Audiobook Week: A Success

Audiobook Week: A Success!

The library monitors are proud to announce that Audiobook Week ended with a bang!!! We would also like to take this chance to thank everyone who visited the library to listen to an audiobook, and to congratulate all those who received a prize. Audiobook Week went on for this entire week, with students from different grades participating for a chance to experience the wonders of audiobooks.

The library monitors are aware that books are not very exciting for some, and we hoped that engaging in audiobooks would be an enticing option for teens who are reluctant readers of literature. Audiobooks allow students to connect themselves to the world of novels without actually reading. Many

find audiobooks relaxing and calming. They offer the perfect way to escape from the rigors of our busy life. We hope many people continue to explore the advantages of listening to an audiobook, and experience the beauty of imagination through the world of literature. Who said reading was the only way to enjoy a good book?

25 June 2018