cartoonist day

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Cartoonist’s Day 2019

Yes it’s that time of the year again! No not your birthday but Cartoonist’s Day! Last year the library had the pleasure of getting a mascot through the wonderful works of Nagle students and their art. This year we are trying something new. Cartoonist’s Day is all about cartoons and what better way to express the amazing art of cartoon than through comics. Even better a competition! The competition this year is called THE ADVENTURES OF NANO NAGLE! We aim to create stories of Nano Nagle’s adventures before she became a nun or when she was serving God as a nun. The stories may be factual, semi-factual or totally fictional as long as the portrayal of Nano is appropriate. Of course the library will provide the best prizes fit for you and your art. In fact, the creator of the BEST Comic Book will receive a BOX OF COSTCO pizza! Oh yes, those ginormous pizza slices! Aside from that, all the entries will be compiled and printed into a booklet so that it’ll be shared around at school, so everyone can witness your amazing creations. Competition starts today and ends on Cartoonist’s Day, March 27. The winning entry will be announced in Week 10. Digital art is loved and appreciated and paper art is adored, so you can use either of them. Submit your entries to Mr Gutierrez at the library or through and wait to see if you’re the lucky one to win the prize. Have fun creating! See you winners!

N Venu, Year 10

15 March 2019