book review

The Ugly Duckling taught us that if we're not going to be prettier than anyone, we should read literature so at least we'll be better than them.

Alice In Tumblr-Land twists the already popular and stereotypical stories in order to recreate them into a more realistic and relatable novel. It involves Cinderella, Little Mermaid, Peter Pan, Arthur, Sleeping Beauty, Alice, Pinocchio, Aladdin and many more stereotypically dandy fairytale characters. However, these characters have been altered in order to be more realistic thereby imperfect. Whether it is Peter Pan’s addiction to the internet or the sudden change of Mulan becoming Ping, I felt as if the characters had more personality than in the original tales.

Although the novel includes adult themes that made me slightly uncomfortable, I found that there were really deep meanings behind all of the magic and pixie dust. Jack buying magic beans turned out that he was actually never able to be ‘high’ as the first time he climbed the beanstalk and (spoiler) was arrested for being proven guilty of doping. Sleeping Beauty’s real problem as to why she slept a lot was due to her depression that was never actually faced head on. Aladdin believed that if he was rich enough he might have the chance to win back Jasmine. Robin Hood gave up on the thought of assisting the needy as he felt it no longer helped due to the media.

No matter what fairytale you read, they all had a deep, slightly depressing and relatable meaning behind them. I appreciated this novel for it’s capability to open my eyes to view different perspectives of how fairytales deep down have their own secrets and faults. It accurately presented how a “happily ever after” life wasn’t actually as great as it seemed, the novel showed that maybe deep down that beautiful princess that four-year old me wanted to be had her own battles to fight. Whether it was her sexuality or wellbeing, she wasn’t just a damsel in distress, she was no more of a normal person than me.

I would recommend this thought-provoking novel to mature audiences only as it includes explicit descriptions and language. Please do not attempt to read if you (like me) are put off by intimacy, different sexualities or if you are not a Senior student. Please don’t forget to check out some other reviews that are on this website, you may learn a thing or two.

-K Randall

Tim Manley, Author