Eleven taught us that FRIENDS DON’T LIE.

Stranger Things Season 1

Created by: The Duffer Brothers (Matt and Ross Duffer)

Released by: Netflix

Release date: 12 July 2016

The Stranger Things series is an eminently exhilarating and captivating composition created by the Duffer Brothers, who have envisioned an entertaining concoction of eighties pop culture and science fiction that leaves respondents stupefied in a manner which ensures a satisfying state of reverie. The plot line of this extremely bingeable show is paramountly centered around the mysterious disappearance of Will Byers, a 12 year old boy with an intent fascination for the game, Dungeons and Dragons alongside riding his bicycle. Despite the initial focus on this protagonist indisputably hooking the audience’s attention subsequent to the successful establishment of authorial intent through the technique of tantalisation, the majority of season 1 delineates an extremely encapsulating diegesis entailing three of Will’s closest friends; Dustin, Mike and Lucas. This group of determined, perspicacious, creative, carefree souls with crude personalities and loyal characteristics embark on an arduous escapade to discover the whereabouts of their lost friend, along the way encountering various characters who either aid in the search or as a representation of antagonisation, choose to create vast obstacles which challenge them. Whilst the composer takes respondents on a journey of a lifetime, incredulously blurring the line between reality and fiction, the buoyant and intriguing characteristics of protagonists demonstrate a range of 80’s concepts ranging from youthful frolic to contentious scientific attentiveness.

Constant themes evident throughout season 1 of Stranger Things include; belonging, courage, the circle of life with specific reference to 1980’s enlightenment, desire for immortality and illusion of power. The reminiscing inspiration of the Montauk project remains salient through the abrupt introduction of Eleven, a completely “strange” girl who to the audience, bewilderingly possesses supernatural abilities, convincingly manifesting the veracious title of Stranger Things. As the characterisation of Eleven continues to unfold, respondents delve into discovering eerie truths regarding the protagonist’s past life, travelling back to the Hawkins National Laboratory where the enigmatic Dr Martin Brenner is revelationly called “Papa”, and when connected to Eleven’s eccentric vitality it soon becomes apparent that her human form is merely a superficial camouflage, hindering her true identity of being a test subject. Soon the truth behind her so called

Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven

“Papa’s” motives towards her treatment begins to emerge as being egocentric, through his manipulative characteristics, where he attempts to expand and focus her psychokinetic gifts for his own ends, with evident neglect towards her best interest. This leads to Eleven’s prodigious escape, thereafter facing unlimited predicaments of belonging as well as creating a sense of identity, and it is only through her interaction with Mike that she is able to create a perennial bond full of trust and compassion. Furthermore, the fictitious sinister laboratory that Eleven escapes from is discernibly inspired from Camp Hero, home to the Montauk Project on Long Island, where various experiments regarding telekinesis and time travel would take place, beginning with the "Philadelphia Experiment" of 1943. This secretive research project reportedly delved into conducting invisibility and teleportation experiments, lasting for over 40 years in an attempt to tap the powers of creation whilst manipulating time itself. Interestingly, the Stranger Things series when first sold, was bought under the name ‘Montauk’ and was going to be set on Long Island, simultaneous to the original project however it was then decided to be filmed it in a small town in Indiana.

Mike, Will, Dustin and Lucas

Whilst Will’s friends; Dustin, Mike and Lucas are courageously putting their life on the line in pursuit for him, his family including; brother Jonathan and mother Joyce are concurrently experiencing extraordinary supernatural events, often finding themselves in life threatening situations. The cause of their problem… The Upside Down, a perilous alternate universe distorted by time and space. Just imagine a world replicated by our own, but there’s only one exception. It's uncanny configuration is positioned askew in an abyss of convolution, appearing as a vale of shadows, merely a dimension of simulations, presented through a membrane-dripping place filled with harrowing monstrosity. To put it simply, as explained within the show The Upside Down cannot be accessed by

humans as per the analogy of having a tightrope and only being able to move either forwards and backwards, lacking the ability to enter the flip side without losing balance or falling, similarly humans are unable to enter this parallel universe. However, if a flea were to be put in the same position it isn’t bound by the same gravitational force due to its physical arrangement, as it is smaller, more agile and can go all around the rope, hence has the ability to enter the flip side. The Upside Down, though not having a denoted purpose for its existence, does effectively have a connoted motive for representing the unknown which lurks mysteriously within our own galaxy. This concept prompts respondents to question greater scientific knowledge known to humankind and genuinely ascertain the various possibilities which have not yet been discovered. Furthermore, nicknamed the Demogorgon, the humanoid creatures characterised

Dr Martin Brenner aka “Papa”

through their innate ability to masticate on eggs and abduct children are the inhabitants of The Upside Down. The eccentric development of this character is evidently an attempted representation of the unknown forms of actuality that are conspired to reside within the world we are yet to discover.

Overall the creation of Stranger Things accentuates a colloquial desire among respondents for an effortless experience of suspense, mystery and adventure, alongside the exploration of risk taking behaviour subsequenting in an eminently successful composition, targeting adolescents to partake in amplified action which one can only dream about encountering. Although it's open ended supernatural mysteries may deter some viewers, the show is created in a way that allows the audience to conspire on what is yet to happen (which for some people can be very fun).

The combination of spine chilling concepts, young teen adventuring and mystical creatures creates an incredibly captivating show. Whilst some may also consider it a dupe to already iconic films, it certainly makes up for it in poised execution. This newfangled tv series is a great example of a show that knows where it wants to go straight from the beginning. Everything from the extraordinary cinematography and the costumes/ creepy production sets creates an authentic yet fresh take on an 80’s inspired show. The perfectly balanced show allows the audience to feel like they're watching a show that is during the 80’s but crafted in a way that suits the high quality and superiority of television today.

By: H Aberra & T Singh, Year 10