SOMERSET - Donyatt - research 



 Somerset around Ilminster which is south of Taunton the county Town 

Donyatt  at  Domesday - 1068 4 villagers. 17 smallholders. And extensive woodland

Tenant-in-chief in 1086: Abey of Athelney (St Peter) Lords in 1086: Ralph of Limésy; Count Robert of Mortain; Roger of Courseulles. passed from the de Vaux family to Sir Thomas Moulton by 1317, and then through the Stretche and Beauchamp families to the Spekes who built Jordans as their mansion, which was demolished in the 1960s

The Montacute family held the manor of Donyatt in the 1300's and built a castle or fortified manor house there.


Samuel  Pomeroy of Broadway  Bachelor married by banns  19 April 1775   to Sarah Davy of Donyatt

     From where did this Samuel originate ? 

Samuel Pomeroy  Banns of Marriage  at Donyatt 5 Mar 1809 wife Jane Phillips witnesses Edward Dinham & Elizabeth Pomeroy 

Baptisms of twins John & Jane  Bb 17 Jan 1810 -at Donyatt Somerset  to Samuel and Jane    -  I think Jane may have died at the same time because

12 Feb 1811 a widowed Samuel Pomeroy  married at Donyatt  2nd wife Mary Diamons from Ashhill 

Son John Bb  1 April 1812 to Sam & Mary in Donyatt

 1811     John Pomeroy  b ABOUT  1811  died age 24  -  buried 8 Nov 1835  in Broadway Som,                                 Click HERE to enlarge Map 


Rowland's Mill is a hamstone watermill dating from the 17th century - seen here before restoration in 1995  

lace makers -  

Blue fields of flax

DONYATT  an ancient village with an interesting history, 2½ miles S.W. of Ilminster, - its 19th C inhabitants  chiefly employed in the potteries and woollen-mills.

At Dowlish Ford,  possibly in the latter part of the 17th century, a silk Mill was operating  'throwing' silk . The silk arrived  from China, India or Turkey as the raw cocoons  or as a mass of extracted fibres.  These delicate fibres were& still are, washed to remove the glue, sericin gum, by what the silk worms  formed their cocoons . It is then reeled into skeins , given a twist and wound onto bobbins. After that the threads are twisted together into a single fibre called doubling.

Locally to Donyatt in the C18th  woollen mills and  quarrying  were also important industries  and  in Ilminster and Dunpole these were called  marl pits .

The row of 6 Almshouses on Church Street, which still serve their original purpose, were built in 1624 , using the honey coloured Bath stone , by a successful London Clothier. Their purpose was the maintenance and support of three unmarried men of at least 56 plus three unmarried women over 50 . With its  income  it provided each almshouse resident with 3/0 shillings (15 p) a week to buy fuel and necessities with a bonus at Christmas of 10/0s (50)A and in addition, each man was given a blue great coat and each woman a cloak.

 Susanna ??P  ?  dau of John & Sarah Bb at Combe St Nicholas Som  17 Aug 1735  Combe St Nicholas is 3 miles north of Chard 

Susanna Pomeroy  Buckland St Mary Som Banns of marriage to John Hitchcock 1755  Buckland St Mary if 6 miles to the W. of Ilminster

Susanna Pomeroy of Broadway spinster  marriage by banns  to John Gillet widower of Broadway  5 August 1772 witnesses William Colman & Henry Warry

1812 John Pomeroy died buried at Buckland St Mary Som 20 Dec 1812 

Daughter Betty Bb 1816 to Sam & Mary


Elizabeth Pomeroy 1834 marriage to William Trower  at Donyatt

Elizabeth Pomeroy Born 1805 (place unknown) died 1878 buried at Chard Som

Jane born 1809 (place uncertain)  died age 22 buried 25 Sept 1831 at Broadway

Samuel Pomeroy of Donyatt born 1779  died age 52 buried in Broadway Som 20 Nov 1831 b 

The Alms Houses

From the  C12th there were potteries in Donyatt  making ordinary everyday pottery  items .  Now prized examples of rustic ceramics examples of Donyatt pottery have been found such far flung places as Virginia and Maryland in USA ;

Nearby Dowlish was certainly a hive of industry with glove making in individual cottages;  a flax factory at Higher Farmhouse   productiong   Dowlas Linen. Whilst at  Moolham a field name , Silk Factory Yard , suggests that there was a silk industry there too. However they were not growing mulberry trees or using their own silk worms.  In the fields when teams of oxen ploughed the land  the fields had names such as  Ox Barton, Oxenlease and the hamlet Oxenford. More here

C16th  Higher Farmhouse was a flax factory  producing  Dowlas Linen.

Blue fields of flax in bloom  were familiar sight all across England.  

Donyatt still has the old clay puddling house, ( Google Maps street level) The circular thatched building, which was part of the  pottery & located around Crock Street where pottery making  continued until after WWII.

Crock Street about a mile from the village to the south but nothing is now identifiable as potteries or kilns. The distinctive ceramics from this pottery & dating from the C18th has been identified in the USA, in Virginia & Maryland.  More here

Another principal industry in all England in both the medieval and post-medieval period was the woollen textile industry which continued to flourish in the late 18th century. 

The woollen mills around the  village were usually  located on streams which facilitated the washing of the raw wool before combing.  Locals  people would have found employment in the mills processing  raw wool into woollen cloth.

