Notable web postings - 4

Feb 23

子育ては長いようで短い。「昨年、伸行にプヨプヨのおなかじゃモテないよと言ったら、ジム通いやウオーキングで7キロ痩せたんです。もう23歳ですから、母親の出る幕はありませんね」Last year, I said to Nobuyuki "If your stomach is flabby, you won't be popular with girls". Then he lost 7 kg by going to the gym and walking. He is 23 years old, so I should stay out of his way.   Yomiuri Online interview of Mrs. Itsuko Tsujii

津 波で泥まみれになったグランドピアノ。石巻市の楽器店であの日、津波の被害を受けたピアノだ。人々の手によって見事に復元を果たし、ピアニスト辻井伸行氏 が美しい旋律を奏で始める。わずか5分弱のショートフィルムは、困難に直面するたび、様々な技術を開発し乗り越えてきた、日本の再生力を力強く打ち出すも のだった  "The grand piano became covered with mud in the tsunami and was lovingly restored in the music instrument shop in Ishinomaki. In the short video of less than 5 minutes, pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii plays a beautiful melody. It was a powerful work to remind us that whenever you face difficulties, they can be overcome by developing a variety of techniques -- the regenerative power of Japan."  -- "Road to Recovery" Vol. 2

I saw the movie “Hayabusa” today. I was impressed with the music by Tsujii Nobuyuki who is a visually impaired pianist  -tweet


 I had wanted to listen to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii live at least once .  He seems to be touring Germany next month. Timely! I bought a ticket immediately Nantes. I'm so excited now.

Feb 22

は やぶさ、良かったです☆相手は探査機だというのに、何故こんなに泣けるのか…。あっちこっちからすすり泣きが聞こえてきました。辻井伸行さんの音楽も良 かったです。藤原竜也くんのはやぶさも見てみようかな。(The movie) "Hayabusa" should please opponents to the spacecraft, so why the tears?. I heard sobs here and there. Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's music is good. Fujiwara Tatsuya's HAYABUSA is one to see. -tweet

Feb 21

辻井伸行って何かの生まれ変わりかな。神の落とし子。I don't know if  Nobuyuki Tsujii  is the reincarnation of what. Dropped child of God. -tweet

朝からなんだかいらいら〜が〜とまらな〜い〜。辻井伸行くんのピアノ聞いて心落ち着けよう。しみる。電車でなぜか涙目 ~

This morning for some reason i was irritable.  To deal with it, I listened to the piano of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  My heart ached.  I became teary eyed on the train for some reason  -tweet

Feb 20

もう昨日のことになるけれど、辻井伸行のピアノを聴きに大阪シンフォニーホールへ行った。初めてピアノ演奏会で感動して泣いちゃった。どんなだろ…伸行君の世界はどんな感じで広がってるんだろ?より一層ファンになりました。 But yesterday I went to the Osaka Symphony Hall to listen to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. I cried with emotion at a concert piano for the first time. Nobuyuki ... your fame is spreading in the world?  More and more are becoming your fans.   -tweet

楽 しみにしていた辻井伸行さんのピアノを聴きに行った。限りなく透明に近い透明、美しい心がそのままの音が聴こえた。ショパン、モーツアルト、その後のアン コール1曲目の愛する人を思うような曲も、最後の震災後の為に創られた鎮魂曲も美しかった I went to listen to the piano of Nobuyuki Tsuji, which Ii was looking forward to. Near transparent to transparent, beautiful sound of the intact heart was heard without end. The encores were beautiful  as well, which concluded with his requiem for the earthquke.   -tweet

昨 日の映画「はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還」の感動のシーンを優しく包んで盛り上げてくれたのが辻井伸行のピアノのBGMです。映画とコンサートを同時に楽しんだようで、スクリーン が閉じるまで余韻に浸りました。 Yesterday I saw the film "The return of the Hayabusa Falcon".  The  touching scenes were wrapped in the piano background music of the Nobuyuki Tsujii. I felt that I have enjoyed a concert  and a film at the same time, I was immersed in the afterglow on screen until it was closed. -tweet

Feb 19

僕は明日、辻井伸行氏のコンサートに行きます。 Tomorrow I will go to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet <Nobu performs a recital in Osaka on Sunday in Japan Feb 19.> -tweet

「は やぶさ/遥かなる帰還」の音楽が辻井伸行さんで、俄然観たくなった。Music of "The Return Harukanaru / peregrine falcon" is Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, became suddenly want to watch. -tweet

音の絵 / 辻井伸行 Picture of the sound / Nobuyuki Tsujii.  -tweet

今日は辻井伸行さんのコンサート。きらきら星の変奏曲、ソナタ10番、テンペスト、ワルトシュタイン!家出るまでの後少しの間ベートーベン聴いてく。辻井さんの演奏生で聴けるなんて!!チケット取れないと思ってたからすっごい幸せ!! Today is  the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii/ Variations of star No. 10, Sonata, The Tempest, Waldstein glitter! I am listening to Beethoven for a little before I leave the house. I can listen to live performances ofMr. Tsujii! ! So happy because I thought it is not possible to get the ticket! !  -tweet

辻 井伸行さんのコンサート行ってきた。プロの演奏って指10本で弾いてるとは思えんよね。心地好すぎて眠かったです。・・・ご、ごめんなさい I was at the concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  He is ten professional fingers.  It was too sleepy comfortable.   I am sorry. -tweet <It sounds like this person fell asleep at Nobu's Osaka recital.  It happens.>

Feb 15


辻 井伸行さんの音楽が鳥肌立つくらいによかった。クライマックスシーンで流れた辻井さんのピアノに涙が出ました。"Hayabusa" has been watched. The music of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii was good enough to give me goose bumps. Tears were flowing out  in the climax scene for the piano of Mr. Tsujii. -tweet

はやぶさ…良かったんてすねヾ(*T▽T*) 確か音楽は辻井伸行さんですよね♪ 見てみたくなりました(^^)Te does indeed

music was good ... falcon ヾ shin (* T ▽ T *) is now ♪ I want to look at it is Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (^ ^) -tweet

休みで渡辺謙主演の 、はやぶさ見てきた 。結構感激‼辻井伸行のラストのピアノ良かった‼Starring Ken Watanabe at

the break, we have seen peregrine falcons. Quite impressed! Nobuyuki

Tsujii piano at the end was good! -tweet

辻井伸行の音楽も良かった。耳で一通りのストーリーを聴いて作った音楽らしいが、誰よりもはやぶさの姿を頭に描けてそうだ。NobuyukiTsujii was also good music. The music seems to have made listening tothe story of a street in the ear, but the total draw on the appearance of a falcon head than anyone else. -tweet

Feb 13

今週末は辻井伸行さんのコンサート♪楽しみです  am looking forward to this weekend's (Osaka) concert.  -tweet

辻 井伸行さんの音楽、とても良かったです。サントラですが、アップルストアにも入る予定はありますか? Nobuyuki Tsujii's (movie) music, was very good. Is the soundtrack also availbe in the Apple Store?   -tweet

21世紀は辻井伸行の時代であり、彼こそが皇帝なのだ。庶民は身の程をわきまえ、彼の下にひれ伏す必要があるだろう。21st century is the era of Nobuyuki Tsujii, he the emperor. The common people will know their place, to bow down under him.   -tweet <I hope this was posted in jest.>

Feb 12

おはようございます。辻井さんのピアノも楽しみですね♬今日も笑顔で明るく元 気に前向きにいきましょう。Good morning. Let's go forward to the bright and energetic with a smile today, I look forward ♬ Tsujii's piano. -tweet


Last day of performance of Kanazawa and Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii " Friendship Concert Hokuden" . Music Hall is at 14:00, Ishikawa Prefectural  -OEK tweet

午後から辻井伸行さんのコンサート モーツァルト特集です  Concert featuring Nobuyuki Tsujii this afternoon.  -tweet

今晩21〜「辻井伸行×トルコ行進曲」BSフジ 録画しなくては!    R ecording BS Fuji "Turkish march Nobuyuki Tsujii × 21" - tonight! ...  -tweet

Feb 11

Bellísimo, maravilloso, perfecto! -- Comment on YouTube video: Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 風がはこんできたもの "What the Wind Brings", uploaded by me a year ago 

王 子様は辻井伸行様なんだ。庶民は黙って彼のピアノに耳を傾けたまえ。  Nobuyuki Tsujii is like a prince. Thr people listen in awed silence as he bestow  his piano music on them. -tweet

「奇 跡のピアニストとして辻井伸行さんの誕生の陰には、数々の奇跡的な出会いとその人たちの心よりの支援があった。まるで暗闇で一筋の光に向かって針の穴に糸 を通すような奇跡の連続のようだ。伸行さんは天賦の才能を持っていたに違いない。」  しかしそのような人が才能を出し切れず人生を失速する例は山ほどある。人の運命は、誰と出会い、誰に支えられるかで決まるように思えてならない。それもま た天賦の才なのかもしれない。彼のショパンの『雨だれ』は何て美しいのだろう! 

