Cliburn victory AVEX press release

On 2/28/2013, a tweeter mentioned this press release from AVEX dated 6/9/2009/  It is of historical interest, as it details the events during the compeitition.

image via Internet link

ヴァン・クライバーン国際ピアノコンクール 辻井伸行、優勝!!日本人として史上初の快挙!!


2009年06月09日 18時00分






● 書類審査:総勢225名が応募。

↓ 151名(37カ国・地域)が通過

● 地方予選4カ国5都市(上海、サンクト・ペテルブルク、ルガーノ、フォート・ワース、ニューヨーク)

↓ 40分ずつのソロ・リサイタル

↓ 上位29名が本選に進出


★ 本予選 5月22日〜26日

↓ 55分ずつのソロ・リサイタル

↓ 上位12名がセミ・ファイナルに進出

★ セミ・ファイナル=準決勝 5月28日〜31日

↓ 60分のソロ・リサイタル(現代曲含む)と、タカーチ弦楽四重奏団とピアノ五重奏曲1曲

↓ 上位6名がファイナルに進出

★ ファイナル=決勝 6月3日〜7日

↓ 55分のソロ・リサイタルと、ジェイムズ・コンロン指揮フォート・ワース交響楽団と協奏曲

↓ 2曲の共演を行う

☆ 7日 現地時間夕方5時 結果発表後、表彰式とセレモニー

第1位:辻井伸行(日本)・Haochen Zhang(中国)

第2位:Yeol Eum Son(韓国)


第4位〜第6位:Di Wu(中国)・Evgeni Bozhanov(ブルガリア)・Mariangela Vacatello(イタリア)


ビヴァリー・テイラー・スミス賞 :辻井伸行(日本)

ジョン・ジョルダーノ審査委員長特別賞:Alessandro Deljavan(イタリア) ほか

【辻井伸行 本選演奏曲目】


<5月23日 リサイタル>

ショパン:12の練習曲 Op.10

ドビュッシー:映像 第1集

リスト:パガニーニによる大練習曲 第3番嬰ト短調 「ラ・カンパネラ」


<5月29日 室内楽>



<31日 リサイタル>




<6月4日 協奏曲>


<6月6日 協奏曲>


<6月7日 リサイタル>







(視聴には視聴ソフトSilverlight 2が必要。上記サイトから無料ダウンロードできる)


Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano













6月13日(土) 岩手 北上市さくらホール

6月17日(水) 愛知 芸術劇場コンサートホール

7月 7日(火) 東京 サントリーホール大ホール

10月 2日(金) 千葉 森のホール21

10月 3日(土) 静岡 焼津市文化センター

10月 4日(日) 神奈川 栄区民センター「リリス」

10月 8日(木) 大阪 フェニックスホール

10月11日(日) 広島 三原市芸術文化センターポポロ

10月12日(月) 京都 福知山市民会館

10月16日(金) 福岡 北九州市立 響ホール 鑑賞教室

10月17日(土) 福岡 北九州市立 響ホール

10月18日(日) 長崎 とぎつカナリーホール

10月21日(水) 東京 紀尾井ホール

10月24日(水) 愛知 しらかわホール

10月27日(火) 北海道 札幌コンサートホールKitara

10月29日(木) 北海道 大雪クリスタルホール

11月 3日(火) 千葉 京葉銀行文化ホール

11月 5日(木) 山形 山形テルサホール

11月 7日(土) 埼玉 熊谷さくらめいと

11月12日(木) 東京 紀尾井ホール

11月26日(木) 山梨 山梨県立県民文化ホール



AVCL-25370/B(CD+DVD) ¥3,000(税込)



ラフマニノフ:ピアノ協奏曲第2番ハ短調 作品18 指揮:佐渡 裕 ベルリン・ドイツ交響楽団

[DVD] [収録時間約30分]

《ラフマニノフ レコーディング風景》

《辻井伸行 plays ショパン》


AVCL-25178〜9[2枚組] 価格:¥3,000(税込)


CD1: ショパン:子守歌/スケルツォ第2番/英雄ポロネーズ/リスト:愛の夢/メフィスト・ワルツ第1番/ハンガリー狂詩曲第2番/ラヴェル:亡き王女のためのパヴァーヌ/水の戯れ



AVBL-25520(DVD) 価格:¥3,000(税込)















Nobuyuki Tsujii, Van Cliburn International Piano Competition, win! ! A historic first as a Japanese! !

Avex Marketing Inc.

