Film review

Sheriff Frank taught us that sometimes a cute little guy can turn into a thousand ugly monsters.


Release Date: 13 December 1984

Directed by: Joe Dante

Released by: Warner Brothers

Gremlins by Joe Dante is a comedy-horror film consisting of evil little creatures that create havoc and do nothing but cause mischief and chaos. This wonderful film is a product of the the 80s.

This exciting film is about a gadget market guy who really wants to buy this creature for his son's gift. He has a chance to have one, however, the Asian man who owns this creature refuses any offers given despite being poor and desperately needs the money. Meanwhile, the Asian guy’s grandson was like “what could go wrong…we need the money anyway.” So the grandson gives away this creature even though he knows that there are potential consequences. He then informs the gadget marketer about the rules and regulations of taking care of this creature so that disasters could be avoided. The gadget guy gives the creature to his son and is confident that he will follow the rules. BUT you know what happens??? This careless son decides NO I’M NOT GOING TO FOLLOW THESE RULES!

I’m not going to spoil anything for you because that would be tremendously annoying! However, I am going to share my view about this film. I really enjoyed this movie and I loved the Mogwais and Gremlins. Somehow I have this weird obsession with the 80’s so I just loved the general aesthetic. The main creature, Gizmo, is absolutely adorable and it makes me want to have a Mogwai so much. I do think that the characters are cliche’ and that they could’ve had some other characters mixed in but the director made up for that with other loveable characters *wink wink*. Enough with the rant… I appreciated and adored this film a lot, but I did think that the storyline could have been altered just a little bit to make it more interesting. So if you are into retro, I definitely suggest that you watch Gremlins especially if you love horror, comedy, and/or the 80’s. I give this film 4 stars! Watch the trailer below and see what I mean.

-K Randall, Year 9

Joe Dante, Director