A familiar name in places where wool was processed is Rackfield  and field names such as “Rack close” 

The cloth was 36 inches wide, the reach of a mans arm, & after it had been fulled ( shrunk) was hung on racks lengthwise, on tenter hooks.  Although the main mills were along the river to the north and west, there is evidence that land close to Ilminster was being used for cloth-drying. 

Racks for drying cloth are shown on  1768 map of the Ilminster area ( which I have yet to locate  )

Racking fields exampled here in a 18th C map of Exeter

There is additional local information and a lovely old photo of haymaking & a haywain here 

Connections to other places

Somerset. Record Office 1474-1687

Regarding North Wyke, "One messuage and four furlongs of land in North Wyke.  (Could this be Rowden?) 

3799M-0/ET/2/36  Date:  1376 Week. Grant for life.   John of la Pomeray son of Henry of la Pomeray to  2. Stephen ate Brygg  3799M-0/ET/2/37  Date: 1396  Week. Lease for 60 years;  John of la Pomeray knt., and Johanna his wife: to 2. Thomas Glaas: 

c 1/944 Date 1538-1544: Somerset.  This is sister of Anne, daughter of William: She married Humphrey Barnehous.  

Humphrey BARNEHOUS, husband of Alice, daughter of William Wykes of Nynehead, v. William WYKES, son and executor of the said William.: Money promised to complainant on his marriage by the said William, who died possessed of the manor of Withiel Florey (Withyll) and lands there and in Ilchester, Uphill, Matcombe (i.e. Mackham, near Dunkeswell ?), and Hemyock.: SOMERSET, DEVON.

Note: Sir Richard Pomeroy (c 1441-1496) had a daughter Elizabeth, who married William Barnhouse. They had two daughters..

Agnes, b c 1510 married John Rowe of Totnes. 

The Humphrey Barnhouse in the above record was born circa 1510-1520...wonder how he is related to  William Barnhouse?

I wonder if he is brother in law of the Richard Pomeroy, esq who married Anne Wykes Artur?

Luttrell Family of Dunster Manustcipts

DD\L/P37 Series Box 37.

Repository Somerset Heritage Centre

Level Item

Ref No DD\L/P37/60

Title Deeds concerning lands in Colyton, Devon.

Description 37/60/1 Conveyance of lands etc in Northcote in Inworthy in the hundred of Blaketoryton and Shaketail Morecokkeeshayes Envorland and Trehill in the Hundred of Colyton co. Devon. 

1 Joan widow of John Crakeham, daughter and heir of John Luttrell 

2 George duke of Clarence, Thomas lord of ?Matrefas, lord John Arundel Kt, William Cortenay Kt, Thomas Selanger Kt, Philip Courtenay Kt, Humphrey Canberry, Richard Pomeroy, Robert Palmer, Richard Chichester, John Toke, John Hayes, Nicholas Stukele, esquires, Nicholas Southcote, Richard Ayer, Robert Sporeway and Thomas Boys, gents. 

Seal: broken [as next]. Morecokkeshayes 18 Feb 1475

Q/SR/42 Item Sessions roll for 1623. 1623

Repository Somerset Heritage Centre

Level Piece

Ref No Q/SR/42/137

Title Examination.

Description Examination of Daniel Higgins of [Taunton?] St James, worsted comer and William Pomeroy of the same place, concerning the theft of worsted wool and yarn. JP: Thomas Brereton. 17 Mar 1322/3.

Date 17 Mar 1623


Bargain and Sale by Mary Pomeroy of Wells widow to her daughter Mary of all the pewter and brass, bedding and furniture in her dwelling house, and 'all manner of hucksters ware'. 23 Mar 1730

Limited Probate of the Will of Jane the wife of Charles Pomercy of Wells, hatter, 6 Mar 1760, proved PCC 11 Nov 1771 1760-1771.

 being a hatter evidently had its rewards

Her Husband 's Will. 

A little simple research reveals that both  Henry VIII & James 1   attempted to establish silk production in England. Around 100,000 mulberry trees were bought and planted  in the first quarter of the 17th century. The project failed not only because  the species of tree they chose was unsuited to silk worms but the silkworms didn’t like the English climate

Silk weaving was introduced  here in the 17th Century when Huguenots, fleeing persecution on the Continent, settled and created a thriving market  at Spitalfields, in London.  The raw silk had to be imported from China, India and Turkey  and in the English countryside  local women and children worked in their homes to make small silk items such as silk buttons and ribbons.

There was a thriving cottage industry of women sitting on their doorstep making lace, silk buttons (called buttony ) and ribbons,  sewing gloves or , in Donyatt and around,  making collars for the nearby factory at Dowlish Ford. 

Flax was used to make linen, an essential fine cloth for mens shirts, nightshifts, ladies under garments such as petticoats and shifts, as well as table clothes & napery and it seeds - linseed once of the most ancient of crops - was ground into oil and for medicine . Flax is also used to make sails for sailing boats, ropes for those sailing boats and a variety of other working items.

Hogsboro, Woodbury St Thomas 1851. near Exeter

JAMES: B 1812: IN HAMLET OF Hoggsbrook. Woodbury, Devon.

A SAMUEL POMEROY, LABR. 1791 Had a lease along the stream on the Commons; 1791,

Married in Donyat. Samuel Pomeroy  m 12 Feb 1811. 