After the birth of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, there was support from the hearts of  people and, as a pianist, many miraculous encounters. It seems like a succession of miracles of threading the yarn in the dark through the needle hole toward a ray of light . Mr. Nobuyuki must have had a God-given talent. .... Perhaps he is also a genius.    ... . His Chopin's "Rain Drop" is beautiful! "Veda Life" blog  <In English, the expression is that Nobu is "kissed by the (music) god">  blog

Feb 10

行 きたかった(´;ω;`) RT @oekjp: 今夜は富山のオーバードホールにて「ほくでんふれあいコンサート」。金聖響さんの指揮、辻井伸行さんのピアノでオール・モーツァルト。明日の福井、あさっ ての金沢と続きます tonight over at the Hall of Toyama de concert" Friendship Hokuden ". Seikyo Kim's direction, all-Mozart's piano Nobuyuki Tsujii. Followed by Fukui, Kanazawa and tomorrow's the day after tomorrow  OEK-tweet

だっ たら父がずっと辻井伸行くんはすごいピアニストだって言ってたことだし、父を誘ったら、案外嬉しそうな反応示したので、今回このような組み合わせで行くこ とになったのです。辻井伸行くんピアノ、金聖響さん指揮、アンサンブル金沢オケというなんとも贅沢なコンサートです I told my father that Nobuyuki Tsujii kun is a great pianist, and invited him, who  unexpectedly showed a happy reaction.  So we went together.  The Concert piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii kun Nobuyuki Tsu is indescribably luxurious , conducted by Mr. Kim Sung, with the orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa -tweet

そ れは良かった!!!日本でのテレビ放送を切に望みます!!!RT @KY0 3月11日、パリのユネスコ本部に佐渡裕さんをお招きして東北復興支援コンサートが開催されます。辻井伸行さんも来てくださることになりました ! ! May 11, 3 RT @ KY0, Tohoku reconstruction assistance concert will be held by Mr. Yutaka Sado at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. Now joined by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii  (RT Thats great! ! ! I hope sincerely tthere will be elevision broadcasting in Japan! ) -tweet

Feb 9

"What is important to people with visual impairment"  -- an interview with Itsuko Tsujii, mother of Nobuyuki Tsujii

「目 が見えないと聞いた時は私もショックで、涙が止まらなかった。けれど考えてみれば、世の中には見えるものと見えないものがある。むしろ見えないもののほう が大切であることが多いと私は思うのです。伸行君には、世の中の本当に大切なものを大切だと感じる人になってほしい」Often there is something more than invisible.  When I heard the word "blind" it was a shock to me, If I think about it I could not stop the tears  But the world is what one senes. What is important to Nobuyuki is what is important to the world.  "  Yomiuri news Feb 9 article (rough English translation

「目 を開けないあかちゃん」の記事を読み、胸が痛みました。 。。生まれながらにして全盲という環境に育ちながらも、幼い頃からピアノに興味を持ち、早くからその才能を開花させた。 すばらしいことですね! 人は、どのように生まれるかを自ら選択できません。 ありのままを受け入れ前を向いて生きる。 与えられた命をプラス方向に燃焼させる。 その現実を知り、泪です。Reading the article "Baby did not open his eyes" was painful ... But he was born blind and grew up in that environment, was interested in the piano from an early age, and his talent was allowed to bloom early on. It is amazing! People can not be born of their own choosing or how. One lives as one faces forward to accept the truth.  The combustive thriving of a life when guided in the positive direction. To know its reality, it brings tears. 2012-02-09 11:37

天 才ピアニスト辻井伸行さんのカラオケの十八番がきよしのズンドコ節ってのにホッコリ。 Zundoko Hokkori section of the Qing's karaoke favorite hangout of genius pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii.

は やぶさの試写会に。派手ではないのですが静かに感動できました。帰還にはやっぱり涙。辻井伸行さんの音楽も♪地道な理数系、現実だけど私には???な魔法 の世界 The preview of the "peregrine falcon" (Hayabusa movie) . I was quietly impressed even though it is flashy. Feedback was great. Lots of tears. Nobuyuki Tsujii's music.  Math and science.  World of magic

そ して、宇宙クラスタなら、絶対に最後まで席を立ってはならない。ラストに流れる辻井伸行さんのピアノ主題歌は、日本の宇宙開発、そしてすべてのがんばる人 のための、応援歌だ。 If the cluster and the absolute space until the end is a seat. The piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii flows into space ... development in Japan ... the theme song, and all the best for the people cheering songs.

Feb 8

辻井伸行さんのリサイタル。終了。今日も音楽の神様が舞い降りてた。サントリーホールが まるで礼拝堂のような荘厳さ。 The recital of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii is over.   Today, the God of music swooped down.  Suntory Hall was like a chapel in grandeur.

Retweeted by the author of a book about Nobu and Mr. Kawakami (childhood piano teacher)「ジェニーへのオマージュ」に「はやぶさ」。アンコールも盛りだくさんで、涙。 Hayabusa" to "Homage to Jenny." The encores were manificent, tears. --twitter

はい、本 当に特別な時間でした。RT @ikko_1980: すごい光景でしたね。 RT @nobuyukiisshiki 辻井伸行くん、サントリーホール。楽しかったあ。才能は人を元気にしてくれる。ふと気付くと、斜め前に長嶋茂雄さん。天才が天才を見てる。なんか、すごい 光景だった…。 Yes, it was really special . That was an amazing spectacle: RT Suntory Hall. That was fun. Talent on full display. And I suddenly realized that Mr. Shigeo Nagashima (legendary Japanese baseball player)  was seated diagonally in front. A genuis watching a genius. I became softened,  It  was an amazing spectacle .... --twitter

辻井伸 行さんのツアーにいってきた!!!聴きたかった自作曲全部アンコールでやってくれて、泣いた。生で聴けて本当に感動したー。I went to a concert of the Japan tour of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! ! ! He was playing his own songs in the encore that I wanted to hear, I cried. ー I was really impressed to listen  to him live. --twitter

今朝TVに辻井伸行さん。カラ オケで演歌を歌うのが好きなんだそう。津軽海峡冬景色のサビを歌ってくれました。箸休め情報その②(笑) Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii on TV this morning. So I like to sing at a karaoke the Tsugaru Strait winter scenery  --twitter

忙しい事は自分のプラスになることが多い -辻井伸行- Being busy is a big plus to me -- Nobuyuki Tsujii  --twitter



 自分で作曲した ”ジョニーへのオマージュ"




"Homage to Johnny" composed by Nobuyuki Tsujii based on the the song of " Jeanie with Light Brown Hair" of the American Foster

It calms the mind mind; it comes from the very heart of his innocence

 200 Y at iTune store -- 2012.2.8 blog post

10時発売の辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケット3分で完売してた(/ _ ; )ショック  At 10 AM tickets for Nobuyuki Tsujii concert came on sale, and were gone in three minutes.  Shocking! --tweeter

ガビラーン! 辻井伸行ピアノ・リサイタルのチケットが売切れてるー 

Gabiran tickets for Piano Recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii  Have sold out!






辻井さんらしい解釈と表現が楽しみです。 。。。 (Sun.) 21:00 12 this month, at Fuji BS,

Nobuyuki Tsujii documentary seems to be broadcast.

Entitled, "The Miracle tone sounds in Antalya, Turkey - Turkey march × pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii!".

. . .

Flowing through the streets of Turkey with that, Tsujii's "Turkish March". .

