staff reader of the month

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

This month, yet another insightful interview with one of our college staff has enabled me to stop and think once again about the saying “not to judge a book by its cover”, this is because the Staff Reader for August is an unexpected candidate, for me at least. This month the Staff Reader is the one and only Mr Steven Carr, our HSIE Co-ordinator and Acting Leader of Student Well-Being!

After interviewing Mr Carr I found out that his love for reading developed and flourished at a very young age, and was influenced by his dear mother. Sir remembered enjoying reading extremely when his mother read picture books to him, and he claimed that as a fast learner he was able to grasp the concept of reading very well and then went on to enjoy reading chapter books, out of his own interest, by the time he was in Year 5!

When asked if he still enjoys picture books, Sir responded with an enthusiastic YES! He explained to me that from the past three years he absolutely adores reading picture books to his little girl. Mr Carr also went on to tell me that when he and his daughter are reading he is reminded of his own childhood. Isn’t that wonderful that through reading Sir can revisit his own childhood! Mr Carr also revealed that he finds it is an ‘absolute joy’ to be able to pass on his ‘love and passion’ for reading onto his own daughter. Sir claims that it is joyful to see his own daughter advance as a reader but also see her passion for reading flourish.

Although Sir undeniably enjoys reading picture books, he now prefers to read biographies of renowned and controversial athletes, which I believe is another wonderful concept as his passion for reading, sports and controversy overlap. Sir pursues these three interests of his through reading! Sir mentioned reading about boxer Mike Tyson and cyclist Lance Armstrong, as he discovers their ascent to fame through dominating their respective sport, and the infamy that tarnished their careers. But when I asked Sir about genres he did not enjoy reading, he was quick to respond “science-fiction”, this is because he does not find it captivating and engaging. However, Sir assures me that if he were to read science fiction, he’ll probably get hooked and enjoy it.

Sir emphasised that it is extremely obvious to him, as a teacher, which of his students read and which ones don’t. He went on to explain the benefits and importance of reading, as it helps expand vocabulary (which is not to be confused with using ‘fancy words’ in the wrong context as Sir finds this is often the case and is immensely frustrating) and also helps with structure and sophistication in writing, which I believe is not only an essential skill as a student but also for life beyond school.

I appreciate that Mr Carr took the time to sit and chat with me and I’d like to congratulate him on being the Staff Reader of the Month.

-A Chahal, Year 10

1 August 2019

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