Date: 10th July, 2 Henry VII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/44 1487

Contents:Counterpart lease

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/45 1493

Contents:Lease for lives

1. Richard POMEROY knt.

2. William Rolff, Johane his wife and Michael his son

Premises: one cottage and garden adjoining in Brixham, in a certain place called Milton Strete lying between the tenement of the heirs of John Cosby on the east, le Somerlane on the west,

the king's highway on the south and the close of land called Tethyng Parke on the north

Rent: 4/3d

Attorneys: John Oldereff

Witnesses: William Cosby, William Stra, John Reve

Date: 1st May, 8 Henry VIII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/4/46 1497

Contents:Grant for lives

1. Richard POMEROY knt.

2. Walter Langmede, Alice his wife and Thomas their son

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Brixham in Frogewyll Strete which William Poyer once held

Rent: 8/10d

Attorneys: Thomas Brown and William Dayssheper

Witnesses: John Reve, John Coyde, Nicholas Penner, William Godyn, John Hurne

Date: Brixham, Monday, the feast of the Cathedra of St Peter, 11 Henry VII

(In 1497, the feast of St Peter in Cathedra, 22 February, was on a Wednesday)

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/50 1439

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Bartholomew Harry of Briggeton POMEROY

2. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

Premises: all that tenement with curtilage adjoining together with one close of land in Briggeton POMEROY; the tenement and curtilage lying on the south side of the high street of the said town, between the tenement of Nicholas Horsyngton on the east and west; the close of land lies on the south side of the king's highway leading from Briggeton POMEROY towards Paignton between the close of land which John Cove recently held on the east and the land which Nicholas Oldereve now holds on the west; all which 1. recently had by gift from Nicholas Horsyngton, kinsman and heir of Reginald Horsyngton recently vicar of Berry POMEROY

Witnesses: Henry Beare, John Lovenetorr, John Helyer, Thomas Austyn, William Bower

Date: Briggeton POMEROY, 10th September, 18 Henry VI

Seal: small, almost rectangular, device

Chancery Ref C 1/207/80 William Harrys v. The abbot of Tavistock: Detention by John Clement, monk, of an obligation given to complainant by Sir Richard Pomeroy, knight, deceased, granting to him the office of bailiff of Tregony, from which he has been ejected by Dame Anne, late the wife of Sir Richard.: Devon. Dated 1493-1500

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/51 1439

Contents: Letter of attorney

1. Bartholomew Harry of Briggeton POMEROY

2. Henry Beare to give seisin to

3. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

Premises: all that tenement with curtilage adjoining and one close of land in Briggeton POMEROY which 1. had by gift from Nicholas Horsyngton, kinsman and heir of Reginald Horsyngton, recently vicar of Berry POMEROY

Date: Briggeton POMEROY, 10 September, 18 Henry VI

Seal: same matrix at 3799M-0/ET/3/50, better impression

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/52 1439

Contents: Quit claim

1. John Helyer of Briggeton POMEROY

2. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

Premises: all 1.'s right in two pieces of land in Briggeton POMEROY; one piece lying on the south side of the king's highway which leads from Totnes to Berry POMEROY between the land of the heirs of Richard Hugh on the east and the land of William Bogher on the west; the other piece lying at Foredon on the west side of the king's highway which leads from Totnes to Exeter between the land recently of William Gilberd called Gybbeland on the north and the land of 1. on the south

Witnesses: John Southcote, William Austyn, Bartholomew Harry, Richard Whiteher, John Rous

Date: Briggeton POMEROY, 12th September, 18 Henry VI

Seal: blurred fragments

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/53 1439

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Nicholas Sewayn als. Horssyngton

2. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements within the borough of Bryggeton POMEROY, also all those messuages, lands and tenements in Bryggeton which descended to 1. by inheritance after the death of John Sewayn als. Horssyngton son and heir of Alan Sewayn als. Horssyngton

Witnesses: [John So]uthcote, John Northwyk, Thomas Austyn, William Cove, Reginald Wise then reeve of the borough of the said town

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, 10th October, 18 Henry VI

Seal: small, round, initial I surmounded by a crown

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/55 1441

Contents: Lease for 40 years

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Nicholas Horssyngton and Johane his wife

Premises: all that selar together with one little curtilage adjoining, twenty feet in length and twenty feet in breadth, lying in Bryggeton POMEROY below the solar of the tenement of John Forde, that is between the land of the said John Forde on the east and north, and the tenement of Totnes Bridge on the west; also all that garden in Bryggeton between the way which leads from Bryggeton towards Weston on the east and the land of the heirs of William Bower on the west, and the way called Cartwey on the south and the stream of water running from Hurdyngyswill towards the water of the Derte on the north; two parcels of land in Bryggeton of which one parcel is lying on le Hille between the land of John Drake on the east, the land of Geoffrey Vele on the west, the land of John Southcote on the south and the king's highway which leads from Bryggeton towards Berry on the north, and the other parcel lies between the way which leads from Bryggeton to Weston on the east, the tenement of Bartholomew Harry on the west, and the high street of the said town on the north; which selar, garden and parcels of land 1. had by gift from the said Nicholas with other messuages, lands and tenements in Bryggeton, Foredon and Stonyford

Rents: 4d p.a. for the selar and curtilage payable quarterly, one pound of wax and two capons for the garden and 7½d for the parcel of land on le Hille and 3d for the other parcel of land annually on the feast of St Michael

Term: if 2. dies before the end of the 40 year term, the premises are to remain to Richard Whitehere and Isabelle his wife for a term of 200 years

Witnesses: John Southcote, John Lovenetorr, Bartholomew Harry, John Helyer, Thomas Austyn

Date: Berry, 3rd January, 19 Henry VI

Seal: round, shield with lion rampant, surmounted by a helm flanked by two birds "Sigillu. Edwardi de la POMEROY"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/56 1441

Contents: Counterpart of 3799M-0/ET/3/56

Seals: round, initial R surmounted by a crown, same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/3/53; small oval, initial R surmounted by a crown, same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/3/57

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/58 1444

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Richard Whytehere and Isabelle his wife

Premises: all 1.'s selar with the curtilage twenty feet in length and twenty feet in breadth which is situated in Bryggeton POMEROY under the solar of the tenement of John Ford between the land of the said John of the east and north and the tenement of the Bridge of Totnes on the west; also all that garden in Bryggetoun between the way which leads from Bryggetoun towards Weston on the east, on the land of the heirs of William Boyer on the west, the way called Cartway on the south and the stream of water running from Hurdyngyswyll towards the water of the Derte on the north; also two parcels of land in Bryggetoun, of which one parcel lies next to the lime-kiln there on the hill between the land of John Drake on the east, the land of Geoffrey Veale on the west, the land of John Southcote on the south and the king's highway on the north, and the other parcel of land lies in a certain corner between the way leading from Bryggetoun towards Weston on the east, the tenement of Bartholomew Harry on the west and the high street of the said town on the north; all which property, with other messuages lands and tenements in Bryggetoun, Foredon and Stonyford, 1. had by gift from Nicholas Horssyngton

Term: to be held by 2. and the heirs of Richard for ever

Rent: for the selar and curtilage 4d, for the parcel of land on the hill 7½., and for the other parcel in the corner 2d.