Feb 7

今日はサントリーホールに行く。辻井伸行くんのピアノ演奏が生で聴けるなんて楽しみ! Going to Suntory Hall today. I look forward to listen to live piano music Nobuyuki Tsujii kun! --twitter

いよいよもうすぐ辻井伸行さんのソロコンサート(o^^o) しかもサントリーホールだ And it Suntory Hall (o ^ ^ o) Nobuyuki Tsujii's solo concert soon finally --twitter

今 日は早めに会社を出て、これからサントリーホールへ。辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきます! Today I left the office early, to Suntory Hall now. I'm going to a concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! --twitter

辻井伸行@サントリーホール/今年始まったばかりだけれど、今年一番なのでは!?とい う公演。すごい浄化力。純度の高い光。透明な羽が生え、せせらぎの森を飛んでいる気分。誰もが恍惚とした表情を浮かべていた。「ピアノの森」のカイ君の音 の煌めきはこういう感じなのでしょうか。Nobuyuki Tsujii @Suntory Hall  Although this is only the beginning of the year, this may be the performance of the year.  Amazing cleansing power.  High optical purity. Mood transparent wings flies, flying in the forest of babble. Was ecstatic expression on his face for everyone. Sparkle of the sound of you Kai for "Piano Forest" is What a feeling like this.--twitter

"Lights of Japan":小山薫堂さん制作ビデオ。ダボス会議中の内閣府主催パーティー「ジャパンナイト」で放映。盲目ピアニスト、辻井伸行氏が震災後の修理された ピアノでの演奏に合わせ日本の希望に光あてた感動映像。 Mr. Hall Kaoru Koyama video production: "Lights of Japan".  Aired at a party "Japan Night" organized by the Cabinet Office in the Davos (Swtizerland)  meeting.   Visual impression of Japan illuminated by the piano performance of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii on a a grand piano that has been repared after the earthquake --twitter

Visual impression of Japan would like to shed light on the piano to match the performance of the blind pianist, Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii has been repaired after the earthquake. --twitter

次回公演は「ほくでんふれあいコンサート」。金聖響の指 揮、辻井伸行のピアノでオール・モーツァルト・プログラム。10日富山、11日福井、12日金沢。 The next performance is "Friendship Concert Hokuden". Conductor Kim Sung-, all-Mozart program with the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. Toyama on the 10th , Fuku on the 11thi, Kanazawa on the 12 days  -- OEK tweet

泥まみれから「再生」した石 巻のピアノ 「復興の調べ」で人と人をつなげる ... 「再生ピアノ」とは、石巻市内のサルコヤ楽器店で東日本大震災による津波に飲み込まれたグランドピアノ。同店内にあったピアノは店の外に流され泥まみれに なるなどした。しかし、店主の井上晃雄さんが「泥に負けてたまるか」との思いで再生を決意。個人、団体など多くのボランティアや調律師による支援の手によ り修復された。今年1月25日にスイスで開幕された世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)では、盲目のピアニストである辻井伸行氏が「再生ピアノ」を演奏する 短編映像が上映され、世界中に紹介された。Connecting people and people in the "reconstruction" of Ishinomaki piano was restored from the mud ... a grand piano that was swallowed by the tsunami caused by the earthquake in the eastern city of Ishinomaki. The piano, was in the store of the Sarukoya musical instrument shop, and was found being covered with mud that deluged the store during the earthquake. However, Ishopkeeper Mr. Teruo Inoue decided to salvage the piano.  It has been repaired by the hands of a number of individual volunteers, tuners, and organizations. A short film, featuring the piano being performed on by Nobuyuki Tsujii, was shown at the World Economic Forum that opened in Davos, Switzerland on January 25 this year.

Blog 「辻井伸行 日本ツアー2012年1月28日、広島市中区「ALSOKホール」...  第2楽章アダージョでみせた、ハッと息を飲むようなピアニッシモ! そして、終曲部分の、何という柔らかくて優しい表現! (ブラボー!!)」  優れた写真

Feb 6 amd 7 recitals in Suntory Hall, Tokyo.  Lots of tweets and blogs, see News from Japan Sample tweet: 辻井伸行さんのピアノ聞いて来ました。ピアノで泣くとは思わなかった。素晴らしかったです。 I came to hear of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii piano. And did not expect to cry at the piano. It was wonderful.  (With photo of Suntory Hall before performance

Feb 6

サ ントリーホールに辻井伸行のピアノ聴きに行ってきます(^_^)/でもあまりの寒さと雨にお出かけ気分が吹っ飛びました~ めちゃくちゃ寒い!サントリー ホールにダウンコート着て行っちゃダメ?ホールに入ったらすぐクロークに預けるけど…マナー違反かな?慣れてないからドキドキ C

Going to Suntory Hall to listen to Nobuyuki Tsujii 's piano concert.  I really don't want to go out in the rain and the really cold wind! What to do with the coat tupon arriving at Suntory Hall I? Is keeping the coat on a breach of etiquette? I am not  used to be there on weekdays. <Today Nobu performs the first of two recitals in hometown Tokyo.> --twitter

世界の辻井伸行 BS朝日 (The World of Nobuyuki Tsujii, Asahi-BS broadcast)

長 い一日が終わった。朝から夕方まで三重県津市にて重奏コンテストの審査員をしたあと帰京。一風呂浴びて久ぶりのホッピーで乾杯。しばらくして偶然BS朝日 の世界の辻井伸行をみる。もうずっと涙が止まらない。言葉はでない。お恥ずかしい限りである。それと同時にがんばるのではなくて音楽に打ち込む喜びを持ち 続けることなのだ。一日の疲れが見事に吹き飛んだ。辻井さんに感謝! Ended a long day. Kikyo after the contest judge Quintet in Tsu City, Mie Prefecture from morning till evening. Hoppy toast with a shower for the first time in a long time. Nobuyuki Tsujii of the world to see BS Asahi chance after a while. Tears will not stop much longer. The word is not. As long as you are ashamed. Would be to continue to have a pleasure to devote to music rather than hold out at the same time. Fatigue of the day blew beautifully. Thanks to Mr. Tsujii! blog of a musicia.

An article appeared in Tokyo News 東京新聞, , entitled

" 辻井伸行魂のピアノ 『はやぶさ』メロディーに苦労 2012年2月6日 朝刊  The piano soul of Nobuyuki Tsujii  -- his struggle with the music for the Hayabusa film " Very rough English translation -- It is mentioned that Nobu has, this year, 20 performances overseas and 60 in Japan.


Feb 4

ダボス会議のジャパンナイトで流された辻井伸行さんによるピアノの演奏。その震災後に修復されたピアノに日本の光として のイメージがかぶされていく後半はちょっと胸厚  I was carried away by the piano playing by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii on Japan Night at the Davos conference.  The image of the piano being repaired after the earthquake and Japan in the light of the second half  -- left me with a little thick chest. RT 素晴らしい音色。Great tone. --twitter

Feb 3

"A single pianist imbues this piano with light" - a short film shown at Davos, Switzerland, featuring Nobuyuki Tsujii  -- my own posting on twitter

辻 井伸行さんのチケット取れなかった(´Д` )(´Д` )それでコンサート納めにしようと思ってたのに…まじショックでかい Really big shock ... I thought I ('Д `) would pay for the concert concert (' Д`) I could not get Nobuyuki Tsujii tickets .--twitter

辻井伸行さんのチケット、先行予約抽選ゲットならず。ヤッパリなぁ… Nobuyuki Tsujii's ticket, I didn't get the pre-lottery.  ... as I thought  .--twitter

明かりが燈るころ  Light the lights around the Ru

先日、映画「はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還」を観てきました。


目 が見えない辻井さんですが、こころの目がしっかりと見えていらっしゃるのでしょうね。 The other day, I watched the "Return of the Harukanaru Falcon" movie.While holding a collaboration of the universe, and feel Nobuyuki

Tsujii's music is wonderful -- it made me feel like I am wandering into space ...

Mr. Tsujii is blind, I firmly believe he can see with his mind.

Feb 2



"Visually impaired (1) open your eyes baby"

September 13, 1988 Born in a cheerful delivery room sounded cheerful. Weight 2914 g (6.4 pound) , 48 cm (19 inches).   tall. Mr. Nobuyuki  who is now a famous pianist worldwide, was born in a standard size.

