book review

Rebecca taught us that if we believe we will fail, then we most likely will.

Hello fellow readers,

This is Analise again with another review about books that have captured my attention throughout my reading life. There are many books that I keep going back to when I am having one of those days where the sky is cloudy and all you want to do is sit down with a nice cup of tea (or any other beverage that suits you) and read a nice book, however, a new release called The Queen’s Rising by Rebecca Ross is one of my favourites. I have read this book about 4 times this year (at least) and I will say I am still not bored of its plot line and characters.

Let's start with the history of the book so you don't get confused with my ramblings:

Maevana was always ruled by a queen, the Kavanaghs to be precise, as they were the only family that had magic. The realm was called the queen's realm because of this. Then one day a young princess called Norah Kavanagh came to a man called Tristan Allenach for help of the upcoming war, she came to him knowing her magical family had an unfair advantage. Because of this advantage she knows that her family will destroy everyone, Norah seeks Tristan's help as she wants

to find a way to get rid of her family's power. The only way to get rid of their power is to get the stone of Evertide, the stone will never get rid of their power, however, it will decrease it. The war wages on and Tristan kills the queen, this upsets Norah, and gains the stone. Because of the loss of the war, the Queen's realm became a kingdom ruled by a man, this was never supposed to happen as in the past years the founding queen wrote on indestructible stone that a male shall never have a place upon the throne. Norah in her anger, tells him that one day a queen will rise all because of a descendant from Tristan and her name will be Brianna.

It is a tale filled with so many twists and cliffhangers that you might not be able to get your head around it, causing the need to read it again (not that you would mind). The Queen’s Rising is definitely one of my favourite books and here are some reasons why…..

The characters are not the cliche. In many books these days, authors focus on the appearance and the way the characters can be breakable, however in this novel, it focuses on many values that should be taught and learnt upon in our society today such as there will be obstacles in life and you will fall but it is up to you to get back up again, also the fact that you will meet people who will shape you as a person and in meeting these people your family may expand.

The main character, Brianna, is an average girl who is given the opportunity to attend a school of passions where girls from the age of 7-17 go to become a master of either wit, dramatics, music, knowledge or art and hopefully become an apprentice and given opportunities to gain jobs surrounding their passion. However, Brianna isn't like the other girls at her school for one reason, she has a dual citizenship!!! This means that her mother came from Valencia, a nice society of educated women and her father (who is not named until the end) is from Maevana, where their king is ruthless and arrogant.

Brianna has a passion for knowledge, but she has practised in every other passion (which is not allowed by the way), giving her a disadvantage among the rest because that means she practised her passion for only 3 years instead of 7. Nevertheless, her determination for learning meant that she embraced the challenge and with the help of her tutor (love interest), she tries to achieve this goal.

Rebecca Ross, Author

Her determination makes her a very easy character to understand and follow and her values makes her one of my favourite characters I have ever read about.

The plot thickens as she starts having visions that initially change her life, because of this she has to leave all that she knows behind to seek refuge with her Dowagers and close ally who want to stop the rule of King Landon and put a Queen on the throne.

She realises that her adoptive family has a secret past and like herself they want to get a queen back onto the throne. Her bond with her new family is beautiful and you can feel the love that she has for them This is one of the big reasons I love this book! She develops as a character from a sheltered girl to a warrior over a couple of months.

I also would recommend this book to those who love romance as there is a lot of romantic moments such as glances or the small touch of a hand. The protagonist's relationship with her master Cartier blossoms from a young age. When she leaves they have to cut ties and he doesn't know she had left or why she had stopped writing to him. Their relationship seemed to stop there much to my disappointment He soon comes back though and reveals a bit of his past (I didn't expect his past at all) and their partnership grows stronger.

The story revolves around the uprising of 4 families, fostering alliances and hoping for a miracle to get a queen back onto the throne. The Queen’s Rising is filled with surprises, love and some gory action and I would give it a 5/5 due to its enticing plot and romance that leaves you with a smile for days.

This book is one of my favourites and I am sure that you will enjoy it too. Stay tuned for more reviews.

I'm Analise and this is Let's Talk Books!

A Barreto, Year 11