Witnesses: Oto Gylberd, Henry Bere, John Helyer

Date: Berry POMEROY, 10th September 23 Henry VI

Seal: of 1., see 3799M-0/ET/3/55

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/59 1445

Contents: Quit claim

1. Edward of la POMEROY, lord of Berry POMEROY

2. John Hellier of Briggetoun POMEROY

Premises: three virgates of land lying in Bryggetoun POMEROY in a certain place there called Foredon in the close of 2. called Pittpark between the king's highway which leads from Bryggetoun to Exeter on the east, the water of the Derte on the west, and the lands of 2. on the south and north; also one virgate of land lying in Bryggetoun in a certain place called Clerkyswyll between the garden of Nicholas Hough on the east, the garden of Walter Boyer on the west, the way from Bryggetoun to Berry on the north, and the stream of water flowing from Hurd[ ]yswill to the water of the Derte on the south

Witnesses: John Southcote, Richard Whitehere, John Drake, Walter Boyer, Richard Peny then reeve of the borough of the town of Bryggetoun

Date: Bryggetoun, Monday before the feast of the Transition of St Thomas the Martyr, 23 Henry V

Seal: small, round, lion's head, initials EP similar design to 3799M-0/ET/3/40

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/13 1463

Contents:Fleet. Lease for 60 years

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq., lord of Byry

2. Nicholas Chepyn, Alianora his wife and John their son

Premises: 1.'s mill called Flute Mille in 1.'s manor of Byry with the water course to the said mill of Flute

Term: to begin from the feast of St Michael the Archangel

Rent: for the first five years 6/8d p.a. and afterwards 40/- p.a. for all services except suit of court twice a year at the courts leat at Byry

Witnesses: Henry Southcote, William Kymber, William Randell, Edward Helyer, John Suddon

Date: Byry, the feast of St David the bishop, 2 Edward IV

Seals: three; two initials, one ?armorial device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/68 1464

Contents: Lease for 80 years

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq., lord of Berry

2. John Gresy and Margaret his wife

Premises: one tenement with garden adjoining in Bryggeton POMEROY, situated between 1.'s tenement in which Thomas Sonder lives on the east, the tenement in which John Prous lives on the west, the high street of the said town on the south, and the water of the Derte on the north

Term: to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies for eighty years

Rent: 10/-

Witnesses: Henry Southcote, John Drake, Edward Helyer, John Suddon, Thomas Came

Date: Bryggeton, Sunday after the Purification of the BVM, 3 Edward IV

Seals: small, oval, initial; small, octagonal, device, initials DV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/69 1465

Contents: Lease for lives

1. Henry of la POMEROY esq.

2. William Perot and Elinor his wife and William their son

Premises: one garden in Bryggeton POMEROY lying between the tenement and garden of Geoffrey Bedle on the east, the tenement and garden of John Suddon on the west, the high street of the said town on the north and the water running from Hurdyngyswyll towards the Derte on the south

Rent: 8d

Witnesses: John Drake, Robert Trewman then reeve of the said borough and town, Edward Helyer, John Suddon, Thomas Cama

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, 20th August, 5 Edward IV

Seals: small, round, initial E, inscription ?'trotw'; small, almost rectangular, device, (broken); small, octagonal, device.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/72 1477

Contents: Deed of gift for lives

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. John Drake and Johane his wife

Premises: one tenement and curtilage adjoining in Bryggetoun POMEROY situated between the tenement of the said John on the west, the tenement of William Cove on the east, the king's highway on the south and the water of the Derte on the north

Rent: 8/-

Term: the lives of 2. with remainder to Henry, John and Edward Drake, sons of 2., and their assigns

Witnesses: John Cove tailor, William Cove, Robert Trueman, Thomas Tracy, John Reche then reeve of Bryggetoun POMEROY

Date: Bryggetoun POMEROY, 20th September, 17 Edward IV

Seal: signet, ? lion

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/75 1480

Contents: Lease

1. John Worthy son and heir of John Worthy recently of Totnes

2. Henry POMEROY and Anne his wife

Premises: one tenement, seven and a half acres of land, and lands in Smalebrok and Flute, granted by Henry Austyn recently of Exeter to John Worthy father of 1. in 1399 (original deed quoted)

Term: to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies with remainder, for default of heirs, to Thomas POMEROY and Agnes his wife and the legitimate heirs of the body of Thomas, and if Thomas dies without heirs of his body, after the death of Agnes, the premises are to remain to the right heirs of Henry

Witnesses: Oto Gylbert, Gilbert Yarde, John Gybbes, John Drake, Henry Drwe

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, 28th March, 20 Edward IV

Seal: blurred impression, once surrounded by a ring of plaited straw, now missing

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/76 1481

Contents: Deed of gift

1. John Bogher of Kingswear, kinsman and heir of Walter Bogher recently of Briggeton POMEROY deceased

2. Thomas POMEROY esq.

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands, tenements, reversions, rents and services in Briggeton POMEROY which recently belonged to the said Walter Bogher

Attorneys: John Tracy the younger, and John Weber

Witnesses: Oto Gilbert, Henry Drwe, John Helier then reeve there

Date: Briggetoun POMEROY, 18th April, 21 Edward IV

Seal: small, round, initial W

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/77 1481

Contents: Quit claim

1. John Drake the elder, John Cove tailor, Thomas Tracy, Henry Drake, John Helier and John Cove clerk

2. Thomas POMEROY esq.

Premises: all 1.'s claim to all the messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Briggeton POMEROY which were given to 1. together with Edward Helyer now deceased by Walter Bogher of Brigeton POMEROY deceased

Date: 14th May, 21 Edward IV

Seals: one blob of wax, no impression; initial W; device, two initials (damaged); seal missing; eight-pointed star; initial M

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/79 1489

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Richard POMEROY knt. lord of Berry POMEROY

2. John Drake of Briggeton POMEROY

Premises: all my land lying outside my tenement in Bryggeton in which William Martyn lives, by the conduit of rainwater running from the gutter (stillacione) on the edge of the western part of 1.'s said tenement, which is situated between the tenement in which John Suddon lives on the east, the tenement of 2. on the west, and the high street on the north; also licence for 2. to build his tenement up to the western wall of 1.'s tenement and also for raising the said wall and for placing the timber of his tenement in, and on, the wall and roof of 1.'s tenement, and for making one chimney and other necessaries of his building in the same wall