But he never opened his eyes, even after a few days after birth and even during lactation, it was as if he was asleep.   -- An article (in Japanese) about Nobuyuki Tsujiii and mother Itsuko, with a (recent?) photo of them together.  (2012年2月2日 読売新聞)( February 02, 2012 Yomiuri Shimbun) Rough English translation here:

こ の映像を見るたびに泣いてしまいます(ToT) 辻井伸行 - ホストファミリーを訪ねる Would cry every time I see this picture (ToT) Nobuyuki Tsujii - revisit the host family .--twitter

やっと念願の楽譜買えた♪ 辻井伸行さんの曲、本当に素敵‼ Nobuyuki Tsujii's song sheet music ♪ desire finally buys, really nice!   .--twitter

この映像を見るたびに泣いてしまいます(ToT) 辻井伸行 - ホストファミリーを訪ねる  Would cry every time I see this picture (ToT) Nobuyuki Tsujii  .--twitter

Feb 1

Noteworthy Anniversary "2009 For the first time, the Cliburn hosts webcasts with live on-air hosts and commentary. The programs also offer backstage access to millions of viewers. "We received hundreds of e-mails from all over the world saying things like, 'They brought new life to my father as he was lying in his hospital bed,' or, 'I was about to be fired from my job because I had my computer turned on the whole two weeks,'" Rodzinski recalls. Internet viewers watch as Nobuyuki Tsujii, a blind pianist from Japan, becomes the latest Cliburn sensation. Tsujii, 20, shares Cliburn gold with 19-year-old Haochen Zhang of China, the field's youngest pianist." Posted Wednesday, Feb. 01, 2012, Star Telegram, Fort Worth, Texas

Jan 30

In terms of audio perception, Nobuyuki Tsujii's resonates with my own perception of sound.  In an interview, he explains that he hears a "G" ("so") when salt-water eel tempura is being fried ... Below are my top three major pieces: Prelude in B Flat Major, Op. 23, No. 2 - Sergei Rachmaninoff

(performed by Vladimir Ashkenazy) ,Grande valse brillante in E flat Major - Frédéric Chopin (performed by Arthur Rubinstein), Étude Op. 10, No. 1 in C Major - Frédéric Chopin (performed by Nobuyuki Tsujii)  yuksterr's blog

辻 井伸行さんのコンサートに行った!目が見えなくてもキラキラしたメロディーがずっと流れてた♪すごいなぁ。 I went to Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert! I enjoyed the great long, flowing melody ♪ I could not see through teary eyes. .--twitter

辻井伸行さん、仙台にも来てくれるみたいね。4月1日、絶対行きたい。チケト、欲しい。Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, I  want you to come to Sendai. on April 01.  I absolutely want it! .--twitter

Jan 29

<Tickets ween on sale  today for the 宮城 Miyagi  recital on April 1>

辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケットが、1分ぐらいで予定枚数終了になった。 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii concert tickets sold in about 1 minute. .--twitter

辻 井伸行さんの人気につけこんで、チケットが流通センターやらヤフオクに流れてるのが腹立たしい(郡山市民文化センター分だけじゃなく)自分の後ろにもチ ケットを求めて大勢の人が並んでたのに・・・本当に聴きたい人のもとにチケットが渡っていただきたい!  People auction on Yahoo are taking advantage of the popularity of Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It is frustrating.  I was in line at Koriyama City Cultural Center and only minutes from being able to buy a ticket; and there were so many people lined up behind me.  Really, listen, people, don't buy the auction tickets!

辻井伸行さんのピアノライブ初めて行ったけど凄く良かったよ☆癒された☆いい時間を過ごせたわ  It was my first time at a live performance of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii.  It  was very good * healed * Had a good time too much

Jan 28 <Busy, busy, day!   Recital in Hiroshima; tickets went on sale for April Fukushima recital (and sold out at once); the Ishinomake Piano video was aired in Switzerland.>

写 真1●被災したピアノで演奏する辻井伸行氏(ビデオ映像から)Nobuyuki Tsujii performing on the Ishinomake Piano -- as seen on a video shown at the World Economic Forum on Jan 27. 

And here is an article (in Japanese) that goes with it -- rough English translation

今日が2時からALSOKホールで辻井伸行さんのコンサートがあるらしいですね。行きたかった~!! Today is from 2 ALSOK Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert hall at that. wanted to go ! !

今から辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサート♪神カルの曲も聴けるかな  Now, Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano concert.  I will be listening to the music of the local god.

辻井伸行さんのピアノライブに来ています I have come to listen to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii live.

今から辻井伸行のコンサート Nonuyuki Tsujii concert, now!  (with photo -

辻井伸行さん よかった、よかった よかった、よかった  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii good, good

辻井伸行さんピアノコンサート終了ー(*´▽`*) 見えないのにあんなに指動いてピアノ弾くなんて凄いな Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's concert has just finished.  Great piano and fingerwork.

昨日に続きアルソック。今日は辻井伸行さん。ピアノであんなに泣いたのは初めてです。After yesterday Al Winsock. Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii today. So I cried at the piano music for the first time.

お はようございます。辻井伸行ピアノリサイタル、チケット一般発売は本日10:00から開始します!お見逃しなく。Good morning. Piano recital Nobuyuki Tsujii, general ticket sale will start at 10:00 today! Do not miss out. -- tweet from F(ukushima) TV

辻井伸行さんのリサイタルチケットゲッ ト♪S席です、辻井さんの顔の見えにくいとこだけど最前列取れました(^_^)v  Get ♪ S is the seat recital ticket's Nobuyuki Tsujii, (^_^) v 取Remashita and this front row but it's hard to see the face of Tsujii

辻井伸行さんのピアノに惚れた。なんだあの音は、神。絶対今年リサイタ ルに行く I have fallen in love with the piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii. That is God's sound.. This year, absolutely will go to recital

4 月5日、郡山市民文化センターで行われる辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタルチケットS席を購入♪今朝7時半頃から並んだけど一番早い方は6時に来てたとか。 知り合いはローソンチケットで15分くらいで取れたそう。チケットぴあは即完売だったらしい・・・(泣)  Nobuyuki Tsujii recital on April 5 , Koriyama City Cultural Center.  Bought an S ticket ♪  Lined up this morning from 7 :30 a.m. , thought we were the earliest but here we are at six. I know Lawson Ticket, can be had in about 15 minutes.  seems to be based on ones sold out tears)  on PIA,Tickets seemed to have sold out immediately .... tears.

郡山で4月に行われる「辻井伸行」さ んのコンサートチケットがとれなかった~(泣)ローチケもイープラスも完売し会場に問い合わせしたら「もういらっしゃっても買えないですよ~。今並んでる 人で終わりですよ~」って(泣)友人には早朝から並んでおけ!って笑われたけど。行きたいよ  To be held in April in Koriyama, "Nobuyuki Tsujii" - I did not get concert tickets (tears)  When I contacted the venue, even e+ tickets were sold out.  You cannot  buy it anymore  Now I end up weeping in the morning with a friend.  I was laughed at.

福島県郡山市民会館での辻井伸行さんのリサイタルチケット・・・とれなかった・・・・・ぐぬぬぬぬぬ。速 攻完売だな・・・・ちきしょう。 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii Torenakatta Gunununununu recital tickets in Koriyama, Fukushima City Hall. Cripes that it sold out quick.

辻 井伸行ピアノリサイタルのチケットは完売しました。ありがとうございました。  Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano Recital tickets are sold out. Thank you.  -- tweet from F(ukushima) TV


雑誌SPUR(3月号) に「辻井伸行カーネギーに行く」の記事が載ってるね SPUR Magazine (March issue) to "go to Carnegie Nobuyuki Tsujii,"


We are inspired by how classical pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii overcame incredible odds to get to where he is today!  -- tweet from the Learning Lab (Singapore)

Winners of  the ‘26th Japan Gold Disc Awards’ ... CLASSIC ALBUM OF THE YEAR --  “Kamisama no Karute ~Tsujii Nobuyuki Jisakushu” :("God's Medical Chart" -- Nobuyuki Tsujii original compositions) Tsujii Nobuyuki

Jan 27

ヤフーオークションに 郡山公演の 辻井伸行さんの チケットが出ています。なぜ?発売は明日では??? 転売目的とし か思えませんプンプン! And  ticket for the performance of Nobuyuki Tsujii in Koriyama is on auction on Yahoo. Why? It isn't released until tomorrow? ? ? I smell a resale rat! .--twitter

明 日は、辻井伸行ピアノ・リサイタルのチケット発売日です。 頑張って予約しないと!!Tomorrow is the day of the piano recital ticket sale for Nobuyuki Tsujii. Good luck and don't delay! ! .--twitter

Jan 26

I left a note on  Nobu's official website --

Dear Webmaster,

Will you please let us know how we may watch the video shown in Switzerland, mentioned in this article?  Thank you. And to my delight a reply came, though the answer is not what I wanted to hear: "Thanks for inquiry. It seems this video is not yet shown to public, probably due to copyright reasons. I wish if it would be uploaded soon!"  Come on, Nobu -- it is YOU who should be uploading this video!

コンサート。: Sup!! 毎日制作。うん、最高。 な、合間をぬって昨日の夕方、招待して頂いた辻井伸行さんのコン  The concert : Sup! ! Daily production.  Yeah, the best.  Yesterday evening, I was invited to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii 'sconcert. Blind, he was led to the piano, but he played like a  fish in water play; incredible;  made me listen. excitement. I had a full schedule and didn't listen to the whole concert, but his music has the power that I want. Respect! ! ! ! !blog: (rapMusicNews) <I believe the writer is a rap musician.>

"Seattle Symphony 2012-13 Season Announced ... the 5th year of Celebrate Asia (Festival)  will feature Nobuyuki Tsujii" 25

昨晩、辻井伸行さんの演奏を生で聴く機会に恵まれました。モーツァルト、ベートーベンのピアノソナタはもちろんですが、アンコールで自身が作曲された「それでも生きていく」は特に心打たれる演奏でした。 Last night had the opportunity to hear live performances of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii <in 名古屋  Nagoya>. Mozart, Beethoven's Piano Sonata is, of course, the encore was composed himself "still living" was a performance that particularly struck.--twitter

辻井伸行さんのコンサート    名古屋の愛知芸術劇場コンサートホールでのコンサートに行ってきました。 ...