18:00 June 09, 2009

7 days Fort Worth, Texas, in June, the winner will be the first ever Japanese International Piano Competition prestigious Van Cliburn was born. It is also the first feat as an Asian. (20 years old) Nobuyuki Tsujii. Final six names of one Bulgarian Tsujii, 1 Italy, 2 from China, South Korea and one has joined. A big applause and cheers erupted at the venue at the end, "Nobuyuki Tsujii," is called on the awards ceremony. Tsujii was also awarded (which is awarded for the best performance of a new song written for the contest) Beverley Taylor Smith Award at the same time. Playing Tsujii great sensation from the screen Partitioning audition qualifying, nothing less than miraculous "about playing Tsujii in" Fort Worth Star-Telegram, "Mr. Van Cliburn to contest the same bears the name I commented that "It is just godlike. '" The official blog contest after playing Rachmaninoff's Concerto No. 2, June 06, is "to get out of this contest is just a big moment this is. Really big moment," was described as. Plus $ 20,000 cash prize and gold medal, the silver trophy, which was won in Tsujii, there is a three-year contract recording contract and tours in and out of the United States. 13, conductor Supivu~akofu, and the Russian National Philharmonic Rachmaninoff next performance in Japan: Piano Concerto No. 2 (see performance schedule below). Competition Schedule] [13th qualifying ※ document examination ●: A total of 225 names were submitted. ↓ (regions 37 countries) will pass name 151 (Shanghai, St. Petersburg, Lugano, Fort Worth, New York) in five cities in four countries qualifying region ● Solo recital minutes each ↓ 40 and 29 top ↓ will advance to the final round ※ (Fort Worth, TX) following the final round - 26 May 22, this preliminary ★ ↓ 55 minute solo recital by name ↓ are the top 12 advance to the semi-final - 31 May 28 semifinal ★ Semi-Final = ↓ 60-minute solo recital (including contemporary music), song Piano Quintet and String Quartet Takachi top six will advance to the final ↓ to 7 June 3 Final = Final ★ ↓ 55-minute solo recital and, Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra and Concerto Conductor James Conlon played a song performed two ↓ ↓ after the announcement of the results 5 pm local time Sun ☆ 7, ceremony and awards ceremony # 1: · Haochen Zhang (Japan) Nobuyuki Tsujii ( China) # 2: Yeol Eum Son (Korea) : # 3 None # 4 - # 6: Di Wu) · Evgeni Bozhanov (China (Bulgaria) · Mariangela Vacatello (Italy) Other Award Beverly Taylor Smith (Japan) Nobuyuki Tsujii Prize: Special Prize Jury President John Giordano: Alessandro Deljavan other (Italy) [track] Nobuyuki Tsujii play finals this preliminary <recital May 23, five> 12 Etudes Op.10 Chopin: Video: Debussy first collector in G minor "La Campanella" sharp large-Paganini Etude No. 3: List Semi-Final <Chamber May 29> Schumann: Piano Quintet Quartet Takachi: played <recital 31> Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 29 - <Han mark Moravian> mast (contemporary music) Improvisation and Fugue in Final <Concerto 04 6> Piano Concerto No. 1 Chopin: <Concerto June 6> Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 2 < recital> June 07, "Appassionata" Piano Sonata No. 23 Beethoven: Lullaby Chopin: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2: list : HP Official Http://Www.Cliburn.Org/ : HP Official Japanese http:// / playing after this qualifying competition site can watch. : Http://Www.Cliburn.Tv/ # (. available as a free download from the above site need some software to view Silverlight 2 viewing) (piano) Nobuyuki Tsujii Nobuyuki Tsujii, piano [Profile] Born in Tokyo in 1988. Winner # 1 of the piano department Instrumental Music Competition in 1995 at the age of seven blind students Japan. Won the gold medal at the national level D PTNA Piano Competition at the age of 11 in 1999. At the age of 10 in 1998, the following command at a special concert Sigeaki T. Saegusa real name, was spectacular debut co-starring with Century Orchestra Osaka. At the age of 12 in 2000, held at the Small Hall Suntory Hall first solo recital, held a solo recital of the second following year. In addition, activities such as appeared in concerts throughout Japan Kobe Music Festival. In 2002 appeared in "Young People's Concert Yutaka Sado." In addition, the commander Seikyo gold the same year, was held at the Tokyo Opera City Concert Hall, in concert with the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, he was a great success playing two songs by Mozart and Chopin concertos. In addition to regular concert that appeared in the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra in the past, I have also performed overseas activities, American debut at Carnegie Hall. Russia plays (the Great Hall of Moscow Conservatory), the Czech Republic, and Taiwan as well. In 2002, conducted by Yutaka Sado in Paris, played with the Orchestre Lamoureux. Won the "Critics Award" at the 15th International Chopin Piano Competition in October 2005, was held in Warsaw. Masako studied under Masuyama, Masahiro Kawakami, Yukari Kawakami, to Messrs. Yukio Yokoyama. Nobuyuki Tsujii official website: