Ai Gen taught us that we should find our voice and share it because it’s the most empowering thing we own.

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” - United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 19

You, female or male, no matter where you come from, what others may think of you, or what others have said, are an individual in this world who is entitled to the power of self expression, freedom and opinion. And no one can take that away from you.

Welcome to the newly added column to the Nagle College Library website, NAGLE VOICE.

Here, we value the lush variety of perspectives and opinions of the Nagle College community and this platform allows for you to make your voice heard. Your voice, your perspectives on this constantly evolving world, that is drenched in false facts and unfounded representations of modern day adolescents. This column allows for you as young women to express your views on topics ranging from academics, societal pressures, personal reflections and other contemporary issues within society today. It is a safe platform for all to share and read, meaning that your contribution may reach out to someone and generate sentiments of welcome, inclusiveness and empathy within the Nagle College community. Make your voice heard, make it something to be celebrated, use it as an expression for your stories, your opinions and make your voice the voice of the future, the voice of a world changing for the better.

Find your voice and share it, it’s the most empowering thing you own.