特に最後の曲は妻への最高のバースディプレゼントになったようです。辻井さん ありがとう 私にとっても、楽しい1日でした。 I went to a concert of  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujiiin the Concert Hall in Nagoya, Aichi Arts Center.... The last song in particular seems to become the best birthday gift to my wife.Thank you Mr. Tsujii.  It was a fun day for me. "

Q.ピアニストの辻井伸行の出身地は東京都何区?---A 1 練馬区 2 中野区 3 豊島区 4 新宿区 Q. What is the Tokyo District of the hometown of pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii ? --- 1 Nerima 2Nakano 3 Toshima 4 Shinjuku --twitter

Jan 24/25

4/1の辻井伸行さんのコンサートチケット取れますように I got tickets for the 4/1 (Fukushima) recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii --twitter

今日は辻井伸行くんのピアノリサイタル行ってくるよ。めちゃ楽しみ! Today, I'm going to Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano recital. (in Nagoya). Enjoy tea first! --twitter

今 夜は辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートを聴きにいきます。なかなかチケットが取れない方なので今回はラッキーでした Tonight we will listen to the piano concert of Nobuyuki Tusjii.  Tickets were difficult to get - we were lucky. --twitter

目の不自由でピアノ演奏する辻井伸行さんのコンサート!!ただ今リハーサル中。Blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii will perform! During a rehearsal right now.


Jan 23

Many tweets and blog posts about the  岡山  Okayama recital - see News from Japan Jan 23 entry.

Avex announced track information of the movie original soundtrack CD はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還 オリジナル・サウンドトラック "Far return from Hayabusa"  Release day Feb 8

さっ き行きつけのCD店へ行った。視聴コーナーで辻井伸行さんの「カーネギーホール・ライヴ」、テンペストの第3楽章を聴いた。メッチャメチャ良い!かなり速 めのテンポでさっと弾き切る。変に歌おうとして遅めに弾く奏者が多いけど、アレグレットだしね。これぞ!というテンポ。I went to the CD store and saw. "Live at Carnegie Hall," by Nobuyuki Tsujii's in the corner.  I heard the third movement of the Tempest. Truly good ! Acceleratethe tempo of playing off quite quickly...--twitter

Jan 22

辻井伸行のコンサート行ってみたかったけど、チケット売り切れだった。ソロツアーは無理やけど、協奏曲に行こうかな? I wanted to go the Nobuyuki Tsujii concert, tickets were sold out.  The solo recital tour - Impossible to go to? --twitter

も う一つはドイツ語の先生に教えてもらった、辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートです。ピアノだけのコンサートも初めてです。先週の授業の時に先生に聞いて、ま だチケットあるかな、という話をしていたら、ドイツではまだすぐ売り切れになるというほど有名ではないと思うし、ホールも広い所だからあると思う、と先生 は言っていましたが、私が買いに行った時は結構席は売れてしまっていました。早く買いに行って良かった~。 I learned about another concert from my German teacher: Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano concert. It is his his first piano concert (in Munich, Germany). During class the teacher said  that there are tickets yet; he is not as famous in Germany and tickets don't sell out quickly yet, and I think that concert hall is spacious.  The teacher said that the tickets were selling fast, and it would be a good idea to buy one soon. -- blog post  <Nobu performs in Munich on March 7.>

Jan 21/22

There is an article about Nobu on this Asahi News digital edition website, titled 〈元気のひみつ〉ピアニスト 辻井伸行さん"The secret energy of Nobuyuki Tsujii"

The article cannot be read without a subscription, but this blog mentions it

and  the alleged secret is apparently the Hayashi Rice, which is not news --  see this article on this site Nobuyuki Tsujii and the"Hayashi rice

But the blogger mentioned that the article reports that 先日わたしも書いた、カーネギーホールでの演奏会では「23歳のそれまで味わったことのない緊張感だった。」at the Carnegie Hall recital, Nobu experience "tension never tasted it before the age of 23."

Jan 20




まぁーーーっ本当に素晴らしい演奏でした ....

 “風がはこんでくれたもの”を本当に楽しそうに嬉しそうに   演奏されてました~ ... こんなにピアノの音に引き込まれた事は初めてでしたし ... こんなにピアノの音に興奮した事もありませんでした  娘も同じ事を感じていたようです♪ 

Two days ago,  I went with my daughter to a recital by Nobuyuki Tsujii held in Sapporo Kitara Hall 18

I did not know anything about the piano music

Well ーーー Tsu gave a really great performance ...

"What the Wind brings" (played as encore) was delightful; really great to hear this in performance! ... It was the first time that I was so drawn to the sound of the piano.  I had never been so excited about the sound of the piano.  I felt just as excited as my daughter. (A blog post about the Jan 18 Sapporo recital)

Jan 19

辻 井伸行コンサートツアー2012  -- 行って来ました!アンコールで涙腺決壊した…ピュアな若者じゃ(´д⊂)‥、感動したっ!Nobuyuki Tsujii 2012 concert tour  -- I went! ..The encores made me tear up  ‥ Beethoven's Tempest  was outstanding.  Moved! -- twitter (about the Sapporo recital)

辻井伸行さんすごーい♪ドラマチック!感動 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii ♪ dramatic Wow! impressive  - twitter (about the Sapporo recital)

辻 井伸行ピアノリサイタルは多くの問い合わせを頂いています。チケットは来週28日(土)10:00~一斉発売です。お早めにお買い求めください。 Nobuyuki Tsujii (Fukushima) piano recital has gotten a lot of inqueries. Tickets are simultaneously released. on the 28th next week (Sat) 10:00. . Please purchase as soon as possible.  -- FTV_event (Fukushima TV)  tweet

An American news article that sheds some light on what the talents management firm does for Nbou's career -- "The Cliburn title comes with prestige, a medal and a support staff"  ... Concert tour arrangements involve a lot of details, Doan says, many of them designed to "make it as stress-free as possible." These include things like booking flights, making hotel reservations, requesting someone to meet the artist at the airport, making sure that the hotel is within walking distance of the concert hall or that public transportation is available, making sure that there are restaurants nearby, and "making sure that the piano tech gets there in time." ...

Jan 18

極 度の近眼の棟方志功、版木を彫る前に既に完成図が見えていた。だから、手元の彫刻刀に集中できた。同じ目が不自由な辻井伸行も、多分弾く前に曲の全体が見 えているから細部のタッチに集中できる。天才と呼んでいいだろう二人の共通点。 Munakata Shiko, extremely nearsighted, had already seen the complete picture before he carved a woodblock. Therefore, he could concentrate on a hand chisel. Likewise, Nobuyuki Tsujii, completely blind, is perhaps able to focus on the details and touches of the entire song before playing it. There may be a common point with these two geniuses. --twitter

I'm with my mom, now :-) we go to TSUJII NOBUYUKI's piano concert,tonight. --twitter

Jan 17

blog post by a piano teacher in the Iwate Prefecture who seems a little miffed that Nobu's April 7 recital sold out in minutes:

辻 井伸行リサイタル チケット もう完売!  辻井伸行リサイタル チケット もう完売! <This seems a thoughtful piece but with a slightly negative tone.  If I understand correctly, the blogger is saying that Nobu's populatiry is overblown by media hype, and that his recital program does not seem to have enough to last 2 hours.  (S)he also seems to say that there are other talented young pianists in Japan. She also says that Nobu is pure like the white flowers shown in an accompanying photo, and that the next 10 years would be crucial for his career; she hopes he will focus more on classical piano (than composing).>

Jan 16

【完売御礼!】昨日発売開始となった、 4/7(土)さくらホールで開催される「辻井伸行 ピアノ・リサイタル」のチケット、当プラザ取扱分はおかげさまで完売となりました!ありがとうございました。 Sold thanks! - tickets released yesterday for the 4 / 7 (Saturday) concert to be held in the Sakura  Hall "Nobuyuki Tsujii Piano Recital" -- sold out in  minutes!  Thank you very much.-- tweet from なはんプラザ Hanamaki Center

4/7 辻井伸行ピアノ・リサイタル、おかげ様で完売となっております。ありがとうございました。 Nobuyuki Tsujii 4 / 7 Piano Recital.  We have sold out and thanks. Thank you. 北上市文化交流センター さくらホール tweet

辻井伸行のカーネギー・ホール・デビュー盤を聴いて、、、、 Nobuyuki Tsujii, Carnegie Hall, listening to debut…   Jan 16 blog post that very kindly mentions this site!