Rent: one white 'parcirotheca' or two pence at Easter

Attorneys: John Cove the elder, Thomas Tracy, John Gyldon

Date: Bryggeton POMEROY, 6th March, 4 Henry VIII

Seal: small, oval, initial R

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/84 n.d. C 1477 right-hand side eaten away by rodents

Contents:Letter of attorney

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. [ ] and John Davy attorneys to give seisin to

3. John Drake and Johane his wife

Premises: [ ] with curtilage adjacent in Bryggetoun POMEROY [ ]on the east, the king's highway on the south and the water of the Dart on the [ ]

Lives: 3. with ?remainder to Henry, John and Edward Drake, their sons

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/5 1433

Contents: Grant for life

1. William Oxynbear son of John Oxynbear, Richard atte Cotyn and Richard Dobell

2. John Cruys, clerk

Premises: all that parcel of land which 1. had by gift from John Oxynbear in Churiton ys place (?Cheriton Fitzpaine) to be held by 2. just as William held it from his father the said John, during the life of 2.

Rent: 12/8d

Witnesses: John Prous, Richard Dyra, John Roberts, Robert Scoot and Richard Hurde

Date: Thursday the feast of St George the martyr, 11 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/6 1436

Contents: Grant

1. Thomas Carmynowe esq. Robert Hille esq., Nicholas Radeford, John Mulys, John Wode and Peter Osmond

2. Edward POMEROY esq.

Premises: all 1.'s lands and tenements in Cheriton Fitzpaine which 1. had by gift from Henry Chiriton

Witnesses: Philip Courtenay knt., James Chudlegh, John Copleston, William Chudlegh, John Cruys

Date: Thursday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 15 Henry VI

Seals of 1.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/7/7 1436

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Thomas Carmynowe esq., Robert Hylle esq., Nicholas Radeford, John Mulys, John Wode and Peter Osmond

2. Walter Lebet clerk and John Somerhey to give seisin to

3. Edward POMEROY esq.

Premises: lands and tenements in Cheriton Fitzpaine

Date: 20th October, 15 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/9/2 1440

Contents: Bond

1. John Holand esq.

2. Edward of la POMEROY in £100 to obey the arbitration of James Chuddelegh esq., and John Copleston as to the right, title and claim to lands and tenements in Gatecomb near Colyford

Date: 8th April, 18 Henry VI

Seal: small, lion rampant on a shield

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/13/4 1435

Contents: Lease for three lives

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq.

2. John Turpyn the elder son of John Turpyn of Harberton, Johane his wife and John their son

Premises: one messuage and all 1.'s lands with the houses, closes and appurtenances in Harberton and one cottage with garden adjacent at le Torre which John Mey and Ammia his wife formerly held from 1.

Rent: 13/4d. 2. have to keep all the property in a good state of repair, excepting one house called le Oldehalle which is now totally ruinous

Witnesses: Henry Bere, William Pyper, John Adam, John Turpyn, John Hore

Date: Harberton, Wednesday, the feast of the Innocents, 14 Henry VI

Seal: small, round, lion's head with initials E.P.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/13/5 1435

Contents: Counterpart lease

Seals: small, round, initial I; small, bird; initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/2/35 1493

Contents: "Trameryge". Lease for 3 lives

1. Richard POMEROY knt.

2. Walter Sowthecote, Johanne his wife and Elizabeth their daughter

Premises: all 1.'s land called Trameryge in the manor of Berry, which was recently held by John Smale, John Speke, John Smythe and John Myllere, provided that 2. always allow a right of way across Trameryge from Trustede to Briggeton

Rent: 6/8d

Date: last day of May, 8 Henry VII

Witnesses: Henry Drake, William Andrwe and Otto Bavina

Seal: initial 'R'

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/80 1495

Contents: Lease for lives

1. Richard Blakford

2. William Martyn and Johane his wife, and Richard their son and Alice their daughter

Premises: two tenements in Briggeton POMEROY with one close of land and one barn belonging to one of the tenements; one tenement, the close and the barn was recently held by John Suddon, and the other tenement by John Shourte

Rent: 8/-

Attorneys: Henry Drake and John Tracy

Witnesses: Richard POMEROY knt., Nicholas Miller, John Cove tailor, Thomas Tracy, John Gildon

Date: 6th April, 10 Henry VII

Seal: four, all oval, initial R

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/81 1499

Contents: Quit claim

1. Agnes William widow of John William recently of Great Totnes helier, William Voyse and Wilmot his wife, daughter and heir of Agnes

2. John Trewman

Premises: one tenement with a garden and four closes of land adjoining which 2. now holds and inhabits in Briggetowne POMEROY, lying between the tenement and garden of Richard POMEROY knt., deceased, the lane called Shutelane and the land of Roger Holand esq. in parcels on the east, the land of John Cove the younger on the south, the land of the said John Cove, the land of Thomas Tracy and the land of Agnes POMEROY on the west and the king's highway on the north; one shop and one parcel of land adjoining which William Drew now holds lying within the tenement of Richard Forde; one garden which John Oliver holds lying between the lane called Shutelane on the east and south, the tenement and garden adjacent of the heirs of Richard POMEROY knt., on the west, and the king's highway on the north; one other garden which John Stra now holds lying between the garden of the said Roger Holand esq., on the east, the close of land of the heirs of Nicholas Southecote on the south, the lands of heirs of the said Richard POMEROY knt. on the west and the king's highway on the north, for which property there was an assize of novel disseisin between Agnes and John her husband quer. and John Trewman def. before the king's justices at the assizes in Devon warranty clause against the abbot and convent of Westminster and their successors

Witnesses: Walter Cosby then mayor of the town of Totnes, William Hokemore, Robert Legge

Date: 10th June, 14 Henry VII

Devon Record Office: Staverton 3799M-0/ET/17 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/17/1 1451

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Margaret of la POMEROY, widow( Beville)

2. William Bourchier knt., lord Fitz Waryn, Henry of la POMEROY esq., Thomas Mannying clerk, Nicholas of la POMEROY esq., John Southcote and John Wode

Premises: 1.'s manor of Berkedon (Barkingdon) and all the messuages, lands, tenements, reversions, rents and services which 1. has in Berkedon, Sperkwyll, Berkedon Hoke, Aylescote and Southdon

Witnesses: Henry Crokke, John Brussheforde, Richard Tukker, Geoffrey Veale, Henry Southcote, Henry Noreys, Thomas Tassell

Date: Monday after the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 30 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/17/2 1460

