book review

Kiran Millwood Hargrave taught us that each of us carries the map of our lives on our skin, in the way we walk, even in the way we grow.

The Way Past Winter by Kiran Millwood Hargrave is really something different for me to read and I have stepped out of my reading comfort zone for it. The writing style is completely different from what I usually encounter and is less ‘lovey-dovey’ than other novels that I have read. However, this does not stop me from enjoying it immensely.

The basic storyline is that Mila’s older brother goes missing after the visitation of a man who offers her older brother plenty more than he already has. Not only does Mila’s brother go missing but so does all the boys in the town…. all but one, a strange boy named Rune.

For starters, something that made me fall in love with the novel is the characters. I’m not saying this because they’re the cliches of novels, but because they’re the complete opposite of cliches. The characters are normal people with normal flaws. An example of this would be Mila’s older sister, Sanna, who is quite stern and controlling but her characterisation isn’t all flaws, she is strong and must be the caretaker of her family. This is the reason why she is so stern in the first place but she does know when to bend the rules and have fun with her sisters.

What is also very enjoyable is the way the family is portrayed in the story. I can’t go on too much about this because it would spoil the plot. They are a close knit family, and they rely and support one another. It is simply blissful reading the depiction of the different family relationships.

Another reason as to why I adore this novel is because the setting is described in so much detail that you can imagine it very clearly. Obviously as presented in the title of the novel the season of winter is a vibrant streak incorporated within the novel, however, even when I was boiling in 40-degree heat I could still imagine the crisp winter touch because of the imagery used in the story.

I must admit that the ending made me die a little on the inside and I had to stop myself from tearing up in the midst of class and I might’ve had a mini therapy session with my friend to rant to her about my frustration and possibly admiration for the novel and it definitely adds to the entertainment value of the novel.

The pacing of the narration is just right. Normally when I read a novel continuing the series, the pacing is so fast because the author rushes to fit everything in so events happens all at once and that’s not fun to read! However, this novel does not do that and I love it so much!

Kiran Millwood Hargrave, Author

After reading this novel, I highly suggest that everyone should step out of their comfort - reading - zone just to try something new because one day you just might pleasantly surprise yourself. I know that I was very hesitant to even glance at a novel which is out of my normal genres but since I’ve done it I think I might keep venturing further into new adventures and stories. I rate this novel a 4.5/5.

-K Randall, Year 10