Jan 15 <Tickets went on sale for the April recitals that Nobu will perform in the region in Japan that was devastated by tsunami last March>

本 日発売の4/7 辻井伸行ピアノ・リサイタル、残りわずかとなりました。ご希望の方はお早めに! Nobuyuki Tsujii 4 / 7 Piano Recital tickets released today.  If you would like to go, get it soon!

.4月に岩手県内で辻井伸行氏のピアノリサイタルがあるということで、ぜひ聴きに行きたいとチケットをネットで見てみたらS 席完売!A席が残り………1席!ということで最後のA席を押さえました。I want to go to the piano recital of Nobuyuki Tsujii in Iwate Prefecture in April.  I tried to get a ticket for an S seat (the best and highest priced) but they were sold out! Only one  A seat remained... ... 1 seat! The very last one!

Jan 14

Some years ago I heard some wonderful piano playing from the French pianist Bernard d’Ascoli and was doubly impressed when I discovered he had been blind since birth, and had to learn all his music from braille scores. More recently, Japanese pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii, also blind from birth, deeply moved and impressed me with his incredible playing at the recent Van Cliburn competition. Listen to him play Liszt’s La Campanella, an etude infamous for its treacherous right hand leaps.

For a rare insight into a musician’s practising habits, listen, from 1:20, to how blind German organist Helmut Walcha learned Bach’s Art of Fugue. This is a lesson for us all.


1 月1日、BS朝日「奇跡のピアニスト 辻井伸行 夢のカーネギー・デビューまで」で放送された、ピアニスト辻井伸行のカーネギー・ホール デビュー・リサイタル(2011年11月10日)の模様を「音楽の友」2月号(1月18日発売)Rondoコーナーで取り上げています。ぜひお読み下さ い。(「音楽の友」2月号P183) A magazine article about Nobu's Carnegie Hall debut is to appear in the February issue of  "Friends of Music" magazine .

Jan 12

"During shoot of "Nobuyuki Tsujii Carnegie Hall Debut Live" on November 10. My new friend."  (with photo of Mr. Rosen with Nobu, on stage at Carnegie before performance)  -- facebook page of Peter Rosen

Jan 9

The Best Pianist -- Nobuyuki Tsujii 辻井伸行 Debussy Mouvement,2009 Tokyo Opera City -- twitter (Egypt)

写真 - 辻井伸行と母、ニューヨーク市。Photo - Nobuyuki Tsujii and mother in NYC.  Album at

辻 井伸行。カーネギーライブから、展覧会の絵。磨きあげた演奏。フォルテから一転ピアノに移行するタイミングでの音色の透明感。ライブ演奏である事を忘れて しまう安定した音楽に、全く気負いと言う物を感じさせない。フォスターへのオマージュは彼の、新しい一面を  Nobuyuki Tsujii. Live from Carnegie, Pictures at an Exhibition. Polished performance. Clarity of the sound of the piano when migrating from Forte reversal. The music is so smooth you forget that it is a live performance.  Tribute to Foster , a new aspect  - twitter

Jan 7

Phenomenal! I'm a former member of the board of directors of the Van Cliburn institute. I left the board a couple of years ago. I WISH I had stayed, just to watch this final. Incredible enough that he played this concerto flawlessly. Utterly astonishing that he learned it by ear. If you don't believe there is a God after watching this, you're beyond hope.  - Youtube posting Ywlvincent 2 weeks ago in playlist nobuyuki tsujii rachmaninoff piano concerto #2

In this Japanese blog post, blogger Shin wrote about the Carnegie Hall debut of Nobuyuki Tsujii and the first encore he played, which was met with disapproval from some American audience. Now that the encore, "Tribute to Jeanie", can be heard on a freshly released CD, blogger Shin thinks it is an extraordinary work worthy of being Nobu's Opus 1 (as labeled on the CD). I AGREE.

Jan 6

妻 から電話があったが、接客中で出られなかった。残された留守電からは息子の歓喜の声が聞こえてきた。辻井伸行のコンサートチケット購入権に当たったようだ (^ ^)  Had a phone call from  wife, in customer service. I can hear the voices of delight. We have won the right to purchase Nobuyuki Tsujii concert tickets! -twitter


Traffic! Relax listening to the piano's Nobuyuki Tsujii. Great  -twitter

Jan 5

Nothing new in this article "IMG Artists Signs Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii for North/South American Management", but mentioned here for completeness.

今朝の読売新聞、文化面に辻井伸行さんご紹介の記事が掲載されております◎ 日本と海外を行き来する様子や、意外な一面も?!みなさま是非(^-^)This morning's Yomiuri Shimbun, Japan and other countries and how to traverse ◎ We have introduced an article of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii cultural aspects, even surprising aspect? ! Our travel (^-^)   -twitter

辻井伸行さん(^O^)今日の、読売新聞18ページに記事が載っています&#x1f4d6; 天才ピアニスト

Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii (^ O ^) in today's genius pianist &#x1f4d6; article may be found on page 18 Yomiuri Shimbun  -twitter

Jan 4

Nobuyuki Tsujii  is all over this first-of-the-year information page put out by AVEX-Classics  If you read the fine prints, it seems that the release date of the DVD and BluRay for the Carnegie Live! has been postponed to Feb. 8, which happens to be the release date of the soundtrack of the movie "Hayabusa" (for which Nobu is the music composer/director.)

This is what  Mr. Cliburn said at the Carnegie Hall, after Nobu's recital: "What a thrill to hear this brilliant, very gifted. fabulous pianist. You feel God's presence in the room when he played. He's so pure.  His music is so wonderful, and it goes to infinity to the highest heaven."  -- BS-Asahi TV special on Nobuyuki Tsujii shown on 1/1/2012.


The piano of Nobuyuki Tsujii restored calm in the household.  -twitter

やっ と取れた!盲目のピアニスト辻井伸行くんのコンサート!いつも初日完売、抽選ははずれまくりだったので。ただしリサイタルではなく1曲演奏するだけだけど チャイコフスキーのピアノ協奏曲1番だから、まあよし。Success finally! Concert of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii! ! The lottery draw for the concert, which was, as always, sold-out on the first day. However, it is not a recital, but only to play the Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No. 1.  Well, it is good.

年 末にNHKで、ピアニスト・辻井伸行さんのドキュメンタリーやってました。印象的な内容だったのが、作曲家の加古隆さんに、和音を使わずメロディだけで作 曲する課題を与えられた事。もしかしたら何かヒントになるかも。Year-end NHK documentaty on pianoist Nobuyuki Tsujii.  What was impressive is that the composer Takashi Kako challenged him to compose melodies without using the chords first. Maybe something could be a hint. -twitter

映 画「はやぶさ遥かなる帰還」のテーマ曲は、ピアニスト辻井伸行さんが担当、宇宙の世界観を表現されている。教室の生徒にも聴かせたい film "HAYABUSA" theme song by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii pianist -- Space world-view is represented. Students in the classroom want to listen to it  -twitter

Jan 3

辻井伸行さん Nobuyuki Tsujii in very good company on this IMG pianist artists page:

辻 井伸行さんのカーネギーホールライブのCDが届いた。 全部入りのDVDも予約したが、のっけから圧巻の演奏。 明らかに、ヴァン・クライバーンのコン クールで優勝した時から格段にレベルアップしてる。 新年早々から素晴らしい音楽で仕事もはかどります。 Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii Carnegie Hall Live! CD has arrived. I have also booked a  DVD for the spectacular performance. Obviously, he has improved dramatically since the Van Cliburn victory.  New Year starts in a breeze of his wonderful music. -twitter  大晦日、元旦の「辻井伸行 夢のカーネギーデビューまで」





New Year's Eve, New Year's "Nobuyuki Tsujii dream debut at Carnegie "

Was glued to the TV on two consecutive nights


But no words only tears and very moving

The sight of his weeping while playing the song dedicated to the Northeast Sandals , will be engraved on my mind this year

Jan 2

ピ アニスト・辻井伸行のドキメント。NYカーネギーでのリサイタルを初披露の自作曲で挑んむ 。フォスター作曲「金髪のジェニー」へのオマージュ作品はアメリカの田舎町、日本の故郷の情景が浮かび自然と涙が出るステキな曲。何度も聞き返した。観衆 の拍手に感動した彼も泣いてた。 Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii pianist.  In the closing segment of a recital at Carnegie NY,  unveiled for the first time his own piece, "The blond Jeanie", an homage to the American  composer Foster.  It conjures up a picture of the countryside homes in Japan,  with nature scenes.  It is a wonderful song that brought tears to my eyes. Watched it many times.  Moved by the audience's applause,  he cried. . -twitter

Facebook posting:

A beautiful blog post: "Jan 2, 2012.  Last night I watched a program with footage of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii' s Carnegie Hall recital . The encore "Still We li\Lve", which he composed after the earthquake, was played with large drops of tears streaming from his eyes. He is really a genius. I sipped wine while watching, and the mind was cleansed. This morning, I woke up and opened the window to a beautiful snow scene..."