Contents: Bond

1. John Wynard

2. John Reymy and Henry Brokke

In 1,000 marks that 1. and Thomas Werthe and Isabel his wife will obey the judgement of Nicholas Hervy, John Orchard and Christopher Cooke on behalf of 1., Thomas and Isabel, and of John Denys, Thomas Dourisshe the younger and William Fouhell on behalf of Margaret of la POMEROY, as to the title to the manors of Berkedon and Sparkewyll and lands and tenements in Hooke in the parish of Ashreigney, also of manors, lands and tenements in Pengerseke, Pengelle and Methele in Cornwall provided that the arbitration is made before the next octave of the Nativity of St John the Baptist

Date: 1 March, 38 Henry VI

Devon Record Office: Stockleigh POMEROY 3799M-0/ET/18 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/1 n.d. late 13th cent

Contents: Grant for life

1. Henry of la POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY

2. Nigel my cook

Premises: all the land with the tenement which Batyn of the mill once held on 1.'s manor of Stockleigh

Rent: 12d

Consideration: 20/-

Witnesses: Mater Peter of Olnaye, John of Mulys, Robert of Esse, Roger of Bosco (Wood), Peter Baly clerk

Seal: small, round, eagle, inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/2 n.d. c.1300

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Sir Henry of la POMEROYe

2. Sir Walter of Vernon

Premises: all 1.'s land of Stockleigh POMEROY to be held by 2. for life

Rent: one pair of white gloves every year on the feast of St Michael

Witnesses: Sir Herbert of Morceles, William of Fissacre, Warin of Sicca villa, Robert le Daneys, Roger of Pramille, Richard Coffyn, Thomas Arch

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/3 1316

Contents: Quit claim

1. William son of William of la Walle

2. William of Lester

Premises: one messuage and one carrucate of land in la Walle in the manor of Stockleigh POMEROY

Witnesses: Sir Henry of Campo Arnulphi and Sir John of Carmino knts., Richard of Chuderlegh, Robert of Clystewilme, Robert of Engles, James Prodomme, John of Churiton

Date: Exeter, the eve of All Saints, 10 Edward II

Seal: round, fleur de lys, "S' WILLELMI WALL[ ]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/4 1325

Contents: Grant for years or lives

1. John atte Wode, son and heir of Roger atte Wode

2. William of Lester, Matilda his wife and Robert his son

Premises: all 1.'s land of Hoccyngynswille of 1.'s land of la Wode in Stockleigh POMEROY together with the dowry of Avice, 1.'s mother, whenever it happens, to be held by 2. from the feast of St Barnabas the Apostle, 19 Edward II, until the feast of St Michael next following and then for 20 years from that feast

Rent: 16d p.a. for the first 10 years, and during the whole term 2d for each acre and the same for the acres in the dowry when that falls due. At the end of the 20 years, 2. can continue to hold the premises for their lives, at a rent of 40/- p.a.

Witnesses: Alexander atte Worthe, Robert of Poghull, William of Lynor, Robert of Forde

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Tuesday after the feast of the translation of St Thomas, 19 Edward II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/5 1355

Contents: Quit claim

1. Robert Lester

2. Stephen Davy

Premises: all 1.'s right to al the lands and tenements of 1a Walle in Stockleigh POMEROY

Witnesses: John Fitzpayn, John Loterel, Henry of 1a POMEROY the younger, knts., John of Cristowe, William of Lyner

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Wednesday in the feast of Pentecost, 29 Edward III

Seal: round, shield, inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/6 1357

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Stephen Davy

2. Nicholas of 1a POMEROY and Master John of 1a POMEROY

Premises: one messuage and all 1.'s land of Walle by Stockleigh POMEROY

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, 20th March, 31 Edward III

Seal: round, shield, inscription (blurred)

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/7 1358

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Nicholas of 1a POMEROY

2. Stephen Davy

Premises: one messuage and all 1.'s land at La Walle by Stockleigh POMEROY

Date: La Walle by Stockleigh POMEROY, Monday before the feast of the Ascension, 32 Edward III

Seal: round, lion rampant on a lozenge, inscription (part missing) [ ]:nicolai:[ ]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/8 1359

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Stephen Davi

2. William la POMEROY, Nicholas of 1a POMEROY, Thomas of 1a POMEROY, Stephen vicar of Byry and Robert Weye

Premises: one messuage and all 1.'s land of 1a Wallen in the manor of Stockleigh POMEROY, and also all 1.'s goods and chattels

Witnesses: Henry of 1a POMEROY, Thomas of Courtenay, Theobald Greynevile, knts., John Dabernon, Richard of Brankescombe

Date: Newton St Cyres, Saturday after the feast of St Mathias the Apostle, 33 Edward III

Seal: round, shield with Ihs, "S. HUGONIS: LE: SPENSER" same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/18/4

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/9 1368

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Henry of 1a POMEROY, son of Henry of 1a POMEROY and Johane de Meoles

2. Thomas of 1a POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s rents in Lake and Walles in 1.'s manor of Stockleigh POMEROY, to be held by 2. during his life

Rent: 1d

Witnesses: William of 1a POMEROY, William Berkedon, Adam Cole, Martin of Fishacre, Michael Coffyn

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday after the feast of the Epiphany, 41 Edward III

seal of Henry of 1a POMEROY (blurred)

Devon Record Office: Unidentified: Devon 3799M-0/ET/23 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/1 1213

Contents:Grant for 9 years

1. Henry of POMEROY son of Henry of POMEROY and Alice of Vere

2. Reginald Beaupeil

Premises: all 1.'s land of Brudon

Consideration: 90 silver marks, being 10 marks for each year the said Henry of POMEROY, Geoffrey of POMEROY his brother, John the cleric, Reginald Beaupeil, and Richard his son have made on oath to faithfully keep this agreement

Witnesses for Henry of POMEROY: William of Prahall, Elias Coffin, Oliver Malherb, Robert of Carnuo, Ralph of Fomicyn, Geoffrey Coffin, William of POMEROY

Date: the feast of St Michael, 15 John

Seal: oval, a bird with outstretched wings, "SIGIL. REGINALDI. "

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/1 1349

Contents: Quit claim

1. Richard of Sandrigge, brother and heir of Henry of Sandrigge

2. Sir John of Grandisone, bishop of Exeter and Sir Otho of Grandisone knt., his brother

Premises: all 1.'s right to all the messuages, lands and tenements of Sandrigg in the manor of Paignton, which 2. hold by gift and feoffment of Thomas Hawardyn

Witnesses: Thomas of Corteney, Henry of Pamera (Pomroy) the younger, knts., Richard of Chusildene, Peter of Clyfford, Richard of Campo Arnulph, Nicholas of Kirkham, John of Christow

