Sound recordings

The links on this page are subject to expirations -- sorry.

April 20 Iceland concert can be listened to here =>

The original broadcast is available untile 7.25.2018 =>

Chopin Piano Concerto No. 2 in Berlin - May 15 2017 -- background information Germany Cultural Radio Broadcast on July 13, 2017

Nobuyuki Tsujii performs Chopin's Piano Concerot no. 2 in Sydney, 2017

大好きな音楽を多くの人に届けたい、辻井伸行 I want to share my favorite music with many people, Nobuyuki Tsujii 2017 audio interview on podcast posted on Australia site, in Japanese.

Nobuyuki Tsujii & Yeol Yum Son duet 2011  explanation here

Nobuyuki Tsujii debut in Sydney Opera House Oct 22 2016

Nobu at the Beethoven Festival in Minnesota, June 25 2016 on SoundCloud -- see explanation here => Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in U.S. 2016

WQXR podcast of June 28 2016 Central Park concert -- see explanation here => Nobuyuki Tsujii & Orpheus Chamber Orchestra in U.S. 2016

The first half of the concert can also be heard on SoundCloud =>

WQXR podcast of June 28 2016 Central Park concert - scroll down the page to listen to the interview with and performance (a mini Chopin recital)  by Nobu from his 2014 appearance at The Greene Space:

Nobu was the special guest on the Radio show of Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii, his mother, throughout the month of August 2016).

The broadcast can only be listened to in certain regions in Japan, but you may listen to segments of the audio (along with an English summary of what Nobu says) ==> Nobuyuki Tsujii on radio, August 2016Nobuyuki Tsujii on radio, August 2016