John Pomeroy b 1786 Ilminster, m Woodbury, Sarah Lindsey. 1812. 

ASHILL Somerset -

Samuel Pomeroy from Broadway bachelor Banns date 12 Mar 1775 for marriage to Sarah Davy from Donyatt spinster

Marriage date 19 Apr 1775 Denomination Anglican Place Broadway witness William Upstill & Henry Warry Somerset

1809 Samuel Pomeroy of Doddington Bachelor married at Bruton to Jane Phillips spinster of Donyatt on 5 March 1809

Witnessed by Edward Dinham & Elizabeth Pomeroy

Jane Pomeroy Bb 17 Jan 1810 at Donyatt father Samuel Mother Jane but

Also found

Jane Pomeroy Bb 17 Jan 1810 at Donyatt father James mother Jane

No death entry in Somerset other than

Joane Pomerye buried Taunton St James 29 Dec exact year not given (BTs 1606 to 1812

Samuel Pomeroy of Donyat marriage married 12 Feb 1811 Mary Dimon at Ashill Phillimores

The on- line entry says ? 1785 Phillimore records it as 1811


Samuel Pomeroy of Donyatt Widowed 20 Jan 1811 BANNS of marriage at Ashill to Mary Demond of Ashill on 20 Jan 1811

One entry for these two had him from a non-existent place called Doner and her from Aller which does exist

All these are only 4 or so miles south of North Curry Curry Rivel & Fivehead

Donyatt 2½ miles S.W. of Ilminster, and its weekly market - 19th C inhabitants are chiefly employed in the potteries and woollen-mills.

ASHILL, a village and a parish in Chard district, Somerset. In 19th C it had 92 houses for its population of 445; by 2020 that is 529.

1068 4 villagers. 17 smallholders. And extensive woodland

Tenant-in-chief in 1086: Abey of Athelney (St Peter) Lords in 1086: Ralph of Limésy; Count Robert of Mortain; Roger of Courseulles.

passed from the de Vaux family to Sir Thomas Moulton by 1317, and then through the Stretche and Beauchamp families to the Spekes who built Jordans as their mansion, which was demolished in the 1960s

15th C Rowland Farm is the home of the Speke family ;

Rowland's Mill is a Hamstone watermill dating from the 17th century - have image before restoration in 1995

The Montacute family held the manor of Donyatt in the 1300's and built a castle or fortified manor house. The Arms houses are that lovely warm honey coloured stone

2 miles South of Ilminster. At Dowlish Ford was a silk mill where silk was thrown at Dowlish Mill, (Image) possibly in the later 18th century, and was eventually replaced by flax and hemp spinning

There were close connections between the Donyatt pottery dynasties and Ilminster, though there is no sign that kilns were located here.

The principal industry in both the medieval and post-medieval period was the textile industry which continued to flourish in the late 18th century. ILM/507

Racks Though the main mills were along the river to the north and west, there is evidence that land close to Ilminster was being used for cloth-drying.

A 1768 map shows two “Rack close” field names.


I wonder. He would have probably lived on his leased land …along the stream  

Here you can see a wonderful site of Images -

 All things C17th                                                      

Pomeroys in the area

SAMUEL POMEROY, LABR.  had a 1791  lease for lands along the stream on the Common  at Donyatt.  I have not been able to identify where the Commons were The stream makes a loop past Donyatt round a hill - Commons should still be marked but 18th Enclosures lost many of the Common Lands and this seems to be one of them.  

Samuel Pomeroy from Broadway bachelor Banns date 12 Mar 1775 for marriage to Sarah Davy from Donyatt,  spinster

Marriage date 19 Apr 1775 Denomination Anglican Place Broadway witness William Upstill & Henry Warry Somerset

Samuel Pomere a Non conformist ( Independent ) baptism at Broadway Som. On 4 Feb 1780 father Samuel mother Mary – father labourer

Samuel Pomeroy born 1739 died age 76 buried 17 Dec 1815 at Buckland St Mary (6 miles to the W. of Ilminster.2020 population of 521 so a tiny place might be because ehe was non conformist

Sarah Pomeroy buried 10 Sept 1797 at Broadway Som

No sign of a Pomeroy in Donyatt census in 1841- hindered by the fact that the census was recorded in pencil which had completely faded out

ASHILL Somerset - a village and a parish in Chard district, Somerset. In 19th C it had 92 houses for its population of 445; by 2020 that is 529.

1851 Census

Mary Pomeroy widow in 1851 in Donyatt Nr Chard  Som  born 1774 age 77 in 1851 Housekeeper living with daughter  Elizabeth , a glover and her son in law William Prewer a labourer  with Grandchildren Samuel age 10 a farm labourers , Jane age 7 a glover and 1 year old  Eli - Mary died the following year buried in Broadway Som 

IN the 1841 census  living in Tancred Street Taunton was   Elizabeth Pomeroy age 69 a pauper  living  in a mixed household 

with a shopkeeper Elizabeth Hewett age 30 and her 3 children as well as Thomas Swaffield a Tailor and his wife & daughter    


 Eliza Pomeroy unmarried age 40 born 1811 Dressmaker living at Normans Place , Tancard Street St James Taunton 1851

with mother Elizabeth Pomeroy age 71 born 1780  a widowed char woman & niece Eliza P Hewett an apprentice dress makers age 14 born 1837-

