benefits of reading

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Junior students receiving their PRC 2018 Certificates

There are many benefits that come with reading. All around us, you can find words, letters and symbols we appropriately use for a particular situation. We look at signs when we commute, check our watch for time, etc. We need to constantly adapt to any situation, and when that arises we have to be prepared in one of humanity’s basic skills...READING. As we know, reading is thinking. So when we think, we get meaning from texts and it could be anything, from reading the signs on the road to the recipe you find on a cereal box. Reading is an important necessity. And because of how basic it is, everyone must possess it to be able to survive. Reading is an old message, but you see...old is gold; all you have to do is practise. Practise reading and soon you’ll find yourself enjoying yourself in books, manga, graphic novels etc. Not only will you find yourself a new source of entertainment but your vocabulary, spelling and writing skills will immensely improve as well. Overall, the message that the library is trying to send is, read. Read and you’ll be able to overcome the minor challenges that’ll eventually lead up to the major battles. Read and you'll learn more. Read and you'll be more equip for your future's success. As the cliche' goes..It’s the small victories that lead to the big one!