Adrian taught us that it takes a lot of 'tries' before we hit perfection.

Hello my fellow readers,

It’s me again coming at you with yet another book review on all my favourite books.

Today I want to talk about my feelings on Bloodlines by Richelle Mead, I have read most of her books and I have got to say she is one of the best writers around. This spin off novel originates from the Vampire Academy series, which I will do a review later on. It revolves around a young human Alchemist who dabbles in magic and is in the service of human protection, by the name of Sydney Sage who is also entrusted with the protection of a young vampire princess named Jill. Jill is a special type of vampire as she holds the key to her sister’s throne and if she is assassinated, her sister Lissa will lose any power over all vampire kind she once had. Posing as Jill's sister and roommate in a boarding school, Sydney has to now figure out how to protect the key to the vampire kind whilst avoiding drama…plus the boy she may be too attracted to for her own good.

This is a series that will appeal to all types of readers with its action packed adventures and emotional plot twists. The characters are well developed and you can't help but liking them especially the character of Adrian who is my favourite, like he is my absolute favourite male character EVER… but I will get to the characters later.

Mead writes with so much passion and technique it is like you are there fighting alongside the characters and defeating all evil! You can’t help but laugh, cry and feel the need to throw the book through the wall (please don't do this it is just an example ;) )

Anyway let's move onto the characters:

Sydney Sage is a 19 year old Alchemist who wants to live up to the expectations of her father, however, she can't help feel a connection to her vampire friends which is NOT, and I repeat NOT allowed in her world. She is tough and very intelligent, without being too arrogant about it, she also steps in if she feels like what someone is doing is wrong. She however is oblivious to love and has no idea how to cope with her ever growing attraction to vampire Adrian Ivashkov. Their relationship is what a girl only dreams of and they are more than just subtle looks and flirting, they are each other's partner in crime and best friend and it is absolutely beautiful.

Richelle Mead, Author

Bloodlines Book Trailer

Adrian Ivashkov is a Moroi and spirit user which is one of the types of vampires that are shown throughout the series. He is fun and a talented artist and an all round great person, I’m a bit biased because of how much I like him. He goes through a big journey not only physically but also mentally as he grows as a person through the help of friends and especially Sydney who gets him to stop drinking all the time. He is the spirit bound to Jill Dragomir, which means he brought her back from the dead, eternally binding them to each other and they can feel each others emotions which is really fun as you see how sometimes Jill will say some weird things about Sydney that Adrian doesn't have the nerve to say to her. This character is really great and once you read this book you will see why I love him so much.

Jill Dragomir is a Moroi princess who is under the constant protection of Sydney. She is a strong willed young girl and will do what she wants even if it is dangerous. Throughout the book you see her connection to her bodyguard Eddie Castile who definitely has feelings for her but doesn't realise that she likes him until later in the series. However, the process of them interacting is really sweet. She is a great character and a favourite of mine.

And finally Eddie Castile, he is the Dhampir bodyguard who also has to take care of Jill with Sydney, he doesn't have a main role but acts as a constant secondary character and you really love him throughout the series. His insecurity with how good he is for Jill just makes you want to reach in the book and give him a. Hug. He looks like Sydney so they play brother and sister, which really shows as they have a type of brother sister bond that is allowed for alchemists. They always turn to each other when they need help and I think that makes him a really great character.

I give this book a 4.5/5 because it ticks most of the boxes of my ideal book criteria but the only problem is that the series ended. I hope Mead is releasing more books about the characters I think should get a spin off.

I really recommend Bloodlines if you love action packed paranormal romances.

Until next time… keep reading.

-A Barreto, Year 10