All that remains of Tancred Street is  a former coaching inn  on the corner

1851 Misterton Beaminster Som

Elizabeth Pomeroy a pauper age 83 born Beaminster 1768 in 1851 living with son in law Matthew Slade age 36 an Ag Lab and his wife Mary age 41 born 1810  a glover  born Beaminster and their children Harried age 10 a glover & John age 8 

 Nicholas  Pomeroy in Chard  married 1889 to Mary Chick 

sisters  married brothers  in Dowlish Wake Somerset

Jane Pomeroy b 1846 (Bridport )  George Bulgin b 1847  married 1879 at Dowlish Wake  

Ellen Pomeroy age 21( b  14 March 1851 in Bridport ) daughter of John Pomeroy (& Susanna)  married to Thomas Bulgin age 23 son of James Bulgin in Dowlish Wake 25 Dec 1871   

 John Pomery son of Joseph Pomery of Bridport Dorset married at Bridport  to Susan Hoare dau of William on 6 April 1840 

  children in Bridport & Allington Dorset

1881 census show George Bulgin as a Ag Lb and his wife Jane Pomeroy 'Rover at Tow Factory'  living at Dowlish Wake - and a son Alfred an infant

Quarrying was another important industry and marl pits are known at Ilminster and Dunpole.

Registered births in Somerset 1646 -1902

Wincanton St Peter and Paul Pr Baptism 20 Jun 1646 of William son of William & Margaret POMEROY Wincanton Church St Peter and Paul Pr Baptism 12 Jun 1648 of Margaret child of William & Margaret POMEROY

Wincanton Church St Peter and Paul Pr Baptism 26 Jan 1649 of Elizabeth child of William & Margaret POMEROY Wincanton Church St Peter and Paul Pr Baptism 14 Feb 1715 of William child of Samuel & Margaret POMEROY Wincanton Church St Peter and Paul Pr Baptisms 05 Jul 1766 of Mark child of Thomas & Mary POMEROY

Somerset East Coker Church St Michael Baptism 17 Mar 1643/44 of Marie child of Thomas & Joane POMEROY

A Great Many RECORDS

 RefNo Q/SR/42/137

Title Examination of Daniel Higgins of [Taunton?] St James, worsted comber and William Pomeroy of the same place, concerning the theft of worsted wool and yarn.

JP: Thomas Brereton. 17 Mar 1322/3. Date 17 Mar 1623 Extent 1 Format document

( DOWLISH (West), a parish in Chard district, Somerset; 11⁄4 mile SE by E of Ilminster.)

RefNo Q/SR/170/12 Title Information.

Description Evidence of George Russ of Ilton that he saw Thomas Towills carrying a piece of timber in Ilton Moor which was the property of James Smith.

Evidence of Alexander Frost of Ilminster concerning the forcible entry of his house by George Smith of West Dowlish, John his son, William Pomray his servant and William his apprentice whereby the glass of the hall and parlour was broken.

JP:Henry Walrond. Date 16 Jun 1687 Extent 1 Format document Access Status Open

RefNo Q/SR/170/12

Description Evidence of George Russ of Ilton that he saw Thomas Towills carrying a piece of timber in Ilton Moor which was the property of James Smith.

Evidence of Alexander Frost of Ilminster concerning the forcible entry of his house by George Smith of West Dowlish, John his son, William Pomray his servant and William his apprentice whereby the glass of the hall and parlour was broken.

JP:Henry Walrond. Date 16 Jun 1687 Extent 1 Format document AccessStatus Open

Level Piece RefNo Q/SR/160/15 Title Information.

Description Evidence of Grace, wife of Hugh Watts of Wincanton concerning the loss of a skillet and pewter dish which she later found in the house of John Mooger and which she believed Margaret Pomeroy might have sold or pawned to John's mother, Anne.

JP: Edward Berkeley. See also Q\SR/160/16. Date 28 Apr 1685 Extent 1 Format document

Admin history: Treffry estates descended by direct male inheritance (three Thomas Treffrys, John, William and John). By the seventeenth century they had become a well-established family, serving their county as lawyers

Held by: Cornwall Record Office

Date: 1563 - 1969 very long list of title deeds etc I saved in a separate word doc  Treffry

Somerset Archives Q/SR/160 Item Quarter Sessions roll for Spring 1685. 1684-1685

RefNo Q/SR/160/16

Description Evidence of Nicholas Clement, Constable of Wincanton concerning his arrest of Margaret Pomeroy, his leaving her in the custody of John Mooger and her escape.

JP: Edward Berkeley. See also Q\SR/160/15S

Date 28 Apr 1685 Extent 1 Format document AccessStatus Open

Langford Budville Father Surname Langford Budville Father Surname

Stocklinch Magdalen

Father Surname Father Surname Father Surname Father Surname Father Surname Father Surname

A2A Exhibit: 1771/761. Jane Pomeroy, widow, formerly wife of Charles Pomeroy of Wells, Somerset. Probate inventory, ...

Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Exhibits, Main Class. 689-775/3. Exhibit: 1771/761.


Prerogative Court of Canterbury: Exhibits, Main Class. 689-775/3. Exhibit: 1771/761.

Jane Pomeroy, widow, formerly wife of Charles Pomeroy of Wells, Somerset. Probate inventory, or declaration, of the estate of the same, deceased.