Date: Chudleigh, 20th April, 23 Edward III

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/1a 1362

Contents:Deed of gift

1. John of Grandisson, bishop of Exeter

2. Sir Edmund of Arundell knt., and 1.'s dear niece Sibilla his wife

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements of Sandrigge in the manor of Peyngton together with the rents and services as much of the free tenants as of the others for the same tenements and lands, to be held by Edmund and Sibilla, and Sibilla's heirs

Witnesses: Sir John of Montacute and Sir Henry of 1a POMEROY the younger, knts., also Osbert Hamely, John of Clyfford, William Braibrok

Date: our manor of Chudleigh, 18th May, 36 Edward III

Seal: the Virgin and Child with Sts Peter and Paul either side, underneath is the bishop with his mitre and crozier kneeling in prayer "TU FAVEAS ANNIS [?Patri tecc] VIRGO IOHANNIS"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/2 1355

Contents:Grant for 11 years

1. Henry of la POMEROY, lord of Berry

2. John Wickincg

Premises: one virgate of land of the (?free) ward of Bymdon lying on the north side of the road leading from Stokenham to Kingsbridge in length, of which one headland reaches to the lord's meadow

Term: 11 years beginning at Michaelmas, 29 Edward III

Rent: 12d, and suit of court twice a year at the court of Bymdon

Witnesses: Robert of Scobehill, Nicholas of Pol., John Scogh, William Soper

Devon Record Office: Tiverton and Great Torrington 3799M-0/ET/21 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/21/1 1379

Contents: Tiverton. Grant for life

1. Thomas Pomerey and Johane his wife(fifth son)

2. Johane Bolham

Premises: that tenement with the land adjoining which John Bolham once held at will in the manor of Lomeneclavile, together with the fulling mill in the same manor

Term: life of Johane of la Pomerey

Witnesses: John Gobbe, Robert Storigg, Thomas Hunt

Date: Lomeneclavile, Friday before the feast of St Luke the evangelist, 2 Richard II

Seal: small, oval, ?lion

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/21/2 1376

Contents: Great Torrington. Agreement to seek arbitration

1. Sir John of la POMEROY

2. John Cary and Thomas his brother

There has been a disagreement between 1. and 2. about a fine made between 2. and John Baunfold and Johane his wife, now wife of 1., concerning the manors of Chepyntoryton and North Lew, and lands and tenements in Chepyngtoriton Wode and Forsse. 1. has chosen as arbitrators Master John Wyliet, chancellor of Exeter and Sir John Beaumount, and 2. have chosen Sir John of Dynham and Sir Robert of Vaggescombe, clerk

Date: Tuesday after the fortnight of Easter, 50 Edward III

Seal: round, shield and inscription, blurred

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/5 1376

Contents:Power of attorney

1. Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Robert Irlond chaplain and John Gerneys to give seisin to:

3. John of 1a POMEROY

Premises: lands and tenements in Wille and Aleborn in the parish of Stoke Gabriel

Date: Dartmouth, Friday before the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 50 Edward III

Seal: same matrix as 3799M-0/ET/19/4

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/6 1378

Contents:Quit claim

1. Constance, who was wife of Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Thomas of 1a POMEROY (the fifth son of Henry & Moels)

Premises: all 1.'s right in lands and tenements in Wylle and Yealleborne, by reason of dower from Roger Pole, once 1.'s husband

Date: Dartmouth, Thursday after the Nativity of the BVM., 2 Richard II

Seal: round, six pointed star

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/2 1371

Contents: Quit claim

1. John of Montacute, knt.

2. Thomas of 1a POMEROY

Premises: all 1.'s right in all the lands and tenements in Sandrugge, which 1. and 2. recently recovered jointly by a judgement in the king's court by a writ of right against

Edmund of Arundell knt., and Sibilla his wife, by the name of one messuage, one carrucate and a half of land, and seven acres of meadow in Gabrielestoke and Paignton

Witnesses: Guy of Bryene, Henry of 1a POMEROY, William of Botreaux, John Daumarle, knts., Henry Percehay, John Cary, William Cary

Date: 1st May, 45 Edward III

Seal: round, shield with three lozenges, a helm and a bird with outstretched wings, "[S.] IOHIS.DE.MONTEACUTO"

This is Thomas the fifth son of Henry & Moels father of Edward who married Beville

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/3 1371

Contents: Quit claim

1. Osmon of Arundell knt.

2. Nicholas of 1a POMEROY and Thomas of 1a POMEROY (Thomas the fifth son of Henry & Moels)

Premises: 1.'s right to lands and tenements in Sandrugge in the parish of Gabrielstoke

Date: 4th May, 45 Edward III

Seal: shield with coat of arms

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/10 1372

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Thomas of 1a POMEROY

2. Richard, son of Reginald atte Renne, and Agnes his wife

Premises: all 1.'s lands and tenements in Wallen and Estwode, to be held by 2. during their lives

Rent: 42/-

Witnesses: William Stokedon, Thomas Poghille, John of Churiton, Thomas of Ferlegh, Reginald atte Fenne

Date: Exeter, Wednesday after the feast of St Lucy the Virgin, 6 Edward III

Seals: small, round, four petalled flower with initial at the centre ?A; second seal missing

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/4 1376

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Roger Pole of Dartmouth

2. Thomas of 1a POMEROY ( the fifth son of Henry & Moels, his brothers named here too)

Premises: all 1.'s tenements and lands in Wylle and Aleborne in the parish of Stoke Gabriel

Witnesses: John of 1a POMEROY, John Daniel knts., William of 1a POMEROY, Nicholas of 1a POMEROY, Nicholas of Kyrham, William Greneway

Date: Wylle, Friday before the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 50 Edward III

Seal: round, four-footed winged creature, "XPRDIVESN"

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/11 1386

Contents: Grant for life

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. William Welsar

Premises: one cottage with land adjoining which Robert Blakeman formerly held

Rent: 18d

Witnesses: William Hurde, Richard Laverans, Richard Thechere, Richard Marshall, Thomas Hayward

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Monday before the feast of St Andrew the Apostle, 10 Richard II

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/12 1391


1. John of 1a POMEROY knt., lord of Stockleigh POMEROY

2. Richard Laverans

Premises: all 1.'s cottage called Schute, by the rectory of Stockleigh. 2. is to maintain one house at the cottage at his own expense

Witnesses: Richard Aysshe, Richard Baucomb, William Hurde, Richard Thecther, Thomas Haywa[rd]

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday after St Michael the Archangel, 15 Richard II

Seal: small, round, device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/13 1392

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Richard Holrygge vicar of the church of Brixham, Henry Noreys, Richard Aysshe and Richard Baucombe

2. Nicholas Southcote, John Tregu, Walter ?Guyas and John Gatecombe

To give seison to:

3. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

Premises: all 1.'s manor of Tregony in the county of Cornwall and all their manor of Stockleigh POMEROY in the county of Devon

Date: Brixham, 14th March, 15 Richard II

Seals: round, 'S:WILLMI:[ ]', damaged; round, shield 'S' Ihohan [ ]'; small, round, 'Ro' surrounded by inscription; small, round, initial 'I', surrounded by inscription

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/14 1405

Contents:Grant for 32 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt.

