book review

Jandy taught us that we HAVE to see the miracles for there to BE miracles.

I’ll Give You The Sun is an enticing and breathtaking novel composed by Jandy Nelson. Its dual narrative-like structure, focusing on the perspectives of two juxtaposed twins Noah and Jude who face colloquial predicaments of the heart, intriguingly explores themes related to coming of age. The plot line not only comprehensively communicates the highs and lows of love but inspiringly relates every event of life to the beauty portrayed through art. Its selflessness and perspectives form captivating characteristics which compel me into falling in love with the book. This one of a kind novel is definitely a unique composition which shines radiantly among its genre.

I’ll Give You The Sun is truly inspirational as it radiates through the use of youthful perspectives of discovering love. Throughout the novel the author makes constant reference to love being abundant and not specific to any, gender, race or stereotype fervently susceptible and applicable to the morals associated with the continuum of social justice issues prevalent during the modern age.

In a section of the novel, via the perspective of 16 year old Jude the audience is introduced to an underlying valley of emotion which demonstrates imperfections as something beautiful. After Guillermo, the experienced yet heartbroken artist who is teaching Jude about feeling art and instructs her to construct a portrait of the Englishman who seems to attract Jude despite her efforts of a boy boycott. Through the implementation of sophisticated sensory imagery, respondents gain an insightful fixation between love and art. Jude states, “A valve has loosened inside me… as if my practice rock has gotten on a loudspeaker to inform me what's inside it. What slumbers in the heart, slumbers in the stone.” This particular scene evidently sparks curiosity amongst readers and demonstrates art as a form of communication. As such, I’ll Give You The Sun enables my passion for reading because it soothes, electrifies and challenges me all simultaneously. Such a wonderful novel to read!!! However, it is strictly for Senior students only!

-T Singh, Year 10

Jandy Nelson, Author