Held by: The National Archives - Prerogative Court of Canterbury Date: November 1771 Reference: PROB 31/578/761

PROB 31/584/381

Description: Exhibit: 1772/381.

Charles Pomeroy of Wells, Somerset. Probate inventory, or declaration, of the estate of the same, deceased, with account

Date: 1772 May Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record


Deeds for various parishes. Wells,etc. notice to alehouse keepers and innkeepers to renew their licences. [1 fcap paper]

17 Oct.1700 Bargain and Sale by Mary Pomeroy of Wells widow to her dau.Mary, of all the pewter and brass, bedding and ....

Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust) Date: 1657 - 1876 Reference: DD\SAS\C/151/2/5

Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust) Date: 1657 - 1876 Reference: DD\SAS\C/151/2/5

Deeds and papers (mainly re Bunn) incl. "Mr. Yorkes Bill of Charges on Bunns Estate"(legal charges) 1726-33, and

Legal Charges on "The Estate of Mrs. Mary Pomeroy decd. and Mr. Bendall Dr to George Lox and Ben. Andrews [Bill

and notice of charges. Fcap.Fly sheet],1778.

Conveyance (Bargain and Sale and R. and assignment) £2300

(ii - i) (i) Hen. Peter Hoblyn of Colquite, St. Mabyn.

Various deeds of the manors of Bodmin. Bodmin Francis and Reeds (1602-1704; 1805-1837) acquired... and Jn. Pomeroy Peter £200 each when 21.

To dtrs. Eliz., Mary, and Susannah and sons Edwd., Jonathan, Thos. and Deeble £500 each when 21. Estates (except St. Merryn conveyed to s. Sam.) to (i) subject

Held by: Cornwall Record Office Date: 1807 Reference: PH/70 and 71



1. REV. WILLIAM JONES of Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks. Clerk. REV. JAMES STUART FREEMAN of Chalfont St. Peter, Bucks. Doctor of Divinity.

2. Trustees appointed by Will of Henry William Pomeroy. HENRY

Held by: Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies Date: 04 April 1826 Reference: D-LO/1/39/40

Held by: Centre for Buckinghamshire Studies Date: 04 April 1826 Reference: D-LO/1/39/40

Treffry of Place FOWEY

Toller v. Toller, 1731 Fowey charity dispute, c.1813 Goodwright v. Hawkins, 1740 Lemon v. Lemon,

1763 Pomeroy v. Treffry, 1765 Meredith v. Treffry, 1848 Pomeroy probate, 1746 Houghton v. Lopes, 1816

RefNo DD\AH/45/4/8

Title Ilsington, Devon deed.

Description 1. Robert, Earl of Londonderry, Charles Ford, John Egerton and Edward Holwell, executors of Sir Henry Ford deceased.

2. John Kelland of Painsford, Devon, Esq.

3. Edward Yarde of Churchston, Thomas Drew of Grange and Valentine

RefNo DD\AH/45/4/8

Title Ilsington, Devon deed.

Description 1. Robert, Earl of Londonderry, Charles Ford, John Egerton and Edward Holwell, executors of Sir Henry Ford deceased.

2. John Kelland of Painsford, Devon, Esq.

3. Edward Yarde of Churchston, Thomas Drew of Grange and Valentine Pomeroy of Bindley(Beenleigh) Devon, Esqs. 4. David Long of Kenn and John Short of Kenn, gentleman

5. John Long of Kenn, Devon, gentleman

Assignment of Lower Sigford, Rudgewood, Hammeade and half of Hunniwill in Ilsington, Devon.

Date 25 Sep 1678

Extent 1 Format document

5. John Long of Kenn, Devon, gentleman

Assignment of Lower Sigford, Rudgewood, Hammeade and half of Hunniwill in Ilsington, Devon.

Date 25 Sep 1678

Extent 1 Format document


RefNo DD\AH/9/8/17

Title Aller deed.

Description 1. John Hunt of Compton Pauncefoot, Esq., William Ruscombe of Cannington, gentleman,

Hugh Pomeroy of Halberton, Devon, Esq. and his wife Anne, Joanna Hody of Bridgwater, sister of Anne.

2. Sir Thomas Wroth of Petherton Park, North Petherton, Bt.

Lease and release of the Aller Court estate. Pair of fines enclosed, 1-2 Feb 1705/6.

Date 1-2 Feb 1706

Extent 4 documents AccessStatus Open



DD\L/P37 Series Box 37.

No DD\L/P37/60

Title Deeds concerning lands in Colyton, Devon.

Description 37/60/1 Conveyance of lands etc in Northcote in Inworthy in the hundred of Blaketoryton and Shaketail Morecokkeeshayes Envorland and Trehill in the Hundred of Colyton co. Devon.

1 Joan widow of John Crakeham, daughter and heir of John Luttrell

2 George duke of Clarence, Thomas lord of ?Matrefas, lord John Arundel Kt, William Cortenay Kt, Thomas Selanger Kt, Philip Courtenay Kt, Humphrey Canberry, Richard

2. Sir Thomas Wroth of Petherton Park, North Petherton, Bt.

Lease and release of the Aller Court estate. Pair of fines enclosed, 1-2 Feb 1705/6.

Date 1-2 Feb 1706

Extent 4 documents AccessStatus Open



DD\L/P37 Series Box 37.

No DD\L/P37/60

Title Deeds concerning lands in Colyton, Devon.