2. John Fillefenne the younger

Premises: all 1.'s tenement in Stockleigh POMEROY which Walter Whiterow held, called Shute

Witnesses: Thomas atte Wallys, Stephen Beaghe, Richard atte Wode

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Monday after Trinity Sunday, 6 Henry IV

Seal: small, eight-sided, crown, and coiled snake

Devon Record Office: Stokinteignhead 3799M-0/ET/20 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/20/1 1400

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Margaret, recently wife of Thomas Beauchamp

2. John Lusshere

To give seisin to:

3. Edward son of Thomas of 1a POMEROY( this is Thomas the fifth son)

Premises: 1.'s lands and tenements of her dower in Teynghervy

Date: Exeter, Friday after the Epiphany, 1 Henry IV

Seal: small, round, initial H

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/7 1404

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Edward POMEROY

2. Robert Saundre vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel and Thomas Cornwale chaplain

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Saundrygge, Wille, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallys and Lake

Witnesses: Thomas Bevyle, Roger Ley and Roger Brendon

Date: 14 June, 5 Henry IV

Seal: small, rectangular, initial I

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/8 1404

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Robert Saundre, vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel, and Thomas Cornewale, chaplain

2. Edward POMEROY and Margaret his wife

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Sanndrygge, Wylle, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallys and Lake, which 1. had by gift from Edward POMEROY, to be held by 2. and the legitimate heirs of their bodies

Witnesses: Edward Boson, John Wolhay, Thomas Bernhous, Richard Aysshe, John Bokkeyate

Date: Sanndrygge, Tuesday after the feast of the translation of St Thomas, 5 Henry IV

Seals: small, round, man's head; small, oval, crown and two initials

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/9 1404

Contents: Power of attorney

1. Edward POMEROY and Margaret his wife

2. John Lussher and John Spryng

To take seisin from:

3. Robert Saundre vicar of the church of Stoke Gabriel and Thomas Cornwale, chaplain

Premises: messuages, lands and tenements in the towns of Sanndrygge, Wille, Teynghervy, Wellecombe, Wallis and Lake

Date: Sanndrygge, Tuesday after the feast of the translation of St Thomas, 5 Henry IV

Seals: same matrices as 3799M-0/ET/19/8

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/4 1407

Contents: Lease for 42 years

1. John of la POMEROY knt., and Johane his wife

2. Richard Strepa and Johane his wife

Premises: all that tenure of land in Lollecomb which William Prous held from 1., and surrendered into 1.'s hands

Rent: 13/4d

Witnesses: William Ryder, John Sudden, John Benet, William Syneger, William Prous

Date: Berry POMEROY, Monday before the feast of St Michael the Archangel, 8 Henry IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/15 1410

Contents: Grant for 40 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY knt., lord of Berry POMEROY and Stockleigh POMEROY

2. Peter Osmund and Johne his wife

Premises: all that tenure of land at Northerecombe in the manor of Stockleigh, which John atte Fenne held

Rent: 16/8d, and 1. are to maintain the houses there, that is the hall and the grange, as necessary

Witnesses: Thomas atte Wallen, John Coddeforde, Richard Thacher, Reginald Marshel, William Toker

Date: Berry POMEROY, Thursday after the feast of St Hilary Bishop and Confessor, 11 Henry IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/5 13th century

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Peter Heym, rector of the church of Dittisham

2. Sir Henry of la Pomerey, lord of Berry

Premises: two and a half knight's fees in (?) Recradec which Joel of Buketoun gave 1.

Witnesses: Sirs John of Beauchamp, Reginald of Predias, William of Rostrol, David of Tregod, John Le Petit knts., Odo of Trevayl, Roger of Trewerenet

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/18/16 1414

Contents: Grant for 24 years

1. John of 1a POMEROY and Johane his wife

2. Richard Weneman, pastor of the church of Cheriton Fitzpayne

Premises: one meadow called Oddemede at Stockleigh POMEROY, to be held by 2. just as Robert Radeford and Alice his wife held it before

Rent: 2 marks

Witnesses: Edward Seynt Jon, Nicholas Radeford, John Prous, Walter Uphome the elder, William Hurde

Date: Stockleigh POMEROY, Sunday after the feast of St Dionysius, 2 Henry V

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/8 1419

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Edward of la POMEROY esq. and Margaret his wife

2. John Bevylle esq., John Aysshe of Lovenetorre, John Smert of Byketon, John Harry vicar of Stoke Gabriel, William Ryder of Totnes, Ralph Kyllyrian, Alan Bogullas and Richard Trenarrak

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Stoperstone in Devon

Witnesses: William Bykebury esq., John Prydeaux of Orcharton, John Prydeaux of Adeston, William Fortescu, John Fortescu

Date: Sandrygge, Monday before the Nativity of the BVM, 7 Henry V

Devon Record Office: Stoke Gabriel 3799M-0/ET/19 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/22/2 1422

Contents: Grant

1. Robert Osanne of Totnes, webber

2. Thomas Goveton and Margery his wife

Premises: all 1.'s estate and term in two tenements joined together with the adjacent curtileges in Totteneys Bynethehille, situated between the tenement of Hnery Carpenter recently of William Madyn and the heirs of Robert Hugh on the east and the tenement of Michael Seyngere once of Stephen Strete on the west

Witnesses: Henry Hert mayor of Totnes, William Ryder, Walter Redeclyff, Thomas Veale, Walter Toll reeve of Totnes

Date: Totnes, 27th March, 10 Henry V

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/22/3 1440

Contents: Grant

1. Johan, widow of William Hennok

2. Edward of la Pomerey, John Copleston esqs., and John Southcote

Premises: all 1.'s estate in one ?toft and two closes in Little Totnes

Witnesses: John Fursse, William Fursse, John Martyn, John Shapwyk, John Hamelyn, John Borehed

Date: Little Totnes, 29th June, 18 Henry VI

Seal: small device

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/10 1449

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. Walter Ralegh, Nicholas Raddeford, William Hyngston and Richard Yarde

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Sanderygge, Tenghervy, Wille, Bryxham, Herberton, StokePOMEROY and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall

Witnesses: John Dynham and Philip Courtenay knts., John Holeway the elder, Nicholas Bukpond, Henry Norys

Date: Wylle, the feast of St Edmund the king, 28 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/22/4 1453