Http://Www.Nobupiano1988.Com/ [2009] Performance Schedule Hall Sakura Kitakami, Iwate Saturday, June 13 , Aichi Art Theater Concert Hall on Wednesday, June 17, July 7 ( Large Hall Suntory Hall in Tokyo) Tues 21 Hall (Fri) Forest Chiba October 2 (Sat) Cultural Center October 3 Yaizu Shizuoka Center "Lilith" Sakae residents Kanagawa) days (October 4 , October 08, Phoenix Hall, Osaka on Thursday, October 11 (Sun) Center Popolo City Arts Mihara, Hiroshima Shimin Kaikan Fukuchiyama Kyoto (Mon) October 12 classroom viewing hall sound of Kitakyushu, Fukuoka (Fri) October 16, October 17 ( Sat), Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Symphony Hall Canary Hall Togitsu Nagasaki) days (October 18 Kioi Hall in Tokyo on Wednesday, October 21, October 24, Aichi Shirakawa Hall on Wednesday, October 27, Concert Hall, Sapporo, Hokkaido) (Fire Kitara Hokkaido Taisetsu Crystal Hall (Thursday) October 29 Culture Hall Keiyo Bank, Ltd., Chiba (Tuesday) November 3, Yamagata, Yamagata Terrsa Hall Thursday, November 5, Kumagaya, Saitama Sakura mate Saturday, November 07, December 11 Sun Kioi Hall Tokyo Thursday, November 26 Culture Hall Prefectural Yamanashi Yamanashi (Thu) [discography] : "Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No. 2" AVCL-25370 / B (tax included) (CD + DVD) ¥ 3,000 playing ※ Final songs [CD] Symphonie-Orchester Berlin Germany Yutaka Sado: Rachmaninov Conductor: 18 Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor works [DVD] [Duration about 30 minutes] "Rachmaninoff recording landscape" plays Chopin "Nobuyuki Tsujii" "Debut" AVCL -25 178 - 9 [Price 2-Disc]: (tax included) ¥ 3,000 ※ final play songs / Hungary No. 1 / Mephisto Waltz Dream of Love: Polonaise / List of Heroes / No. 2 / Scherzo lullaby: Chopin: CD1 Poppet water Pavane / for the Dead Princess: / Ravel Rhapsody No. 2 wind of Mt Rondo / of / river Seine early blooming dogwood / Whispers of the river / angel wings of Rockefeller: CD2 "Whisper of the River" AVBL Price -25 520 (DVD): (tax included) ¥ 3,000 ※ final play songs [Track] "passion" No. 23 / ​​"Moonlight" Piano Sonata No. 14 / Chopin / Beethoven No. 2 / Scherzo lullaby Nobuyuki Tsujii: Angel wings / Rockefeller whisper of the river and the Van Cliburn International Piano Competition is it? International Piano Competition which to commemorate (born 1934) Van Cliburn iconic music culture, volunteers and local music teacher in Fort Worth, Texas was founded by the national hero who gave birth in America. Since 1962, 1st, (only for the duration of the year = 1969 3rd year and 3-year intervals = 1966 Part 2), which is held every four years. And forms a matchless people Chopin Competition in Warsaw, as international competition, which specializes in piano, pianist gateway to success. Such as concerts inside and outside the United States provide a contract three years of production and CD as well as prize money, the winners Teatsu of follow-up to the far-winner among the many international competitions. Foundation Van Cliburn's governing body, in addition to educational activities for children, we also international competitions since 1999, intended for the amateur over the age of 35 (next held in May 2011) Van Cliburn What is it? American pianist born in 1934. 1958 in the midst of the Cold War, in the first Tchaikovsky Competition was held in Moscow (then) Soviet Union over prestige, overwhelmed the judges and won a sensational victory let the audience enthusiastic. In victory drive that took place in New York citizens enthusiastic tape and confetti fluttering from the skyscrapers of the city, the records of the Piano Concerto No. 1 Tchaikovsky was recorded immediately after is the platinum album of classical music for the first time in history, the cumulative is still an active board now has sold over 3 million copies in. Cliburn was performed concerts around the world as a cultural ambassador of the United States, the Soviet Union tour was repeated four times during the 72 years from 1960 to tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union was followed by, in particular, the air holes in the music to the Iron Curtain I drew international attention and praise as an attempt to open the. Cliburn is playing in front of the former President of the United States after President Harry Truman · S · 33. I have received honors from the United States and Russia. Under the guidance of his mother, began playing piano at the age of three, after college Cliburn learned to Rosina-Revu~in Juilliard School of Music at the age of 17. Cliburn's mother had learned the piano pupil of Franz Liszt, the legendary composer-pianist, to Artur Friedheim. Who are the winners of the past? Born in Romania (winner 1966) Radu Lupu called "human lyric one in a thousand years," Alexei Slutanov charismatic pianist type doom died young (1989, born in the Soviet Union), Alexander Kobrin also popular in Japan (2005, Russian-born) and the beginning, there are many pianists have been active in concerts and recordings. Winners of the Japanese? Takashi Hironaka is an eighth place finish in the first (1962), Minoru Nojima # 2 3rd (1969), Michiko Fujinuma is sixth place finish.