Description 37/60/1 Conveyance of lands etc in Northcote in Inworthy in the hundred of Blaketoryton and Shaketail Morecokkeeshayes Envorland and Trehill in the Hundred of Colyton co. Devon.

1 Joan widow of John Crakeham, daughter and heir of John Luttrell

2 George duke of Clarence, Thomas lord of ?Matrefas, lord John Arundel Kt, William Cortenay Kt, Thomas Selanger Kt, Philip Courtenay Kt, Humphrey Canberry, Richard Pomeroy, Robert Palmer, Richard Chichester, John Toke, John Hayes, Nicholas Stukele, esquires, Nicholas Southcote, Richard Ayer, Robert Sporeway and Thomas Boys, gents.

Seal: broken [as next]. Morecokkeshayes 18 Feb 1475

Bargain and Sale by Mary Pomeroy of Wells widow to her daughter Mary of all the pewter and brass, bedding and furniture in her dwelling house, and 'all manner of hucksters ware'. 23 Mar 1730

Limited Probate of the Will of Jane the wife of Charles Pomercy of Wells, hatter, 6 Mar 1760, proved PCC 11 Nov 1771 1760-1771.

Bond for ?2,000: Mary Pomeroy of Wells, spinster, to Alexander Clarke and others 11 Sep 1772.

RefNo Q/SR/42/137 Title Examination.

Description Examination of Daniel Higgins of [Taunton?] St James, worsted comer and William Pomeroy of the same place, concerning the theft of worsted wool and yarn. JP: Thomas Brereton. 17 Mar 1322/3.

Date 17 Mar 1623 Extent 1 Format document

RefNo Q/SR/170/12 Title Information.

Description Evidence of George Russ of Ilton that he saw Thomas Towills carrying a piece of timber in Ilton Moor which was the property of James Smith.

Evidence of Alexander Frost of Ilminster concerning the forcible entry of his house by George Smith of West Dowlish, John his son, William Pomray his servant and William his apprentice whereby the glass of the hall and parlour was broken.

JP:Henry Walrond.

Date 16 Jun 1687 Extent 1 Format document AccessStatus Open

JP:Henry Walrond.

Date 16 Jun 1687 Extent 1 Format document AccessStatus Open

Level Piece RefNo Q/SR/160/15 Title Information.

Description Evidence of Grace, wife of Hugh Watts of Wincanton concerning the loss of a skillet and pewter dish which she later found in the house of John Mooger and which she believed Margaret Pomeroy might have sold or pawned to John's mother, Anne.

JP: Edward Berkeley. See also Q\SR/160/16. Date 28 Apr 1685 Extent 1 Format document

Somerset Archives Q/SR/160 Item Quarter Sessions roll for Spring 1685. 1684-1685

RefNo Q/SR/160/16

Description Evidence of Nicholas Clement, Constable of Wincanton concerning his arrest of Margaret Pomeroy, his leaving her in the custody of John Mooger and her escape.

JP: Edward Berkeley. See also Q\SR/160/15S

Date 28 Apr 1685

Extent 1 Format document AccessStatus Open


Title Donyatt, Ilminster leases [UNFIT FOR PRODUCTION].

Description Leases for lives, and years and lives, of property held of the manor of D., by Rich. Thomas Combe of Earnshill, Esq., relating to messuage, etc., dwelling. house in Donyatt Street, Layton Cottage in Ilminster, cott. at Crock Street in D. and waste ground, plot on which cott. lately burned down, cott. at Witney (Widney), plot on which messuage lately fallen down, and waste on S. E. side of the stream in the Common, etc. ;

affecting Samuel Pomeroy, labr., 1791; Preston Bevis, yeoman, William Coombes, carpenter, Rich. Cannicott, butcher, 1792; Samuel Vile, carpenter, Edward Challes, labr.,

Robert. Adams, cordwainer, William Bevis, thatcher, 1793; Thomas Dinham, potter, and Thomas Grabham or Grubham, innholder, 1794;

all of D. Box 29 Bundle 4.

Date 1791-1794

Extent 13 Format documents AccessStatus Open Looking for Records in Dorset & Somerset

Examination of James Pomeroy, labourer

Beaminster Parish. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Settlement and removal papers. REMOVAL ORDERS TO

Beaminster Parish. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Settlement and removal papers. REMOVAL ORDERS TO

BEAMINSTER. Examination of James Pomeroy, labourer Held by: Dorset History Centre

Date: 27 October 1787

Reference: PE/BE/OV 4/3/57

Cottage and 2 acres late John Pomeroy's, and Cott Down Close. (Reed).

SANDWICH ESTATE, MAPPERTON. LEASES. DEVON. BIGBURY. Cottage and 2 acres late John Pomeroy's, and Cott Down Close. (Reed).

Held by: Dorset History Centre

Date: 1743

Reference: D/MAP/T119

Somerset estates - miscellaneous documents: Berry Pomeroy, Bridgwater (Priory and hospital of St. John),

Henton ...

The Crown Estate Commissioners and predecessors: Title Deeds etc of Properties Acquired, and Sold or Leased, by the Crown. Dorset. Bryanston Estate. Description available at other catalogue level. Somerset estates - miscellaneous documents: Berry Pomeroy, Bridgwater (Priory and hospital of St. John), Henton in Yarley in Wookey, North Petherton, Staple Fitzpaine, Stoke [St. Mary], Taunton

Held by: The National Archives - The Crown Estate and predecessors

Date: 1655 – 1672 Reference: CRES 38/517/1

Fifteen deeds relating to the rectory. Parties: Dean and Chapter; Ryves, Pitt, Markland, Woodroffe, Garrway,...

