Marie taught us that each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything is possible again. We live in the moment, we take it all one day at a time.

The trilogy series named Legend by Marie Lu is the most action-packed and breathtaking adventure in the form of three exciting books. This is because the author has placed the novels in the setting of a corrupted city having characters so real you can feel the romance is through the main characters, June and Day. Throughout the series their love will be tested leaving you on the edge of your seat, and your adrenaline pumping.

Agent June Iparis is assigned to go out and look for her brother Metias’ killer. Later in the series we find out that Day in fact was not his killer. They unintentionally meet in an alley after June had gotten into a fight. Day and Tess take her under their wing, however, June doesn’t realise that this mysterious and cute boy is in fact Day, until later. After spending time together they fall for each other and throughout the series their love gets stronger and stronger. Their love leads June to turn against the Republic to help save Day and his brothers Edan and John. Unfortunately, death is unavoidable in the process. Towards the end of the series, Day has an accident causing him to get amnesia. Will he forget everything about June and their relationship washed away? Or will he remember the story because their love for each other is so strong? Read and find out...

If you enjoyed the ‘Hunger Games’ and ‘Divergent’ series, we would highly recommend Legend for you to explore.

-H Gumaka and S Ahmed, Year 8

Marie Lu, Author