Contents: Lease for lives

1. Peter Saverey clerk, warden of the chapel of St Edmund king and martyr on Totnes bridge

2. John Pomebele, Johan his wife and John his son

Premises: one tenement and one toft with the garden adjoining in Great Totnes between the house and land of the vicar on the west, the tenement held by Richard le Tukke on the east, 1.'s garden on the north and the king's highway on the south

Term: to be held by 2. for their lives with remainder to the executors and assigns of John Pomebele the father for 40 years

Rent: 16/4d

Covenants: within two years, 2. are to rebuild the toft using paving stones and timbers of heart of oak and re-roof it with tiling stones and the best lime

Witnesses: William Rewe mayor of Totnes, John Burhede, Geoffrey Veale

Date: Totnes, 20 April, 31 Henry VI

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/22/5 1467

Contents: Lease for lives

1. William lord la Zouche and Seymour and lord of Great Totnes Robert Boughton gent. and Isabel his wife, and John Cowyk and Johan Cowyk son and daughter of Isabel

Premises: a water mill called le Castell Mylle, with the ponds, mill dam and stream of water and one close of land opposite the door of the mill, which Agnes Burhede widow recently held, also one meadow called le Castell Medewe lying between the castle of Totnes and the garden of Totnes priory

Rent: 50/-

Date: Coventry, 7 December, 7 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/22/6 1493

Contents:Deed of gift

1. John Nosworthy of Great Totnes

2. Geoffrey Hakewyll and John Tokerman

Premises: all 1.'s messuages and lands in Great Totnes and Bridgetown POMEROY

Witnesses: William Hokemor then mayor of Totnes, John Holman, John Ball, William Weke

Date: Totnes, 23rd July, 8 Henry VII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/6 1472

Contents: Bond

1. Henry POMEROY esq., and Henry Southcote

2. William Kymbere and Johane his wife

In £40 to make quarterly payments of 26/8d to 2. during their lives, as rent from all the messuages, lands, tenements, rents and reversions in Redclyff (North Lew), Wodeham (Highampton), Estpoleworth (Hatherleigh) and Fernehill (?Clawton)

Date: 10 April, 12 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/23/7 1472

Contents: Bond

1. Richard Legh and William Legh

2. William Bronston

In £20 to obey the arbitration of Thomas Douryssh, John Reigny, John Wyvell and John Torner of Hele as to the title to lands and tenements in Horerigge (?Bradninch)

Date: 23 February, 13 Edward IV

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/9 1486

Contents: Covenant

1. Harry POMEROY and Richard POMEROY of Berry POMEROY squires

2. Thomas Worthe of Worthe, squire

2. agrees to be at Exeter the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before St Hilary or at Berry POMEROY the Thursday or Friday after St Hilary to convey to Richard and the heirs of his body all the parcels and lands in the manor of Wolfyston in Cornwall lying by the north side of the highway between the oxenhows yeat and Poundstoke, that is a mead called Langham with those closes called Northeparke, Conyng, Weteley, Lombardy, Strifeacr., Whetersh meed and Ryspet and with all their tenements called Crowthorn Moore and Kenacote. 1. are to release to 2. and the heirs of his body all their title to the mansion place of Wolfyston with the beere, colverhay, orchards and gardens around it, with their parcels and closes there called Towneplace, Chapelparke, Sywneparke, Oxenparke, Yeawthorne, Woodparke, Yeerdparke, Yeerdhayes and Blakedonparke, and with all their tenements called Conkesburgh and Fullescroft with 12/- of rent due yearly to the said manor, provided that 2. shall maintain the ditch between Northeparke, Langham and the colverhay and beere. 1. and 2. are to sell the wood between heel land and Woodparke and share the value between them. Richard is to pay half the costs of copying the Woodaye and for half the damages of the Woodparke 'defouled' at the time of the 'saal and outsettyng'. Richard is to receive all the rents from 2.'s lands until the next feast of Lammas, and for that will bear all costs of the actions against Sir William Stonor taken against 2. until the next feast of Lammas.

 1. also covenant to 2. that they will no longer disseise him of his possession of the manor of Berkedon in the parish of Staverton until the time that 1. can show any evidence proving that Margaret POMEROY, Harry's mother, had in her widowhood any right to the manor by descent from John Bevile

Date: London, 26th November, 2 Henry VII

Written in English

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/24/8 1494

Contents: Deed of gift

1. Richard of la POMEROY knt.

2. William Lenne of Tregonyburgh glover

Premises: one parcel of land lying between 1.'s two mills in Tregony containing twenty feet in length and twenty feet in breadth situated between a lane coming from Geganwylls on the east and the sanctuary land of the vicar there on the east, together with the stream of water running through the said parcel, for building on the same parcel of land a house and fulling mill, to be held by 2. and the lawful heirs of his body

Rent: 16d

Witnesses: Peter Bevyll, Thomas Tregarthyn esqs., Laurence Penkevell, Thomas Poyle, Thomas Helland

Date: Tregony, the feast of St Matthew the apostle, 10 Henry VII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/19/11 1449

Contents:Power of attorney

1. Henry POMEROY esq.

2. Henry Southcote and Thomas Harry to give seisin to:

3. Walter Raleigh, Nicholas Raddeford, William Hyngston, and Richard Yard

Premises: lands and tenements in Sanderygge, Tenghervy, Wylle, Bryxham, Harberton, Stoke POMEROY and elsewhere in Devon and Cornwall

Witnesses: John Dynham and Philip Courtenay knts., John Holeway the elder, Nicholas Bukpond, Henry Norys

Date: the feast of St Edmund the king, 28 Henry VI

Devon Record Office: TITLE 3799M-0/T [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/82 1504


1. Robert Bowryng, John Row and Nycholas Seymer arbitrators between

2. Sir Edward POMEROY knt.

3. John Austyn

Premises: messuages, lands and tenements in the manor of Berry POMEROY, Brigetownepomerey, Smalebroke and Flute which belonged to Harry Austyn

Arbitration: 3. is to make a surety of the premises to 2. and give to 2. all deeds and muniments relating to the property. 2. is to pay 3. £4, £3 within a month after the following Easter and another £3 within a month following the next feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist

Date: Westminster, 23rd February, 19 Henry VII

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/ET/3/83 1505

Contents:Deed of gift

1. Edward POMEROY, knt.

2. Philip Corffe and John Parlabene

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in Briggetowne POMEROY and Flute in the manor of Berry POMEROY which were once of Henry Austen, deceased attorneys: William Marten and John Flogan

Witnesses: John Kirkeham knt., John Rowe, Robert Legge

Date: 15th March, 20 Henry VII

Seal: rectangular, lion rampant

Devon Record Office: Berry POMEROY 3799M-0/T/1 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/1 1510