Church Commissioners. CHAPTER. DORSET. Stourpaine. Fifteen deeds relating to the rectory. Parties: Dean and Chapter; Ryves, Pitt, Markland, Woodroffe, Garrway, White, Pomeroy, Harvey, Fawell, Dyson, Chapman, Hayter, Masterman, Walker, Young, Peters

Held by: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Date: 1665 – 1832 Reference: CC/Chapter/189/1-15

Order to the constables for the conveyance of James Pomeroy, labourer, from St Petrock, Exeter;...

Beaminster Parish. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Settlement and removal papers. REMOVAL ORDERS TO BEAMINSTER. Order to the constables for the conveyance of James Pomeroy, labourer, from St Petrock, Exeter; [attached to PE/BE/OV 4/3/57]

Held by: Dorset History Centre

Date: 27 October 1787

Reference: PE/BE/OV 4/3/58 Devon Record Office

Court of Requests: Pleadings. HENRY VII - HENRY VIII. 1-340, described at item level. Thomas Bylford and his wife

THE ESTATE, HOUSEHOLD, PERSONAL AND BUSINES PAPERS OF THE LONG FAMILIES OF ROOD ASHTON,... ESTATE PAPERS OF INDIVIDUAL PROPERTIES ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY COUNTY. WILTSHIRE. BRADFORD;... Copy bill in a chancery cause, Burton and another v. Long and others, concerning the manors of Holt and Pomeroy in Wingfield, and the extensive property of the Lisle family in Hampshire, Dorset and

Held by: Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre

Date: 1741

Reference: 947/1322/2

Roger Gudge of Seaborow, Co Soms, yeoman, John Studley of Stoke Abbott, husbandman and Benjamin...

Beaminster Parish. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Bastardy Papers. BASTARDY BONDS. Roger Gudge of Seaborow, Co Soms, yeoman, John Studley of Stoke Abbott, husbandman and Benjamin Studley of Stoke Abbot, cordwainer for William the bastard child of Hannah Pomeroy

Held by: Dorset History Centre

Date: 11 February 1747

Reference: PE/BE/OV 6/1/3

Seymour, family, Dukes of Somerset, formerly baronets of Berry Pomeroy, Wilts (Maiden Bradley), Dorset (Silton),

Somerset (Witham Friary) and misc Bucks (Bulstrode) deeds, family and estate papers

Court of Chancery: Six Clerks Office: Pleadings 1714 to 1758. Woodford Division. Pleadings. (Described at item level). deceased late of Halstock, Dorset). Defendants: Thomas Young, gent, Edward Steight and Elizabeth Steight his wife, Thomas Pomeroy and Mary Pomeroy his wife, Tamey Russell, spinster, Walter White, William

Held by: The National Archives - Chancery, the Wardrobe, Royal Household, Exchequer and various commissions

Date: 1727 Reference: C 11/1199/2 Miscellaneous documents

SOMERSET ARCHAEOLOGICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY COLLECTION. Deeds for various parishes. Wells,etc. notice to alehouse keepers and innkeepers to renew their licences. [1 fcap paper] 17 Oct.1700 Bargain and Sale by Mary Pomeroy of Wells widow to her dau.Mary of all the pewter and brass, bedding and

Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust) Date: 1657 - 1876

Reference: DD\S AS\C/151/2/5


Reference: C 11/1199/2 Description:

Short title: Russell v White.

Document type: Bill and four answers.

Plaintiffs: John Russell, gent of Weymouth and Melcombe Regis, Dorset (administrator with will annexed of Edward Russell, gent deceased late of Halstock, Dorset).

Defendants: Thomas Young, gent, Edward Steight and Elizabeth Steight his wife, Thomas Pomeroy and Mary Pomeroy his wife, Tamey Russell, spinster, Walter White, William Gange, Sarah Butt, spinster and James Fisher, apothecary.

Date of bill (or first document): 1727

Note: The naming of a party does not imply that he or she will appear in all the documents in this cause (after the bill)

Date of bill (or first document): 1727

Note: The naming of a party does not imply that he or she will appear in all the documents in this cause (after the bill)

Date: 1727 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Reference: C 5/539/56 Description:

Short title: Pomeroy v Gyles.

Plaintiffs: Thomas

Plaintiffs: Thomas Pomeroy and Elizabeth Pomeroy his wife.

Defendants: Giles Gyles.

Subject: personal estate of Giles Gyles, deceased, of West Coker, Somerset. Documenttype:Bill,answer Date: 1673Heldby: TheNationalArchives,Kew

Defendants: Giles Gyles.

Subject: personal estate of Giles Gyles, deceased, of West Coker, Somerset. Documenttype:Bill,answer Date: 1673Heldby: TheNationalArchives,Kew

Reference: PROB 31/578/761 Description:

Exhibit: 1771/761. Jane Pomeroy, widow, formerly wife of Charles Pomeroy of Wells, Somerset. Probate inventory, or declaration, of the estate of the same, deceased

Date: 1771 November Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record

Date: 1771 November Held by: The National Archives, Kew Legal status: Public Record

Reference: C 131/61/12 Description:

Debtor: William, Lord of Botreaux, knight, of Somerset, John Storeton, of Somerset, gentleman, William Pomeroy, of Devon., gentleman, and John Pyle, of Somerset, esquire.

