harmony day

Arthur Weasley taught us that curiosity is a good thing.

Every day is Harmony Day

Today, on the 20th of March, we celebrate Harmony Day, a day where our Nagle College community joins together to share our cultural diversity to create a unified community. At Nagle College, we represent a small portion of the country’s multiculturalism as we appreciate all ethnicities that enter our community. Each individual at Nagle College looks at the similar values of each person not the differing races of others.

Through celebrating Harmony Day, we come to realise that we all share the same common ground of our school and we all strive to carry out the values of LEARNING, WELCOME, COURAGE, FAITH and ACTION in our everyday lives. On this day, we focus on the school value of WELCOME as we acknowledge each and every culture that makes our school unique. In Romans 13:10, it states, “Love does no wrong to a neighbour, therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.” The action of WELCOME is assisted with the acts of love and kindness towards others. Through the celebrations of Harmony Day, we remember to act kindly and reinforce our school values.

Our school community looks at Nano Nagle as a role model for our actions. Nano Nagle had held her lantern high to welcome in all people in need of education and of Christ. Nano Nagle did not acknowledge but appreciated each individual’s race, however, focused on their desire to have Christ in their lives. Through her story, we are inspired to welcome all people into our community no matter the race, culture and colour of skin. Today, at Nagle College, we enact these acts of WELCOME, kindness and love throughout each day of our lives as we hold up our lantern to embrace all cultures.

Look around our school community, look at the people that sit next to you in class. Every individual comes from different ethnic background with their own stories, traditions and customs (and delicious cultural food) to offer and be shared. Nagle College embraces the multiculturalism that dominates the Blacktown community, where our diversity allows us to be a strong united school of varying backgrounds. There’s an acceptance everyone as a community as a whole but also within the social groups that we have formed. Nagle sets the example that the world can live in a world free from prejudice and racial discrimination, that a formidable unity through diversity is achievable.

Participate with ACTION by involving yourself in this year's Harmony Day!

-H Soriano and A Gen, Year 11