Contents: Exemplification of recovery by letter patent

1. Richard POMEROY esq.

2. Edward POMEROY knt.

Premises: eight messuages, two mills and lands in Berry POMEROY, Bridgetown POMEROY, Smalebroke and Flete, which Oto Gilbert, Thomas Bowryng and John Snape gave to Henry POMEROY and Anne his wife and the lawful heirs of their bodies. If Henry and Anne die without heirs of their bodies, the premises remain to Thomas POMEROY son the said Henry, and Agnes Kayleway daughter of Johanne daughter of the said Anne, and the heirs of the body of Thomas and after the death of Henry, Anne, Thomas and Agnes, remainder to Richard son of Thomas POMEROY

Thomas Rogers of Smallbroke 2nd husband of Katherine Courtenay widow of St Clere Pomeroy 1471 Flete is a mill on the Dart near Stoke Gabriel

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/2 1510

Contents: Exemplification of recovery by letters patent

1. Edward POMEROY knt.

2. Richard POMEROY esq.

3. Thomas Fyssh, vouchee

Premises: eight messuages, two mills and lands in Berry POMEROY, Bridgetown POMEROY, Smalebroke and Flete

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/3 1518

Contents: Arbitration

1. John Brook serjeant at law, and John Gylberd esq.

2. Sir Edward POMEROY knt.

3. William Huckemore gent.

Premises: one messuage, garden and three acres of land arbitration: 3. is to ensure 2.'s title of the premises, both parties are to cease their actions in the courts and 2. is to pay 3. £7

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/4 and 5 1520

Contents: Agreement and counterpart

1. Sir Edward POMEROY of Berry POMEROY, knt.

2. William Martyn of Bridgetown POMEROY, yeoman

Premises: certain lands lying between a tenement called Hollwell and the lands late belonging to Harry Cove, tailor, lying in the borough of Bridgetown

Agreement: 2. is to ensure 1.'s title to the premises, and 1. is to pay 2.£9 both parties bind themselves in £20 to observe the terms of the agreement

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/6 1520

Contents: Deed of gift

1. William Martyn of Bridgetown POMEROY

2. Edward POMEROY knt.

Premises: all 1.'s messuage, lands and tenements in the borough of Bridgetown POMEROY which 1. had by gift from Henry Cove attorneys: Richard Mannyng and John Voysy

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/7 1525

Contents: Bargain and sale

1. Edward POMEROY knt.

2. John Gyldon als. John Gyldene

Premises: all 2.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Bridgetown and in Berry POMEROY, conveyed by 2. to 1.

Consideration: £10 paid by 1. to 2.

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/8 1527

Contents: Arbitration

1. John Fytzjames knt., chief justice of the Kings Bench

2. Edward POMEROY knt.

3. Richard Helyer of Bridgtown POMEROY

Premises: divers parcels of lands in the borough and town of Bridgetown, that is one close of arable land containing four acres called Schippestall, one acre and one rood of land lying in a close called Dere Parke, one other parcel of land called parcel Rosell. and three other parcels of marsh land containing three acres lying within the said town and borough

Arbitration: 2. is to hold the close called Schippestall and the acre and rood of land lying in Dere Parke and a piece of marsh lying between a close of 3. called Bonys Hay on the east and the river Dart on the west. 3. is to hold the parcel of land called parcel Rosell. lying in length directly as far as the eastern part of 3.'s close adjoining on the north side and on the west part as far and as much in quantity as is enclosed by 3. and in breadth towards the south and to the brook descending from Caltermans Forde in the south side and at the lower end of the said parcel of ground, the Cartway being on the north side, and as much of the marshes and sandy ground lying on the north east side of the bridge on the river called Totneys brygge which is next adjoining the lands of 3., that is to say one parcel of the marsh and sandy ground lies between an apple garden of 3. in the town and borough of Bridgetown and the river Dart, and another parcel of the marsh and sandy ground lies between 3.'s close called Pytparke and the river Dart. 3. is to ditch out and enclose the parcels of marsh. 2. is to pay 3. ten marks

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/2/9 1528

Contents: Ratification

1. Edward POMEROY knt.

2. Richard Helyer

Premises: one parcel of land called "parcella Rosell.", (reed bed parcel), lying in length at so much distance eastwards as part of the great east close of 2. lies on the north, and on the west containing in quantity as is enclosed by 2. and in breadth towards the south as far as the stream running down from a certain place called Calterman's ford on the south, and at the end of the slope of the said parcel the cart track called the Cart Wey lying on the north, which 2. now holds from 1. and is seised as much of right as by the arbitration of John Fitzjames knt. chief justice; also certain pieces of marshy and sandy land on the north and east of Totnes bridge which 2. holds from 1. and by the same arbitration, that is one piece of land lying between the orchard of 2. in Bridgetown POMEROY and the water or river of Dart, and the other parcel of land lying between a close belonging to 2. called Pytperk and the river Dart

Rent: one red rose, and suit of court

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/3 1544

Contents: Grant

1. Thomas Pomerey esq.

2. John Iryshe

Premises: all 1.'s messuages, lands and tenements in Berry POMEROY now held by copy of court roll by Thomas Bowman, William Bowman, Nicholas Bowdon, William Vennying, Richard Tudde, Roger Barton, John Barton, Thomas Cole, Richard Ilberd and William Prous

Term: until 2. or his executors have received from the rents £87 2/-

Devon Record Office: Brixham and Broadhempston 3799M-0/T/3 [n.d.]

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/3/1 1546

Contents: Bargain and sale

1. Griffin Ameredeth, citizen and merchant tailor of the county and city of Exeter

2. Thomas POMEROY of Berry POMEROY esq.

Premises: the manor of Brixham and all his messuages, lands and tenements named Sanderidge, Will and Eglesfourd and all other commodities lying in the towns, parishes and fields of Brixham, Sandridge, Will and Eglesfourd which 1. lately purchased

Consideration: £500

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/4 1547

Contents: Bargain and sale

1. Edward, Duke of Somerset

2. Sir Thomas Pomerey knt.

Premises: the castle and park of Berry POMEROY and the manors of Berry POMEROY, Bridgetown POMEROY, Harberton, Brixham, Sandrigge, Will and Eglysford, mortgaged by 2. to Sir Wymond Carew.

2. covenants that the yearly value of the premises is £224 besides the £16 yearly rents and profits from the castle, manors and lands already allowed to 1. by 2. covenants to convey to 2. manors and lands with the yearly value of £148

Devon Record Office 3799M-0/T/1/5 1548

Contents: Final concord

1. Thomas POMEROY and Johane his wife

2. Edward, Duke of Somerset

Premises: the manors of Berry POMEROY, Bridgetown POMEROY and Harberton, with premises in Berry POMEROY, Bridgetown POMEROY, Harberton, Littlehempston and Ipplepen, with fishing in the river Dart signed before Hugh Stucley and John Predyaux in the presence of Giles Keilway