Creditor: William Grove, citizen and scrivener, of London, and John Connington {Conyngton'}, clerk, now deceased. Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of Cornwall [and Somerset]

Sent by: Chancery.

Endorsement: John Herle, knight, Sheriff, replies: William, Lord of Botreaux, knight, John Storeton, William

Creditor: William Grove, citizen and scrivener, of London, and John Connington {Conyngton'}, clerk, now deceased. Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of Cornwall [and Somerset]

Sent by: Chancery.

Endorsement: John Herle, knight, Sheriff, replies: William, Lord of Botreaux, knight, John Storeton, William Pomeroy, and John Pyle, were not found in the bailiwick. The execution of the rest of the writ appears in the inquisition.

Note: Inquisition and return: Date given for the return to Chancery: 03/11/1426. Attached is the inquisition made at Launceston on 21/10/1426, before John Herle, knight, Sheriff. William, Lord of Botreaux had on the day of the recognisance the manors of Boscastle {Botreaux Castle} [Lesnewth Hundred, Cornwall], Worthevale, Trewathenant, and Treworwall, which are worth after expenses £40; and the manors of Botylet, Kelygorek, Botalek, and Pyggyscombe, which are worth £40 after expenses, and the Manors of Lavanca, Tywarnaylle, and Trevethov, which are worth after expenses £26 13s. 4d. John Storeton, William

Note: Inquisition and return: Date given for the return to Chancery: 03/11/1426. Attached is the inquisition made at Launceston on 21/10/1426, before John Herle, knight, Sheriff. William, Lord of Botreaux had on the day of the recognisance the manors of Boscastle {Botreaux Castle} [Lesnewth Hundred, Cornwall], Worthevale, Trewathenant, and Treworwall, which are worth after expenses £40; and the manors of Botylet, Kelygorek, Botalek, and Pyggyscombe, which are worth £40 after expenses, and the Manors of Lavanca, Tywarnaylle, and Trevethov, which are worth after expenses £26 13s. 4d. John Storeton, William Pomeroy, and John Pyle had no lands or chattels in the county. Dorse. Memorandum: on 06/11/1426 the manors were handed over.

Date: 1426 Apr 16

Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Date: 1426 Apr 16

Held by: The National Archives, Kew


Sir Thomas ............ Nicholas Pomeroy of Farway.

Badly damaged deed endorsed lease for 99 years by Sir Thomas Pitt.

Date: 1716

Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives Language: English

Badly damaged deed endorsed lease for 99 years by Sir Thomas Pitt.

Date: 1716

Held by: Somerset Heritage Centre (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives Language: English

Reference: C 241/218/7 Description:

Debtor: William, lord of Botreaux, knight, of Somerset [lord of Botreaux, held Aller, Somerton Foreign Hundred, and Newton St Loe in Wellow Hundred, and other manors in Somerset] John Storeton, of Somerset, gentleman, Abel Pomeroy, of Devon, gentleman, John Pyle, of Somerset., esquire.

Creditor: John Covynton, clerk, and William Grove, citizen and scrivener of London.

Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

Before whom: Richard Whittington, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of [Cornwall, Somerset.]

Sent by: William Walderne, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

Endorsement: Cornub' Som's Coram d'no Rege in Cancellar' sua in quindena s'ti hillarii p'x' futur'.

Date: 1424 Sep 23

Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Creditor: John Covynton, clerk, and William Grove, citizen and scrivener of London.

Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

Before whom: Richard Whittington, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of [Cornwall, Somerset.]

Sent by: William Walderne, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

Endorsement: Cornub' Som's Coram d'no Rege in Cancellar' sua in quindena s'ti hillarii p'x' futur'.

Date: 1424 Sep 23

Held by: The National Archives, Kew. Reference: C 241/218/7 Description:

Debtor: William, lord of Botreaux, knight, of Somerset [lord of Botreaux, held Aller, Somerton Foreign Hundred, and Newton St Loe in Wellow Hundred, and other manors in Somerset] John Storeton, of Somerset, gentleman, Abel Pomeroy, of Devon, gentleman, John Pyle, of Somerset., esquire.

Creditor: John Covynton, clerk, and William Grove, citizen and scrivener of London.

Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

Before whom: Richard Whittington, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of [Cornwall, Somerset.]

Sent by: William Walderne, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

Endorsement: Cornub' Som's Coram d'no Rege in Cancellar' sua in quindena s'ti hillarii p'x' futur'.

Date: 1424 Sep 23 Held by: The National Archives, Kew 

Creditor: John Covynton, clerk, and William Grove, citizen and scrivener of London.

Amount: £43 10s. 1d.

Before whom: Richard Whittington, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

When taken: 22/11/1419 First term: 22/07/1420 Last term: 22/07/1420

Writ to: Sheriff of [Cornwall, Somerset.]

Sent by: William Walderne, Mayor of the Staple of Westminster.

Endorsement: Cornub' Som's Coram d'no Rege in Cancellar' sua in quindena s'ti hillarii p'x' futur'.

Date: 1424 Sep 23 Held by: The National Archives, Kew