Jan 1

higechabinn ひげ tweeted:

明けましておめでとうございます。今年も、よろしくお願いいたします。2012年が、みなさんにとって幸多き年でありますように!辻井伸行君のリサイタル観ながら、お雑煮や御節の準備中(^-^)/ Happy New Year!...  Watching Nobuyuki Tsujii's recital, while preparing  New Year dish. -twitter

辻井伸行のビデオを何度も見た。完全にファンになってる。Watched the video many times, I have become a Nobuyuki Tsujii. fan completely. -twitter

先日、3/11に石巻で津波により被災し、地元の楽器店サルコヤさんによって再生されたピアノを、辻井さんが演奏されるのを目の前で観る機会があり、感激 しました!Recently, I had the opportunity to watch Mr. Tsujii perform on  a piano affected by the tsunami in Ishinomaki on 3 / 11 and salvaged by a local music store  Sarukoya.   I was deeply moved! -twitter

辻 井伸行氏がNYで演奏した「(金髪の)ジェニーへのオマージュ」も、もいちど聴きたいな。(おととい主の実家で、他チャンネル見るのを忘れて子らも感動し ていた)  Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii played in NY "a tribute to (blonde) Jeanie,"; would like to listen to it again. (This was the day before yesterday, I was also impressed that the children forgot the other channels). -twitter

30,31,1 日と辻井伸行さんのドキュメンタリーやっててるのです!観るのたのしみ。  There is  a documentary on Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii on the 30,31,and 1!  Looking forward to watch them.

末 録画の辻井伸行君サントリーホールリサイタルを見ながらさすがに暫し休憩しないとね〜ZzzI watched the recording of Nobuyuki Tsujii's Suntory Hall recital indeed without a break even for a short while and without sleep.

思ったより寒くはない、今年最初の祝日。淡々と目の前のことを片付ける というスモールステップ具現のため、年末に録画した辻井伸行のドキュメントを視聴。背筋が少し伸びる思い。First day of the year, and it is not as cold as I expected.   As a small step towards reality, I watched (the NHK) documentary that I recorded. Feel a little stretch down my spine.

Dec 31

<New Year's Eve.  Today the NHK Nobu special is re-broadcast at 2PM in Japan, and a 2010 recital of Nobu was aired on BS-Asahi at 21:00>

いままでBSで辻井伸行さんのピアノリサイタル鑑賞でした♪これから年越蕎麦ゆでる^The year is over,  now boiingl buckwheat and watching ^ ♪ Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano recital on the BS channel. -twitter


辻井伸行さん 作曲・ピアノ演奏










This morning's piece

Nobuyuki Tsujii orginal piano music

Movie "chart of God" theme song and other Own collection

Examine the gentle piano

Last year a lot of tears flooded

"This morning's piece" perfect

May tighten the chest and listening alone

I feel that you put your  hand gently on my shoulder

The antithesis of forceful piano playing

A Japan original.

Japan is an original piece


Dec 30

<Today the NHK special on Nobuyuki Tsujii airs at 9PM in Japan.  All day long tweets have come up by people reminding their friends of the show. There have been tons of tweets that came up.  See Carnegie TV shows, CD, DVD

NHK で盲目ピアニスト辻井伸行のドキュメンタリーを見た。カーネギーホールでの公演を終え、辻井さんは「新しい発見をした、新しい世界が見えてきた」と語っ た。これが非常に印象的だった。肉眼によって捉えられる世界、それとは違う世界に、辻井さんは生きているのだろうか。 Saw a documentary on NHK of blind pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii s. After the performance at Carnegie Hall, Mr. Tsujii said, "I made new discoveries, and have seen a new world." It was very impressive. Caught the world by the naked eye, and it's a different world.  Mr. Tsujii -- a  wonder alive. -twitter

Google急上昇ワード12/30 23:00⇒1.なっちゃん 2.レコード大賞 3.アメトーク 4.永瀬匡 5.星井七瀬 6.踊る大捜査線 7.この夜を止めてよ 8.辻井伸行 9.新国立劇場 10.内田有紀

12/30 23:00 ⇒ Google search ranking in Japan .1. Nacchan  2 Nacchan. ... 8 Nobuyuki Tsujii ... -twitter

辻井伸行の話題が人気です 現在:2位(前回:圏外)488pt #bot 辻井伸行の最新記事ピックアッ Nobuyuki Tsujii, second most popular topics as of 23:45 in Japan -twitter

A blog entry about the newly released "Nobuyuki Tsujii Carnegie Hall Debut Live" CD.  English version (google-translated) here:  -twitter

amaz_top #1: 辻井伸行 カーネギーホール・デビューLIVE  #1 on (Japan) Amazon (classical music instrument)

#3: 神様のカルテ ~辻井伸行 自作集

#5: 辻井伸行 カーネギーホール・デビューLIVE  -twitter

Dec 29

Turkey secures place on world music map in 2011

Turkey -- particularly İstanbul -- has increasingly been gaining renown internationally over the past few years as a regular stop on the world music map with the numerous music festivals, concert series and tours it is hosting.

The year we’re preparing to leave behind was no exception; despite the effects of financial troubles hitting many economies also being felt on the global music industry, Turkey was still on the tour itineraries of numerous world stars in all fields of music -- from classical to rock and from pop to jazz ...

Antalya is fast becoming a city of festivals and yet another international program on the city’s calendar in 2011 was the Antalya Piano Festival, which marked its 12th year from late November through mid-December with 15 concerts by world-class virtuosos, including the Labeque Duo from France, the Michel Camilo Trio, Japanese pianist and composer Nobuyuki Tsujii ...  -- Today's Zaman (a publication based in Turkey)

<Apparently NHK rebroadcast the Takeshi Art Beat episode in which Nobu appeared.>

たけしのアートビート、ちょうど辻井伸行くんの番 Art Beat Takeshi, just turn Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii --twitter

天 才辻井伸行が、凡人だらけの日本クラシック界でどんどん角を削られていっているような気がする。Nobuyuki Tsujii is a genius, you feel like doing more and more corners are cut in the world full of classic Japanese ruck. --twitter

辻 井伸行って本当に天才だな。即興でピアノで曲弾くなんて、ふつーの人じゃそうそうできないんじゃWhat is really a genius Nobuyuki Tsujii. Improvised piano music playing in Nantes, I'll do it'll not be an ordinary person --twitter

More tweets on the he Ishinomaki piano video for the World Economic Forum:

おはようございます。昨日のことをあらためてすごかったと感じます。辻井伸行さんによるスタジオ生演奏、年の瀬にいい時間を過ごしました。 Good morning. I feel once again that yesterday was amazing. Livestudio by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, New Year's Eve spent a good time.  -twitter @watanabekodaira

おはようございます!昨夜は辻井伸行さんがピア子ちゃんを奏でたという♫ブラボーニュースに興奮して、なかなか眠りに入れませんでした。改めて震災からい ままでの事を振り返り、全てが奇跡のような出来事に思えます。これからも世界に羽ばたくピア子ちゃん!応援していきます。good morning! Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii yesterday, the peer  of musicians ♫ Bravo!  Was too excited to sleep.  I look back on the Great Hanshin Earthquake and now the miracle. We peer chan flap in the world! We are still cheering. -twitter  @Kuga4

ピアニスト 辻井伸行さんの自作集。



Pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii's own collection.

The gentle sound of the piano, I feel healed

since I played the CD as back ground music in my store, ♪ please try listening to it. Coco's blog

The movie はやぶさ 遥かなる帰還 "Far return from Hayabusai", starring Ken Watanabe and featuring music by Nobuyuki Tsujii, has released a new trailer. In this advance review that appeared in Japan's "Cinema Today", Nobu's music is praised: "The grand theme by the pianist strikes the heart!"

