book review

Fleur taught us that KNOWLEDGE is POWER.

Found is a young adult novel by Fleur Ferris and is about a young girl named Beth whose biggest concern is letting her overprotective six-foot father know that she has a boyfriend. Both Beth and her boyfriend are beyond terrified, after all they don’t call her father ‘Bear’ for no reason. But when Beth’s father disappears with no clue, her whole life takes a massive new turn. She isn’t who her parents told her to be, and she finds out her whole life has been a massive lie!!! On top of that there are people who will go to and length have her murdered! Can she outrun her killers? Will she be able to forgive her parents for their past? How will her boyfriend and friends react to this horrific news?

This novel is composed incredibly well. It is written from two perspectives. One comes from the protagonist Beth and the other is from her boyfriend. Although at the beginning, the boyfriend is incredibly uninviting and unpleasant to read, however, the actual story is gripping which makes up for the unpleasantness in the beginning. Throughout the novel you’ll be left breathless and unable to put the book down, wanting to read continuously. The author of this novel is extremely talented as she has managed to make the novel mysterious, packed with action and suspenseful scenes plus a little bit of romantic moments. The novel just flows so magnificently well!

After reading this book I’ve realised that life can take an unexpected turn at anytime, all the things you’ve ever valued or taken for granted are suddenly no longer there. You won’t have any control over it, but what you can do is treasure your memories and childhood and remember that there isn’t a single thing anyone can do to change how much you love someone or how much they love you in return. I also gathered that there is no point in stressing over what will happen tomorrow because that isn’t in your control, but rather we should worry about the issues presented to us today that will impact us tomorrow.

Regardless of your age or genre preferences, I highly recommend this novel and read it ASAP. You will enjoy reading it immensely! Trust me, you won’t regret it!

-A Chahal, Year 9

Fleur Ferris, Author