thank you cartoonists

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Thank you Cartoonists!

Thank you everyone who have spent their precious time in creating brilliant and thoughtful comic books! Your entries are much appreciated by members of our community. CONGRATULATIONS to Moira C of Year 8, for putting all her effort into composing a special little narrative reflecting the legendary tale of Nano Nagle that we, Nagle students know so well. Cartoonist’s Day is a day to find out just how creative students are, and we are greatly impressed by the quality of the entries submitted. There’s no doubt that Nagle girls are creative beyond belief, whether their talents fall in writing or drawing. Their talents and skills are definitely marvelous!. Some might not be super creative at all, and rely on their more logical sense, but that’s also okay. When it comes to writing books, every single option is open---from graphic novels stacked in a pile to the textbooks lined up on the shelves. Creativity comes from everywhere and Cartoonist’s Day has been a great way to display this. Thank you again for participating and keep an eye out for the library’s next competition!

-N Venu, Year 10

1 April 2019

Moira (L), composer of the winning Comic Book Entry "Lantern" with Anja who placed second.