胸というか目頭熱くなった… RT: @cinematoday: [映画]渡辺謙主演の映画『はやぶさ』新たな予告編公開! ピアニスト辻井伸行の壮大なテーマに公開前から胸が熱くなる! Or rather hot heart melted ... Retweet: @ cinematoday: [Movie] starring Ken Watanabe, "Hayabusa" A new trailer published! The chest is heated  <this appears to be a Japanese expression for being moved> by the grand music of the  pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii pianist!  --twitter

Dec 28

Q: What was your favorite concert this year?

A: I consider it a privilege that I got to go to six concerts in 2011, every one of them a feast. But one stood out. On October 15 in Bakersfield, California, we had front-row seats a mere yards from Nobuyuki Tsujii performing Rach2. Being able to see, up close, his spectacular hand movements and the affection of the orchestra for him -- priceless! Plus, I got to give Nobu a big hug after the performance :-) :-) :-) (My own posting in response to a question on the Cliburn Foundation facebook page.)

月ガイ新年特大号p.04より、「辻井(伸行)さん作曲の『神さまのカルテ』をピアノで練習しててもう一息だから年内に何とか仕上げられたらな」。←「ふるさと」ではないけどピアノはやってた模様。 …………いつ?!超多忙だったのに New Year special Issue of the"Guidelines"  Magazine, page 4, Tsuji (Nobuyuki) records of the composer's god" on the piano again to practice this year so my breath if we finished." < "hometown", I don't get the piano. ... ... ... ... when? ! The ultra-busy   -tweeter

The following tweets are about the Ishinomaki piano that Nobu was asked to play for a video message to be shown at the  January World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland:

津波被災ピアノを再生した82歳井上社長の「サルコヤ楽器」店舗復興までの歩み⇒ 本日、あの辻井伸行さんが再生ピアノを弾いて下さいました。その映像は「世界経済フォーラム(ダボス会議)」 へビデオメッセージとして送られるそうです

noue, president of tsunami 82 years playing piano "instrument Sarukoya" Today ⇒ History of Reconstruction to the store kindly play the piano playing that Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii. Picture is "The World Economic Forum (Davos)" Yes that is sent to a video message

辻井伸行さんの再生グランドピアノによる演奏「リスト 3つの演奏会用練習曲 変二長調 S144/R5 ため息」「ショパン 2つのノクターン 作品27第8番変ニ長調作品27の2」スタジオ入りして早速試し弾き。Playing a grand piano played by Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, "sighed S144/R5 Concert Etude in D flat major one in Listing 3" "2 27 27 pieces No. 8 in D flat major Chopin Nocturne Op.9 one 2" and the studio a try to play.

今回の辻井伸行さんによる再生ピアノの演奏は、来年1月26日の世界経済フォーラムで、日本の紹介をするビデオメッセージの中で使われます。そして、サル コヤ楽器のピアノ再生作業の映像も使われます。首相官邸のホームページでも見れるようになるそうです。すごい話だ!Nobuyuki Tsujii's piano playing by this time, at the World Economic Forum 26 January 2005, are used in a video message to the introduction in Japan. And the video is also used piano playing of musical instruments Sarukoya work. You can see it become the prime minister's office at home. Great story!

報告お待たせしました。とくに辻井さんの希望で弾いた最後の曲は、再生ピアノのためにある ように感じました。ピアノと対話するような辻井さんの演奏。本当にすばらしかったです。Thank you for waiting reported. The last song played at the request of Mr. Tsujii, especially felt like playing the piano in for. Tsujii's playing the piano and like to interact. Really wonderful.

演奏に圧倒されました。井上社長も感動で興奮しておられました。Was overwhelmed by the music. The excitement was also impressed President woven Inoue.

無事終わりました! いやー、プライベート生演奏、しかもピアニストは世界の辻井が再生ピアノで。すごすぎました!!Successfully finished! Well, private live, play the piano pianist Tsujii Moreover, in the world. Dreadfulness too! !

辻井伸行さんの再生ピアノによる演奏、首相官邸のページで見れるようになるそうです。どうぞお楽しみに。Nobuyuki Tsujii's playing piano playing, and watch those pages so that Prime Minister's Office. Stay tuned.

これからの広がりが楽しみです。もしかしたら海外公演ということもあるかもしれません。辻井さんの演奏、本当に感動的でした。というか弾いた辻井さんが感 動していました。すばらしいピアノです。I look forward to the future spread. There may perhaps be a concert tour. Tsujii's performance was very moving. I was impressed with the play or rather Tsujii. The great piano.

Dec 28 (Japan)

From a blog dated 12/27








This email came from an Ishinomaki junior high school classmate (who followed Twitter):  In tsunami-stricken areas of Ishinomaki Mill there is an instrument repair shop of 82 years, and a grand piano was salvaged from the tsunamic.    Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii, blind pianist who won the Van cliburn International Piano Competition , will play the piano for a video message to be presented at the World Economic Forum (Davos Meeting) next week. The world will be introduced to the piano playing of Japan's most famous pianist, along with the victims of the tsunami of Ishinomaki. ..

Dec 27

<Nobu performed in Fukoka,Japan today>

【富士山ライブ今日の日めくり12/27】おはようございます。 今夕は辻井伸行のピアノを初めて聴きに行きます。楽しみです。... Fuji watch today's daily 12 / 27: Good morning! Nobuyuki Tsujii this evening to listen to the piano to go first. look forward to. -twitter

運転してたら、手足が解凍。ふにゃあ~。夜は辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきます。生徒さんからチケットいただいてしまった(^-^)  ... driving ... . I'm going to a Nobuyuki Tsujii. concert tonight.  I have a student ticket

今から、辻井伸行のコンサート   Now, Nobuyuki tsujii concert  (photo of stage before performance - )

たまたま入ったビルで辻井伸行氏のピアノリサイタルがあるみたい一度聞いてみたい (photo of lobby of concert hall  Like some want to hear a piano recital once Nobuyuki Tsujii's happened at a building containing

盲目のピアニストが奏でる音が凄いのだ 古くは、ヴェートーベン、現代では辻井伸行

The sound of music of blind pianist is wonderful, In  ancient time: Beethoven the Beethoven.  In modern time: Nobuyuki Tsujii

「盲目のピアニスト」として有名な辻井伸行さんのコンサートに行ってきました□めっちゃ感動した□□  "The Blind Pianist" □ □ □ Truly impressed I went to the concert of famous Nobuyuki Tsujii

辻井伸行の即興聞いて泣いたなう。あの人 神や  I wept for the improvisation of Nobuyuki Tsujii. God and man

辻井伸行さんのピアノコンサートに行ってきました!とても感動しました(*^^*)目が見えないのに、あんなに上手できれいな音がだせるなんて・・・今年 最後にいいものが聴けました  Went to the piano concert of Mr. Nobuyuki Tsujii! I was greatly moved by *^ -^ - * ) that in spite of not being able to se, he generated such great clean sound!   The last concert of the year was great.

辻井伸行さんのピアノ感動しました(';ω;') Nobuyuki Tsujii  -- was moved by his piano

やさしく弾ける 神様のカルテ~辻井伸行自作集 中上級版がすでに大好評発売中ですが、さらに多くの人が演奏を楽しめるようになりました 出版社さんによると「チェルニーからソナチネレベルで弾けるようにアレンジしました」との事。

初中級向けですが、しっかりしたアレンジになっていますこの冬心温まる1冊です Nobuyuki Tsujii "God' Medical Chart" Original Compositions sheet music book -- The advanced-level version of this book has already become very popular.  Now even more peopole may enjoy playing these pieces. According to the publisher's "The works are arranged to be [;aued at the level of Czerny,"  It is aimed at the pre-intermediate level, amd has a solid arrangement This is one book to warm your winter.  -- blog

Posting on the facebook page of Conductor 佐渡裕 (Yutaka Sado) :

Merry Christmas to all  (with YouTube video 辻井伸行 のチャイコフスキ- Nobuyuki Tsujii Tchaikovsky 1 movement 1 - part 1 of 2, uploaded by yours truly)

Dec 26

There were many more tweets about the Dec 25 Nagasaki concert- see News from Japan

Mr. Masahito Kawakami (the long-time piano teacher of Nobuyuki Tsujii) received a copy of Nobu's Carnegie Hall live CD, which he wrote about in the Dec 25 entry of his blog. In particular, he wrote:"私もこれから聴かせていただくところですが、アンコールの1曲としてアメリカの聴衆の前で初披露したという「ジェニーへのオマージュ」作品1もちゃんと入っています。楽しみですね。 But now I will let you know that it contains the song "a tribute to Jenny", a fine piece of work that he played for encore -- unveiled to the American audience. I can not wait."
